List of ''Teen Titans'' characters

This is a list of the major and minor characters featured in and/or created specifically for the Cartoon Network and Kids' WB animated series Teen Titans and related properties.

Original Titans


Although he is the only one of the group without any superpowers, by virtue of his heroic experience and reputation, Robin is the highly disciplined leader of the Teen Titans. As elaborated upon in the "Go" episode,[1] Robin forms the group after aiding Starfire in her escape from captivity, with the help of Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven. Prior to this, he admits to joined his mentors, Batman, and Batgirl (though directly by name), in an effort to make it on their own as a crime-fighters.

Like his mentor, he relies on his amazing martial arts skills and agility honed through intensive training; his main source of power comes from his large range of weapons, including the Birdarangs, discus grenades, and a modified multi-purpose battle staff. He wears a black-and-yellow cape, a red shirt-like top with green sleeves, three yellow strips going down his red top added with his capital "R" symbol adorned on its left breast, a yellow utility belt, green gloves and leggings, black boots with steel accents, and a one-piece black eye mask.

Apart from his relentless courage and discipline, he has had romantic feelings for Starfire ever since they first met. Even though he tries to hide his feelings, they are obvious to the rest of the Titans, and even a few enemies are aware.

Eventually, Robin and Starfire finally confess their love in the series finale movie Teen Titans: Trouble In Tokyo.[2]


Starfire (as translated into English) is a humanoid alien female from a planet called Tamaran. As learned in the episode "Betrothed,"[3] her real name and title is Princess Koriand'r. In the events of "Go,"[1] Starfire arrives on Earth while escaping captivity from Lord Trogaar, an alien overlord intending to sell her into slavery to what she calls "The Citadel." She creates mass havoc on an Earth city in an effort to break free from her restraints, arousing the ire of crime-fighters Robin, Beast Boy and Cyborg. Raven later appears to convince the boys to settle the dispute peacefully, and the friendship between the five grows from there. After dispatching the alien invaders, Starfire chooses to stay on Earth with her newfound friends.

As an alien, Starfire has a range of emotion-driven powers unique to her people: she fires green energy beams called "Star Bolts" from her hands, and can later fire them from her eyes and generate large concussive energy fields upon hatching from a stage of puberty called "Chrysalis."[4] She is also able to fly, and has super-strength; these powers are derived from Starfire's fury, joy and self-confidence respectively,[5] but are neutralized whenever mired in confusion and self-doubt.[6] Though volatile and aggressive in the beginning, Starfire later grows to become extremely kind, trusting and polite, even to a fault. Starfire is fluent in her native Tamaranean language (and in Japanese, as revealed in the film[2]), but regularly speaks in flawed, improper English; as suggested by both the "Go" episode of the television series and the film, she is able to assimilate a knowledge of other languages, mainly through mouth-to-mouth contact (kissing).

On Tamaran, she was raised by her guardian, Galfore. Starfire is also locked in constant competition with her criminal sister Blackfire, at one point defeating her in a fight for the throne of Tamaran, a throne she later resigns, handing the crown to Galfore instead.[3] Starfire has romantic feelings for Robin after kissing him to learn English in the "Go" episode; these feelings grow stronger as the series progresses. Eventually, Robin and Starfire finally confess their feelings and share their first true romantic kiss in the conclusion of the Teen Titans: Trouble In Tokyo movie.[2]

Starfire is a beautiful girl with long flowing red hair, light orange skin, and her eyes—both the whites and the irises—are completely green. She wears a purple-and-silver outfit consisting of a short midriff revealing Hemline top, a short skirt, long wristbands, and thigh-high boots. Despite having a midriff top, Starfire doesn't have a belly button.


Once known as Victor Stone (a name he partly reassumes in the episode "Deception"[7]), he becomes a deformed mesh of flesh and machine following an unelaborated "accident" that caused more than half of his body to be replaced with cybernetic implants. His condition is virtually impossible to disguise, though he attempts to do so in the beginning by covering much of his body with heavy clothing and a hooded sweatshirt. His neighborhood falls under attack when Starfire appears on planet Earth in the "Go" episode of the series,[1] and as such, he comes to the aid of Robin and Beast Boy in their tussle with the hostile alien.

Cyborg is the eldest member of the Teen Titans, the team's second-in-command behind Robin, and the group's only African-American member. It is never revealed who gave him his robot parts nor what happened to him that made them necessary, but through his prostheses, he is greatly advanced in strength and skill over that of a normal human being. He is the second strongest member of the Titans behind Starfire, though due to the nature of robotics, Cyborg's strength does have its limitations, which can be overcome by sheer force of will as shown in the episode "Only Human."[8] Before Cyborg's accident, it is revealed that he was a renowned athlete in his past life, which could imply that his cyborg parts only amplify the skills he had before.

Though Cyborg's cybernetic chassis makes him a walking arsenal equipped with any number of concealed weapons such as lasers and missiles, his most common weapon is his arm-mounted Sonic Cannon, modified to weaponize the ionic core that fuels his life support system into a blast of sonic energy. His robotic left eye can see in a multitude of settings (infrared, night vision, targeting scope, etc.) with the exception of objects cast in low ultraviolet light. Cyborg is the chief technical engineer of the Teen Titans: he has built a number of devices and vehicles for the group, including the Titans' communicator devices, the T-Car, the T-Ship, and even Titans' Tower itself. His chief enemy in the series is Brother Blood, a cultist leader of the H.I.V.E. Academy, which Cyborg once infiltrated and destroyed while under the "super-powered" holographic guise of his former self.

In the two-part episode "Titans East,"[9][10] Cyborg briefly leaves the original group to lead the Eastern contingent of the Teen Titans, made up of the Honorary Titans Bumblebee, Aqualad, Speedy, and Más y Menos, though he would later rejoin the central group, handing the leadership responsibilities over to Bumblebee.


Raven is usually depicted with a stoic expression on her face, and as somewhat of a stereotypical, apathetic "goth." Raven wears a blue hooded shroud which casts a shadow over much of her face, and a black leotard decorated with a belt. She has fair skin, violet-blue eyes, and a bob-cut hairstyle, with a mystical Chakra stone in the middle of her forehead. Shrouded in mystery even from her debut appearance, little is known about Raven and her past, and she is emotionally distant even from her fellow Titans much of the time, with only a few instances to the contrary. It is later discovered that this is intentional, due to the grave secrets Raven is carrying with her throughout the series.

Raven's chief powers are her flight, a studious mastery of magical powers, and her telekinetic and psychokinetic abilities, with her mind empowering her to manipulate and levitate objects enclosed in dark mystical energy. This ability often comes about after chanting the incantation "Azarath Metrion Zinthos", allowing her to make use of her powers in a myriad of forms (including but not limited to: forcefields, energy shields, means of teleportation, and in more extreme and unpredictable cases, manipulation of time, movement of larger masses such as skyscrapers, astral projection, and using said energy to destroy objects). Apart from the psychokinetic energy she wields, Raven is also a master of Extra-Sensory Perception, able to sense and read the minds of others. She also proves to be a formidable opponent in hand-to-hand combat. In the three-part episode "The End,"[11][12][13] Raven reveals that she learned these abilities from what she considers her adoptive family, the Monks of Azarath; however, as Raven is ultimately forced to confess to in the conclusion of the episode "The Prophecy,"[14] the root source of much of her true power is her half-demon lineage.

Like Starfire, Raven's mystical abilities are controlled by her range of emotion, prompting her to keep her emotions stable for the safety of herself and those around her; these emotions are kept in balance through constant meditation, as mentioned in the episode "Nevermore."[15] Later in the series, however, she begins to lose control of her anger, and the mental barriers which control it are torn asunder by an undead Slade, acting as a herald for Raven's biological father, Trigon the Terrible, the demon king of an alternate dimension. It is revealed that Raven was sired to act as a vessel for Trigon's emergence in the realm of Earth, a prophecy she is meant to carry out after reaching adolescence. Helpless to stop it, she follows through with the ritual, ending all life on Earth with the exception of the Titans, imparting a portion of her own powers in order to shield them from Trigon and to hopefully use as a weapon against him. She is still alive at this point, found by Robin in the bowels of the underworld of Trigon's dimension——rendered as a nearly powerless child. What little power she has left is ultimately used to save the Titans and allows for Raven to regain her full strength and defeat Trigon single-handedly.

Through her two battles with Trigon, one within her mind ("Nevermore"[15]) and one in the human realm ("The End part 3"[13]), it is revealed that Raven's powers are at their zenith when the full spectrum of her emotions—much like a dispersive prism—unite to transform her into White Raven.

Beast Boy

A former member of the Doom Patrol, Beast Boy leaves the group in an effort to become a solo superhero; by sheer happenstance stemming from Lord Trogaar's pursuit of Starfire, he finds himself joining a new team of heroes: the Teen Titans. His early training under the tutelage of the Doom Patrol is highly disciplined and militarized, leading him to address more experienced heroes as "Sir" in the beginning. As time wears on, he would become less serious and acts as the merry prankster and comic relief of the Teen Titans. In the two-part episode "Homecoming,"[16][17] his real name is revealed to be "Garfield," as in Garfield Logan.

As his name suggests, Beast Boy is able to mutate his human DNA in order to take the forms and abilities of virtually any beast of the animal kingdom, ranging from a microscopic amoeba to the largest of the ancient dinosaurs. Through this mutation, his skin, eyes, hair, and even his animal forms are a deep shade of green. His ears are protracted making them appear elfin, and one of his lower canine teeth is elongated into a fang that often can be seen jutting out from his mouth. Even as a Teen Titan, he still wears his purple-and-black Doom Patrol uniform (sans a mask he wore with the group) which is able to morph in accordance with his animal forms. It is implied in a handful of episodes that this power evolves as Beast Boy ages, later allowing his transformations to become more complex. He eventually developed the uncontrollable ability to transform into a ferocious and violent werewolf form.

He later reunites with the Doom Patrol to do battle with the resurgent Brotherhood of Evil, and becomes one of the last heroes standing in the final battle against them at their headquarters in Paris. Beast Boy develops a crush on fellow Titan Terra, which later falls apart following her betrayal at the behest of Slade.[18] In the series finale "Things Change,"[19] Beast Boy spends the day trying to spur the memories of a restored but amnesiac Terra, leaving his teammates alone to do battle with the White Monster. After failing in his effort, he leaves to rejoin the team in battle, leaving both Terra and his fond memories of her behind.

Honorary Titans


Aqualad makes his debut in the episode "Deep Six,"[20] employing the help of the Teen Titans in defeating an Atlantean criminal named Trident. He butts heads with Beast Boy in the course of that episode as he feels shown up by the impressive young Atlantean, but in their battles with—and victory over—Trident, Beast Boy and Aqualad make peace by the episode's end. He returns in "Wavelength,"[21] needing the Titans' help to take out Brother Blood's second undersea H.I.V.E. Headquarters (with the help of Bumblebee, who was a H.I.V.E. double agent on Aqualad's behalf). Following Blood's escape, they give chase and track him to Steel City, where he and Bumblebee form the Titans East. He later falls prey to Blood's mind control, turning on appointed leader Cyborg and does battle with Titans Central; he is freed after Cyborg defeats Brother Blood in the final battle, and stays on with Titans East.

Aqualad is a member of the lost sunken civilization of Atlantis. He appears as a tall, lean humanoid wearing a blue-and-black scaly skintight bodysuit, with long black hair and black eyes with white irises. He boasts a telepathy with all the creatures of the sea, and is skilled in hand-to-hand combat. He has heightened levels of strength, speed and agility—all of which are far more pronounced if he is underwater. On dry land, he is also a hydrokinetic; as long as there is a source of water nearby, Aqualad is able to control it at will via tsunamis, waterspouts, or by firing pressurized streams of water as projectiles.

He is good friends with Tramm, the anthropomorphic Atlantean fish mechanic featured in "Deep Six." Although Aqualad is traditionally the sidekick of Aquaman, no such relationship has ever been implied in the series.


Argent is a female Honorary Titan who first appears during the events of "Calling All Titans."[22] Deputized by Starfire while walling off a fractured dam, she is soon attacked and captured by the Brotherhood's General Immortus and flash-frozen at their headquarters in Paris. She is later freed and takes part in the final battle of "Titans Together,"[23] briefly seen in the background fighting Johnny Rancid, and is standing near the foreground at the episode's conclusion when the World Titans are summoned to stop Doctor Light. Prior to her official appearances in the aforementioned episodes, Argent also appears via cameo in the "Lightspeed" episode,[24] briefly displayed upon the H.I.V.E. Five's computer monitor.

Her known abilities are flight and the channeling of a red plasmic energy that can take the forms of whatever she desires, similar to the phenomenon often seen in the Green Lantern universe. She speaks with a European accent and has black hair with red bangs, silver skin, and wears a black-and-red dress. She also seems to have the capital letter "A" embedded into the base of her collarbone; though it could stand for her name, "Argent" (which means "silver" or "money" in French), it also bears a semblance to the scarlet letter or a circle-less "Anarchy" symbol.


Bumblebee is first seen as a H.I.V.E. student, but is later revealed to have been a spy in the organization working in league with Aqualad. As she reveals in a staged fight with Cyborg, she is unable to fall under Brother Blood's hypnotic influence, commenting "there's not a man alive that can tell me what to do." She later becomes a founding member of Titans East, convincing Cyborg to become the team's leader, when in fact it turns out to be an elaborate trap staged by Blood when she falls back under his control—though she appeared to be the only one of the group able to occasionally slip free. After Blood is defeated, Cyborg steps down from Titans East, making Bumblebee the new leader.

Bumblebee is an African-American girl who wears a striped yellow-and-black short hemline top, black leggings, and black boots. She has a pair of insectoid wings on her back, giving her the ability to fly and hover. Apart from her hand-to-hand fighting abilities, Bumblebee has the power to shrink herself inches high, and is able to conduct a form of bio-electricity channeled through a pair of golden B-shaped gauntlets to fire powerful stinging energy blasts.


