Outer membrane porin D

Symbol OprD
Pfam PF03573
Pfam clan CL0193
InterPro IPR005318
TCDB 1.B.25
OPM superfamily 203
OPM protein 2odj

Outer membrane porin D is a protein family containing bacterial outer membrane porins which are involved in transport of cationic amino acids, peptides, antibiotics and other compounds. It was also described as having some serine protease activity.[1] However many of these proteins are not peptidases and are classified as non-peptidase homologues as they either have been found experimentally to be without peptidase activity, or lack amino acid residues that are believed to be essential for the catalytic activity of peptidases in the S43 family.


  1. Yoshihara E, Yoneyama H, Ono T, Nakae T (June 1998). "Identification of the catalytic triad of the protein D2 protease in Pseudomonas aeruginosa". Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 247 (1): 142–5. PMID 9636669. doi:10.1006/bbrc.1998.8745.

This article incorporates text from the public domain Pfam and InterPro IPR005318

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