Ninth Seimas of Lithuania

Ninth Seimas of Lithuania
Eighth Seimas of Lithuania Tenth Seimas of Lithuania
Jurisdiction  Lithuania
Term 2004—2008

The Ninth Seimas of Lithuania was a parliament (Seimas) elected in Lithuania. Elections took place on 10 October 2004, with the run-off on 24 October. The Seimas commenced its work on 15 November 2004 and served a four-year term, with the last session on 16 November 2008.


In the elections in 2004, 70 members of the parliament were elected on proportional party lists and 71 in single member constituencies. Elections took place on 10 October 2004. Run-off elections were held on 24 October in the single-seat constituencies where no candidate secured a seat in the first round.

Party or alliance Proportional Constituency Total
Votes % Seats Votes % Seats
Labour Party (DP) 340,035 28.4 22 21.4 17 39
Working for Lithuania (UDL) Social Democratic Party of Lithuania 246,852 20.7 16 17.6 15 20
New Union (Social Liberals) 11
Homeland Union (Lithuanian Conservatives) (TS) 176,409 14.8 11 14.4 14 25
For the Order and Justice (TT) Liberal Democratic Party 135,807 11.3 9 8.4 1 10
Lithuanian People's Union For a Fair Lithuania
Liberal and Centre Union (LiCS) 109,872 9.2 7 12.4 11 18
Peasants and New
Democratic Party Union (VNDPS)
Lithuanian Peasants Party 78,902 6.6 5 7.7 5 10
New Democracy Party
Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (LLRA) 45,302 3.8 0 4.5 2 2
Christian Conservative Social Union23,4261.90 1.900
Lithuanian Christian Democrats16,3621.40 2.500
National Centre Party5,9890.50 00
Republican Party4,3260.40 00
Union of Lithuanian Socialists3,9770.30 00
Lithuanian Liberty Union3,3370.30 0.200
National Party Lithuanian Road2,5770.20 0.500
Lithuanian Nationalist Union2,4820.20 00
Young Lithuania 0.200
Lithuanian Russian Union 0.200
Independents 66
Invalid/blank votes32,99867,149
Registered voters/turnout2,666,19646.12,666,19946.1
Source: Nohlen & Stöver, Strathclyde University, VRK


Speaker of the Seimas
Artūras Paulauskas
Artūras Paulauskas (New Union (Social Liberals))
15 November 2004 - 11 April 2006
Viktoras Muntianas
Viktoras Muntianas (Labor Party)
13 April 2006 - 1 April 2008
Česlovas Juršėnas
Česlovas Juršėnas (Social Democrats)
1 April 2008 - 17 November 2008

After the elections, Social Democrats led the coalition together with the New Union (Social Liberals), Labor and Peasants and New Democratic Party Union.[1] Artūras Paulauskas was reelected as the Speaker of the Ninth Seimas, having served as the Speaker in the previous term.

In 2006 the parliament expressed no confidence in the Speaker and Paulauskas was forced to resign, taking New Union out of the coalition. He was replaced as the Speaker of the Seimas by Viktoras Muntianas of Labor Party, who soon left the party to form Civic Democratic Party.[1]

After another disagreement in 2006, Labor Party joined the opposition. The decision was affected by the decision of the leader of the Party Viktor Uspaskich to resign as the Minister of the Economy after being accused of conflicts of interest. Opposition Liberal and Centre Union joined the minority government that ruled with some support of other opposition parties. At the beginning of 2008 New Union rejoined the coalition.[1] Viktoras Muntianas resigned as the Speaker of the Seimas after a corruption scandal in 2008 and Česlovas Juršėnas was elected in his stead.[2]


Parliamentary groups

During the first session of the Seimas the following parliamentary groups were registered: Social Democratic Party of Lithuania (LSDPF), Labour Party (DPF), Liberal and Centre (LCSF), Liberal Democrats (LDF), New Union (NSF), Homeland Union (TSF), Peasant and New Democracy (VNDF, later VLF) and the Mixed Group of Members of the Seimas (MSNG).

The term of the Seimas was noted for particularly significant shifts among political Groups.[1] For example, only 20 Social Democrats were elected to the Seimas, but Social Democratic Party political group in the Seimas had 38 members at the end of the term. Political groups formed during the term included Liberals (LF), Order and Justice Liberal Democrats (TTLDF), Civic Democratic (PDF), as well as Peasant Popular and Civic Democratic (VLPDF) groups.