Bushido is a young silent Japanese swordsman, who is made an Honorary Titan by his American counterpart to fend off an incursion by the Brotherhood of Evil, which is preparing to mount an assault on young heroes. In the events of "Calling All Titans,"[22] he is defeated and captured, and ultimately flash-frozen by Professor Chang, along with much of the other Titans before an audience of the Brotherhood and their villainous deputies.

He is later freed by a handful of uncaptured heroes, and is instrumental in defeating Brotherhood agents Atlas and Katarou in the events of "Titans Together."[23]


Gnarrk (guh-nark) is the caveman friend of Kole seen in the "Kole" episode.[25] He is given his name due to the fact that it is the only thing he can say or understand. A primal predecessor of contemporary human beings, he has an abnormal level of agility and strength. When Kole activates her crystallization powers, Gnarrk is able to use her body to great effect as a bludgeoning tool, or as a weapon against enemies.


Herald is a young hooded African-American boy who is made an Honorary Titan in the wake of the Brotherhood's efforts to seek and destroy the next generation of superheroes on Earth. He is one of the few Titan-affiliated heroes that manages to evade capture, and partners with fellow survivors Beast Boy, Más, Pantha, and Jericho. The five succeed in infiltrating the Brotherhood's fortress in Paris and ultimately freeing the captured heroes; Herald himself is called upon to save everyone when the Brain, forced into retreat, triggers a massive bomb designed to take out the entire complex.

Herald's true power lies in his "Heralds' Horn," a humble and unassuming silver bugle that has the ability to create black holes and opens inter-dimensional portals once the horn is blown into. He uses this horn to teleport the Brain's bomb out into space where it explodes far away from the planet in "Titans Together."[23] Apart from the powers granted by the horn, Herald is a skilled hand-to-hand fighter as well.

Hot Spot

First featured in the Master of Games's Tournament of Heroes in "Winner Take All,"[26] Hot Spot is a pyrokinetic young hero who is made an Honorary Titan in the wake of the Master of Games's defeat. In his normal state, he has the appearance of a teenaged African-American male, but when employing his heat-based superpowers, he becomes a humanoid embodiment of fire.

Hot Spot loses to Robin in the tournament's first round, but is later freed from his imprisonment within the Master's amulet and made an Honorary Titan. He later resurfaces in Morocco as a target of Brotherhood member Madame Rouge; though he fought valiantly, he is eventually defeated and is one of the first heroes to be flash-frozen while Rouge would take his place to both infiltrate the Titans' network of communications in the "Trust" episode[27] and later attack Robin in "Calling All Titans."[22] The real Hot Spot is later rescued in the events of "Titans Together," and he helps his fellow Titans defeat the Brotherhood in the final battle. However, before he is actually defrosted, Hot Spot is briefly seen standing amongst the group of villains when Pantha, Jericho, Más, Herald, and Beast Boy are seized during their attack; this is one of several crucial errors that occur throughout this particular episode.[23]

The animated series also marks the point in which the character's name and likeness of "Hot Spot" becomes permanent; formerly identified by the name Joto, both the Swahili word for "heat" and in English a term often applied in the scientific discipline of Thermodynamics, the name was done away with during production to avoid controversy upon learning that the term "Joto" in Spanish was used as a slur against homosexuals.


Jericho is another Honorary Titan that, alongside Herald, is summoned to the Titans' rendezvous point after the Brotherhood conducts their search-and-capture campaign on the team members across the globe. Jericho is a gentle and kindly albeit mute blonde boy with the ability to possess his enemies, thereby taking full control of their bodies, memories and abilities; the only evidence of which is the black eyes with hollow green irises the victims assume from Jericho's gaze once they become subsumed.

With Jericho's ability, the surviving Titans take hold of Brotherhood agent Cinderblock, using him to allow safe and covert access into the Brotherhood's headquarters—once their cover is blown (by Jericho talking through Cinderblock, who himself cannot speak), Jericho has to fight to survive along with the team, mainly by leaping from body to body with lightning speed. It would seem that Jericho's possession could even be limited to a single limb if desired, as evidenced after possessing Private H.I.V.E. in "Titans Together."[23]

In the comic books, Jericho is revealed to be the son of Slade Wilson, who is the main nemesis of the Titans in the animated series—however, no such parentage was ever implied in Jericho's short presence in the show.


An agile sorceress with a mastery of hexes brought to rival Raven's magical skills, Jinx is a pink-haired, cat-eyed teen girl that uses a form of black magic to bring about "bad luck"-themed attacks, such as by crumbling the ground beneath opponents or causing structures to collapse around them. She is often portrayed as the leader and battle coordinator of any H.I.V.E.-affiliated group.

As the series wears on, Jinx is proven not to be fully evil and gradually displays a number of redeeming traits in her personality; she develops a short-lived crush on Cyborg while he is posing as his alter-ego Stone in the "Deception" episode (and, even after exposed as a spy for the Titans, she laments his decision to abandon their clique at the episode's conclusion),[7] and later becomes enamored with the flirtatious Kid Flash, thereby parting ways with the H.I.V.E. altogether and joining the Teen Titans in their battle with the Brotherhood in the climax of "Titans Together."[23]

She, alongside Sergeant H.I.V.E., officially joins the Teen Titans in an issue of the accompanying comic book series, Teen Titans Go! and she also becomes Kid Flash's official girlfriend with them sharing an official kiss in issue #53 Wacky Wednesday/Hot & Cold

Kid Flash

Debuting in "Lightspeed,"[24] Kid Flash, once the sidekick of the elder Flash and the self-proclaimed "Fastest Boy Alive," appears as a thorn in the side of the freshly formed H.I.V.E. Five, composed of H.I.V.E. alums Mammoth, See-More, Kyd Wykked, Billy Numerous, Gizmo, and Jinx. He later finds himself captured by the H.I.V.E. Five, but manages to escape by vibrating through his cell bars; he is then relentlessly pursued by the Brotherhood's Madame Rouge, but narrowly manages to get away. Once the Brotherhood of Evil launches its full assault on the world's young heroes, Kid Flash is able to avoid capture; he later arrives to participate in the final battle, helping the World Titans defeat the Brotherhood with the help of a new ally: Jinx, with whom Kid Flash had been flirting with for some time. in the accompanying comic book series, Teen Titans Go! he becomes Jinx's official boyfriend with both of them sharing an official kiss in issue #53 Wacky Wednesday/Hot & Cold.

Like the original Flash, Kid Flash wields super-speed as his chief superpower. He has spiky red hair and wears a yellow-and-red speed suit bearing the trademark lightning-bolt symbol of the Flash on its chest. Even fellow speedsters Más y Menos are impressed by Kid Flash's level of speed, commenting as such as the trio rapidly gather and flash-freeze their defeated foes in "Titans Together."[23]


Killowat is an Honorary Titan with a command over electricity. Only featured a few times in the series, Killowat is a young male with luminescent electric-blue skin, glowing irisless white eyes, and tattoo-like magenta streaks of lightning lining his torso, arms, and a single bolt atop his head in place of hair.

Though made an Honorary Titan to protect against agents of the Brotherhood of Evil, Killowat is defeated and captured by Control Freak and Puppet King in the events of "Calling All Titans."[22] Flash-frozen alongside his fellow heroes, he is freed from his captivity to fight in the final battle of "Titans Together."[23] He is seen defeating Brotherhood agent Overload by absorbing his electrical body into his own, leaving behind the powerless circuit board. Prior to his official appearances in the aforementioned episodes, Killowat also appears via cameo in the "Lightspeed" episode,[24] briefly displayed upon the H.I.V.E. Five's computer monitor.

Killowat is in fact a regular recurring member of the Team Titans, a sister group of the Teen Titans.


Featured in the episode which bears her name,[25] Kole is a young pink-haired girl living with her caveman friend Gnarrk beneath an ice-mass in the North Pole. She is able to crystallize herself as a defense mechanism thereby rendering her indestructible, allowing her partner Gnarrk to use her diamond-hard body as a weapon against aggressors. In the climax of the "Kole" episode, she uses this power to focus and amplify one of Starfire's Star Bolts through her body to help the Teen Titans defeat Dr. Light.

Más y Menos

Debuting in the two-part episode "Titans East,"[9][10] Más y Menos are superpowered twin brothers from Guatemala that join Bumblebee, Speedy and Aqualad in the newly formed Titans East. They generate different polarities of bio-electromagnetism that, once combined, give the duo super-speed. This power can only work once the two brothers make physical contact with each other, and as such, they are inseparable.

Even though the duo are powerless when separated, they are able to track each other by having one brother following the bio-magnetic signature of the other much like oppositely charged magnets; when Más manages to escape capture from the Brotherhood of Evil, he is able to lead the other surviving Titans he is partnered with directly to where the other heroes are held simply by following Menos' frequency. Once the frozen Menos is touched by Más, their combined bio-electricity generates an instant thaw.

Más and Menos both wear white-and-red speed suits, but are distinguishable by one brother wearing a plus sign (Más) and the other brother wearing a minus sign (Menos) on their respective uniforms; this is a visual pun, as "Más" and "Menos" can also mean "Plus" and "Minus," which refers to the electromagnetic charge they each give off respectively.

Translated from Spanish into English, their names are "More and Less" (or as stated above, "Plus and Minus," alternatively). The tandem of Más y Menos are among the few characters from the Teen Titans cast to become popular enough to be ported from the DC Animated Universe into the main DC Universe.


Pantha is another Honorary Titan who had been targeted by the Brotherhood of Evil; in spite of their best efforts, she manages to prevent her capture. She partners with Beast Boy, Jericho, Herald, and Más (of Más y Menos) in order to free their captured comrades. Pantha also proves useful as being bilingual; speaking both Spanish and English, she translates Más' instructions as he guides the group to where the frozen Titans are being held in the Brotherhood's fortress.

Instead of her traditional feral human hybrid appearance from the comic books, Pantha is rather portrayed as a popular Mexican wrestler (or luchadora) with a superhuman level of strength and speed, wearing a black-and-yellow tiger-striped singlet, a yellow belt bearing a capital "P" symbol, wrestling boots, and a yellow tiger-style wrestling mask. Her go-to ability is a finishing move she calls "The Pantha's Claw," in which she applies an Iron Claw submission hold with a ferally-morphed hand, capable of stunning an opponent as large as Mammoth.

Red Star

Red Star first appears in "Snow Blind,"[28] rescuing an unconscious Starfire from a bitter snowstorm. He is found to be living in a quarantined facility in complete isolation from the rest of civilization. Red Star, also addressed in the episode as Cpt. Kovar, is seen as an older Russian teen boy with an impressive well-toned physique, reddish-brown hair and irisless green eyes.

As he reveals to the Titans who have tracked Starfire to his location, Red Star began his life as a scraggly soldier in the Soviet Army. He volunteered to experimentation, in part conducted by Professor Chang, that bombarded his body with a special type of radiation; the end result of which altered his body and gave him superhuman strength and reflexes. An unfortunate side effect of the experimentation is that this power can grow exponentially to the point that Red Star unwillingly releases it in a destructive chain reaction, the force of which destroyed his hometown. He is then cast out by the villagers and forced to live alone in his quarantine facility in the remote mountains, endlessly channeling that energy into storage batteries.

As the Titans discover, however, the facility has sprung a chemical leak that has rendered Red Star's power incarnate in the form of a radioactive monster that is terrorizing the town below. Red Star and the Titans give chase, for Red Star is the only one of them able to get close enough to the creature to attack it without being affected by its radiation. Red Star defeats the creature by forcing it into overload, but Red Star begins to go critical and is too far from the facility to release the energy safely. At his request, Starfire jettisons him into deep space, where he detonates at a safe distance; all that is left in the sky is a red star. Beforehand, Robin hands Red Star a Titans Communicator, saying that he has friends if ever needed. Red Star later reappears in the episode "Titans Together"[23] to help fight the Brotherhood of Evil, showing that he survived this explosion in space.

The character's original name in the comics was "Starfire," thereby explaining the kinship shared between him and Starfire in the "Snow Blind" episode.


Formerly the sidekick to the Green Arrow, the red-headed Speedy debuts in "Winner Take All"[26] competing in the Master of Games's Tournament of Heroes. He and Robin make it to the finals, where Speedy narrowly loses. Once Robin discovers the Master of Games' plot to steal the losers' powers and abilities, he does battle with the Master, ultimately freeing Speedy who helps dispatch him with an arrow to his amulet. He is then made an Honorary Titan, and later joins the Titans East.

Speedy, like his mentor, is a young master of archery, named "Speedy" for how quickly he is able to fire from his bow a seemingly infinite supply of energy and utility arrows drawn from his quiver. He wears a one-piece Harlequin eye mask much like Robin's, and a red-and-yellow uniform with an "S" on the left breast of his sleeveless shirt.

Speedy is also the first Honorary Titan to appear in the Teen Titans spin-off.


Debuting in the episode which bears her name,[29] Terra is a super-powered teenage girl with terrakinetic abilities; she is able to telekinetically control the very ground beneath her feet, often preferring to use rocks and boulders as projectiles, as well as a vehicular means of travel. She is a slim and pale blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl of unknown origins, and lives a nomadic lifestyle in the wilderness, constantly moving around. She eventually comes to settle in the coastal hometown of the Teen Titans.

Upon meeting the team, she quickly forms a bond with them, leading to their offer of Terra becoming the Teen Titans' newest member. Her bond is strongest with Beast Boy, with whom a complicated romantic relationship forms. Beast Boy is the first to discover that Terra has trouble controlling her powers, which he is then sworn to secrecy not to reveal to anyone. During a confrontation with the Titans' nemesis Slade, he reveals that he had been stalking her for years and knows that Terra's lack of control had caused a number of natural disasters across the globe, thereby explaining why Terra never stays in one place for too long; convinced that the Titans would shun her once this knowledge becomes public, Slade offers to train her in using her abilities before he escapes capture. Robin later deduces Terra's instability, and—incorrectly believing that Beast Boy had revealed their secret—she leaves the Titans and disappears.

