Characters of ''seaQuest 2032''

This is the complete list of Characters of seaQuest 2032, which was the final season of seaQuest DSV. The series went through significant cast changes after every season it was on the air. This list contains only those characters that were introduced in this season (therefore, does not contain characters who first appeared in the first or second season such as Secretary General Arthur McGath (which is located at List of recurring characters on seaQuest DSV) or Commander Jonathan Ford (which is located at Main characters of seaQuest DSV season 1)).

Third season cast.

Third season main characters

Captain Oliver Hudson

Oliver Hudson
First appearance "Brave New World" (09/20/1995)
Last appearance "Weapons of War" (06/09/1996)
Portrayed by Michael Ironside
Gender Male
Occupation Commanding Officer in the UEO Navy
Title Captain
Spouse(s) Elaine Morse (separated)
Nationality American

Captain Oliver Hudson was the third commanding officer of the seaQuest after Captain Marilyn Stark and Captain Nathan Bridger. Hudson assumed command of the boat in 2032. After the seaQuest mysteriously disappeared off the face of the Earth in 2022, Hudson began a ten-year search for the missing ship and crew while in command of a slow-moving, long-distance hauler, which he believed would give him the best chance of finding it.[1]

Following the rise of the Alliance of Macronesia, Hudson considered retirement, however, the UEO offered him triple the pay and command of any boat he wanted. Unfortunately, the only boat he really wanted to command was seaQuest, but, it was still missing. Nevertheless, the UEO ordered the transfer of command of seaQuest from Bridger to Hudson should the boat ever be discovered intact. In the meantime, due to the rising escalation of hostility between the UEO and Macronesia, Hudson diverted much of his attention to slowing the expansion of power and territory of the Macronesian President, Alexander Borune. Hudson studied his enemy in Bourne and knew of both his public and personal life.

When seaQuest was discovered in an Iowa cornfield in 2032, the transfer of command took place and Hudson took his place on the bridge of the ship. Initially, Hudson butted heads with many crewmembers, first being Lucas Wolenczak, who was forced to enlist in the UEO navy in order to stay on seaQuest. Wolenczak, however, was able to impress Hudson over the course of his duty by being a competent and reliable science officer. Commander Ford was next to clash with Hudson, however, it was soon realized that Hudson was simply testing Ford to see how well his new executive officer could perform his duty. Hudson also positively affected the lives of Tony Piccolo and Dagwood, both of whom sought to advance their careers in the UEO. Hudson took a shine to Piccolo in particular, by ordering him to read his copy of The Red Badge of Courage in order to, not only learn about duty and honor, but, also to help him overcome his dyslexia. As a result, Piccolo soon trained to be a sub-fighter pilot as well as studying to be a lieutenant. Lieutenant J.J. Fredericks, who joined seaQuest along with Hudson, was also considered by the captain to be "his best student."[2]

However, while Hudson may have positively affected several crewmembers, he was not overly fond of Lieutenant JG Tim O'Neill, who believed Hudson treated him like a child. During an attack on seaQuest's sub-fighters, Hudson physically manhandled O'Neill out of his station when he could not deliver a speedy and efficient answer to Hudson's questions during a crisis.[2] Nevertheless, while Hudson may have found some of O'Neill's choices questionable, he still relied on his extensive knowledge of languages on the bridge.[3]


Hudson was portrayed by actor Michael Ironside and replaced Roy Scheider as the star of the series after Scheider left the series at the end of season two. Hudson appeared in all thirteen episodes of the third and final season. The producers wanted a character different from Bridger, so instead of being the relaxed fatherly figure Hudson had more of a Military personality. Using some unused aspects from Bridgers original character profile in the season 1 writers bible Hudson enlisted in the US Navy as a way of rebelling against his father, the only onscreen evidence of this was an enlisted Good Conduct Medal on his ribbon bar.[4] The aspects concerning his father would have been dealt with had the series not ended, in what would have been the 15th episode of the season, "Depths of Deceit".[5] The reception Hudson received was mixed.

