
"Pallisteria" is an extinct genus of "rauisuchian" that is yet to be formally described.[1] Thus, the name is considered a nomen nudum. It is known from NHMUK R36620, a partial skull and some postcranial fragments collected from the Lifua Member of the Manda Formation of Tanzania and date back to the late Anisian stage of the Middle Triassic.[2] The remains were first mentioned without description by English paleontologist Alan J. Charig in 1967 who published the name "Pallisteria angustimentum", along with Nyasasaurus in a review of the Archosauria. Charig referred "Pallisteria" to the Thecodontia.[3]


  1. Nesbitt, S. J.; Brusatte, S. L.; Desojo, J. B.; Liparini, A.; De Franca, M. A. G.; Weinbaum, J. C.; Gower, D. J. (2013). "Rauisuchia". Geological Society, London, Special Publications. 379: 241. doi:10.1144/SP379.1.
  2. Nesbitt, S. J.; Butler, R. J.; Gower, D. J. (2013). Joger, Ulrich, ed. "A New Archosauriform (Reptilia: Diapsida) from the Manda Beds (Middle Triassic) of Southwestern Tanzania". PLoS ONE. 8 (9): e72753. PMC 3785487Freely accessible. PMID 24086264. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072753.
  3. Charig, A. J. (1967). "Archosauria," in The Fossil Record: A Symposium with Documentation, Geological Society of London pp 708–718

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