United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories

UN General Assembly
Resolution 66 (I)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/66 (I) dated 14 January 1946
Date 14 December 1946
Meeting no. Sixty fourth
Code A/RES/66(1) (Document)
Subject Transmission of information under Article 73e of the Charter [relating to non-self-governing territories]
Result Adopted

The United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories is a list of places that the United Nations General Assembly deems to be "non-self-governing" and subject to the decolonization process. Chapter XI of the United Nations Charter embodies a "Declaration on Non-Self-Governing Territories" which declares that the interests of the occupants of dependent territories are paramount and requires member states of the United Nations in control of non-self-governing territories to submit annual information reports concerning the development of those territories. Since 1946, the General Assembly has maintained a list of non-self governing territories under member states' control. Since its inception, dozens of territories have been removed from the list, typically when they attained independence or internal self-government, while other territories have been added as new administering countries joined the United Nations or the General Assembly reassessed the status of certain territories.


The United Nations Charter contains a Declaration Concerning Non-Self-Governing Territories.[1] In Article 73e of the Charter, member States agree to report to the United Nations annually on the development of non-self-governing territories under their control. The initial List of Non-Self-Governing Territories was created by compiling lists of dependent territories submitted by the administering States themselves. In several instances, administering States were later allowed to remove dependent territories from the list, either unilaterally (as in the case of many French overseas departments and territories), or by vote of the General Assembly (as in the cases of Puerto Rico, Greenland, the Netherlands Antilles, and Suriname).

Map of territories on the United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories.

The list draws its origins from the period of colonialism and the Charter's concept of non-self-governing territories. As an increasing number of formerly colonized countries became UN members, the General Assembly increasingly asserted its authority to place additional territories on the List and repeatedly declared that only the General Assembly had the authority to authorize a territory's being removed from the list upon attainment of any status other than full independence. For example, when Portugal joined the United Nations, it contended that it controlled no non-self-governing territories (because areas such as Angola and Mozambique were purported to be an integral part of the Portuguese state), but the General Assembly rejected this position. Similarly, Western Sahara was added in 1963 when it was a Spanish colony. The same can be said about the situation of Namibia (removed upon its independence in 1990), which was seen, due to its former status as a League of Nations mandate territory, as a vestige of German colonial legacy in Africa. A set of criteria for determining whether a territory is to be considered "non-self-governing" was established in General Assembly Resolution 1541 (XV) of 1960.

Administering powers of Non-Self-Governing Territories:
  State currently in control of territories on the list
  State formerly in control of territories on the list
  Special case

Also in 1960, the General Assembly adopted Resolution 1514 (XV), promulgating the "Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples", which declared that all remaining non-self-governing territories and trust territories were entitled to self-determination and independence. The following year, the General Assembly established the Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (sometimes referred to as the Special Committee on Decolonization, or the "Committee of 24" because for much of its history the committee was composed of 24 members), which reviews the situation in non-self-governing territories each year and reports to the General Assembly.

Resolutions adopted










The list remains controversial for various reasons:


One reason for controversy is that the list includes some dependencies that have democratically chosen to maintain their current status, or have had referenda in which an insufficient percentage of the population vote for a change of status, or in some cases (such as United States Virgin Islands) simply had an insufficient number of voters participate.

Gibraltar is a prime example of resident desires to remain with the status quo. Gibraltar, a largely self-governing British territory on the tip of the Iberian Peninsula whose territory is claimed by Spain, has twice held a referendum to resolve its status. In the first referendum, held in 1967, the choices in the ballot were either to retain their current status or to become part of Spain. The status quo was favoured by 12,138 votes to 44. In the second referendum, held in 2002, a proposal for a joint British-Spanish administration of the territory was proposed, and was voted down by 17,900 votes to 187 – the "no" vote accounting for more than 85% of Gibraltar's entire voting population.[6] Neither of the referenda, however, gained recognition from the UN, with the 1967 referendum being declared to be in contravention of previous UN resolutions.[7]

The territory of Tokelau divides political opinion in New Zealand.[8] In response to attempts at decolonizing Tokelau, New Zealand journalist Michael Field wrote in 2004: "The UN ... is anxious to rid the world of the last remaining vestiges of colonialism by the end of the decade. It has a list of 16 territories around the world, virtually none of which wants to be independent to any degree."[9] Field further notes that Patuki Isaako, who was head of Tokelau's government at the time of a UN seminar on decolonization in 2004, informed the United Nations that his country had no wish to be decolonized, and that Tokelauans had opposed the idea of decolonization ever since the first visit by UN officials in 1976.

