Opus 200

Opus 200
Author Isaac Asimov
Country United States
Language English
Publisher Houghton Mifflin
Publication date
Media type Print (Hardback, paperback)
Pages 329 pp
ISBN 0-395-27625-X

Opus 200 is Isaac Asimov's joint two-hundredth book, along with his autobiography In Memory Yet Green (both books were published on the same day, following his 199th book).[1] It was published by Houghton Mifflin in March 1979. Asimov chose to celebrate the publication of his two hundredth book by writing about his previous 198 books, including excerpts from short stories and novels, as well as nonfiction articles and books. Opus 200 also includes three complete science fiction stories, two complete mystery stories and two complete essays.



See also

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