Terra later reunites with the Titans with more of a control over her powers, and earns the trust of the team after helping to save their home in "Titan Rising."[30] However, Slade's forces would later launch a surprise attack on a defenseless Titans Tower while Terra spends a night out with an unknowing Beast Boy; having followed the two, Slade reveals that Terra had become his new apprentice, and had been acting as a double agent sabotaging the team since her return. A brokenhearted Beast Boy spurns her apologies, fueling a hate-filled Terra to decimate the team in the Part 1 episode of "Aftershock."[31] In part 2, the Titans regroup to retake the besieged city, leading to her thrashing by Slade after she is forced into retreat. With Slade in control of her body by way of her battle suit, she finds herself unable to leave and fights the Titans against her will. With the help of Beast Boy and the other Titans, she regains control of her powers and triggers an underground volcano that kills Slade; however, the volcano rages out of control, and to prevent it from destroying the city above ground, she sacrifices herself to stop it from erupting——she succeeds in extinguishing the volcano with her powers, but is turned to stone as a result. The Titans pay tribute to the lifeless Terra with a memorial plaque, which reads "Terra—A Teen Titan, A True Friend."[32]

Terra is presumably reincarnated in the series finale, "Things Change."[19] Following the Titans' hometown return after their longtime battle with The Brotherhood of Evil, they do battle with an adaptoid creature; giving chase, Beast Boy suddenly notices a blonde blue-eyed girl resembling Terra standing amongst the crowd of onlooking civilians. What's more, the lifeless stone statue of Terra in the base of Slade's old headquarters is now missing, leading Beast Boy to believe that she had somehow been revived while they were away. Beast Boy tracks her down only to find that she has no memory of the Titans, nor does she have any superpowers; she is never even addressed as "Terra" by anyone other than Beast Boy in the final episode. At the episode's end, she eventually explains to Beast Boy that, even if she is indeed the Terra he once knew, she only wants to lead a normal life and convinces him to move on.

Teen Titans Go!

In an issue of the Teen Titans comic book following the events of the series' final episode, Geo-Force—Terra's superhero half-brother—makes an appearance in which he reveals that Terra, like he, is a member of the Markovian Royal Family that fled their home nation after they were both subjected to forced experimentation with a fictitious chemical called Quixium that gave them both geocentric, earth-manipulating superpowers. This issue sheds light on where Terra came from, in addition to the source of her powers. Geo-Force is later convinced to allow Terra to live without her superpowers in peace, and leaves without ever reuniting with her.

Thunder & Lightning

Thunder & Lightning are the first Honorary Titans to appear in the series; they debut in "Forces Of Nature,"[33] and are a twosome of brothers that are the living incarnations of their respective namesakes. They arrive from the clouds, wreaking havoc on the city in which the Teen Titans live; Beast Boy later deduces that the duo is not evil, but rather misunderstood—they display their destructive powers in acts that they perceive as innocent fun, and battle the Titans on occasion, seeing the challenge as mere roughhousing. The two are later manipulated into creating a fire creature by Slade, who is in the guise of an old Asian shaman; however, the two learn the error of their ways thanks to Beast Boy (himself, a polarizing prankster), and they go on to become heroes allied with the Titans.

They appear as two (presumably) Asian-American young males, each wearing Samurai-styled body armor. Thunder—the larger of the two brothers—is blue-armored and blue-skinned, and channels a series of Sonic Boom-generating energy projectiles, hence creating the sound of thunder. His smaller brother Lightning has orange armor and yellow skin, and harnesses destructive electrical bolts channeled as lightning. The twosome can also take flight by way of riding upon the clouds.

Respectively, Thunder & Lightning find themselves dazzled by loud sounds and bright lights. When working in concert with each other, they create rain.

They are not to be confused with the sisterly duo using the same names (Thunder and Lightning) in the DC Universe.


Aqualad's engineer, mechanic and friend, Tramm helps the Titans fix their battle-damaged T-Sub in the episode "Deep Six."[20] He speaks in an indecipherable undersea language and has the appearance of a short, anthropomorphic anchovy. In direct combat, he can increase his size and strength, much like a pufferfish.

Although he defeats XL Terrestrial sometime during "Calling All Titans" and regroups with Aqualad, both are later overpowered by Plasmus and Trident and are sent to be flash-frozen.[22] When he is freed by Más y Menos, he fights alongside Aqualad to help defeat the Brotherhood of Evil in the "Titans Together" episode.[23]

Tramm is presumably inspired by and based upon another recurring Atlantean Teen Titans character with similar abilities from the DC Universe: Lagoon Boy.


First appearing as a competitor in the Master of Games's alleged Tournament of Heroes in the "Winner Take All" episode,[26] Wildebeest is a hulking, humanoid Chimera of his namesake; though his personal level of coherence, intelligence and even hygiene is of a questionable degree, he is formidable for wielding a bestial level of strength and agility. Wildebeest is made an Honorary Titan following the Master's defeat at the hands of the tournament winner, Robin, alongside Hot Spot and Speedy.

However, following the events of the two-part "Homecoming" episode, Wildebeest becomes a marked target of the Brotherhood of Evil for his affiliation with the Teen Titans. In the opening of the "Trust" episode,[27] Wildebeest is aggressively pursued by Madame Rouge for his Titans Communicator, which is ultimately destroyed in the course of the fight. Wildebeest is the Brotherhood's first victim, seen flash-frozen at the episode's conclusion alongside Hot Spot, himself later captured for his own Titans Communicator. Wildebeest is later rescued in the events of "Titans Together,"[23] and is instrumental in the defeat of Madame Rouge in the final battle.

It is mentioned in one episode that Wildebeest is a friend of Pantha's, likely due to their mutual canonical affiliation with the Wildebeest Society in the comic books.

Wonder Girl

Wonder Girl—the sidekick counterpart to Wonder Woman and once a founding member of the Teen Titans—was denied inclusion to the main cast of the animated series due to licensing issues which barred her portrayal at the time of production;[34] as a result, Wonder Girl never appears nor is she ever referred to in the course of much of the series.[35][36] Nonetheless, Wonder Girl is featured in cleverly hidden cameos in the show's final season; she is seen as a blue-eyed young girl with dark hair put up into a ponytail, wearing a pair of gold star-shaped earrings.

Teen Titans Go

Wonder Girl is featured most prominently in the accompanying comic book series, Teen Titans Go!, appearing in more than a half-dozen issues. The majority of these appearances have presumably been made by character Donna Troy, the second Wonder Girl and the first stand-alone character of that name since it was first used by the adolescent Wonder Woman. Later issues of the comic book series would mark the appearance of the third Wonder Girl character, Cassie Sandsmark, who is portrayed as the presumptive understudy of the current Wonder Girl, in waiting to assume the mantle at a later time.



Seen only in Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo,[2] Brushogun was formerly a Tokyo artist who fell in love with a woman he drew. He used Japanese black magic to bring her to life, and it worked, but he was cursed by the magic, turned into a monstrous being with the ability to create live ink drawings.

Brushogun was at first believed responsible for various criminal outbreaks in Tokyo as well as Saico-Tek's unprovoked attack on Titans' Tower in America, yet upon tracking him down, the Titans discover that he is actually an innocent yet frail old man hooked up to a giant printing press and held captive by Police Commander Uehara Daizo, who has forced Brushogun to create criminals that Daizo would go on to capture, building him his false reputation as a hero. When Daizo jumps into Brushogun's vat of magical ink in the film's climax, he emerges as an ink monster, which absorbs Brushogun. Robin defeats the monster by pulling Brushogun out of it, causing the ink creature to revert to Daizo. Finally released, Brushogun thanks Robin before happily dying in his arms, peacefully fading into nothingness.

Brushogun's name is a portmanteau of the words "brush" for his powers, and "shogun," a Japanese military dictator or leader.

The Doom Patrol

Only appearing in the two-part "Homecoming" episode which began the animated series' final season,[16][17] The Doom Patrol is a paramilitary unit of superheroes, locked in a long-standing battle against The Brotherhood of Evil. One of their former members is the Teen Titan Beast Boy, who had become estranged from the team years before.

Having fallen prey to an ambush from the Brotherhood, the captured team leader desperately makes contact with his former teammate in the effort to mount their rescue. Beast Boy and his fellow Titans eventually track down the captured team's location and have their first major confrontation with the Brotherhood to free the Doom Patrol members, held in captivity for months. Once released, Beast Boy reunites with the Patrol for their mission to destroy a vortex-generating Doomsday Device that they had stopped years earlier, a mission that Beast Boy later deduces is a suicide mission. Many of the team's members end up falling along the way until the Doom Patrol is rescued; finally accepting the assistance of the Teen Titans, the mission is completed, and the Doom Patrol bid their farewells to their comrade and their new allies. They are not seen again for the remainder of the series.

The Doom Patrol are fiercely organized and are ruthlessly persistent in accomplishing their mission, even if so doing costs them their lives. They are all signified by their uniforms, which consist mainly of black-and-purple bodysuits. Apart from Beast Boy, the Doom Patrol has four members:


The lone female member of the team, Elasti-Girl has the ability to expand her body thereby rendering her to giant size; though it consequently makes her an easier target that is harder to miss, an attack as benign as a foot stomp can level an entire field of enemies merely from the shock wave.

In the Doom Patrol's earlier mission to destroy the Brotherhood's device, she consoles the young Beast Boy after he is chided for defying a direct order from Mento. While on their way to the Brotherhood's base of operations, she is taken down by Immortus' forces during the Doom Patrol's trek through a cavern. She is later rescued by the following Titans and returns to fight alongside her teammates and allies to destroy the Brotherhood's weapon and base.[16][17]

She is the wife of Mento and the adoptive-mother of Beast Boy; she calls Beast Boy by his real name, Garfield, at the conclusion of "Homecoming". Her real name is revealed to be Rita.


Mento is the leader and battle coordinator of the Doom Patrol. His uniform signifies as such by way of a yellow lightning-bolt symbol on its chest. Amplified by the helmet atop his head, Mento's super-abilities stem from his formidable mental powers, ranging from telekinesis and mind-reading to quick-acting hypnotic suggestion.

A strict taskmaster, his harsh manner of commanding his team more than any other reason is what drove Beast Boy from the group in times gone by. Equal parts single-minded and stubborn, he dismisses the offered aid to his mission by the Teen Titans, considering them a group of inexperienced children, even as his own teammates later go down to defeat by the Brotherhood's agents. Eventually putting his faith in Beast Boy, he defers leadership to him until the duo reach the heart of the Brotherhood's base; the mission is eventually accomplished when the Titans, in defiance of Mento, tag along to recover their fallen teammates and take part in the destruction of the Brotherhood's Doomsday Device. Mento goes on to show the Titans their due respect in the episode's conclusion, though it is done by way of a left-handed compliment which prompted a left-handed welcome by Raven in return.[16][17]

He is Elasti-Girl's husband and Beast Boy's adoptive-father. He is briefly referred to by his real name, Steve. Mento (as it pertains to the animated series) is acting in the place of Dr. Niles Caulder, who is in fact the true canonical founder and operational leader of the Doom Patrol.

Negative Man

Heavily bandaged throughout his body, Negative Man has the power of astral projection; able to separate his soul from his body, his "negative self" has targeted intangibility: enemies cannot harm him while in this state, though he can physically interact—often to devastating effect—with solid objects and people. However, this separation ability can only work for a limited time; extended periods of the spirit and body being separated could run the risk of "becoming dangerously permanent."

In the trek across the desert towards the Brotherhood's base, the team is ambushed by Immortus's forces; Negative Man in use of his soul-self clears the entire field of attackers, though at the cost of being unable to reunite with his body in time. The Teen Titans, following close behind the Doom Patrol, manage to rescue him and bring him along to aid Mento and Beast Boy in their final assault on the Brotherhood and their device.[16][17]

While on their trek through the desert, Mento calls Negative Man by his real name, Larry.

Robot Man

Robot Man is a towering metal robotic vessel housing a still-living human brain; as such, he has incredibly devastating strength and is practically invulnerable to harm. However, still capable of free thought, Robot Man is headstrong and reckless, oft preferring to charge headlong into battle than defer to stealth.

A defeated Robot Man is the first Doom Patrol member found by the Titans, strung up and deactivated as a warning to trespassers. Cyborg repairs him, and finds that he was out of commission for five months; reluctantly, he agrees to partner with Beast Boy and the Teen Titans to rescue their captured comrades. Once this is achieved, he continues the mission against the Brotherhood and is the first Doom Patrol member to sacrifice himself for the good of the mission. Thought lost, he is rescued by the Titans, and brought with them to the Brotherhood's base to finally destroy their device with the teams' combined forces.[16][17]

As Cyborg comments while examining him, Robot Man is considered an early prototype of the life-saving cyborg technology that he himself is made up of, and Beast Boy even refers to Cyborg as "Robot Man 2.0" when the two first meet in "Go".[1] Beast Boy calls Robot Man by his real name, Cliff.


Fixit is a cyborg hermit who has the power to control machines with his mind. When Cyborg's power cell fails during a battle with Mumbo in "The Sum of His Parts," Fixit takes him to his underground home to be repaired. However, his repairs are actually aimed to remove Cyborg's human parts, which Fixit believes are inferior. After he attempts to download Cyborg's memories, he is overwhelmed by emotion in seeing Cyborg's human recollections of the world outside. The Titans find Cyborg in time for him to explain to Fixit what it really means to be human; Fixit understands this, and Cyborg offers to help him return to a life with a more human existence.[37]

Fixit makes an appearance in Teen Titans Go! Issue #2, where Cyborg recruits him to assist the team in battling Gizmo; while at Titans Tower, Fixit combines the Titans' vehicles to create the "Titans Go-Bot 5."


Nosyarg Kcid, a.k.a. Larry, is Robin's Bat-Mite-like counterpart from another dimension. His right index finger has the power to bend reality, and he uses it to watch Robin and his adventures. He enters the Titans' dimension to help fix Robin's broken arm, but fails to do so. He breaks his own finger during a scuffle with Robin as he keeps insisting on helping him; as a result, his reality-warping power is unleashed upon the city, changing it first into an embodiment of a child-drawn picture, and later into a dark, demonic domain when Titans foe Johnny Rancid seizes the power for himself. After Larry's finger is repaired and all is brought back to normal, he returns to his own dimension, but not before Robin offers him the chance to fix his broken arm one last time. He succeeds, but accidentally leaves Robin stranded in a blank, white space in the process.

