Nisma Cherrat

Nisma Cherrat (Nisma Bux-Cherrat, born 1969 in Casablanca, Morocco) is an Afro-German actress.

Life and career

She grew up in the Schwarzwald region in Germany[1] and attended 1989 to 1992 the Neue Münchner Schauspielschule. She studied classical singing 1993 to 1995 with Bennie Gillette in Munich and at the Jazzschool München.

Nisma Cherrat is a founding member of the SFD - Schwarze Filmschaffende in Deutschland (Black Artists in German Film) association.

Cherrat was trained at the Schlaffhorst-Andersen school in Bad Nenndorf [2] as teacher for respiratory and speech therapy. Since July 2011 she works for a research project at the Freiburger Institute for Musicians' Medicine of the University of Music in Freiburg, Germany.[3]

Film and TV work

Theatre work (selection)



  1. Publisher Biography (in German)
  2. "Bunte Mischung für Stimme und Sprache". Schaumburger Nachrichten. December 2, 2010. Retrieved August 28, 2012.
  3. Freiburger Institut für Musikermedizin - Mitarbeiter
  4. Unrast Verlag
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