Old Lutheran Church

The Old Lutheran Church an orthodox Lutheran Church holding to the teachings of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession (UAC). The Old Lutheran Church is both evangelical (proclaiming the free forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus Christ) and sacramental (centering its spiritual life in the regenerating waters of baptism and the Real Presence of Christ in Holy Communion).

The Old Lutheran Church is strongly grounded on Scripture and worship service features both strong preaching and the historic liturgy. As a historical church with a rich spiritual tradition, without legalism, the Old Lutheran Church has some of the best parts of Protestantism and the best parts of Catholicism.

Old Lutheran Churches emphasizing the historic liturgy, chanting the service, signing themselves with the Holy Cross, and have even reinstituted the ancient Lutheran practice of private confession and absolution.

The mission of the Old Lutheran Church is to make known to all people everywhere God's call to wholeness through forgiveness and holiness in Jesus Christ, and to invite into membership and equip for ministry all who respond in faith.

The Old Lutheran Church teaches that the Bible is the only authoritative source for doctrine. It subscribes to the Unaltered Augsburg Confession as accurate presentations of what Scripture teaches, that Jesus is the center of Scripture and the only way to eternal salvation, and that the Holy Spirit uses the gospel alone in Word and Sacraments (Baptism and Holy Communion) to bring people to faith in Jesus as Savior and keep them in that faith, strengthening them in their daily life of sanctification.

Relationship with other church bodies

Maintaining its position as an orthodox Lutheran church emphasizing the importance of full agreement in the teachings of the Bible, the OLC is not associated with ecumenical organizations such as the National Council of Churches, the National Association of Evangelicals, the World Council of Churches or the Lutheran World Federation.

See also

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