Lieutenant J.J. Fredericks

J.J Fredericks
First appearance "Brave New World" (09/20/1995)
Last appearance "Weapons of War" (06/09/1996)
Portrayed by Elise Neal
Nickname(s) Freddy
Gender Female
Occupation Fighter Pilot
Title Lieutenant
Nationality American

Lieutenant J.J. Fredericks ("Freddie") had served with Captain Hudson aboard the hauler he commanded prior to both of them signing aboard seaQuest. Hudson considered her his best student and believed that she dedicated her whole life to her duty. While training to pilot a Spectre-Demon class subfighter, Fredericks accidentally crashed it, almost drowning in the process. She became extremely fearful of ever piloting it again and since the UEO had invested so much in her training, they convinced her to wear a "psyche-implant"; a device that literally "programmed the scare out of her." The device also gave the UEO 24 hour access to every feeling that she had, but, she was willing to deal with the inherent humiliation in order to become the best subfighter pilot in the UEO. Unfortunately, Larry Deon and President Alexander Bourne were able to gain access to her psyche-implant and reprogrammed it to coerce her to assassinate UEO Secretary General McGath. Thanks to the efforts of Lieutenant Brody and Ensign Wolenczak, Fredericks was able to fight against their programming and McGath's life was saved.

Fredericks had a hand in the subfighter training of Lieutenant Brody and Warrant Officer Piccolo. Unfortunately, during an engagement with a squadron of Chaodai subfighters, Fredericks lost her life when she was fired upon and destroyed. Captain Hudson was deeply affected by her lost and angrily objected when it was suggested that the defecting Lt. Commander Heiko Kimura, formerly of the Chaodai Nation, replace Fredericks aboard seaQuest. However, Secretary General McGath made it an order. Hudson took it upon himself to clean out Fredericks' quarters.


Lieutenant Fredericks was portrayed by actress Elise Neal and appeared in eleven of the thirteen season three episodes. Despite the cancellation of the series, Fredericks was always intended to die in "Weapons of War", as the unproduced episode following it, "In Father's Footsteps", features the character of Kimura. Her first name was not mentioned during her tenure on the show, just the initials "J.J." are visible on her uniform and on her quarters.

Third season recurring characters

Dr. Perry

Dr. Perry
First appearance "Brave New World" (09/20/1995)
Last appearance "Weapons of War" (06/09/1996)
Portrayed by Karen Fraction
Gender Female
Occupation Medical Doctor
Nationality American

When seaQuest returned to Earth in 2032 after mysteriously disappearing ten years earlier, Dr. Wendy Smith was among the casualties suffered in the Hyperion Civil War the seaQuest was forced into in 2022. With no chief medical officer, Dr. Perry signed aboard the ship as Smith's replacement.[2]

During her time on the ship she performed several important tasks that save countless lives. Dr. Perry and Lucas were able to synthesize a cure for a mutated viral strain that threatened the crew of seaQuest.[6] When the ship was thrown back in time to October 1962, Perry attempted to treat a man who had suffered extreme radiation poisoning from nuclear fallout. Unfortunately, the man was so highly radiated that she could not even hold his hand as he died.[7]


Dr. Perry was portrayed by actress Karen Fraction. With the shows shift to more military based story lines the networks desire to reduce the number of main characters the part of Dr. Perry, who was in 8 out of the 13 episodes of the final season, was only credited as a recurring character. Like J.J. Fredericks her first name is unknown. While her rank was never stated, she wore a scientific-style uniform similar to Dr. Westphalen in the first season, unlike Dr. Smith, who never wore a uniform.

Lt. Commander Heiko Kimura

Heiko Kimura
First appearance "Weapons of War" (06/09/1996)
Last appearance "Weapons of War" (06/09/1996)
Portrayed by Julia Nickson
Gender Female
Occupation Fighter Pilot
Title Lieutenant Commander
Nationality Chao Dai

A Chaodai sub fighter pilot that defected to the UEO in 2032 to warn them of the future threat posed by the Chaodai.

She conducted an online relationship with Lt. O'Neill and used him to find the ship and get on board. When Tim confronted her about it later she told him that she didn't feel bad about tricking him, because the Chaodai represented a horror he couldn't imagine, and that he should have been glad to have his fantasy girl for as long as he did. She was willing to give herself up to save the seaQuest when the rest of her squadron tracked her down but she was saved (against her will) by O'Neill, who sent her ship out on autopilot, where the remaining ships immediately destroyed it. When she tried to thank him he was still quite angry and told her he was only doing his duty.[3]


Lt. Commander Kimura was portrayed by actress Julia Nickson. Although only appearing in the final episode, Lt. Commander Kimura would have replaced Lieutenant J.J. Fredericks as the head of the sub fighter pilots assigned to seaQuest, and was scripted to appear in the next, unfilmed seaQuest episode "In Father's Footsteps".