By the end of the term of the Seimas, the following parliamentary groups were active.[1]

Name Abbr. Members
Social Democratic Party of LithuaniaLSDPF38
Homeland UnionTSF26
Labor PartyDPF23
Peasant Popular UnionVLF14
Order and JusticeTTLDF11
Liberal and Center UnionLCSF10
New Union (Social Liberals)NSF9
Liberal MovementLSF9
Others MSNG1


A total of 158 members served on the Ninth Seimas.[3]

Name, Surname Constituency Electoral list Parliamentary group Notes
Remigijus AčasNationwideTTLDF
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
Vilija Aleknaitė-AbramikienėNationwideTSTSF
Petras AuštrevičiusSenamiesčioLiCSLCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 26 April 2006)
Audronius AžubalisNationwideTSTSF
Petras BaguškaNationwideDPDPF
MSNG (from 22 December 2005)
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
PDF (from 17 January 2008)
LSDPF (from 4 April 2008)
From 21 December 2004
Zigmantas BalčytisŠilalės – ŠilutėsUDLLSDPF
Aldona BalsienėNationwideTTLDFUntil 17 March 2006
Virginija BaltraitienėNationwideDPDPFFrom 13 December 2005
Dailis Alfonsas BarakauskasNationwideTTLDF
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
From 18 March 2006
Andrius BaranauskasNationwideDPDPF
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
PDF (from 17 January 2008)
LSDPF (from 4 April 2008)
Rimantas BašysSaulėsDPDPF
Rima BaškienėŠiaulių kaimiškojiVNDPSVNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
Danutė BekintienėKaroliniškiųTSTSF
Juozas BernatonisNationwideUDLLSDPFFrom 16 April 2007
Vilija BlinkevičiūtėŠeškinėsUDLNSF
LSDPF (from 25 May 2006)
Kazys BobelisNationwideVNDPSVNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
LDF (from 20 April 2006)
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
Until 31 May 2006
Vytautas BogušisNationwideLiCSLCSF
Violeta BoreikienėNationwideLiCSLCSF
MSNG (from 18 October 2005)
LSF (from 25 April 2006)
LSDPF (from 27 March 2007)
Antanas BosasBaltijosDPDPF
Bronius BradauskasKaišiadorių – ElektrėnųUDLLSDPF
Saulius BucevičiusAkmenės – JoniškioDPDPF
Valentinas BukauskasTelšiųDPDPF
Algirdas ButkevičiusVilkaviškioUDLLSDPF
Gintautas BužinskasNationwideDPDPFUntil 20 December 2004
Algis ČaplikasŽirmūnųLiCSLCSF
Jonas ČekuolisNationwideLiCSLCSFFrom 16 November 2004
Vytautas ČepasNationwideLiCSLCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
LSDPF (from 4 July 2007)
Vida Marija ČigriejienėPanemunėsIndependentTSF
Rimantas Jonas DagysŠilainiųTSTSF
Kęstutis DaukšysNationwideDPDPF
Julius DautartasNevėžioTSTSF
Irena DegutienėNaujamiesčioTSTSF
Virginijus DomarkasKretingosDPDPF
VLF (from 19 July 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (from 18 January 2008)
Vytautas Sigitas DraugelisSuvalkijosDPDPF
Arimantas DumčiusKalniečiųTSTSF
Audrius EndzinasŠilutės – PagėgiųIndependentLCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
Algirdas GaižutisNationwideVNDPS-13 June 2006
Vytautas GalvonasAnykščių – KupiškioTTLDF
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
Ramūnas GarbaravičiusNationwideTSTSF
Aidas GedvilasNationwideDPDPFUntil 16 January 2005
Vydas GedvilasNationwideDPDPF
Saulius GirdauskasNationwideDPDPF
Kęstutis GlaveckasDainavosLiCSLCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
Loreta GraužinienėNationwideDPDPF
Petras GražulisGargždųIndependentMSNG
TTLDF (from 11 September 2007)
Vytautas GrubliauskasDanėsLiCSLCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
Algirdas IvanauskasNationwideDPDPF
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
PDF (from 17 January 2008)
LSDPF (from 4 April 2008)
