OECD Development Centre

OECD Development Centre
Secretariat Paris, France
Membership 52 member states
Mario Pezzini[1]
Establishment 1961

The OECD Development Centre was established in 1961 as an independent platform for knowledge sharing and policy dialogue between Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development member countries and developing economies, allowing these countries to interact on an equal footing.

Today, 35 OECD countries and 25 non-OECD countries are members of the Centre. The Centre draws attention to emerging systemic issues likely to affect global development and more specific development challenges faced by today’s developing and emerging economies. It uses evidence-based analysis, and strategic partnerships, to help countries formulate innovative policy solutions to the global challenges of development.

Membership of the Development Centre

The Development Centre of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development was established in 1961 and comprises 35 member countries of the OECD: Belgium, Chile, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. In addition, 25 non-OECD countries are full members of the Development Centre: Brazil (since March 1994); India (February 2001); Romania (October 2004); Thailand (March 2005); South Africa (May 2006); Egypt and Viet Nam (March 2008); Colombia (July 2008); Indonesia (February 2009); Costa Rica, Mauritius, Morocco and Peru (March 2009); the Dominican Republic (November 2009); Senegal (February 2011); Argentina and Cabo Verde (March 2011); Panama (July 2013); Côte d'Ivoire, Kazakhstan and Tunisia (January 2015); the People’s Republic of China (July 2015); Ghana and Uruguay (October 2015). The European Union also takes part in the work of the Centre. Member countries not listed below but should be included: Canada and the United States of America.

Member states[2]

Participating OECD members: Belgium, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.

Participating non-OECD members: Argentina, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Mauritius, Morocco, Panama, Peru, Romania, Senegal, South Africa, Thailand, Uruguay, Viet Nam.

Non-participating OECD members: Australia, Estonia, Hungary, Japan, and New Zealand.

The OECD Development Centre´s activities

For an inclusive membership strategy the Development Centre offers tools for engagement for countries in different regions and stages of development to debate appropriate policy options with development partners and stakeholders, including traditional and new actors from the public and private sector:

Policy dialogue and knowledge-sharing

- OECD Network for Policy dialogue on Natural-resource Driven Development, and
- OECD Network for Policy Dialogue on Global Value Chains (GVC-NET)
- Network of Multinationals: Emerging markets network (EmNet)
- Network of Foundations working on development (netFWD)
- Network of Think Tanks: Development Finance Network (DeFiNe)
- Network of Heads of Communication and Information in DAC Development Agencies to share good practices and engage in peer learning and on how effectively to raise public awareness and communicate about development cooperation (DevCom).

Cross sectoral analysis

Global, regional and country analysis

- African Economic Outlook
- Latin American Economic Outlook
- Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India

Statistics and indicators:

See also

OECD Better Life Index


Social Media. The Development Centre is active on numerous social networks such as:

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