Orbeli family

Place of origin Armenia

The Orbeli family is an Armenian family, whose members have included notable scientists for over 12 centuries. The president of Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Osipov and the president of Armenian National Academy of Sciences Faddey Sarkisyan, referring to the Orbeli family, noted:
«The family is famous starting from XII centuries. Service to science always was cultivated in Orbeli family This tradition was passed across the generations. The father of Orbeli brothers prepared his sons to science career from childhood. One grandfather of Orbeli brothers was a protoiereus in Armenian church, he wrote about Armenian history in the oldest Armenian language. Another grandfather was a law teacher in Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages. David Orbeli is uncle of scientists was a famous psychiatrist in Tbilisi. He had a lot books and works at psychiatry and etnography. Their father is Abgar Orbeli graduated Saint Petersburg State University. Also their ancestor on mother line is Hovsep Argutinsky was the beneficiary of Armenian church in Russia. In 1800 his elected as a Catholicos of All Armenians, and also he was one of authors project Independent Armenia under Russian patronage.[1]»

Family members





  1. В.И. Оноприенко //рецензия на книгу Григорьян Н.А. Научная династия Орбели
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