Olympic Oath

The Olympic Oath (distinct from the Olympic creed) is a solemn promise made by one athlete, judge or official, and one coach at the Opening Ceremony of each Olympic Games. Each oath taker is from the host nation and takes the oath on behalf of all athletes, officials, or coaches at the currently celebrated games. While reciting the oath, the oath taker holds a corner of the Olympic Flag.

The Olympic Oaths

The oath taker is usually from the host country. He or she holds a corner of the flag and recites the appropriate oath.

Athletes Oath

The chosen athlete is a representative of all the participating Olympic competitors and recites the following:

In the name of all competitors, I promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules that govern them, committing ourselves to a sport without doping and without drugs, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honour of our teams.[1]

The Officials Oath

The judge/official, also from the host nation, likewise holds a corner of the flag but takes a different oath:

In the name of all the judges and officials, I promise that we shall officiate in these Olympic Games with complete impartiality, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them in the true spirit of sportsmanship.[2]

The Coaches Oath

Since the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics, an additional oath is taken by a coach from the host country:

In the name of all the coaches and other members of the athletes' entourage, I promise that we shall commit ourselves to ensuring that the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play is fully adhered to and upheld in accordance with the fundamental principles of Olympism.[3]


A call for an oath was announced as early as 1906 by International Olympic Committee (IOC) president and founder Pierre de Coubertin in the Revue Olympique (Olympic Review in French).[2] This was done in an effort to ensure fairness impartiality.[2]

The Olympic Oath was first taken at the 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp by the fencer/water polo player Victor Boin. The first judge's oath was taken at the 1972 Winter Olympics in Sapporo by Fumio Asaki.

Victor Boin's oath in 1920 was

We swear. We will take part in the Olympic Games in a spirit of chivalry, for the honour of our country and for the glory of sport.[2]

In 1961, "swear" was replaced by "promise" and "the honour of our countries" by "the honour of our teams" in an obvious effort to eliminate nationalism at the Olympic Games.[2] Therefore the oath was as follows:

In the name of all competitors, I promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules that govern them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honour of our teams.[2]

This oath lasted until the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano.

In 1999, the IOC created the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in an effort to form a more organized battle against doping. Thus, the Athletes Oath was amended to include references to doping and drugs as noted in the above section.

The Oath in other languages

Below are the current (as of 2016) versions of the oath in other languages. The languages are in alphabetical order by English name. The languages that are included are those of the Olympic host countries.

Catalan (Jurament Olímpic)

En nom de tots els competidors, prometo que participarem en aquests Jocs Olímpics, respectant i atenint-nos a les regles que els governen, comprometent-nos a un esport sense dopatge i sense drogues, amb l'esperit veritable de l'esportivitat, per la glòria de l'esport i l'honor dels nostres equips.

Chinese mandarin (奧林匹克誓詞, Àolínpǐkè shìcí)

Wǒ jǐn yǐ quántǐ cānsài zhě de míngyì bǎozhèng: Wèile tǐyù de guāngróng hé tuánduì de róngyù, wǒmen jiāng yǐ zhēnzhèng de tǐyù dàodé jīngshén cānjiā běn jiè àolínpǐkè yùndònghuì, guāngmínglěiluò, zūnzhòng bìng zūnshǒu yùndònghuì gè xiàng bǐsài guīzé, zhìlì yú yīgè méiyǒu xīngfèn jì hé yàopǐn de yùndònghuì.

Finnish (olympiavala)

Kaikkien kilpailijoiden nimissä lupaan, että osallistumme näihin olympiakisoihin niiden sääntöjä kunnioittaen ja noudattaen, sitoudumme urheilemaan ilman dopingia ja huumeita, oikeassa urheiluhengessä, urheilun ja omien joukkueidemme kunniaksi.

French (Serment olympique)

Au nom de tous les concurrents, je promets que nous prendrons part à ces Jeux olympiques en respectant et suivant les règles qui les régissent, en nous engageant pour un sport sans dopage et sans drogue, dans un esprit de sportivité, pour la gloire du sport et l'honneur de nos équipes.

German (Olympischer Eid)

Im Namen aller Athleten verspreche ich, dass wir an den Olympischen Spielen teilnehmen und dabei die gültigen Regeln respektieren und befolgen und uns dabei einem Sport ohne Doping und ohne Drogen verpflichten, im wahren Geist der Sportlichkeit, für den Ruhm des Sports und die Ehre unserer Mannschaft.

