Otto Torvik

Otto Torvik (born June 12, 1901 in Bolsøy, died in 1988) was a Norwegian missionary in Xinjiang and in India. He founded the Norwegian Missionary Muhammad Mission (Den Norske Muhammedanermisjon) in 1940. Today, the name is changed to Christian Muslim Mission (Kristen Muslimmisjon). Otto Torvik was a central figure in the Norwegian Missionary Muhammad Mission.


Otto Torvik was born in Romsdal in Bolsøy parish just east of Molde. His father was Ingebrigt Taraldsen from Torvik, Romsdal in Norway and was farmer and lay preacher. His mother was sick when Otto Torvik was born, and she prayed to the God that his son had to be used in the service of God.

After elementary school he attended Rauma Folk High School in Molde, where Torvik first heard of the overseas missions. The missionary call grew in him and he continued to study at a Mission school at Fjellhaug in Oslo which was run by the Norwegian Lutheran China Mission Association. Otto Torvik was awarded with a Bachelor of Theology by the Augsburg Seminary and a Master of theology by the Hartford Seminary. He was ordained as a priest in 1946.

In 1931, Torvik traveled to Chinese Turkistan to see if it was possible to start with a Christian mission there. In 1940 he founded the Norwegian Missionary Muhammad Mission. Otto Torvik was a central role in this Mission. Eight years later in 1948, Torvik traveled to India as a pioneer missionary. He built a mission station in Sajinipara and this was the mission's first mission field in India.



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