Osage (Unicode block)

Range U+104B0..U+104FF
(80 code points)
Plane SMP
Scripts Osage
Assigned 72 code points
Unused 8 reserved code points
Unicode version history
9.0 72 (+72)
Note: [1][2]

Osage is a Unicode block containing characters from the Osage alphabet, which was devised in 2006 for writing the Osage language spoken by the Osage people of Oklahoma, USA.[3]

Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+104Bx 𐒰 𐒱 𐒲 𐒳 𐒴 𐒵 𐒶 𐒷 𐒸 𐒹 𐒺 𐒻 𐒼 𐒽 𐒾 𐒿
U+104Cx 𐓀 𐓁 𐓂 𐓃 𐓄 𐓅 𐓆 𐓇 𐓈 𐓉 𐓊 𐓋 𐓌 𐓍 𐓎 𐓏
U+104Dx 𐓐 𐓑 𐓒 𐓓 𐓘 𐓙 𐓚 𐓛 𐓜 𐓝 𐓞 𐓟
U+104Ex 𐓠 𐓡 𐓢 𐓣 𐓤 𐓥 𐓦 𐓧 𐓨 𐓩 𐓪 𐓫 𐓬 𐓭 𐓮 𐓯
U+104Fx 𐓰 𐓱 𐓲 𐓳 𐓴 𐓵 𐓶 𐓷 𐓸 𐓹 𐓺 𐓻
1.^ As of Unicode version 10.0
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Osage block:

Version Final code points[lower-alpha 1] Count L2 ID WG2 ID Document
9.0 U+104B0..104D3, 104D8..104FB 72 L2/14-068 N4548 Everson, Michael; Lookout, Herman Mongrain; Pratt, Cameron (2014-02-20), Preliminary proposal to encode the Osage script in the UCS 
L2/14-175 N4587 Everson, Michael; Lookout, Herman Mongrain; Pratt, Cameron (2014-07-30), Proposal to encode Latin characters for Osage in the UCS 
L2/14-214 N4619 Everson, Michael; Lookout, Herman Mongrain; Pratt, Cameron (2014-09-21), Final proposal to encode the Osage script in the UCS 
L2/14-177 Moore, Lisa (2014-10-17), UTC #140 Minutes 
  1. Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names


  1. "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
  2. "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
  3. Michael Everson; Herman Mongrain Lookout; Cameron Pratt (2014-09-21). "Final proposal to encode the Osage script in the UCS" (PDF). ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2, Document N4619. Retrieved 2015-01-10.
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