Bovine malignant catarrhal fever

Bovine malignant catarrhal fever
Virus classification
Group: Group I (dsDNA)
Family: Herpesviridae
Subfamily: Gammaherpesvirinae
Genus: Macavirus
Binomial name
Alcelaphine gammaherpesvirus 1 (AlHV-1)
Ovine gammaherpesvirus 2 (OHV-2)

Bovine malignant catarrhal fever (BMCF) is a fatal lymphoproliferative disease[1] caused by a group of ruminant gamma herpes viruses including Alcelaphine gammaherpesvirus 1 (AlHV-1)[2] and Ovine gammaherpesvirus 2 (OvHV-2)[1][3] These viruses cause unapparent infection in their reservoir hosts (sheep with OvHV-2 and wildebeest with AlHV-1), but are usually fatal in cattle and other ungulates such as deer, antelope, and buffalo.[2]

BMCF is an important disease where reservoir and susceptible animals mix. There is a particular problem with Bali cattle in Indonesia,[4] bison in the US[5] and in pastoralist herds in Eastern and Southern Africa.[6][7]

Disease outbreaks in cattle are usually sporadic although infection of up to 40% of a herd has been reported. The reasons for this are unknown. Some species appear to be particularly susceptible, for example Pére Davids deer,[8] Bali cattle[4] and bison,[5] with many deer dying within 48 hours of the appearance of the first symptoms and bison within three days.[1][9] In contrast, post infection cattle will usually survive a week or more.[10]


The term bovine malignant catarrhal fever has been applied to three different patterns of disease:

The incubation period of BMCF is not known, however intranasal challenge with AHV-1 induced MCF in one hundred percent of challenged cattle between 2.5 and 6 weeks.[23] Shedding of the virus is greater from 6–9 month old lambs than from adults.[1] After experimental infection of sheep, there is limited viral replication in nasal cavity in the first 24 hours after infection, followed by later viral replication in other tissues.[1]

Clinical signs

The most common form of the disease is the head and eye form. Typical symptoms of this form include fever, depression, discharge from the eyes and nose, lesions of the buccal cavity and muzzle, swelling of the lymph nodes, opacity of the corneas leading to blindness, inappetance and diarrhea. Some animals have neurologic signs, such as ataxia, nystagmus, and head pressing. Peracute, alimentary and cutaneous clinical disease patterns have also been described.[24] Death usually occurs within ten days.[25] The mortality rate in symptomatic animals is 90 to 100 percent.[19] Treatment is supportive only.


Diagnosis of BMCF depends on a combination of history and symptoms, histopathology[24] and detection in the blood or tissues of viral antibodies by ELISA[26][27] or of viral DNA by PCR.[20][28][29] The characteristic histologic lesions of MCF are lymphocytic arteritis with necrosis of the blood vessel wall and the presence of large T lymphocytes mixed with other cells.[1] The similarity of MCF clinical signs to other enteric diseases, for example blue tongue, mucosal disease and foot and mouth make laboratory diagnosis of MCF important.[30] The world organisation for animal health[24] recognises histopathology as the definitive diagnostic test, but laboratories have adopted other approaches with recent developments in molecular virology. No vaccine has as yet been developed.


Unfortunately a vaccine for malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) has not yet been developed.[1] Developing a vaccine has been difficult because the virus will not grow in cell culture and until recently it was not known why. Researchers at the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) found that the virus undergoes changes within the animal's body, a process known as "cell tropism switching". In cell tropism switching, the virus targets different cells at different points in its life cycle. This phenomenon explains why it has been impossible to grow the virus on any one particular cell culture.

Because the virus is transmitted from sheep to bison and cattle, researchers are first focusing on the viral life cycle in sheep. The viral life cycle is outlined in three stages: entry, maintenance, and shedding. Entry occurs through the sheep's nasal cavity and enters into the lungs where it replicates. The virus undergoes a tropic change and infects lymphocytes, also known as white blood cells, which play a role in the sheep's immune system. In the maintenance stage the virus remains on the sheep's lymphocytes and circulates the body. Finally, during the shedding stage, the virus undergoes another change and shifts its target cells from lymphocytes to nasal cavity cells, where it is then shed through nasal secretions.[31] This discovery undoubtedly puts scientists on the right track for developing a vaccine – starting with the correct cell culture for each stage of the virus lifecycle – but ARS researchers are also looking into alternative methods to develop a vaccine. Researchers are experimenting with the MCF virus that infects topi (an African antelope) because it will grow in cell culture and does not infect cattle. Researchers hope that inserting genes from the sheep MCF virus into the topi MCF virus will ultimately be an effective MCF vaccine for cattle and bison.[31] While there is much ground left to cover, scientists are getting closer and closer to developing a vaccine.


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  21. Cooley AJ; Taus NS; Li H. J Zoo Wildl Med. 2008 Sep;39(3):380-5. "Development of a management program for a mixed species wildlife park following an occurrence of malignant catarrhal fever".
  22. Li H; Karney G, O'Toole D, Crawford TB. Can Vet J. 2008 Feb;49(2):183–5. "Long distance spread of malignant catarrhal fever virus from feedlot lambs to ranch bison".
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