Larry also appears as the focal character in the New Teen Titans DC Nation short, "Apprentice Part 3." in Issue #39 of Teen Titans Go!, Larry returns and creates havoc once again when he assumes the powers of Cupid on St. Valentine's Day to romantically link a number of couples (many of whom have real relationships in their original comic book canons) such as Bumblebee to Herald, Argent to Wildebeest, and Cheshire to Speedy.

Melvin, Timmy, Teether, and Bobby

Melvin, Timmy, and Teether comprise a trio of pre-adolescent children targeted by the Brotherhood of Evil for their fledgling superpowers. They first appear in "Hide and Seek."[38]

Melvin, the only girl in the group and the eldest of the three, has the ability to mentally spawn a giant animated teddy bear named Bobby (see below). Timmy (the second oldest) throws temper tantrums which induce earthquakes and sonic booms, and Teether (the baby) can eat any form of matter and spit them out like bullets. Raven, their appointed guardian, tries to protect them from Monsieur Mallah who is hunting them down on the Brotherhood's behalf, but the children (and Bobby) manage to take him down on their own. As a reward, they are made Honorary Titans.

Bobby is Melvin's "imaginary friend," which happens to be a giant, menacing teddy bear that she can physically manifest from her mind; his powers include super-strength, powerful clawed paws, super leaping abilities, and invisibility. Bobby mainly uses his invisibility to hide from people he fears or doesn't trust, which leads to Raven disbelieving in him for most of the episode, rather believing that Melvin's power was poorly-controlled telekinesis.

In "Titans Together,"[23] the quartet are brought to the final battle against the Brotherhood of Evil by Raven, who cautions them to "stay away from anyone older than you." They are seen blocking Monsieur Mallah's path, but other than that, their participation in the battle is unknown.


Sarasim is a warrior princess from an ancient time; the year is indicated as 3000 B.C., 5,000 years from the present day in the series' canon. Her tribe, which is under siege from a horde of monsters, is saved when Cyborg appears to defeat them in the "Cyborg the Barbarian" episode.[39]

Together, she and Cyborg fight her traitorous tribesman, Krall, and a band of green glowing creatures summoned by the Witch. The two develop a relationship that is interrupted when Cyborg is brought back to the present. He later learns in a history book that she had managed to defeat him on her own. She records Cyborg's involvement in the final battle for posterity, depicting him as his human self without his cybernetic armor.

In an issue of the comic book related to the animated series, it is implied that Sarasim is actually the ancestor of a woman named Sarah Simms, Cyborg's ladyfriend and personal romantic interest who is regularly featured in his original comic continuum.


Silkie (originally named "Larva M-319") is one of the many mutant larvae created by Killer Moth as part of his scheme to take over the city in "Date With Destiny."[40] When he was stopped by the Teen Titans, Beast Boy bonded with one of the larvae, naming him "Silkie," and secretly kept him as a pet at Titans Tower.

After he destroys Titans Tower in a fit of hunger during the episode "Can I Keep Him?,"[41] Beast Boy gives him to Starfire to prevent Cyborg or Raven from finding him as they search his room. She bonds with him as well, and feeds him Tameranian Zorka Berries which makes Silkie grow so large that he is eventually found by the other Titans. Robin asks for Starfire to get rid of the creature, so she abandons him on an island with the words "Please be kind to monster" carved into a rock. Killer Moth later finds him and transforms Silkie into a monstrous moth; the now-lepidopterized Silkie battles the Titans but becomes confused about where his loyalties lie, recalling the pains and kindnesses each of his guardians had brought him. Silkie then molts, shedding his giant moth form to become a larva once again, and reunites with Starfire; after the battle, he lives with the Titans as their official pet and mascot.

Silkie makes a cameo appearance as a larva in Killer Moth's lair during the Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode "The Last Patrol!," and Silkie later reappears as the Teen Titans' pet in both the New Teen Titans DC Nation Shorts and the Teen Titans Go! spin-off; in the latter, Silkie is featured as the focal character in several episodes.

Silkie has a few episodes in Cameo before his episode 'debut' "Can I Keep Him?" He appears randomly throughout the episodes after the larvae incident - "Date With Destiny" in most cases, eating the Tameranian food provided by Starfire, though no real change was evident from it.

Central Enemies


Blackfire (also known by her native name Komand'r) is the elder sister of Starfire and her rival to the throne of their home world of Tamaran, and as such, she is Starfire's chief enemy.

Blackfire debuts in "Sisters,"[42] arriving on Earth claiming to visit her "baby sister" (as she often calls her derisively). In that time, she quickly befriends the other Titans while presenting Starfire with the gift of a gemstone. Before Blackfire arrives on Earth, the Titans had several instances of battling a number of cephaloid robots that appeared to target Starfire in particular. Following one such battle in which Blackfire was able to cripple the robots by hitting their precise weak points, the other Titans seem poised to allow Blackfire to join the team; Starfire—hurt by the gesture—abandons the group until she finds herself captured. It later transpires that Blackfire's gift to Starfire was actually stolen, and that Blackfire had purposefully allowed Starfire to be mistaken for her so that she would avoid punishment for her crimes. An angry Starfire goes on to defeat Blackfire and hands her over to authorities.

Blackfire later returns in the episode "Betrothed,"[3] now assuming the position as the ruler of Tamaran. As such, Blackfire arranges for her little sister Starfire to be married to a repugnant glob creature named Glyrdsklechhh under the auspices that the arranged marriage would spare Tamaran from annihilation from a hostile alien fleet. However, Robin—who is on Tamaran along with the other Titans to attend the ceremony—investigates the threat and finds that the planet was never in any danger, and that Blackfire had conspired to "trade" Starfire's hand in marriage for a jewel that she could use to boost her powers. The scheme now exposed, Starfire and Blackfire compete in a battle to determine who would earn the right to rule the planet. Starfire wins, and as her first decree as the new Empress, calls for Blackfire to be exiled from Tameran permanently.

In a DC Animated Superhero Short, Blackfire is seen as living in a cave with her former co-conspirator Glyrdsklechhh—who is now her husband with four children; she calls Starfire to come over and babysit them, which as it turns out is another plot to usurp Starfire's place on the Titans. She also reappears in an issue of Teen Titans Go! in league with Madame Rouge, who is in the guise of their long-lost brother Wildfire (better known as Darkfire of the Omega Men), to lure Starfire into a trap. When the scheme failed, Starfire was so furious that she finally disowned Blackfire as her big sister and swore to find her brother one day, calling him the only family she has left.

Blackfire is a Tamaranean alien, and as such has very much the same powers as Starfire: she commands the powers of flight, super-strength, can fire purple Star Bolts (also known as "Blackbolts"), and—having reached the Chrysalis transformation before Starfire—fires eye beams and concussive energy fields. She has black hair and dark purple eyes, and wears a similar outfit to the one Starfire wears in the "Go" episode: the short-hemline top, thigh-high boots and miniskirt are a deep shade of dark blue with a form-fitting silver layer underneath. In terms of personality, Blackfire is virtually Starfire's opposite: while Starfire is a polite, reserved, and bashful girl dedicated to using her abilities towards helping others, Blackfire is highly hedonistic, sociable, and duplicitous; self-serving and often scheming to get what she wants, she is indifferent to the harm and subjugation of others, especially Starfire.

The H.I.V.E. Academy

The H.I.V.E. Academy is a secret campus for a rogue's gallery of superpowered teenagers, all being trained to become master criminals. The school has also been called the H.A.E.Y.P., which is short for "H.I.V.E. Academy for Extraordinary Young People."

The H.I.V.E. Academy functions much like a normal high school in that students attend classes, have lunch breaks in a cafeteria, and can either "graduate" or be "sent back." Apart from the unique cast of young supervillains that are trained here, the H.I.V.E. also has its own collection of uniformed figureheads, including a private army of yellow-armored soldiers and a faculty of purple-cloaked druids. Even though the H.I.V.E. and its students are regularly defeated, the presence of the organization constantly returns in some manner, or is otherwise referred to in some manner throughout the series.

There have been two known leaders of the H.I.V.E. Academy: the unnamed H.I.V.E. Headmistress, and the hypnosis-wielding cult leader Brother Blood. Three H.I.V.E. alums—called "top graduates" by the Headmistress in "Final Exam"[43]—are the most prevalent and reoccurring figures to come out of this organization:


H.I.V.E. Headmistress

The Headmistress of the H.I.V.E. Academy in the first season, she commissions the services of her top graduates Gizmo, Jinx, and Mammoth out to the top bidder, who turns out to be the yet-to-be-identified Slade, in the episode "Final Exam."[43] Slade then hires the H.I.V.E. trio to defeat the Teen Titans, which they succeed in doing temporarily until the Titans later regroup to defeat them. She tells Slade that she will "discipline" them when they are retrieved from the authorities, only for Slade to reveal that he had never expected her team to succeed in their mission—only in "delivering the message" that he exists and is watching them.

In the third season, however, Brother Blood takes over her academy; she is listed as "missing," as seen on Stone's milk carton during "Deception."[7] She rejoins the villain cast in the fifth season as a deputy of the Brotherhood of Evil (seen in a cameo at the end of the two-part episode "Homecoming"[17]), though she is not called upon to attack any member of the Titans in "Calling All Titans." She is briefly seen rushing into battle against Beast Boy, Más, Pantha, Herald and Jericho in the first leg of the final battle of "Titans Together,"[23] but is not seen amongst the flash-frozen villains at the episode's conclusion.

Brother Blood

Brother Blood is a cult leader who takes control over the H.I.V.E. Academy after the Headmistress turns up missing; his power is based mainly on his ability to manipulate others through mind control, bending large groups of people to his will. Aside from pure hypnosis, his mind can create vivid hallucinations, and he also boasts both a vast intelligence and a photographic memory. Blood's mental powers also allow him to interfere with radio signals and block the powers of other empaths like Aqualad; they also greatly enhance his own physical abilities: Blood is deceptively strong and quick with supernaturally high reflexes, allowing him to walk across water, pierce and rip steel with his bare hands, and channel a psychokinetic energy used to teleport or to fire offensively as bolts of lightning and force blasts. In the series, he is the chief enemy of Cyborg.

In the "Deception" episode,[7] Brother Blood debuts as the new Headmaster of the H.I.V.E. Academy, introducing himself to Cyborg while undercover as "Stone," a granite-skinned student wielding super-strength. When Cyborg's cover is blown, Blood attempts to manipulate Cyborg into joining him fully, entrusting him with their "class project" in exchange for restoring his full human body, but he is rebuffed moments before the H.I.V.E. Headquarters is destroyed; Cyborg reveals to his teammates afterwards that the cybernetic half of his brain was able to counteract Blood's hypnotism. Blood later returns with a new undersea headquarters in "Wavelength,"[21] now utilizing Cyborg's stolen Sonic Cannon technology to generate a destructive tidal wave to destroy the Titans' hometown (also infusing the same cybernetic technology on a school of piranha and a giant squid along the way). Thanks to help from another double agent in his midst, the Titans successfully destroy the Doomsday Device along with the second Headquarters, while Cyborg himself is able to retrieve his blueprints from Blood's possession.

Blood manages to escape once again; pursued to Steel City, he sets a trap for Cyborg who arrives in town to build a Titans Tower for the Titans East. In the two-part episode "Titans East,"[9][10] Brother Blood returns once again seeking to take over the tower, claiming Cyborg "owed him" a headquarters. To this end, Brother Blood's new "students" are revealed to be an armada of fully robotic duplicates of Cyborg (known as "Cy-Clones") built from Cyborg's blueprints embedded in Blood's photographic memory. Cyborg drives him out of the tower, only to find that his own teammates have been turned against him in an elaborate set-up by Blood. Brother Blood confesses that he had become obsessed with Cyborg after their last two encounters, going as far to modify his body with Cyborg's technology to become a cyborg himself, and vows to use whatever means he can to coerce the resistant Cyborg into submission to his whims. After the other Teen Titans attempt to come to his rescue, the now-cyborg Blood pits the Titan teams against each other as he does battle with Cyborg on the Tower's roof, literally tearing him to pieces in the process. Cyborg manages to pull a "reverse hack," piecing his body back together using Blood's own powers, and defeats Blood after literally 'disarming' him. Before Cyborg departs Steel City, Bumblebee states, "Blood's in jail, and we'll be sticking around to make sure he stays there."

Brother Blood is an older man with white hair, wearing either a full-length white/blue/yellow ceremonial robe, or a black-and-red tunic, sans robe. After subjecting himself to the automation process that Cyborg once endured, he is given a permanent cybernetic chassis much like Cyborg's own, except on Blood, the implants are red rather than blue, the fingers are pointed into claws, and spikes are adorned along the arms.



An impish young boy with a genius-level intellect who is armed with a mechanized backpack that generates multiple devices, gadgets and weapons. Gizmo is also a well-versed computer hacker and inventor, and typically uses these skills against Cyborg in some way, exploiting his robotic weaknesses in any number of episodes, even when called upon by the Titans to help save Cyborg's life in the "Crash" episode.[44] Gizmo was also a short-lived Honorary Titan following the events of "Winner Take All,"[26] but was quickly stripped of that distinction.

Gizmo is prone to immature and childish name-calling, implementing such terms as "fart," "crud," "snot," "booger," "barf," and others.


A hulking bestial male with mane-like hair, feral fangs, and superhuman strength. He is brought into the original H.I.V.E. trio as a counterweight to Beast Boy. The genetically modified Mammoth is the least intelligent member of this clique and is mainly used for his brawn and raw power in the execution of H.I.V.E. crimes. In spite of this, he tends to be easily defeated by the Titans in most of the episodes in which he appears.