In 2006, a UN-supervised referendum on decolonization was held in Tokelau, where 60.07% of voters supported the offer of self-government. However, the terms of the referendum required a two-thirds majority to vote in favor of self-government. A second referendum was held in 2007, in which 64.40% of Tokelauans supported self-government, falling short of the two-thirds majority by 16 votes. This led New Zealand politician and former diplomat John Hayes, on behalf of the National Party, to state that "Tokelau did the right thing to resist pressure from [the New Zealand government] and the United Nations to pursue self-government".[10] In May 2008, the United Nations' Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged colonial powers "to complete the decolonization process in every one of the remaining 16 Non-Self-Governing Territories".[11] This led the New Zealand Herald to comment that the United Nations was "apparently frustrated by two failed attempts to get Tokelau to vote for independence from New Zealand".[12]

In March 2013, the autonomous government of the Falkland Islands organised a referendum as to whether the territory should remain a British Overseas Territory. With a 92% turnout, 99.8% of Falkland Islanders voted to maintain that status; only three islanders favoured changing it.[13]


A lack of population and landmass is an issue for at least one territory included on the list: the British overseas territory Pitcairn Islands. With a total population of 49 and a total area of 47 km2 (18.1 sq mi), it is too small to be realistically viable as an independent state. Four other territories—Tokelau, Montserrat, the Falkland Islands and Saint Helena—are less populous than any UN member state presently.

In addition, some territories are financially dependent on their administering state.

Completely autonomous dependencies

  Currently listed territories
  Formerly listed territories

Another criticism is that a number of the listed territories, such as Bermuda (see Politics of Bermuda), Falkland Islands[14] and Gibraltar,[15][16][17][18] consider themselves completely autonomous and self-governing, with the "administering power" retaining limited oversight over matters such as defence and diplomacy. In past years, there were ongoing disputes between some administering powers and the Decolonization Committee over whether territories such as pre-independence Brunei and the West Indies Associated States should still be considered "non-self-governing", particularly in instances where the administering country was prepared to grant full independence whenever the territory requested it. These disputes became moot as those territories eventually received full independence.

Removed under other circumstances

Territories that have achieved a status described by the administering countries as internally self-governing – such as Puerto Rico, the Netherlands Antilles, and the Cook Islands – have been removed from the list by vote of the General Assembly, often under pressure of the administering countries. In 1972, for example, Hong Kong (then administered by the United Kingdom) and Macau (then administered by Portugal) were removed from the list at the request of the People's Republic of China, which had just been recognized as holding China's seat at the United Nations.[19]

Some territories that have been annexed and incorporated into the legal framework of the controlling state (such as the overseas departments of France) are considered by the UN to have been decolonized, since they then no longer constitute "non-self-governing" entities; their populations are assumed to have agreed to merge with the former parent state. However, in 1961, the General Assembly voted to end this treatment for the "overseas provinces" of Portugal such as Angola and Mozambique, which were active foci of United Nations attention until they attained independence in the mid-1970s.

Change of status

On 2 December 1986, New Caledonia, an overseas territory of France, was reinstated on the list of non-self-governing territories, an action to which France objected. Within France it has had the status of a collectivité sui generis, or a one-of-a-kind community, since 1999. Under the 1998 Nouméa Accord, its Territorial Congress has the right to call for a referendum on independence between 2014 and 2018.

