Octave celebration

The Octave is one of Luxembourg's major annual religious celebrations.[1] It takes starts on the 3rd Sunday after Easter and closes with the Octave Procession on the 5th Sunday after Easter. It honours Our Lady of Luxembourg, Maria Mutter Jesu, Consolatrix Afflictorum, Patrona Civitatis et Patriae Luxemburgensis.


The political, social and religious environment at the beginning of the Octave was characterised by the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) and the years of the Plague (1626-1636): two thirds of the population died of the latter. This time of crisis was marked by war and famine.

At the same time, the Jesuit mission had a clear goal: through an attractive popular religiousness, the Catholic faith should be strengthened in the spirit of the Counter-Reformation of the Council of Trent (1545-1563), to prevent the spread of Protestantism.

Election of Mary as patroness

The text of the election act of Mary as patroness of the country on 20 February 1678 was as follows:

Sainte Marie mere de JESUS Consolatrice des affliges, nous les trois Estats du Pays Dûche de Luxembourg et Comte de Chiny avec tous les habitans du Pays Vous choisisons aujourdhuy e mes nom et celuy de nos successeurs pour dame et patrone perpetuele de toute la Province, et professions fermement de vous honorer toujours pour tele. Cepourquoy nous vous supplions tres humblement de nous recevoir en vostre protection et de nous assister au temps de guerre, peste et famine et en toutes nos necessites et duersites. Amen


"Holy Mary, mother of Jesus, Comforter of the afflicted, we the three Estates of the Country Duchy of Luxembourg and County of Chiny with all the inhabitants of the Country choose You in our names and those of our successors, as lady and patroness perpetual of all the Province, and profess firmly to honour always. That is why we beg you very humbly to take us into your protection and to assist us in time of war, pestilence and famine and in all our needs and varieties. Amen."

The text was signed in the Jesuit church by the three estates (clergy, nobility and citizens of the towns), and by the magistrates of the 15 cities and the three "Franchises" of the Duchy of Luxembourg.

Thus the Virgin Mary Octave took on a national character. In World War II, it also took on a patriotic meaning, and to this day belongs to the religious identity of Luxembourg.


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