He is also prone to humiliation by his foes for comical effect in any number of episodes, such as in the episode "Lightspeed" when Kid Flash swipes a candy bar from Mammoth, which he had actually paid for.[24]

Billy Numerous

Billy Numerous is a minor villain and was once a student at the H.I.V.E. Academy; like many of the H.I.V.E. characters, Billy Numerous first appears in the cafeteria scene of the "Deception" episode.[7] His power is self-duplication, and he is known to brag about his crime sprees to his only friends: his own clones. He wears a skintight red bodysuit with a division symbol on its chest (it is possible that he derives his multiplication powers from the suit itself), and speaks with a rural Southern drawl.

The Titans manage to defeat him by using holograms to counter his natural self-duplication powers, causing Numerous to push his power past its limit and "rebound" all his clones back into his body in the episode "Overdrive."[45] He later becomes a member of the H.I.V.E. Five in their debut episode "Lightspeed."[24] Deputized into the Brotherhood of Evil in Season 5 (he is seen multiple times in the panoramic shot of the group of villains), Billy is sent along with Gizmo to capture Kole and Gnarrk, but they fail. Even though he had the advantage of numbers, Billy is easily defeated by the powerful Pantha in the final battle; after his escape attempt is blocked by Kid Flash and Jinx, he is frozen along with his H.I.V.E. Five compatriots in "Titans Together."[23]

The character has subsequently been transitioned beyond the cartoon and has appeared in comics (Catwoman Issue #78, April 2008) as part of the main DC Universe. He later debuts in the Teen Titans Go! episode "Super Robin," again in his capacity as a member of the H.I.V.E. Five.

Kyd Wykkyd

Kyd Wykkyd is a silent, bat-costumed male student at the H.I.V.E. Academy with the ability to teleport, first seen in "Deception."[7] After Cyborg and the Titans destroyed the H.I.V.E. and the various students went on to become renegade villains, Wykkyd joined the H.I.V.E. Five at some point before "Lightspeed."[24] Although giving off a dark and demonic demeanor, it's shown in "Lightspeed" he's slightly childish; wanting to build a pillow fort with his teammates and joining them to hide behind Jinx when Madame Rouge arrives at their base. Nevertheless, his teleportation powers and razor-ended cape are shown in good use during battle.

Later inducted into the Brotherhood of Evil, he is sent with Psimon to defeat Raven in "Calling All Titans,"[22] but fails in doing so. In the final battle of "Titans Together,"[23] Wykkyd attempts to escape with his fellow H.I.V.E. Five members before he is frozen in the process, but not before witnessing ex-partner Jinx's change to the good side.

It is possible that the female H.I.V.E. student Angel is his girlfriend, judging from a scene near the end of their debut episode in which he teleports with her away from the collapsing H.I.V.E. building.

Private H.I.V.E.

Private H.I.V.E. is the eponymous villain from the H.I.V.E. Academy with a military demeanor who uses a hexagonal shield with the H.I.V.E.'s logo plastered upon it for attack and defense; he seems partial to throwing his shield in the style of a discus, much like Captain America. He appears to be modeled after The Guardian and says "sir" at the end of almost every sentence.

Like most of the H.I.V.E. villains, he is first seen in the cafeteria scene during "Deception."[7] His role in the series is minimal until he later becomes a member of the H.I.V.E. Five with four other ex-H.I.V.E. students: Jinx, Gizmo, Mammoth, and See-More in "Mother Mae-Eye."[46] They later go on to ally themselves with the Brotherhood of Evil, but Private H.I.V.E. is not seen with them when the group takes on Kid Flash in "Lightspeed," with he and Gizmo replaced in the field with Billy Numerous and Kyd Wykked respectively. He reappears to help Fang unsuccessfully defeat Jericho in "Calling All Titans."[22] Inside the Brotherhood's base during "Titans Together,"[23] it is he who discovers that Jericho is possessing Cinderblock's body, but Jericho in turn takes over Private H.I.V.E.'s body. Private H.I.V.E. fights in the final battle, alternately under and free of Jericho's control, but he is ultimately defeated and flash-frozen.

In Teen Titans Go! Issue #50, he, like Jinx, joins the Teen Titans. Prior to this, he promoted himself from "Private H.I.V.E." to Sergeant H.I.V.E. in a separate issue.


See-More is a minor villain from the H.I.V.E. Academy who joins the H.I.V.E. Five in the events prior to "Mother Mae-Eye."[46] His powers stem from a variety of interchangeable colored eyeballs which are accessible via a dial in his helmet; each eyeball is equipped with a unique function or attack, such as multi-vision, X-Ray vision, hypnosis, projection of eye-shaped bubbles, laser beams, and balloon-based flight. Like many of the H.I.V.E. characters, See-More first appears in the cafeteria scene of the "Deception" episode.[7]

He also seemed to have had a crush on Jinx, for he blushes when she thanks him in the episode "Lightspeed;"[24] he is also the only one who assists her in capturing Kid Flash in the same episode after Madame Rouge mocks and scolds them when the speedster destroys their base. Later deputized as a member of the Brotherhood of Evil, he and Warp are unable to take down Herald. See-More is briefly seen in the final battle of "Titans Together,"[23] and is frozen along with his fellow H.I.V.E. Five members with the exception of Jinx, who by this point is now allied with the Titans.

He would debut, again as a member of the H.I.V.E. Five, in the Teen Titans Go! episode "Super Robin."


The most enduring of all of the Teen Titans' enemies, this mysterious malefactor has relentlessly stalked the Titans since the series premiere episode "Divide and Conquer".[47] Only seen in shadow for much of the first season, he allows for his identity to be compromised by the defeated agents of the H.I.V.E. Academy, which initiates the team's hunt for the man known only to them as "Slade". The hunt affects team leader Robin the most, driving him mad in the search of his motives. As a result, he is Robin's chief enemy, often to the point of obsession, and acts as the main antagonist for most of the series.

In the two-part episode "The Apprentice",[48][49] Slade's ultimate goal is revealed: he singles out Robin in the pursuit of naming him his apprentice. Blackmailing him with the lives of his teammates, Slade forces Robin to become a criminal, committing crimes and doing battle with the other Titans on demand. Eventually, Robin fights back and ends Slade's manipulation of him. The rest of the Titans then arrive and together, they defeat Slade, forcing him back into hiding. In Season 2, he resurfaces once more when the Titans meet a fellow superhero named Terra. Isolating her from the rest of the team during a diversionary attack, he attempts to convince her that the Titans will never accept her due to the instability of her superpowers, and that if she hopes to ever take control of them, she should join him. A later situation drives Terra away from the team for some time, allowing Slade to corrupt her into becoming his apprentice. Once she returns, a trap is set into motion, and the Titans are nearly annihilated thanks to Terra herself, who is revealed to have been working as a double agent for Slade. When Beast Boy is informed of this, he spurns Terra, driving her even further into Slade's arms. Filled with hatred for her former friends, and further instigated and goaded into action by Slade, Terra is sent off to kill the Titans one by one. Although she succeeds in defeating all five Titans, she fails to actually kill any of them. Nevertheless, Slade and Terra, both believing that the Titans are dead, begin to take control of the city, although the Titans soon regroup and defeat Terra, causing her to retreat. Slade pummels Terra for her failure and takes control of her powers (the battle suit Slade provided her with is grafted into her nervous system, thereby enabling him to exert control over her should she ever disobey him) to finish the job. The Titans eventually convince her to stand down and fight back against Slade, which she eventually does. Her final act of defiance triggers an underground volcano, and Slade is seen sinking into a sea of lava below.

In the Season 3 episode "Haunted", a hallucination of Slade appears when Robin inhales a chemical reagent after studying the villain's mask. Convinced that his nemesis is still alive, Robin engages Slade alone, while the other Titans are ordered to look for the seismic detonators that Robin claims Slade has rigged all over the city, which they are never able to find. After the other Titans tell Robin that Slade was not present and that there were no seismic detonators, Robin does not believe them and continues to pursue Slade. In the end, Slade and Robin face off in the storage room of Titans Tower. Just as Slade is about to finish him off, Robin realizes that his friends were right and turns on the lights, wiping Slade out of his mind. Soon afterwards, it is revealed that the agent didn't activate on its own, and that someone outside of the tower must have triggered it, leaving Robin to ponder if Slade is truly dead.

In Season 4, beginning in the "Birthmark" episode,[50] Slade officially reappears, this time bearing the Mark of Scath and wielding a wide array of hellish supernatural powers which he did not possess before. The Titans, shocked that he is apparently still alive, immediately attack Slade, but they are all easily defeated. He states that he is now targeting Raven on the occasion of her birthday, to deliver a message pertaining to a prophecy that she is bound to fulfill. In the three part episode "The End", Slade reveals that he did indeed perish that day at Terra's hands, and that his resurrection was the product of a deal he'd made with Raven's father, Trigon. Slade would act as the herald meant to prepare Raven for the destiny she is meant to fulfill: bringing Trigon to the human realm, thus bringing the end of the world. Should Slade fulfill this duty, Trigon would agree to restore both his soul and the body he lost upon his demise — as is revealed when his mask is knocked off in "The End part 2",[12] Slade has only been restored as a reanimated corpse. Trigon goes back on his word and fails to honor their deal, thus prompting Slade to temporarily join forces with the surviving Titans in defeating Trigon. Slade then passes on a Ring of Azar to protect the other Titans while he and Robin go below to rescue Raven. Robin and Slade separate to achieve their respective missions, leading Slade to get his body and soul restored, as well as a weapon from the Soul Chamber Guardian he'd fought beforehand. He and the Titans fight side-by-side for a time, but vanishes after Trigon is eventually destroyed, with Robin and Slade both agreeing that nothing has changed between them. A robot duplicate of Slade would later be seen during the series finale "Things Change",[19] in which it forcefully tries to convince Beast Boy to leave a girl (who appears to be the reincarnated Terra) alone, which he eventually does. The actual Slade's fate is left unexplained, although it is assumed that he is still at large and has long since resumed his criminal activity.

Slade is an adult male dressed in a partly armored, full-body uniform with a silver and black color scheme. Attached to the suit are a number of plated silver compartments along with a utility belt in which he keeps various weapons and detonators. The only distinguishing feature he has is a half-black, half-gold brown metal helmet, with vertical slits over the mouth and a single left eye exposed; as is later revealed, Slade only has the one eye. Slade is a ruthless Martial Artist of the highest caliber; combined with his increased strength, speed, endurance, and reflexes, he is even able to put all five Titans united in combat to shame. In an interview with the show's producers, Slade is also stated to have a regenerative healing factor in addition to his enhanced physical attributes. However, his most dangerous attribute is his genius level intelligence and calculating menace, preferring to remain in the shadows rather than get his own hands dirty and is a brilliant tactician . A cold, calm, vicious, master strategist, Slade is adept at laying traps, utilizing high technology, orchestrating numerous schemes and attacks, and even manipulating others to do his bidding. Following his demise and resurrection as Trigon's herald, he commands a wide range of psychokinetic abilities used to rival those of Raven, particularly his pyromancing (i.e., fire-controlling) powers, although it is likely that he has lost these powers after being fully revived as a human.

Slade is one of two villain characters, the other being Gizmo, to be featured at least once in every season of Teen Titans; the exceptions being that he only appears as a recurring hallucination in "Haunted",[51] and a robot duplicate of himself in "Things Change".[19] He is also the sole enemy of the Teen Titans to go unapprehended by the series' end.

Character Alterations For The Animated Series

Originally named "Deathstroke, The Terminator" in the comic books, the character's name was changed to his given first name "Slade" out of fear that it would frighten a younger audience. His personality was altered as well; rather than being portrayed as a ruthless and murderous assassin, Slade is instead depicted as an elusive, hyper-intelligent, megalomaniacal, and highly influential criminal mastermind that is constantly seeking to expand his empire. A more subtle alteration of Slade's character for the animated series is that he wields neither his trademark sword or sidearm, likely due to the implication of lethal force. Apart from his frequent use of unarmed combat, Slade is seen occasionally armed with a telescoping battle staff, much like the one used by Robin.

The Brotherhood of Evil

The Brotherhood of Evil is a secret society of supervillains dedicated to total world domination. They are the chief rivals of Beast Boy, as well as his former unit of superheroes, the Doom Patrol.

As discovered in the two-part episode "Homecoming,"[16][17] the Brotherhood has been locked in combat with the Doom Patrol since Beast Boy was a young child. Beast Boy, still learning to control his metamorphoses, makes a judgment call to rescue his teammates instead of stopping the villains from escaping; this decision would cause a strife that later drives Beast Boy from the group, making him a member of the Teen Titans in the time since. Beast Boy later finds himself contacted by his ex-teammates to combat the Brotherhood, which has regrouped in the years since he'd left the Doom Patrol. The combined efforts of the Doom Patrol and the Teen Titans enable the defeat of the Brotherhood of Evil; however, a plot is then set into motion in the aftermath—seeing the rise of a new generation of superheroes, the Brotherhood now seeks to eliminate the threat of the new heroes post haste, beginning with the young heroes that were most influential in their defeat: the Teen Titans themselves. To this end, the Brotherhood forges an alliance of powerful villains from across the globe to act as a hit squad.

After infiltrating the Titans' network of communications, a series of tactical strikes are carried out leading to the capture of many young heroes affiliated with the Titans. Those heroes who found themselves captured, including Titans leader Robin, were then cryogenically preserved as trophies. Only a handful of heroes manage to avoid capture, and those few uncaptured heroes infiltrate the Brotherhood's headquarters in Paris, France to stage a counter-assault. With the captured heroes defrosted and the momentum turning, an effort to retreat fails, and many of the villains allied with the Brotherhood find themselves flash-frozen, along with the members of the Brotherhood of Evil themselves.

The Brotherhood of Evil has four members:

The Brain

The Brotherhood's leader. As suggested by the name, he is a disembodied human brain preserved in a robotic cylinder to keep it alive, only able to communicate via a voice box built in its chassis. The chassis itself is framed by the design of a sinister-looking skull. Apart from The Brain's genius level intellect, he appears to have a degree of psychokinetic powers channeled by and through his robotic shell.