French Polynesia was also reinstated on the list on 17 May 2013, in somewhat contentious circumstances. Having been re-elected President of French Polynesia in 2011 (the territory being largely self-governing), Oscar Temaru asked for it to be re-inscribed on the list; it had been removed in 1947. (French Polynesia is categorised by France as an overseas country, in recognition of its self-governing status.) On 5 May 2013, Temaru's Union for Democracy party lost the legislative election to Gaston Flosse's pro-autonomy but anti-independence Tahoera'a Huiraatira party. At this stage, the United Nations General Assembly was due to discuss French Polynesia's re-inscription on the list twelve days later, in accordance with a motion tabled by the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Nauru. On 16 May, the Assembly of French Polynesia, with its new anti-independence majority, adopted a motion asking the United Nations not to restore the country to the list. On 17 May, despite French Polynesia's opposition, and France's, the country was restored to the list of Non-Self-Governing Territories. Temaru was present for the vote, on the final day of his mandate as President. The United Nations affirmed "the inalienable right of the people of French Polynesia to self-determination and independence".[20][21]

List not complete

Also controversial are the criteria set down in 1960 to 1961 by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV),[22] United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1541 (XV), Principle 12 of the Annex,[23] and United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1654 (XVI)[24] which only focused on colonies of the Western world, namely Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This list of administering states was not expanded afterwards.[25]

Nevertheless, some of the 111 members who joined the UN after 1960 gained independence from countries not covered by Resolution 1541 and were themselves not classified as "Non-Self-Governing Territories" by the UN. Of these that joined the UN between 1960 and 2008, 11 were independent before 1960 and 71 were included on the list (some as a group). Twenty new UN countries resulted from breakup of Second World states: six were part of Yugoslavia, two were part of Czechoslovakia, and 12 were part of the Soviet Union (Ukraine and Belarus already had UN seats before the dissolution of the USSR, whose seat was reused by the Russian Federation without acceding anew). Out of the other nine, seven (mostly Arab) were colonies or protectorates of the "Western" countries, and one each was a non-self-governing part of Ethiopia (later independent Eritrea) and Pakistan (East Pakistan, later independent Bangladesh). Territories like Tibet (administered by China) and Siberia (or parts thereof; administered by the Soviet Union, later by Russia) have never been on the list.

Current entries

The following territories are currently included on the list.[26]

Continent Name Administering state Domestic legal status Other claimant(s) Population Area See also
Oceania  American Samoa  United States Unincorporated unorganized territory None 55,519 200 km2 (77 mi2) Politics of American Samoa
North America  Anguilla  United Kingdom Overseas territory 14,108 96 km2 (37 mi2) Politics of Anguilla
 Bermuda 62,000 57 km2 (22 mi2) Politics of Bermuda
 British Virgin Islands 28,103 153 km2 (59 mi2) Politics of the British Virgin Islands
 Cayman Islands 55,500 264 km2 (102 mi2) Foreign relations of the Cayman Islands
South America  Falkland Islands  Argentina 2,500 12,173 km2 (4,700 mi2) Sovereignty of the Falkland Islands
Oceania  French Polynesia[upper-alpha 1]  France Overseas collectivity None 271,000 4,000 km2 (1,544 mi2) Politics of French Polynesia
Europe  Gibraltar  United Kingdom Overseas territory  Spain 29,752 6 km2 (2 mi2) Disputed status of Gibraltar
Oceania  Guam  United States Unincorporated organized territory None 159,358 540 km2 (208 mi2) Politics of Guam
North America  Montserrat  United Kingdom Overseas territory 5,000 103 km2 (40 mi2) Government of Montserrat
Oceania  New Caledonia  France Special collectivity 252,000 18,575 km2 (7,172 mi2) Politics of New Caledonia
 Pitcairn Islands  United Kingdom Overseas territory 50 36 km2 (14 mi2) Politics of the Pitcairn Islands
Africa  Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha 5,396 310 km2 (120 mi2) Politics of Saint Helena
Oceania  Tokelau  New Zealand Territory 1,411 12 km2 (5 mi2) Politics of Tokelau
North America  Turks and Caicos Islands  United Kingdom Overseas territory 31,458 948 km2 (366 mi2) Politics of the Turks and Caicos Islands
 United States Virgin Islands  United States Unincorporated organized territory 106,405 352 km2 (136 mi2) Politics of the United States Virgin Islands
Africa Western Sahara[upper-alpha 2]  Morocco (de facto) /
 Spain (de jure)
Disputed  Morocco /
 Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
531,000 266,000 km2 (102,703 mi2) Political status of Western Sahara
  1. On 18 May 2013, the United Nations General Assembly voted to place French Polynesia back on the list.[27]
  2. Formerly the Spanish Sahara up to 1976, disputed[28] between Morocco, who controls 80% of the territory and administers it as an integral part of its national territory, and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, who controls and administers the remaining 20% as the "Liberated territories". The UN however still considers Spain to be the administrating state of the whole territory,[29] awaiting the outcome of the ongoing Manhasset negotiations and resulting election to be overseen by the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara.

