Oligogalacturonate-specific porin

Symbol KdgM
Pfam PF06178
Pfam clan CL0193
InterPro IPR009331
TCDB 1.B.35
OPM superfamily 229
OPM protein 2wjr

Oligogalacturonate-specific porins (KdgM) are a family of outer bacterial membrane proteins from Dickeya dadantii. The phytopathogenic Gram-negative bacteria D. dadantii secretes pectinases, which are able to degrade the pectic polymers of plant cell walls, and uses the degradation products as a carbon source for growth. Synthesis of KdgM is strongly induced in the presence of pectic derivatives. KdgM behaves like a voltage-dependent porin that is slightly selective for anions and that exhibits fast block in the presence of trigalacturonate. KdgM seems to be monomeric.[1]


  1. Blot N, Berrier C, Hugouvieux-Cotte-Pattat N, Ghazi A, Condemine G (March 2002). "The oligogalacturonate-specific porin KdgM of Erwinia chrysanthemi belongs to a new porin family". J. Biol. Chem. 277 (10): 7936–44. PMID 11773048. doi:10.1074/jbc.M109193200.

This article incorporates text from the public domain Pfam and InterPro IPR009331

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