PRC (file format)

Developed by Association for Information and Image Management
Contained by PDF
Standard ISO 14739-1:2014
Open format? Yes

PRC (Product Representation Compact) is a 3D file format that can be used to embed 3D data in a PDF file.

This highly compressed format facilitates the storage of different representations of a 3D model. For example, you can save only a visual representation that consists of polygons (a tessellation), or you can save the model's exact geometry (B-rep data). Varying levels of compression can be applied to the 3D CAD data when it is converted to the PRC format using Adobe Acrobat 3D.

The 3D data stored in PRC format in a PDF is interoperable with Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) applications.




See also


  1. Tetra 4D
  2. Geomagic Design
  3. FME
  4. Tech Soft 3D
  6. PDF3D
  7. 4D Publish
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