Former entries

The following territories were originally listed by UN General Assembly Resolution 66 (I) of 14 December 1946 as Trust and Non-Self-Governing territory. The dates show the year of independence or other change in a territory's status which led to their removal from the list,[30] after which information was no longer submitted to the United Nations.[31]

Change in status by administrating state

Continent Name[31] Change in status[31] Current status Administering state[31] Population Area / km2 Area / mi2 Year of removal[31] See also
North America  Greenland Incorporated into Denmark as Greenland County (1953). Gained home rule as a Country within the Kingdom of Denmark (1979). Increased autonomy (2009). Country within the Kingdom of Denmark[32][33]  Denmark 57,564 2,166,086 836,330 1954 Politics of Greenland
 Saint Pierre and Miquelon Became an overseas territory Overseas collectivity of France  France 7,044 242 93 1947 Politics of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
 Guadeloupe Became an overseas department Overseas department of Guadeloupe and overseas collectivities of Saint-Barthelemy and Saint-Martin of France 408,000 1,628 629 Politics of Guadeloupe
Asia  British Hong Kong Removed from the list on request of China[19] Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong of the People's Republic of China) (since 1 July 1997)  United Kingdom 7,018,636 1,092 422 1972 Politics of Hong Kong
Portugal Portuguese Macau Removed from the list on request of China[19] Special Administrative Region of Macau of the People's Republic of China) (since 20 December 1999)  Portugal 545,674 28 11 Politics of Macau
North America  Martinique Became an overseas department Overseas department of France  France 401,000 1,128 436 1947 Politics of Martinique
 Netherlands Antilles Granted more autonomy Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten are constituent countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the other remaining islands are special municipalities of the Netherlands.  Netherlands 225,369 960 371 1951 Politics of the Netherlands Antilles
 Puerto Rico Became a Commonwealth Commonwealth of the United States  United States 3,958,128 8,870 3,420 1952 Political status of Puerto Rico
Asia  Cocos (Keeling) Islands Voted to integrate into Australia External territory of Australia  Australia 596 14 5 1984 Shire of Cocos
Africa  Réunion Became an overseas department Overseas department of France  France 793,000 2,512 970 1947 Politics of Réunion
North America  Alaska Granted Statehood 49th State of the United States  United States 683,478 1,700,130 656,424 1959 Legal status of Alaska
 Panama Canal Zone Removed from the list on request of Panama Part of Colón and Panamá provinces of Panama 1947 Politics of Panama
Oceania  Cook Islands Gained self-rule Free association with New Zealand  New Zealand 12,271 237 92 1965 Politics of the Cook Islands
 French Polynesia [lower-alpha 1] Became an overseas territory French Polynesia and Wallis and Futuna overseas collectivities of France  France 298,256 4,441 1,715 1947 Politics of French Polynesia and Wallis and Futuna
 Hawaii Granted Statehood 50th State of the United States  United States 1,283,388 28,311 10,931 1959 Legal status of Hawaii
 Northern Mariana Islands Became a commonwealth commonwealth of the United States 53,883 168 65 1990
 New Caledonia[lower-alpha 2] Became an overseas territory Special Collectivity of France  France 224,824 19,060 7,359 1947 Politics of New Caledonia
 Niue Gained self-rule Free association with New Zealand  New Zealand 1,444 260 100 1974 Politics of Niue
South America  French Guiana Became an overseas department Overseas department of France  France 209,000 83,534 32,253 1947 Politics of French Guiana