President Alexander Bourne

President Alexander Bourne
First appearance "Brave New World" (09/20/1995)
Last appearance "Spindrift" (11/08/1995)
Portrayed by Michael York
Gender Male
Occupation Confederation Leader
Title President
Nationality Australian

President of the Macronesian Alliance (formerly New Australia), Bourne rose to power during the ten years that seaQuest was missing. The ships in his naval fleet, the Lysander class, were capable of subduction; particle liquefication, which "turns land mass into soup" and allowed him to seize power in half of the Pacific Ocean. Bourne did not agree with the policies and limitations of the UEO and sought any means to discredit and defame them. As a result, and because of several concerns about human rights violations, the UEO imposed a trade embargo against Macronesia, which led to several conflicts between both governments. Many in the UEO believed that it would take a miracle to stop Bourne's rise in power, territory, and influence. When seaQuest seemed to reappear shortly thereafter, they were able to stop Bourne's attempt to annex the Nexus Colony that would have given him access to remainder of the Pacific Ocean, as well as the lives and freedom of hundreds of thousands of people.[2]

When the UEO constitution was up for renewal, Bourne moved to dissolve the UEO. However, without assurance of victory, he conspired with Larry Deon and a Dr. Slaussen to gain control of Lieutenant J.J. Fredericks, a seaQuest crew member's, psyche-implant, which would place her mind under their control. With her to do their bidding, they programmed her to assassinate Secretary General McGath, which would cripple the UEO beyond repair. However, Fredericks was able to resist their mind control and Bourne's plans were thwarted.[8]

When Lieutenant Lonnie Henderson, another seaQuest crewmember, was caught in Macronesian waters attempting to rescue a sinking ship with children aboard (that had been fired on by Macronesian forces), Bourne attempted to use her to humiliate the UEO by breaking her in prison and executing her before the world audience on the trumped-up charge of kidnapping the children she was rescuing. Again, Bourne's plans were ruined by a seaQuest away team who were able to break her free from her cell and return her safely back to the ship.[9]


President Bourne was portrayed by actor Michael York.

General Armand Stassi

Armand Stassi
First appearance "Brave New World" (09/20/1995)
Last appearance "Good Soldiers" (12/20/1995)
Portrayed by Andrew Stahl
Gender Male
Occupation Macronesian Military Leader
Title General
Nationality Australian

Alexander Bourne's right-hand man and the Highest Ranking officer in the Macronesian Military. He was with the President in the attempted take over of the Nexus Colony, which was ultimately thwarted thanks to the return of seaQuest and the help of Nathan Bridger.[2]

In "Chains of Command" a Mad UEO Admiral named Van Alden tried to start a war with the Macronesian Alliance by destroying a Mac submarine rearmament base. The UEO covered up the event and said it was a robot instillation that malfunctioned, since the base was a classified first strike facility located deep in Macronesian territory and sent in Captain Hudson to deal with the situation. Since the Alliance didn't know about the base when they decided to back-track the missile it led to seaQuest, since it was close to the base, since it had orders to destroy the base if Hudson failed. Stassi, believing them responsible for the bases destruction, ordered an attack against seaQuest, although it ultimately evaded the subs and destroyed the base.[10]

When Lonnie Henderson, a seaQuest crewmember, was caught in Macronesian waters attempting to rescue a sinking ship with children aboard, Stassi (who was aboard one of the attacking ships) charged her with kidnapping the children she was rescuing and smuggling. Ultimately Captain Hudson rescued Henderson, although the rescue cost L.t. Brody his life.[8]


General Armand Stassi was portrayed by actor Andrew Stahl. In an unfilmed script, that likely would have been produced had the show not been canceled, Stassi would have been shot after a failed assassination attempt against President Bourne. Stassi was usually shown as being mostly as a patriot, more interested in the good of the Alliance than anything, whereas Bourne was more concerned with his own power and wealth.

Larry Deon

Larry Deon
First appearance "In the Company of Ice and Profit" (09/27/1995)
Last appearance "Brainlock" (01/12/1996)
Portrayed by Tim DeKay
Gender Male
Nationality American

A business tycoon who served as chairman of Deon International, the largest supplier of most of the world's goods and resources. Deon International also operated restaurant chains, military development groups, and major sports franchises, such as the "Deon Demons." Deon, who "sold IBM off at a yard sale when he was 24", sought to conglomerate his empire with the entire world market, making Deon International "the only game in town." As manufacturer of the, allegedly, state of the art Lysander-class subfigher (high speed submersibles capable of engagements at speeds up to 300 knots), Deon International was able to neatly furnish Macronesia with their underwater war machines.