Jonas JagminasPlungės – RietavoDPDPF
LSDPF (from 14 September 2006)
Gediminas JakavonisNationwideUDLNSF
VLF (16 July 2008)
Povilas JakučionisNationwideTSTSF
Donatas JankauskasKauno kaimiškojiTSTSF
Juozas JaruševičiusJonavosDPDPF
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
PDF (from 17 January 2008)
LSDPF (from 4 April 2008)
Rasa JuknevičienėŽaliakalnioTSTSF
Jonas JuozapaitisPakruojo – JoniškioUDLLSDPF
Česlovas JuršėnasIgnalinos – ŠvenčioniųUDLLSDPF
Vytautas KamblevičiusNationwideDPDPF
TTDPF (from 10 March 2008)
From 17 January 2005
Vaclovas KarbauskisTauragėsUDLNSF
Justinas KarosasLazdijų – DruskininkųUDLLSDPF
Etela KarpickienėNationwideDPDPFFrom 13 April 2006
Algis KašėtaVarėnos – EišiškiųLiCSLCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
Gediminas KirkilasNationwideUDLLSDPF
Egidijus KlumbysNationwideTTLDF
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
Romualda KšanienėNationwideDPDPF
Andrius KubiliusAntakalnioTSTSF
Rytas KupčinskasAleksoto – VilijampolėsTSTSF
Saulius LapėnasJurbarkoLiCSLCSF
Arminas LydekaNationwideLiCSLCSF
Jonas LionginasNationwideDPDPF
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
LSDPF (from 3 May 2007)
Vincė Vaidevutė MargevičienėCentroTSTSF
Bronius MarkauskasNationwideVNDPS-1 June 2006
Vilma MartinkaitienėNationwideDPDPF
Eligijus MasiulisNationwideLiCSLCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
Antanas MatulasPasvalio – PanevėžioTSTSF
Algimantas MatulevičiusNationwideTTLDF
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
PDF (from 17 January 2008)
MSNG (from 4 April 2008)
Valentinas MazuronisNationwideTTLDF
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
Stasys MikelisNationwideDPDPFUntil 23 March 2006
Gintautas MikolaitisRaseiniųUDLLSDPF
Dangutė MikutienėTrakų – ElektrėnųIndependentDPF
Zenonas MikutisKelmėsDPDPF
Laima MogenienėNationwideVNDPSVNDPF
VLF (13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (from 18 January 2008)
Algirdas MonkevičiusNationwideUDLNSF
Viktoras MuntianasKauno – KėdainiųDPDPF
PDF (from 17 January 2008)
LSDPF (from 4 April 2008)
Vytas NavickasNationwideVNDPSVNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (from 18 January 2008)
Juozas OlekasNationwideUDLLSDPF
Vladimir OrechovNationwideDPDPF
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
PDF (from 17 January 2008)
LSDPF (from 4 April 2008)
Skirmantas PabedinskasNationwideDPDPF
VLF (from 19 July 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (from 18 January 2008)
Žilvinas PadaigaNationwideDP-Until 15 November 2004
Raimundas PalaitisPajūrioLiCSLCSF
Algirdas PaleckisNationwideUDLLSDPFUntil 15 April 2007
Juozas PalionisPrienųUDLLSDPF
Artūras PaulauskasNationwideUDLNSF
Bronius PaužaNationwideDPDPF
LSDPF (from 26 September 2006)
Marija Aušrinė PavilionienėNationwideTTLDF
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
LSDPF (from 25 October 2007)
Rolandas PavilionisNationwideTTLDFUntil 15 November 2004
Saulius PečeliūnasNationwideTSTSF
Alfredas PekeliūnasAukštaitijosVNDPSVNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
Milda PetrauskienėNationwideUDLLSDPF
Jonas PinskusNationwideDPDPFFrom 21 December 2004
Audronė PitrėnienėSkuodo – MažeikiųDPDPF
Leokadija PočikovskaŠirvintų – VilniausLLRAVNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
Vladimiras PrudnikovasNationwideDPDPFUntil 20 December 2004
Kazimira Danutė PrunskienėMolėtų – ŠvenčioniųVNDPSVNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
Edmundas PupinisUtenosTSTSF
Jonas RamonasŠakiųVNDPSVNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