Chiefly the enemy of Doom Patrol leader Mento, The Brain seems obsessed in forcing him to admit to the team's defeat before annihilating them in the events that precede the series' canon; Beast Boy, however, would foil their efforts in unleashing their Doomsday Device. The Brain later attempts the rebuilding of the device in the events of the "Homecoming" episodes,[16][17] which is thwarted by the reunited Doom Patrol, now partnered with the Teen Titans. The Brain is at the core of the Brotherhood's union with a league of the Titans' rogue's gallery to take down the growing threat of a new generation of superheroes all at once, beginning with the Teen Titans themselves. He succeeds in capturing and cryogenically suspending much of the Titans, saving Robin for last as their grand prize. Those Titans that went uncaught were able to engineer the Brotherhood's ultimate downfall, even after The Brain's desperate attempt to trigger a bomb stored in his life-support unit.

Robin and Beast Boy capture The Brain, and flash-freezes him in the conclusion of "Titans Together;" to which Beast Boy–at the chagrin of the onlooking audience–makes note of the act being "brain freeze."[23]

General Immortus

As implied by his name, General Immortus is an ancient military commander who is knowledgeable in every combat strategy ever conceived, mainly by being involved in every major battle in history personally. Immortus even comments on teaching many of history's best minds of war; in the "Homecoming" episode,[16][17] he refers to Sun Tsu—the Chinese military philosopher and author of The Art of War—as one of his "finest students." Immortus has command over armies of both human and robot soldiers, and often uses them as part of a larger plot in executing attacks. He is frozen by the Teen Titans at the end of "Titans Together."[23]

Madame Rouge

Madame Rouge, though appearing mainly as a black-haired Russian female dressed in red (in fact, one rough translation of her name is "The Lady in Red"), is a malleable shape-shifter with the ability to stretch and contort her body in any way she sees fit; she is most lethal for being able to fully assume the appearances of other people, able to mimic them with little means of detection. She nearly defeats Kid Flash simply by pursuing and pummeling him into exhaustion, but later succeeds in taking down Hot Spot, taking his likeness as the Titans arrive to pass along a communicator to him. In possession of a Titans Communicator, the Brotherhood is able to coordinate their strikes against the team.

As the Titans' counter-strike threatens the Brotherhood's defeat, Madame Rouge attempts to flee, holding her own against some of the Titans in the process. She is eventually defeated in "Titans Together"[23] when Jinx–whom had been subject to Rouge's abuse in "Lightspeed"[24] and is now allied with the Titans–uses a hex to trap and release her legs as she is stretched outright, flinging her like a rubber-band into the path of the flash-freezing machine.

Monsieur Mallah

Monsieur Mallah is a hyper-intelligent African gorilla capable of human speech who develops many of the Doomsday Devices used by the Brotherhood. Mallah is also adept at using weapons, such as grenades and a laser-firing minigun, in conjunction with his bestial strength. Mallah is extremely loyal to his master and is his trusted confidant. It is he who suggests that they escape when the Titans begin to regroup against them, but their retreat is thwarted by Robin and Beast Boy; he is beaten by Beast Boy (who himself has morphed into a gorilla to fight him), and is the second-to-last Brotherhood member to be subjected to the freezing machine in "Titans Together."[23]


Trigon The Terrible (alternatively identified by the name Scath) is the ancient demon king of an alternate dimension with a wrath feared throughout galaxies. It is later revealed that Trigon is the evil biological father of Raven, thereby making Trigon her chief enemy in the series.

He originally appears as a spectre haunting Raven's subconscious in the episode "Nevermore."[15] Immediately following his apparition, Raven comments, "Let's just say I have issues with my father." Earlier in the episode, it is revealed that each individual aspect of Raven's personal emotional spectrum are personified (traits such as happiness, sadness, bravery and others manifest themselves as other Ravens, each with a distinct color in their attire) and the control over her rage and hatred, i.e. "Red Raven," had been allowed to lapse; her dark side is now seeking to defeat her, thereby taking full control over her personality. With Cyborg and Beast Boy running interference, Raven summons her other emotions for battle; once all of her other emotions are brought into harmony (much like the additive properties of light), she becomes "White Raven" and defeats her inner rage, bringing it back under control with the rest of her emotions.

Later in the series as Raven's birthday comes about, she grows fearful over a prophecy that is supposed to occur once she reaches the milestone. Once Slade—who died in the events of "Aftershock part 2"[32]—returns from the grave to mark the occasion, Raven is forced to reveal the secret that she had been hiding since meeting the team: Raven was conceived to be a portal through which the demon king Trigon is to be summoned; once the task is completed, all life on Earth will end, beginning a barren and lifeless age of darkness in the human world. In the trilogy of episodes "The End,"[11][12][13] Raven—and ultimately the other members of the Teen Titans—are unable to stop the ceremony, and Trigon finds himself reborn on Earth. He quickly lays waste to the planet and later seeks to spread his reign across the galaxy, the only opposition to which are Beast Boy, Cyborg, Starfire and Robin, who find themselves spared by Raven's magic. With the aid of former herald Slade, Raven herself is also brought in to help with the fight, though she is found in Trigon's dimension stripped of her memories and with her powers completely exhausted having brought him into the human realm. In the course of Trigon's final assault, Raven dredges up some of her lost powers, and—as she did when she battled Trigon within her mind—she regains her full strength as White Raven and uses her pure energies to destroy Trigon, thereby negating his effects on the Earth.

Trigon appears as a red-skinned, monolithic humanoid demon beast with flowing white hair, feet of hooves, and antler-like horns on his forehead. He is signified by his four glowing red eyes, one pair atop the other. While confined to his own fiery dimension, he only appears as a disembodied voice accompanied with the set of glowing eyes, or as a silhouette of himself within that dimension whenever he is in psychic contact with Raven. His powers are limited once confined in his own dimension: as such, he needs earthly agents bearing the Mark of Scath to do his bidding—this mark gives its carrier fire-wielding abilities, a measure of invincibility, and the limited command of an army of flame demons. Once released from his dimension, he can instantaneously cast a spell that reddens the sky, turns the seas of a planet into lava, and turns all unprotected inhabitants of said planet into stone. Trigon can now take full command of the flame demons on his own, and–as he does when challenged by the Titans on the Earth's surface–can cast a spell that gives life to a person's inner demons so as not to engage the challengers directly.

Trigon's presence is implied in a number of episodes, mainly through creatures that symbolically bear his glowing pairs of red eyes. In the "Nevermore" episode,[15] Red Raven, the part of her that is made purely of his demonic essence, takes Trigon's form until she is ultimately defeated and is also the only Raven Emote to bear Trigon's four eyes in her 'normal' state. In "Fear Itself,"[52] a number of the horror creatures Raven accidentally generates have the same set of eyes as well. Raven herself can bear Trigon's eyes in a state of intense anger, though she can also bear these eyes willingly in conjunction with an armada of shadowy tentacles as an intimidation tactic against certain foes. As revealed when Raven returns to Azarath seeking help from her mother Arella in "The Prophecy,"[14] Trigon had already been summoned to destroy that homeworld long before, likely impregnating Arella with Raven in the process.

Trigon is the first major villain to appear in the Teen Titans spin-off, Teen Titans Go!; he is featured in the episode "Dog Hand" (alternately titled "Raven's Daddy Dearest") as a sitcom send-up of a fatherly figure, attempting to sway Raven into embracing her demonic heritage.

Other Enemies

André LeBlanc

André LeBlanc is a French jewel thief that debuta in "For Real".[53] He later joins the Brotherhood of Evil.[23]

Dressed in a conspicuous Arctic white uniform (in fact, his name translated from French to English is "Andre The White"), his weapons of preference are pipe bombs and bundles of dynamite, as well as a tool belt of burglar's equipment, rope, and a grappling hook; the latter of which he can be seen holding when he is frozen.


Debuting in the series premiere episode "Divide and Conquer,"[47] Cinderblock is a living monolithic stone idol with limited intelligence, but near-unstoppable strength. He is named as such due to the several panels on his body–particularly his forearms, the sides of his head, and the center of his chest–which bear a likeness to his namesake. Cinderblock is featured multiple times in the series as a secondary villain.

In the aforementioned episode, he is commissioned as a pawn of Slade to stage a jailbreak in order to release Plasmus, held in quarantine on the site; he is later captured by Cyborg in the episode's conclusion, only for Slade to use him again in an effort to separate Robin from his teammates in the first half of the two-part episode "The Apprentice."[48] Cinderblock is again partnered with Slade in the two-part "Aftershock" episode,[31][32] first to attack Robin and Starfire (opening the way for Terra's surprise attack), then again to merge with Overload and Plasmus to form Ternion. Eventually defeated and jailed, Cinderblock briefly returns following a break-out in "Haunted."[51]

Cinderblock later joins the Brotherhood of evil. He is partnered with Johnny Rancid in an attempt to capture Más y Menos in "Calling All Titans,"[22] Más manages to escape and later helps fellow Titan Jericho take over his body to stage an ambush in the events of "Titans Together."[23] They are accidentally exposed when Jericho thanks Private H.I.V.E. while in Cinderblock's body; he was never known to have spoken before, forcing Jericho to abandon Cinderblock as a vessel. Though he originates in the animated series, Cinderblock would later appear in the main DC Universe.

Commander Uehara Daizo

Commander Uehara Daizo appears in the feature-length Teen Titans film, Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo.[2] He is Tokyo's police commander, and the commander of the Tokyo Troopers, which he secretly uses Brushogun in creating. It turns out that Daizo's goal is to discredit the Teen Titans as heroes, as his own heroic reputation became diminished as the Titans' exploits become internationally known. To this end, Daizo effectively enslaves Brushogun to create criminals for him to capture, to create the Tokyo Troopers to act as his personal army, and to create the various supervillains (which include Saico-Tek, Mecha-Boi, Nya-Nya, Scarface, Timoko and others) to do battle with the Teen Titans.

He is responsible for the Titans heading to Tokyo by sending a Saico-Tek to attack them, who tells them of Brushogun before killing himself. He is first encountered by Robin after the battle of his Godzilla-like monster. He later sends another Saico-Tek to attack Robin, whom Robin defeats, fooling witnesses into believing he had killed him. Daizo tries to arrest him, but he escapes. He then later confronts the Titans in a manga factory, which is actually Daizo's disguised hideout; after the Titans defeat his men, he jumps into a black ink, combining himself with Brushogun and transforming into a monster. However, Robin manages to defeat him by pulling Brushogun free from the creature, and Daizo is left defeated and exposed to all of Tokyo as a fraud.

Daizo is subsequently stripped of all of his ill-gotten honors as well as his position as police commander,for kidnaping, fraud, and framing . Daizo is sent to prison; the Teen Titans themselves are presented with Tokyo's highest honors for Daizo's capture.

Control Freak

Control Freak is an overweight and unkempt movie fanatic, notorious for using a nuclear super-powered remote control to warp reality to suit his movie-inspired images. He first appears in the episode "Fear Itself"[52] causing a disturbance in a movie rental outlet, angry over a non-mutual trivial dispute with the cashier regarding a sci-fi television series. The remote he self-designed is his only true source of power (sans a few movie-inspired weapons, such as a Star Trek-like Phaser gun and a quad-bladed Lightsaber culled from Star Wars and a variety of weaponry specially built to counter each member of the Titans only to be thwarted by having to face the differently-powered East Coast Titans whom he later tests with scenarios that involve even more machinery of his design); however, he rarely uses his intellect to accomplish anything meaningful, instead preferring to hype himself into superiority through television, the Internet, or by committing crimes in the hopes of garnering mass respect as a super-villain.

The Titans' self-proclaimed 'nemesis' (and sometimes fanboy), he is instead easily dismissed by the young heroes, described merely as "a couch potato with a souped-up remote" by Raven. In the episode "Don't Touch That Dial,"[54] Control Freak is the main villain, using his remote to great effect to escape prison and hopscotch through the fantasy realm of television channel by channel; the Titans, following him through the perils and pitfalls of each channel, only manage to best Control Freak with the aid of their own "couch potato," Beast Boy. Later, upon finding out that he is not on the Titans' "list of notorious villains" when he returns in the episode "For Real,"[53] he angrily exclaims that he is a recurring villain in the series and therefore deserves to be on the list (thus breaking the fourth wall in the process, one of the few villains on the show with the liberty to do so).

He later allies himself with the Brotherhood of Evil; however, even with his remote, he proves unable to defeat Killowat by himself until the Puppet King joins in. He ends up flash-frozen by the Titans in the final battle of the "Titans Together" episode.[23]

Ding Dong Daddy

in the "Revved Up" episode,[55] Ding Dong Daddy is a large 1950s-style street racer who forces Robin to compete in a cross-country race against himself and a number of foes from the Titans' rogues gallery; the prize, a briefcase containing what is only identified as "Robin's most prized possession." Leading the majority of the race in his undersized Hot Rod, Ding Dong Daddy ultimately finishes in second place to Robin. Having won the race, Robin reclaims his briefcase from Ding Dong Daddy. It is never revealed how Ding Dong Daddy acquired Robin's briefcase, nor what is actually inside.

Prior to this episode, he is first seen in the panoramic shot of the Brotherhood's deputies in the conclusion of the two-part "Homecoming" episode.[17] He is also seen at several points of the final battle of "Titans Together," fighting both on foot and behind the wheel of his Hot Rod, but following the car's destruction at the hands of a Kole-wielding Gnarrk, he is seen among the flash-frozen villains at the end of the battle.[23]

Dr. Light

A recurring secondary villain in the series, Dr. Light—as his name implies—is a normal, powerless man who is often in use of a battle suit with offensive-capability light-energy weapons. While the most common offensive use of his suits are the firing of laser beams, he can also generate tangible solid objects from light such as laser whips, fireballs, trapping orbs, and forcefields.

Dr. Light first appears in "Nevermore,"[15] at first holding the Titans at bay following a robbery, only to fall victim to Raven's wrath when her inner rage takes over; this encounter gives Dr. Light a terror of Raven that lasts throughout the series. He is featured in brief cameos at the end of "Wavelength"[21] and the beginning of "Birthmark,"[50] but has a lead role in the "Kole" episode,[25] attempting to harness the Northern Lights into his suit while using Kole's crystallized body as a conduit for his machine.