When Deon International's underwater manufacturing raised ocean temperatures causing an iceberg the size of New England to shear off a glacier in the Weddell Sea, Larry placed a group of Macronesian refugees on the iceberg in order to prevent seaQuest from destroying it. If left untouched, the iceberg would have impacted the Saudi Desert, which when melted, would flood the desert, allowing Deon International to purify the run-off and corner the market on the world's first fresh water supply. However, Larry failed to realize that a former member of the ‘'seaQuest’’ crew, Lieutenant Ben Krieg, was leading the refugees. Lucas was able to convince Krieg to order his followers off the iceberg and onto ‘‘seaQuest’’ that could then safely destroy the iceberg.[2]

A major player in the airplane business as well, Deon International attempted to sabotage the revolutionary "OmniPacific", an underwater train that would have drawn business away from Deon's airports. However, thanks to Lucas' efforts, the train was safely brought to a halt and the passengers remained uninjured.[11]

Larry would soon conspire with President Bourne's attempt to assassinate Secretary General McGath in order to abolish the UEO. Captain Hudson was able to stop him and planned to bring him to justice, but before he could say anything, Mason Freeman, Deon's right-hand man, shot him to prevent Larry from incriminating himself or the company. While he was seriously injured, Deon was not killed. He remained in a coma.[9]

Mason Freeman

Mason Freeman
First appearance "In the Company of Ice and Profit" (09/27/1995)
Last appearance "Reunion" (01/28/1996)
Portrayed by Ralph Wilcox
Gender Male
Occupation Hired Gun
Nationality American

Larry Deon's right-hand man, Freeman is more aggressive, ruthless, and in many ways, more cunning than his boss is. Larry ordered him to capture Captain Hudson and hold him hostage to further ensure that an iceberg in the Weddell Sea would not be destroyed by seaQuest. Hudson was able to overpower Freeman, but rather than send him to a UEO prison, he ordered Freeman sent back to Deon, to tell Larry that while he sent his best man, Hudson sent him right back.[2]

Mason was later sent to sabotage the OmniPacific underwater train in order to keep Deon International's air travel services number one in long-distance travelling. Mason's efforts were thorough, but Lucas was able to safely stop the train and save the passengers. Freeman, however, was able to escape.[2]

Apparently not on speaking terms with Larry, Freeman shot his boss after Captain Hudson had arrested him, in order to stop Larry from incriminating Deon International in the plot to assassinate Secretary General McGath. Freeman was immediately arrested and imprisoned.[9]

Freeman, and Jason Pardee, a former love of Lieutenant Henderson, were able to escape prison and held a science team hostage in exchange for their own freedom. Freeman was also able to take Lucas and Henderson prisoner after they were sent over to the science station under the pretense of assistance. Plotting to kill Lucas to send a message to Captain Hudson, Henderson, Lucas, and the science team were able to escape. While Jason Pardee was killed at the hands of Henderson, Freeman seemed to disappear. As the seaQuest futility tries to find him, he happily rolls along the ocean floor in an underwater tank, singing to himself in contentment.[12]


Mason Freeman was portrayed by actor Ralph Wilcox. He had previously appeared in the season two episode "When We Dead Awaken" as a hired killer who tried to kill Alison Brody, the mother of Lieutenant James Brody. Whether or not they were intended to be the same character was never stated, although they had a similar attitude/personality.


  1. seaQuest episode 301: Brave New World
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 seaQuest episode 302: In the Company of Ice and Profit
  3. 1 2 seaQuest episode 313: Weapons of War
  4. seaQuest 2032 Writers Bible
  5. "Depths of Deceit" unfilmed 15th episode script
  6. seaQuest episode 307: Brave New World
  7. seaQuest episode 310: Second Chance
  8. 1 2 seaQuest episode 306: SpinDrift
  9. 1 2 3 seaQuest episode 311: Brainlock
  10. seaQuest episode 305: Chains of Command
  11. seaQuest episode 304: Destination Terminal
  12. seaQuest episode 312: Reunion
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