Joined another state

Continent Non-Self-Governing Territory[31] State joined[31] Current status Administering state Population Area / km2 Area / mi2 Year of removal[31] See also
Africa British Cameroons Northern Cameroons joined Nigeria
Southern Cameroons joined Cameroon
Adamawa and Taraba states of Nigeria, Northwest and Southwest provinces of Cameroon  United Kingdom 1961 Politics of Nigeria
Politics of Cameroon
United Kingdom British Togoland Joined British Gold Coast colony Volta, Northern and Upper East Region of Ghana 1957 Foreign relations of Ghana
Asia North Borneo Incorporated into Malaya to form Malaysia[34][35] Malaysian state of Sabah and the federal territory of Labuan. 285,000 76,115 29,388 1963 Malaysia Agreement
France French India Annexed by India Puducherry union territory and Chandannagar of West Bengal state of India  France 973,829 492 190 1947 Puducherry Legislative Assembly
 Netherlands New Guinea Annexed by Indonesia as Irian Jaya Papua and West Papua provinces of Indonesia  Netherlands 420,540 162,371 1963 Act of Free Choice
Africa Spain Ifni Integrated into Morocco Sidi Ifni Province, Souss-Massa-Drâa region, Morocco  Spain 51,517 1,502 580 1969 Politics of Morocco
Asia  Portuguese India Annexed by India The Indian state of Goa and the union territories of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and of Daman and Diu  Portugal 1961
Africa Portugal São João Batista de Ajuda Integrated into the Republic of Dahomey (now Benin) Ouidah commune, Atlantique department, Benin Politics of Benin


