Open Live Writer

Open Live Writer

Open Live Writer 0.5
Developer(s) .NET Foundation
Preview release / May 24, 2017 (2017-05-24)
Operating system Windows 7 and later[1]
Platform IA-32 and x64[1]
Type Blog software
License MIT License

Open Live Writer (also known as OLW) is an open-source desktop blogging application released by .NET Foundation. It is a fork of Windows Live Writer 2012, which is developed by Microsoft and is part of the Windows Live family of products. Open Live Writer features WYSIWYG authoring, photo-publishing and map-publishing functionality, and is currently compatible with, WordPress (hosted), and Blogger, with support for more platforms planned. The app's source code is available on GitHub under the MIT License.


Windows Live Writer

Open Live Writer is a fork of Windows Live Writer, which is based on Onfolio Writer,[2] a product Microsoft obtained from the acquisition of Onfolio in 2006. The Onfolio Writer team worked together with the Windows Live Spaces team to release Windows Live Writer.[3] After the release of Windows 8, the team responsible for the software were encouraged, by Microsoft, to focus on Metro-style apps, and the last major version of Windows Live Writer was released in 2012.[3]

On June 12, 2014, Scott Hanselman announced the idea of making Windows Live Writer open source.[4] Nearly a year later, it appeared that open sourcing the program was approved by Microsoft.[5] Later that year, .NET Foundation announced an open-source fork of Windows Live Writer.[3]

Initial Announcement

On December 9, 2015, Scott Hanselman announced the forking of Microsoft's Windows Live Writer as an open-source project called Open Live Writer.[6] The announcement notes that the original Windows Live Writer 2012 application will remain a property of Microsoft and will continue to be offered as part of Windows Essentials while Open Live Writer will be developed independently as a separate project as part of .NET Foundation. A downloadable preview version of the application was offered the same day[7] alongside the full source code on GitHub.[8]

On 27 September 2016, Open Live Writer was available on Windows Store.[9]

Version history

Old version
Older version, still supported
Latest version
Latest preview version
Future release
Table of versions: Open Live Writer
Version Release date Highlights
Old version, no longer supported:


December 9, 2015
  • Initial public release
  • Relatively unchanged from Windows Live Writer 2012 with the following features removed: Spell checker, "Blog This" API, and the "Albums" feature.[6]
  • Supported publishing platforms:, Hosted Wordpress, Google's Blogger.[10]
Old version, no longer supported:[11] December 16, 2015
  • This release provided the initial version of Blogger support using their latest API to unblock users of Blogger.
  • Blogger categories/labels not yet supported.
Old version, no longer supported:[12] December 22, 2015
  • This release provided some bug fixes and enhancements to the Blogger support based on feedback.
Old version, no longer supported:[13] December 23, 2015
  • Minor update that addresses the bugs introduced in previous update
Old version, no longer supported:[14] February 13, 2016
  • Added spell checking through the built-in spell checking functionality of Windows 8 and later. This feature is not available on Windows 7.
  • Added support for categories when working with Blogger.
  • Bug fixes and general improvements
Latest preview version of a future release:[15] September 27, 2016
  • Made available through the Windows Store. Updates are now installed through the Store rather than a built-in background updated.
Future release: 1.0[10] TBD
  • Feature parity with Windows Live Essentials 2012
  • Support for multiple languages
  • Support for more publishing platforms, including TypePad and LiveJournal
  • Improved support for older Windows operating systems. Windows 7 and Windows 8.x are planned.
  • Support for Test Suite
  • Ability to find and replace text
Future release: 1.0.1[10] TBD
  • Bug fixes
Future release: 1.1[10] TBD
  • Support for Azure Active Directory (AAD) Authentication
  • Support for more publishing platforms (Facebook and Twitter planned)
  • Support for Markdown Editing and reviews
Future release: 2.0[10] TBD
  • Major upgrade with features to be determined

See also


This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.