Greek (Ολυμπιακός Όρκος, Olympiakós Órkos)

"Στο όνομα όλων των αθλητών, υπόσχομαι να πάρουμε μέρος σ' αυτούς τους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες, σεβόμενοι τους κανονισμούς που τους διέπουν, προσηλωμένοι σε έναν αθλητισμό χωρίς ντόπινγκ και χωρίς φάρμακα, σύμφωνα με το αληθινό πνεύμα της ευγενούς άμιλλας για τη δόξα του αθλητισμού και την τιμή των ομάδων μας."
"Sto ónoma ólon ton athlitón, ypóschomai na páro méros s' aftoús tous Olympiakoús Agónes, sevómenos tous kanonismoús pou tous diépoun, prosilomenoi se enan athlitismo choris doping ke farmaka sýmfona me to alithinó pnévma tis evgenoús ámillas gia ti dóxa tou athlitismoú kai tin timí ton omádon mas."

Italian (Giuramento olimpico)

A nome di tutti i concorrenti, prometto che prenderò parte a questi Giochi Olimpici rispettando e osservando le regole che li governano, impegnandoci nel vero spirito della sportività per uno sport senza doping e senza droghe, per la gloria dello sport e l'onore della mia squadra.

Japanese (おりんぴっく せんせい, Orinpikku sensei)

"Watashitachiha, subete no senshu no nanioite, orinpikku kenshō ni nottori, supōtsu no eikō to, chīmu no meiyo no tame ni, kesshite dōpingu o shinai yō, orinpikku kyōgi taikai ni sanka suru koto o chikaimasu."

Korean (올림픽 선서, Ollimpig seonseo)

모든 참가 선수들의 이름으로, 나는 스포츠맨십의 진실된 정신으로 스포츠의 영광과 우리 팀의 영예를 위해, 경기 규칙을 존경하며 따르고 도핑과 약물 투여를 하지 않으며 경기에 참여할 것을 약속합니다
Modeun chamga seonsudeul-ui ileum-eulo, naneun seupocheumaensib-ui jinsildoen jeongsin-eulo seupocheuui yeong-gwang-gwa uli tim-ui yeong-yeleul wihae, gyeong-gi gyuchig-eul jongyeonghamyeo ttaleugo doping-gwa yagmul tuyeoleul haji anh-eumyeo gyeong-gie cham-yeohal geos-eul yagsoghabnida.

Norwegian (Den olympiske ed)

På vegne av alle deltakere lover jeg at vi vil delta i disse olympiske lekene med respekt og lydighet for lekenes regler, forpliktet til en idrett uten doping og dopingmidler, i god sportsånd, til ære for sporten og til heder for våre lag.

Portuguese (Juramento Olímpico)

Em nome de todos os competidores, prometo que participaremos nestes Jogos Olímpicos, respeitando e seguindo as regras que os regem, comprometendo-nos a um esporte sem doping e sem drogas, com o espírito verdadeiro da esportividade, para glória do esporte e honra das nossas equipes.

Russian (Олимпийская клятва, Olimpijskaja kliatva)

От имени всех спортсменов я обещаю, что мы будем участвовать в этих Олимпийских играх, уважая и соблюдая правила, по которым они проводятся, в истинно спортивном духе, во славу спорта и во имя чести своих команд.
Ot imeni vsekh sportsmenov ya obeshchayu, chto my budem uchastvovat' v etikh Olimpiyskikh igrakh, uvazhaya i soblyudaya pravila, po kotorym oni provodyatsya, v istinno sportivnom dukhe, vo slavu sporta i vo imya chesti svoikh komand.

Serbo-Croatian (Олимпијска заклетва, Olimpijska zakletva / Olimpijska prisega)

(Serbian) У име свих такмичара, обећавам да ћемо учествовати у овим Олимпијским играма, поштујући и спроводећи правила која владају њима, дајући себе спорту без допинга и дроге, у истинском спортском духу, за славу спорта и част наших екипа.
U ime svih takmičara, obećavam da ćemo učestvovati u ovim Olimpijskim igrama, poštujući i sprovodeći pravila koja vladaju njima, dajući sebe sportu bez dopinga i droge, u istinskom sportskom duhu, za slavu sporta i čast naših ekipa.
(Croatian) U ime svih natjecatelja, obećavam da ćemo sudjelovati u ovim Olimpijskim igrama, poštovati i ustrajati u pravilima koja vladaju njima, povjeravajući sebe sportu bez dopinga i droge, u istinskom sportskom duhu, za slavu sporta i čast naših momčadi.