Continent Non-Self-Governing Territory[31] Status
(Independent as)[31]
Administering state Population Area / km2 Area / mi2 Year of removal[31] See also
Asia Colony of Aden Aden Protectorate  South Yemen  United Kingdom 285,192 111,013 1967
 French Indochina North Vietnam Democratic Republic of Vietnam  France 1945
South Vietnam State of Vietnam 1949
 Kingdom of Laos
Cambodia Cambodia 1953
Africa  Portuguese Angola Angola Angola  Portugal 1,246,700 481,354 1975 Including the enclave of Cabinda
Basutoland  Lesotho  United Kingdom 30,355 12,727 1966
 Bechuanaland Protectorate  Botswana
France French Algeria  Algeria  France 1962
 Belgian Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo Congo Léopoldville  Belgium 16,610,000[36] 2,344,858 905,355 1960
 British Somaliland Somalia State of Somaliland  United Kingdom Joined the Trust Territory of Somalia within a week to form Somalia
 Spanish Guinea  Equatorial Guinea  Spain 28,051 10,828 1968
France French Cameroun  Cameroon  France 1960 Trust Territory
Togo French Togoland  Togo
Gambia Colony and Protectorate  The Gambia  United Kingdom 10,380 4,007 1965
 Gold Coast  Ghana 1957
 French Equatorial Africa France French Chad  Chad  France 1960
France French Gabon  Gabon
France French Congo  Republic of the Congo
France Ubangi Shari  Central African Republic
Trust Territory of Somaliland  Somalia  Italy Joined the State of Somaliland to form Somalia
Kenya Colony of Kenya  Kenya  United Kingdom 1963 Formed by the unification of the Colony of Kenya and the Kenya Protectorate
 Sultanate of Zanzibar Protectorate of Kenya.Formed by the unification of the Colony of Kenya and the Kenya Protectorate.Under Zanzibari sovereignty, administered by the UK[37]
Morocco French protectorate of Morocco  Morocco  France 1956
 Portuguese Mozambique  Mozambique  Portugal 7,300,000[38] 784,955 303,073 1975
Nigeria British Nigeria  Nigeria  United Kingdom 1960
 Northern Rhodesia  Zambia 3,545,200[39] 752,618 290,587 1964
 Nyasaland  Malawi 752,618 290,587
 Portuguese Guinea  Guinea-Bissau  Portugal 36,125 13,948 1974
Belgium Ruanda-Urundi  Burundi  Belgium 1962
Portugal Portuguese São Tomé and Príncipe  São Tomé and Príncipe  Portugal 1,001 372 1975
Sierra Leone  Sierra Leone  United Kingdom 71,740 27,699 1961
 French Somaliland  Djibouti  France 200,000[40] 23,200 8,958 1977
 Southern Rhodesia  Zimbabwe  United Kingdom 6,930,000[41] 390,580 150,804 1980
Swaziland  Swaziland 17,364 6,704 1968
Tanganyika  Tanganyika 1963 Trust Territory.Later joined with the People's Republic of Zanzibar and Pemba to form the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, now Tanzania
Oceania  Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands  Marshall Islands  United States 68,000 180 70 1990 An independent state in free association with the United States
 Federated States of Micronesia 111,000 702 271
 Palau 20,956 459 177 1994
Africa French Tunisia  Tunisia  France 163,610 63,170 1956
Uganda Uganda Protectorate  Uganda  United Kingdom 1962
 French West Africa France French Dahomey  Dahomey  France 1960
France French Guinea  Guinea 1958
 French Sudan  Mali 1960
 Ivory Coast
France Colony of Niger  Upper Volta
South Africa South West Africa  Namibia  South Africa 2,088,669 825,418 318,696 1990 Foreign relations of Namibia
 Zanzibar People's Republic of Zanzibar and Pemba  United Kingdom 2,643 1,020 1963 Later joined with the Republic of Tanganyika to form the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, now Tanzania
North America  Bahamas  The Bahamas 13,878 5,358 1973
Africa  Portuguese Cape Verde  Cape Verde  Portugal 4,033 1,557 1975
Europe Cyprus British Cyprus  Cyprus  United Kingdom 9,251 3,572 1960
Malta Colony of Malta  Malta 316 121 1964
North America  Barbados  Barbados 431 167 1966
 British Leeward Islands Antigua  Antigua and Barbuda 1981
 Saint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla  St. Kitts and Nevis 1983 separated from Anguilla, which is still a non-self-governing territory
Jamaica Colony of Jamaica  Jamaica 11,100 4,444 1962
 Trinidad and Tobago  Trinidad and Tobago 5,128 1,978
 British Windward Islands  Dominica 1978
 Grenada 1974
 St. Lucia 1979
 St. Vincent and the Grenadines
 British Honduras  Belize 145,000[42] 22,966 8,867 1981
Asia Indonesia Indonesian East Timor  East Timor  Indonesia 688,711 15,007 5,794 2002 Politics of East Timor
Africa France French Madagascar  Madagascar  France 1960
 Comoros 1975
Mauritius British Mauritius  Mauritius  United Kingdom 2,040 787 1968
Asia  Dutch East Indies  Indonesia  Netherlands 1950
Africa  Seychelles  Seychelles  United Kingdom 451 174 1976
Asia Federation of South Arabia  South Yemen 1967
 Brunei  Brunei Darussalam 5,765 2,226 1984
 Malayan Union  Federation of Malaya [34][35] 132,364 51,106 1957 Later became Malaysia
Singapore Singapore 4,608,167 693 268 1963 Singapore briefly joined Malaysia incorporated into Malaya to form a state of Malaysia in 1963
SingaporeMalaysia Singapore  Singapore [35]  Malaysia 4,608,167 693 268 1965 Regained independence in 1965.
Oceania Fiji Fiji Islands  Fiji  United Kingdom 1970
 Gilbert and Ellice Islands  Kiribati 1979
 Tuvalu 1978
Trust Territory of Nauru  Nauru  Australia 21 8 1968
 New Hebrides  Vanuatu United KingdomFrance Anglo-French Condominium 100,000[43] 12,189 4,706 1980
Territory of Papua and New Guinea  Papua New Guinea  Australia 1975
Solomon Islands British Solomon Islands  Solomon Islands  United Kingdom 28,896 11,157 1978
Western Samoa Trust Territory  Western Samoa  New Zealand 1962
South America  Dutch Guiana  Suriname  Netherlands 475,996 163,270 63,039 1951 Politics of Suriname
 British Guiana  Guyana  United Kingdom 1966
Asia Colony of Sarawak  Sarawak 124,450 48,050 1963 Later Incorporated into Malaya to form a state of Malaysia[34][35]

