Oscar Herrero

Óscar Herrero is a Flamenco guitarist from Spain. He was born in Tomelloso (Ciudad Real) on 12 March 1959.

Oscar Herrero has authored several flamenco guitar teaching DVDs and diadactic text books. Among them:[1]


Text books


He was awarded the first prize at the Bordón Minero (Festival de La Union, Murcia) and the Premio Nacional de Guitarra Flamenca in Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz. He has been appointed “Special Prize for Flamenco Teaching “Festival de las Minas”.


YearTitleLabelOther information
1995 Torrente - Audio CD
1996 Por Falla - Audio CD
1998 Hechizo - Audio CD
2005 Abantos - Audio Double CD


  1. RGB Publishing, Spain

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