Doctor Light is regularly featured as a fairly inept villain to a comically bumbling effect; in the opening of the "Birthmark" episode, he is thwarted after he attacks an oil platform sitting in clear view of the Titans Tower's living room, and Doctor Light has the misfortune of being confronted in the wake of his bank robbery by the full force of the World Titans—i.e., the Teen Titans alongside all of their international partners—at the conclusion of the "Titans Together" episode.[23]


Fang is a mutant; he is human from the neck down, but has a giant four-legged spider in place of a head. The legs of his spider head have the ability to move at fast speeds and jump vast distances, while the head itself is capable of firing sticky webs and paralysis-inflicting venom beams.

He breaks up with his girlfriend Kitten, but then attacks Robin for taking her as his junior prom date (although this was actually done under duress); prior to this, Fang partook in a series of jewel thefts in an effort to win her back. He is defeated and arrested along with Kitten and her father Killer Moth in "Date With Destiny."[40] He later joins the Brotherhood of Evil, and teams with Private H.I.V.E. to capture Jericho in "Calling All Titans,"[22] but fails. In the final battle of "Titans Together,"[23] he is defeated by Speedy.


Debuting in "The Quest,"[56] Katarou is a sinister red-garbed Martial Artist who defeated Robin in a duel while stealing a bejeweled golden staff. He claimed to have trained with a martial artist known as "The True Master," but it is revealed that he had failed in his attempt to reach him before, so he decided to use Robin, a more skilled Martial Artist, to get past the True Master's obstacles without any efforts on his part. When he attacked Robin for the right to train under the Master, partly using his own arsenal against him, Robin uses all the skills learned in fighting the True Master's guardians to defeat the well-armed Katarou. Katarou was then apprehended by two of the mountain's guardians who were friends of the Master (who is now revealed to be an old woman) and thrown out, never to attempt to train under her again.

He later joins the Brotherhood of Evil to successfully defeat and capture Bushido in "Calling All Titans,"[22] but was later defeated by the rejuvenated Bushido in the final battle of "Titans Together."[23]

Killer Moth

Debuting in "Date With Destiny,"[40] Killer Moth is an evil lepidopterist with command over swarms of large mutated moths that are capable of eating through anything. He is also presumably a human-moth hybrid himself; dressed in a moth-like body armor complete with razor-sharp claws and a pair of wings, he has an elevated level of speed, strength and reflexes, has the ability to adhere to walls, as well as limited flight and hovering capabilities. In the series, Killer Moth is the father of Kitten, the breeder of Titans mascot Silkie, and may have had a hand in the creation of Kitten's mutant boyfriend, Fang.

In his debut episode, he releases a swarm of his mutant moths to attack a heavily populated bridge as an ultimatum to Robin: in addition to the Titans' surrender and control over the city, Robin must be Kitten's date to her junior prom. He and Starfire go to the prom to monitor Kitten while Cyborg, Raven and Beast Boy search Killer Moth's home. Moth is defeated, only to have it be revealed that Kitten was actually in control of the moths' release trigger. Killer Moth is ultimately arrested and jailed along with Fang and Kitten by the episode's conclusion. Moth later returns in "Can I Keep Him?"[41] to reclaim Larva M-319, who had been adopted by the Titans since his arrest; mutating the larval Silkie into a giant monstrous moth to attack the city, Silkie's loyalties are torn between Killer Moth and Starfire, prompting him to molt away back into his larval stage, leaving Killer Moth vulnerable and again apprehended.

Later joining the Brotherhood of Evil along with Kitten and Fang, he—along with Kitten and a swarm of mutant moths—mounts an attack on Starfire in "Calling All Titans,"[22] but Killer Moth is later defeated and ends up flash-frozen in the final battle of "Titans Together."[23]

Killer Moth is traditionally a bumbling, minor villain from the Batman universe.


Kitten is the spoiled and bratty daughter of Killer Moth and the girlfriend of Fang. She first appears in the episode "Date With Destiny,"[40] when Fang breaks up with her for unexplained reasons. Not wanting to attend the junior prom alone, she talks her father into threatening the city with a large swarm of mutant moths to force Robin to become her date, which instigated a fight between Fang and Robin, and then between Kitten and a jealous Starfire. It would be revealed that Kitten secretly had control of the moth's release trigger concealed in her corsage, but she, Fang, and Killer Moth are ultimately apprehended and jailed; as she is loaded into the police truck, she angrily screams that "Robbie-Poo" would pay for dumping her. Later on, the trio would appear as members of the Brotherhood of Evil; Kitten, riding atop a giant mutant moth and wielding a laser whip, confronts and defeats Starfire in "Calling All Titans,"[22] but it is later revealed that Starfire had escaped. Before attacking Starfire, Kitten swipes her communicator and uses it to taunt her former beau, Robin. Unlike Fang and Killer Moth, she didn't participate in the final battle of "Titans Together."

Kitten is featured as the main villainess of Issue #41 of Teen Titans Go!. In said issue, she assumes the guises of several characters; each a feminine counterpart of notable villains Brother Blood, Control Freak, Mad Mod, The Puppet King, and Red X—these personae were rather named Daughter Blood, Joy Stick, Mad Maude, Marionette and Pink X respectively. Kitten would later make a brief return in the animated series of the same name.

Mad Mod

Mad Mod is a psychedelic red-headed British villain with the mannerisms of a strict schoolmarm, whose root source of power comes from his ruby-tipped cane. It is later revealed that Mod is actually an old man who is given to the use of holograms of his younger self. He is also formidable for his use of hypnotic suggestion which has a stupefying and lobotomizing effect on its victims.

He debuts in the episode which bears his name (or is alternatively titled "Detention"),[57] having trapped the Titans within a cacophonous school building hoping to "re-educate" them from their heroic ways; to this end, the building is booby-trapped with any number of gun-mounted busts of himself, perspective-warping pitfalls, and hypnosis-inducing television monitors. Robin is ultimately able to deduce that Mad Mod was in reality a hologram, and his "school" was a false-reality chamber operated by the true Mad Mod from an adjacent control room upon an oceanic oil rig. Mad Mod is defeated and captured, only to return in the "Revolution" episode,[58] spoiling the Titans' Independence Day celebration by "undoing" the British defeat in the Revolutionary War via his hypnotic screens, and using his cane to siphon Robin's youth, restoring Mod to his younger self. In command of an army of wind-up British guardsmen and morphing the city into a Europunk British realm, Mod is able to hold the Titans at bay for a time until Robin is able to seize Mod's cane and undo his effects on both the city's infrastructure and their ages. The episode ends with the elderly Mod being chased by the Titans.

Mad Mod, inexplicably a young man again, joins the Brotherhood of Evil at the end of the "Homecoming" episodes[17] and competes in Ding Dong Daddy's street race in "Revved Up,"[55] but is absent during the assault on the heroes in "Calling All Titans" and winds up flash-frozen in the conclusion of "Titans Together."[23]

Mother Mae-Eye

Mother Mae-Eye is a haggish witch with candy-themed magical powers and a mass-produced army of gingerbread cookie soldiers. In her human form, she appears as a plump, rosy-cheeked and kindly woman dressed in a red, white and pink outfit, but she is actually a three-eyed, ugly, wart-nosed witch capable of growing and shrinking in size. Mae-Eye feeds on the "sweet, nourishing affection" of her victims; she then traps and bakes them within a gigantic pie in a giant potbelly stove under the guise of their "5:00 bedtime" when their love reaches its maximum. She becomes angered when her victims either come out of the spell on their own, or refuse to eat her pies; in addition to the pies, she is armed with a magical wooden spoon that she uses for most of her fantastical powers. She is named after the children's game "Mother May I?."

Mother Mae-Eye makes her series debut in the episode which bears her name,[46] hiding inside a pie that Cyborg mistakenly buys from a gypsy and brings to Titans Tower, where she is subsequently released. She puts the Titans under an immaturity spell by feeding them the pie, which causes them to mentally regress to childlike behavior and come under hallucinations that she is (and has always been) their mother. The witch also uses her illusionary powers at the beginning of the episode to redecorate Titans Tower, transforming it into a T-shaped gingerbread house and the surrounding area into a candy-land, complete with fluff-covered fields, cute little animals, lollipops and candy canes for trees, a smiling sun, and a rainbow across the sky. After Starfire is struck in the head during a battle and is thus freed from the spell, she succeeds in freeing the other Titans from the immaturity spell and sealing Mother Mae-Eye back into her pie. The pie is then sent to the H.I.V.E. Five's hideout, where she is last seen giving the villains pie and calling them her children. Mae-Eye later returns and joins the Brotherhood of Evil in the conclusion of the two-part "Homecoming" episode,[17] but is defeated in "Titans Together."[23] She is one of the few villains not flash-frozen, however; she magically dissipates for some reason after Hot Spot and Wildebeest are slammed into her by Madame Rouge.


The Amazing Mumbo is a turquoise-skinned magician whose powers are largely based on stage magic feats; Robin describes him as a "former stage magician now employing his skills for theft and mayhem." It would appear that Mumbo is designed as a pastiche of Freakazoid and The Joker. He is actually an old man, but uses the wand to give himself youth, turquoise skin, white hair, and magic powers usually summoned through stereotypical magic words and phrases such as "Abracadabra," "Alakazam," "Open Sesame," "Hocus Pocus," and "Mumbo Jumbo." He seems to be jealous of Raven's magical abilities.

He first battles the Titans in a junkyard and flees after being confronted about a jewel theft during "The Sum of His Parts."[37] Cyborg also goes missing (under unrelated circumstances), and the Titans give chase after mistakenly believing Mumbo was involved in his disappearance. Mumbo is eventually captured and his wand is broken, stripping him of his magical powers, negating his chaotic magic, and reverting him into his true form.

Later on, in "Bunny Raven... or... How To Make a Titananimal Disappear,"[59] he captures the Titans in his top-hat, takes their powers, and turns them into show animals—Robin-Monkey, Starfire-Cat, Cyborg-Bear, Raven-Bunny, and Beast Boy-Lamp (with the ability to turn into other inanimate objects, since he could already turn into and out of animals)—and after a humiliating show in front of an audience of Mumbo lookalikes, Raven defeats him by having Robin and Beast Boy (transformed into a paintbrush) paint them all in order to blend in with the stage, enabling them to return to the real world. Mumbo later becomes an honorary member of the Brotherhood of Evil, and also cameos as a competitor in Ding Dong Daddy's street race in "Revved Up,"[55] but winds up frozen in their final combat in "Titans Together."[23]

Starfire calls him Mumbo Jumbo in Teen Titans (console game).[60] This alias is also given to Damien Darhk by Quentin Lance in Arrow (TV series).[61]


Overload is a roughly humanoid electric monster with a red-and-black circuit board at its core. It harnesses a series of electrical attacks and the ability to control and manipulate electric-powered machinery, but as the creature is composed largely of electricity, it is extremely vulnerable to water.

First appearing in the episode "Car Trouble,"[62] it attacks an electronics store until it is drained of its energy and taken into custody. When Cyborg's stolen T-Car is crashed into the police truck that is carrying him, Overload hijacks the car, forcing Cyborg to blow the car apart in order to stop him. Overload is later employed by Slade to attack Raven in the first part of "Aftershock,"[31] and then to merge with Plasmus and Cinderblock to form Ternion in Part 2.[32]

While aligned with the Brotherhood of Evil, Overload was able to defeat and capture Lightning in "Calling All Titans."[22] However, during the final battle of "Titans Together,"[23] Killowat absorbs his electrical body, leaving behind the powerless circuit board.


Debuting in the series premiere episode "Divide and Conquer,"[47] Plasmus is featured multiple times in the series as a secondary villain. As revealed in this episode, Plasmus is a normal human being for as long as he is in a state of sleep; whenever awakened, he metamorphosizes into a mindless, shape-shifting monstrous creature composed of a protoplasmic mud-like slime that has an insatiable appetite for toxic waste and raw sewage.

He is broken out of jail at the behest of Slade; held in quarantine under a state of suspended animation, he is awakened and unleashed to attack the reduced-strength Titans at a chemical plant. He is defeated when Cyborg and Robin reunite and use their "Sonic Boom" tandem maneuver to render Plasmus unconscious and thereby harmless. Plasmus returns in "Transformation,"[4] and is "defeated" when reduced to uncontrollable, hysterical laughter at the sight of Starfire's bizarre and unusual appearance. Alongside Cinderblock and Overload, Plasmus is later employed by Slade; first to target Cyborg and Beast Boy (thereby setting them up for a surprise attack by Terra) in Part 1 of "Aftershock,"[31] and then later merging with Cinderblock and Overload to form Ternion in Part 2.[32] Plasmus also appears briefly–and is swiftly defeated–at the start of "The End" trilogy.[11]

Plasmus is later joins The Brotherhood of Evil, partnering with Trident to overpower Aqualad and Tramm in "Calling All Titans."[22] Plasmus's final appearance is in "Titans Together;"[23] fighting for a brief time against the regrouping Teen Titans, he is defeated by Raven, who uses her astral projection ability to render him unconscious, regressing him back into his sleeping and harmless human state.

Professor Chang

Professor Chang is a mad scientist who runs an underground smuggling operation providing illegal services for higher-tier villains. He has several workers helping him, but they all wear suits and helmets which hide their faces, and they never speak.

Robin once forced him prior to the events of "Masks" to hand over xenothium, the fictional power source for his Red X suit. In the third season during episode "X,"[63] Robin goes to Chang, expecting the new owner of the Red X suit to show up for more xenothium, of which there is none. Chang sends Robin to a storage facility, which is a trap to get the xenothium for himself to power his new disintegrating laser cannon; Red X then teams up with Robin to destroy the cannon. Chang is imprisoned, but he escapes; under the mind control of Brother Blood in the two-part episode "Titans East,"[9][10] he mutilates Blood's body and remakes him into a cyborg, and attempts to do the same to the brainwashed members of Titans East, but before he could begin the automation process on them, he is thwarted by the reunited Titans Central.