See also


  1. "The Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples". United Nations Treaty Collection. Retrieved 18 October 2011.
  2. United Nations General Assembly Resolution 64(I)
  3. United Nations General Assembly Resolution 66(I)
  4. UN Treaty Collection: International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
  5. UN Treaty Collection: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
  6. "Q&A: Gibraltar's referendum". BBC News. 8 November 2002. Retrieved 25 November 2011.
  7. "Resolution 2353" (PDF). UN. 19 December 1967. Archived from the original (PDF) on 18 August 2013. Retrieved 28 September 2012.
  8. see http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/election-2011/policies/7
  9. "Tokelau wonders 'What have we done wrong?'", Michael Field, AFP, 2 June 2004
  10. "Congratulations Tokelau", National Party press release, 26 October 2007
  11. "Colonialism has no place in today's world," says Secretary General in message to Decolonization Seminar in Indonesia". United Nations press release, 14 May 2008
  12. "Tokelau decolonisation high on agenda". The New Zealand Herald. NZPA. 17 May 2008. Retrieved 25 November 2011.
  13. "Falklands referendum: Voters choose to remain UK territory", BBC News, 12 March 2013
  14. "New Year begins with a new Constitution for the Falklands". MercoPress. 1 January 2009. Retrieved 9 July 2013.
  15. Parliament.uk, UK House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee 2007–2008 Report, pg 16
  16. Telegraph.co.uk, David Blair, Gibraltar makes plans for self-government, Daily Telegraph, 28 February 2002 "GIBRALTAR'S parliament approved an ambitious package of constitutional reform yesterday designed to give the colony almost complete self-government."
  17. "Gibraltar". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 18 August 2009. Gibraltar is an overseas territory of the United Kingdom and is self-governing in all matters but defence.
  18. "Laws of Gibraltar – On-line Service". Gibraltarlaws.gov.gi. Retrieved 13 May 2011.
  19. 1 2 3 Carroll, John M. (2007). A Concise History of Hong Kong. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. p. 176.
  20. "Tahiti assembly votes against UN decolonisation bid", Radio New Zealand International, 17 May 2013
  21. "L'ONU adopte une résolution sur la décolonisation de la Polynésie française". Le Monde, 17 May 2013
  22. General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) adopted by United Nations General Assembly
  23. General Assembly Resolution 1541 (XV) adopted by United Nations General Assembly on the reports of the Sixth Committee
  24. General Assembly Resolution 1654 (XVI) adopted by United Nations General Assembly
  25. United Nations Trusteeship Agreements or were listed by the General Assembly as Non-Self-Governing
  26. Non-Self-Governing Territories listed by General Assembly of the United Nations
  27. General Assembly adds French Polynesia to UN decolonization list
  28. CIA's The World Factbook entry for Western Sahara: "Western Sahara is a disputed territory on the northwest coast of Africa bordered by Morocco, Mauritania, and Algeria. After Spain withdrew from its former colony of Spanish Sahara in 1976, Morocco annexed the northern two-thirds of Western Sahara and claimed the rest of the territory in 1979, following Mauritania's withdrawal"
  29. UN General Assembly Resolution 34/37 and UN General Assembly Resolution 35/19
  30. United Nations General Assembly Resolution 66 (I)
  31. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories (1945–2002) listed by General Assembly of the United Nations
  32. Infobox image in "History" section of "About Greenland", English version of the official country government website. Accessed online 2008-09-28, Sunday.
  33. http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/paperchase/2009/06/greenland-takes-over-courts-police.php
  34. 1 2 3 See: The UK Statute Law Database: the Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom Malaysia Act 1963
  35. 1 2 3 4 Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories (1945–1999) listed by General Assembly of the United Nations.
  36. 1960 estimate
  37. "Agreement between the government of the United Kingdom, His Highness the Sultan of Zanzibar, the government of Kenya and the government of Zanzibar", London, 8 October 1963
  38. 1967 estimate
  39. 1963 estimate, see: Northern Rhodesia#Demographics
  40. 1963 estimate
  41. 1978 estimate
  42. 1980 estimate, see: British Honduras#Demographics
  43. 1976 estimate
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