Spanish (Juramento Olímpico)

En nombre de todos los competidores, prometo que participaremos en estos Juegos Olímpicos, cumpliendo y respetando con sus reglamentos, comprometiéndonos a un deporte sin dopaje y sin drogas, con verdadero espíritu deportivo, por la gloria del deporte y el honor de nuestros equipos.

Swedish (olympiska eden)

Som representant för alla tävlande lovar jag att vi skall delta i dessa olympiska spel med osviklig respekt för de regler som styr dem och med löfte om ett utövande utan dopning och utan droger, i sann sportsmannaanda, till glädje för sporten och till heder för våra lag.


The athletes, judges and coaches that have delivered the Olympic Oath are listed below.[4]

Olympic Oath
OlympicsAthleteJudge (Official)CoachLanguage
1920 Summer OlympicsVictor Boin--Belgian Dutch/Belgian French
1924 Winter OlympicsCamille Mandrillon--French
1924 Summer OlympicsGéo André--French
1928 Winter OlympicsHans Eidenbenz--Swiss German
1928 Summer OlympicsHarry Dénis--Dutch
1932 Winter OlympicsJack Shea--American English
1932 Summer OlympicsGeorge Calnan--American English
1936 Winter OlympicsWilly Bogner, Sr.--German
1936 Summer OlympicsRudolf Ismayr--German
1948 Winter OlympicsBibi Torriani--Swiss Italian
1948 Summer OlympicsDonald Finlay--English
1952 Winter OlympicsTorbjørn Falkanger--Norwegian
1952 Summer OlympicsHeikki Savolainen--Finnish
1956 Winter OlympicsGiuliana Minuzzo--Italian
1956 Summer OlympicsJohn Landy (Melbourne)
Henri Saint Cyr (Stockholm)
1960 Winter OlympicsCarol Heiss--American English
1960 Summer OlympicsAdolfo Consolini--Italian
1964 Winter OlympicsPaul Aste--Austrian German
1964 Summer OlympicsTakashi Ono--Japanese
1968 Winter OlympicsLéo Lacroix--French
1968 Summer OlympicsPablo Garrido--Mexican Spanish
1972 Winter OlympicsKeiichi SuzukiFumio Asaki-Japanese
1972 Summer OlympicsHeidi SchüllerHeinz Pollay-German
1976 Winter OlympicsWerner Delle KarthWilly Köstinger-Austrian German
1976 Summer OlympicsPierre St.-JeanMaurice Fauget-Canadian French (St.-Jean), Canadian English (Fauget)
1980 Winter OlympicsEric HeidenTerry McDermott-American English
1980 Summer OlympicsNikolai AndrianovAlexander Medved-Russian
1984 Winter OlympicsBojan KrižajDragan Perovic-Serbo-Croatian
1984 Summer OlympicsEdwin MosesSharon Weber-American English
1988 Winter OlympicsPierre HarveySuzanna Morrow-Francis-Canadian English
1988 Summer OlympicsHur Jae
Shon Mi-Na
Lee Hak-Rae-Korean
1992 Winter OlympicsSurya BonalyPierre Bornat-French
1992 Summer OlympicsLuis Doreste BlancoEugeni Asensio-Spanish/Catalan
1994 Winter OlympicsVegard UlvangKari Kåring-English (Ulvang), Norwegian (Kåring)
1996 Summer OlympicsTeresa EdwardsHobie Billingsley-American English
1998 Winter OlympicsKenji OgiwaraJunko Hiramatsu-Japanese
2000 Summer OlympicsRechelle HawkesPeter Kerr-Australian English
2002 Winter OlympicsJimmy SheaAllen Church-American English
2004 Summer OlympicsZoi DimoschakiLazaros Voreadis-Greek
2006 Winter OlympicsGiorgio RoccaFabio Bianchetti-Italian
2008 Summer OlympicsZhang Yining[5]Huang Liping[6]-Chinese
2010 Winter OlympicsHayley Wickenheiser[7]Michel Verrault[7]-Canadian English/Canadian French
2012 Summer OlympicsSarah Stevenson[8]Mik Basi[8]Eric Farrell[8]English
2014 Winter OlympicsRuslan ZakharovVyacheslav Vedenin [9]Anastasiya PopovaRussian
2016 Summer OlympicsRobert ScheidtMartinho NobreAdriana SantosBrazilian Portuguese
2018 Winter OlympicsKorean
2020 Summer OlympicsJapanese
2022 Winter OlympicsChinese

See also


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