He is also seen frequently in Red Star's flashback scene which recalls how Red Star received his deadly powers in "Snowblind."[28] He would join the Brotherhood of Evil and invents the machine which helps them flash-freeze the captured heroes, but he and his cohorts are soon frozen themselves in "Titans Together."[23]

Red X

Debuting in the "Masks" episode,[64] Red X was a mysterious ghost-like master thief stealing valuable computer chips that Slade had expressed interest in obtaining. He proved to be a highly formidable adversary to the Titans in their attempts to stop him, for Red X seemed able to exploit the weaknesses of each individual Titan with little effort. After later arranging a face-to-face meeting with Slade himself, Red X was revealed to have been Robin all along, surprising all but Slade, who was never once fooled by Robin's charade. Robin admits that he devised the Red X alter ego in order to gain Slade's trust in a fellow criminal, while keeping his teammates in the dark to prevent them from holding back in their attempts to stop him, making the infiltration seem more real. However, this deceptive effort on Robin's part causes strife and distrust among the team, and only inflates the notion that Robin's obsessive search for Slade is making him more and more a reflection of the menace. Ashamed of his actions, Robin locks the Red X suit away in the hopes of mending fences with the team.

However, beginning in episode "X" in Season 3,[63] Red X returns, the suit now being appropriated. The new Red X appears to have an equal mastery of the suit's operations as Robin, if not more so of a mastery, and uses the suit to commit a string of high-stakes robberies. Robin, upon discovering the thief the Titans have been tracking is Red X, feels guilty for creating him and constantly tries to prove to his teammates that he is not responsible for the new Red X crime spree. While the second Red X is a self-serving, thrill-seeking criminal, he also tends to display a few heroic tendencies from time to time, claiming an allegiance to neither force of good or evil. The new Red X also appears in the episode "Revved Up,"[55] competing in Ding Dong Daddy's street race to win Robin's "special case." Initially wanting the prize for himself, he has another change of heart, opting to help Robin by denying the other villains victory. He occasionally flirts with Starfire. The true identity of the second Red X has never been revealed.

Red X appears in an all-black suit with a tattered gray cape, and a skull-adorned black mask. He is named for the intersecting red slashes that take the form of an "X" found over his eye, heart, and a pair of "X" markings on the palms of his gloves. Powered by a fictitious and dangerously unstable chemical compound called Xenothium, the suit allows for teleportation and invisibility, and the "Xs" on either palm can generate and launch X-themed weapons and projectiles (including but not limited to shuriken, throwing stars, saw blades, timed explosives, and constrictive or adhesive restraints), as well as an assortment of other tools and functions. The suit also fires energy beams and can stealthily bypass security systems. The mask disguises the user's voice, and it is likely that the Red X suit is meant to amplify the natural agility of its wielder.


A supporting villain from the Teen Titans: Trouble In Tokyo movie,[2] Saico-Tek is a high-tech Japanese ninja; he bears a modest resemblance to Tiger Mask, and is most distinguishable by his half-cyan, half-magenta body armor. He wields and generates any number of high-tech ninja weapons, including a rocket-propelled jet pack, nunchucks, exploding throwing stars and smoke bombs, many of which take after Saico-Tek's cyan-magenta color scheme.

He leads an assault on the Titans and Titans Tower to start the film until he is ultimately captured; while interrogated by Robin, he panics and reveals that his boss Brushogun had ordered him to conduct the attack. He then commits suicide by triggering the sprinkler system to dissolve himself; as later revealed, Saico-Tek is not a real person, but rather an illustration made real by Brushogun's powers. In reality, Tokyo's corrupt police commander Uehara Daizo had been orchestrating Saico-Tek's activities in his effort to discredit the Teen Titans as heroes, including publicly framing Robin for "murdering" him in one scene of the film. Saico-Tek (or rather, recurring duplicates of Saico-Tek) appear repeatedly throughout the film up until Daizo's capture and Brushogun's death at the film's conclusion.


Ternion was the abomination that resulted from the combination of Plasmus, Cinderblock and Overload; it first formed in the wake of Slade and Terra's takeover of the city in the two-part "Aftershock" episode.[32]

Terra was losing in a battle with the Teen Titans, so Slade sent the three creatures, who quickly merge into a hodge-podged Frankenstein's Monster of slime (Plasmus), rock (Cinderblock), and electricity (Overload) to take on the Titans. After a lengthy battle, much of which took place off-screen, Ternion was defeated. Many of Slade's robots attacked in the interim, but were defeated as well. Ternion then got to its feet and attacked a second time, but lost yet again. Slade and Terra were later defeated, and the trio of villains inexplicably reverted to their original forms.

Ternion appears in the Teen Titans video game; after a long duel, it turns out to be a fake monster.


Trident is an Atlantean criminal armed with the mystical weapon of his namesake, first appearing as the main villain of the "Deep Six" episode.[20] With a superiority complex and a self-perception of perfection, Trident is given to cloning veritable armies of himself for the purpose of committing multiple crimes at one time while simultaneously catering to his own self-indulgent ego, stating: "If one of me is perfect, why not make more?"

Having stolen a cache of hazardous materials from a distressed ship in the midst of a storm, the Teen Titans are sent out to sea to investigate, where the group first meets the Atlantean superhero, Aqualad, who rescues them from an attack that cripples their submarine. Later taking advantage of the miscommunication between Aqualad and the egotistical Beast Boy, Trident for a time is able to confound the duo of heroes with a series of separate yet apparently simultaneous attacks; the two heroes later come to find the breeding chamber for Trident's duplicates, which they accidentally hatch. Outnumbered, Beast Boy and Aqualad manage to escape by instigating a fight between Trident and his like-minded clones over which one was superior to the others; swimming to their escape with the Tridents close behind, the other Titans—with their battle-damaged T-Sub repaired—trigger a cave-in which traps Trident and his duplicates to presumptuously never be seen again.

At least one of the aforementioned Tridents (presumably the Alpha) manages to escape, as evidenced when he is seen joining the Brotherhood of Evil at the conclusion of the "Homecoming" episodes.[17] Partnered with Plasmus in "Calling All Titans,"[22] the duo defeat and capture Aqualad and Tramm in a fierce undersea battle, sending the two to be flash-frozen in Paris. Trident is also seen at several points of the final battle in "Titans Together;"[23] while likely defeated.

Recurring Characters


Featured only once in the episode "The Prophecy,"[14] Arella is revealed to be Raven's biological mother, having conceived her with the demonic Trigon. Raven inherits much of her looks from her mother; decked in a white robe, Arella has short-cut violet hair and a Chakra stone on her forehead with the modest exception of a more even, natural flesh tone.

Raven, in desperation to avoid her obligation to release her father upon Earth, travels to her ancestral home of Azarath hoping to find a way to avert the impending apocalypse. She finds, however, that Azarath is largely abandoned, save for a flock of doves which she finds Arella caring for. Arella somberly informs Raven that the prophecy she is to fulfill can't be stopped, and that Earth will fall to Trigon just as Azarath once did; at that moment, the illusion of Azarath falls away and the realm is found to be in fiery ruins—the obvious work of Trigon.

It is never revealed if Arella herself was a product of the illusion, existing as a spirit of the lost civilization, or if she is actually Azarath's lone survivor of Trigon's wrath.

Batman/Bruce Wayne

Batman—the legendary crime-fighter who trained Robin—never appears in the animated series, nor is he ever referred to by name. However, his existence is nonetheless referenced in a number of episodes, proving that Robin in fact did work for Batman, having taken the righteousness oath that drives them both to fight crime and battle evil.

In Teen Titans Go!, the comic book series based on the show, Batman makes a cameo in the male Titans' origins in Issue #47. Batman's presence in the Titans' universe is far more pronounced in the animated spin-off series of the same name.


Though never addressed by his actual name, Wintergreen appears in the series as Slade's butler and right-hand man. He appears as an old man in a white suit and tie, with white gloves and a black dress shirt.

Wintergreen is first seen standing beside a silhouetted Slade at the conclusion of the series premiere episode "Divide and Conquer,"[47] preparing a new cup of tea after Slade smashes his teacup in frustration at Cinderblock and Plasmus's defeat. He appears only a few more times in the first season alone before later appearing as an apparent deputy of the Brotherhood of Evil at the conclusion of the two-part "Homecoming" episode.[17] Although Wintergreen is not later called upon to attack any member of the Titans in "Calling All Titans," he is briefly seen rushing into battle against Beast Boy, Más, Pantha, Herald and Jericho in the first leg of the final battle in "Titans Together;"[23] however, he is not physically seen fighting against anyone beyond this point, nor is he seen amongst the flash-frozen villains at the episode's conclusion.

Wintergreen is also featured in Issue #49 of the Teen Titans Go! comic book series, now lending his services in the aid of Slade's resurfaced daughter Rose—also known as "The Ravager"—in her vendetta against the Titans to carry on her father's legacy and continue his feud with the young heroes. He is also featured in a brief cameo during the events of "The Lost Episode,"[65] in which it is implied that he is romantically involved with the H.I.V.E. Headmistress as he is seen sitting beside her at a concert.

In his original comic book continuity, Wintergreen is Slade Wilson's respected mentor and is meant to be the evil counterpart to Alfred Pennyworth, the longtime butler of Bruce Wayne (a.k.a. Batman).

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Season 5; Episode 10 - "Go"
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Teen Titans: Trouble In Tokyo
  3. 1 2 3 Season 3; Episode 3 - "Betrothed"
  4. 1 2 Season 2; Episode 7 - "Transformation"
  5. Season 1; Episode 7 - "Switched"
  6. Season 4; Episode 8 - "Stranded"
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Season 3; Episode 1 - "Deception"
  8. Season 2; Episode 4 - "Only Human"
  9. 1 2 3 4 Season 3; Episode 12 - "Titans East (Part 1)"
  10. 1 2 3 4 Season 3; Episode 13 - "Titans East (Part 2)"
  11. 1 2 3 Season 4; Episode 11 - "The End (Part 1)"
  12. 1 2 3 Season 4; Episode 12 - "The End (Part 2)"
  13. 1 2 3 Season 4; Episode 13 - "The End (Part 3)"
  14. 1 2 3 Season 4; Episode 7 - "The Prophecy"
  15. 1 2 3 4 5 Season 1; Episode 6 - "Nevermore"
  16. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Season 5; Episode 1 - "Homecoming (Part 1)"
  17. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Season 5; Episode 2 - "Homecoming (Part 2)"
  18. Season 2; Episode 10 - "Betrayal"
  19. 1 2 3 4 Season 5; Episode 13 - "Things Change"
  20. 1 2 3 Season 1; Episode 8 - "Deep Six"
  21. 1 2 3 Season 3; Episode 8 - "Wavelength"
  22. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Season 5; Episode 11 - "Calling All Titans"
  23. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Season 5; Episode 12 - "Titans Together"
  24. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Season 5; Episode 8 - "Lightspeed"
  25. 1 2 3 Season 5; Episode 6 - "Kole"
  26. 1 2 3 4 Season 2; Episode 9 - "Winner Take All"
  27. 1 2 Season 5; Episode 3 - "Trust"
  28. 1 2 Season 5; Episode 5 - "Snowblind"
  29. Season 2; Episode 3 - "Terra"
  30. Season 2; Episode 8 - "Titan Rising"
  31. 1 2 3 4 Season 2; Episode 12 - "Aftershock (Part 1)"
  32. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Season 2; Episode 13 - "Aftershock (Part 2)"
  33. Season 1; Episode 4 - "Forces Of Nature"
  34. Torres, J. "Adapting the Animated Antics of the Teen Titans". Titans Companion 2. TwoMorrows Publishing. p. 216. ISBN 1-893905-87-X.
  35. "Titans Tower: Wonder Girl". Retrieved January 1, 2009.
  36. "J. Torres on Wonder Girl". Newsarama. Retrieved January 1, 2009.
  37. 1 2 Season 1; Episode 5 - "The Sum Of His Parts"
  38. Season 5; Episode 7 - "Hide And Seek"
  39. Season 4; Episode 4 - "Cyborg The Barbarian"
  40. 1 2 3 4 Season 2; Episode 6 - "Date With Destiny"
  41. 1 2 Season 3; Episode 10 - "Can I Keep Him?"
  42. Season 1; Episode 2 - "Sisters"
  43. 1 2 Season 1; Episode 3 - "Final Exam"
  44. Season 3; Episode 4 - "Crash"
  45. Season 4; Episode 9 - "Overdrive"
  46. 1 2 3 Season 4; Episode 10 - "Mother Mae-Eye"
  47. 1 2 3 4 Season 1; Episode 1 - "Divide and Conquer"
  48. 1 2 Season 1; Episode 12 - "The Apprentice (Part 1)"
  49. 1 2 Season 1; Episode 13 - "The Apprentice (Part 2)"
  50. 1 2 Season 4; Episode 3 - "Birthmark"
  51. 1 2 3 Season 3; Episode 5 - "Haunted"
  52. 1 2 Season 2; Episode 5 - "Fear Itself"
  53. 1 2 Season 5; Episode 4 - "For Real"
  54. Season 4; Episode 5 - "Don't Touch That Dial"
  55. 1 2 3 4 Season 5; Episode 9 - "Revved Up"
  56. 1 2 Season 4; Episode 2 - "The Quest"
  57. Season 1; Episode 10 - "Mad Mod" aka "Detention"
  58. Season 3; Episode 7 - "Revolution"
  59. Season 3; Episode 11 - "Bunny Raven (Or, How To Make A Titanimal Disappear)"
  60. Artificial Mind and Movement (24 May 2006). Teen Titans. GameCube. Level/area: Mumbo Jumbo Boss. Is this where Mumbo Jumbo will show the sleeve of his trick?
    Teen Titans Gamecube- Mumbo Jumbo Boss- Part 4. 12 January 2014.
  61. Blackthorne, Paul (11 November 2015). "Lost Souls". Arrow. Season 4. Episode 75. 29 minutes in. You know your way around this magic, Mumbo Jumbo.
  62. Season 1; Episode 11 - "Car Trouble"
  63. 1 2 Season 3; Episode 2 - "X"
  64. Season 1; Episode 9 - "Masks"
  65. Teen Titans: The Lost Episode
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