MSNG (from 9 January 2006)
PDF (from 4 May 2006)
MSNG (from 8 May 2007)
LCSF (from 10 May 2007)
TTLDF (from 26 September 2007)
Jurgis RazmaNationwideTSTSF
Rimantas RemeikaJustiniškiųLiCSLCSF
Algis RimasMarijampolėsUDLLSDPF
Viktoras RinkevičiusBiržų – KupiškioVNDPSVNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
Bronis RopėNationwideVNDPS-Until 15 November 2004
Irina RozovaNationwideVNDPSVLF
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
From 11 July 2006
Julius SabatauskasAlytausIndependentLSDPF
Liudvikas SabutisNationwideTSTSF
Alvydas SadeckasNationwideUDLNSF
Algimantas SalamakinasNationwideUDLLSDPF
Vytautas SaulisRokiškioUDLLSDPF
Albertas SereikaNationwideTTLDF
LSDPF (from 30 June 2005)
Valerijus SimulikDainųUDLNSF
Kazys SivickisNationwideVNDPS-29 June 2006
Algirdas SysasNationwideUDLLSDPF
Artūras SkardžiusNationwideUDLNSF
MSNG (from 20 July 2006)
VLF (from 17 October 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
Rimantas SmetonaNationwideVNDPSVNDF
MSNG (from 17 June 2005)
LDF (from 2 May 2006)
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
Vaclav StankevičMariųUDLNSF
Aldona StaponkienėNationwideVNDPSVNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
From 16 November 2004
Kazys StarkevičiusPramonėsTSTSF
Antanas Napoleonas StasiškisNationwideTSTSF
Nijolė SteiblienėNationwideUDLNSF
Gintaras SteponavičiusLazdynųLiCSLCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
Mindaugas SubačiusNationwideDPDPF
LSDPF (from 7 December 2007)
From 16 November 2004
Rytis ŠatkauskasNationwideDP-From 2 April 2006 until 4 April 2006
Irena ŠiaulienėNationwideUDLLSDPF
Gintaras ŠileikisVakarinėLiCSLCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
Viačeslav ŠkilNationwideDPDPF
LSDPF (from 11 September 2007)
Raimondas ŠukysFabijoniškiųLiCSLCSF
Dalia TeišerskytėNationwideLiCSLCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
Valdemar TomaševskiVilniaus – ŠalčininkųLLRAVNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
Rimvydas TurčinskasNationwideDPDPF
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
LSDPF (from 3 May 2007)
Gema UmbrasienėNationwideVNDPS-22 June 2006
Viktor UspaskichKėdainiųDPDPFUntil 22 June 2005
Antanas ValionisNationwideUDLNSF
Ona ValiukevičiūtėNationwideTTLDF
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
Egidijus VareikisNationwideTSTSF
Romas VenclovasMažeikiųDPDPF
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
PDF (from 17 January 2008)
DPF (from 30 January 2008)
Vilija VertelienėNationwideDPDPF
LSDPF (14 September 2006)
Birutė VėsaitėNationwideUDLLSDPF
Julius VeselkaUkmergėsTTLDF
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
MSNG (from 14 December 2006)
TTLDF (from 25 October 2007)
Pranas VilkasNationwideDPDPF
LSDPF (from 3 October 2006)
DPF (from 19 October 2006)
Ramunė VisockytėNationwideDPDPF
Vladimiras VolčiokVilniaus – TrakųDPDPF
LCSF (from 21 December 2007)
Algirdas VrubliauskasDzūkijosTSTSFUntil 11 April 2007
Emanuelis ZingerisNationwideTSTSF
Jadvyga ZinkevičiūtėNaujosios VilniosDPDPF
Artūras ZuokasNationwideLiCS-Until 15 November 2004
Edvardas ŽakarisAušrosUDLLSDPF
Roma ŽakaitienėNationwideUDLLSDPF
Vidmantas ŽiemelisNationwideTSTSF
MSNG (from 19 October 2006)
TSF (from 27 June 2008)
Manfredas ŽymantasZarasų – VisaginoDPDPF
Henrikas ŽukauskasNationwideTTDPF
MSNG (from 9 December 2004)
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
MSNG (from 8 May 2007)
LCSF (from 10 May 2007)
Zita ŽvikienėRadviliškioDPDPF


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 "Seimas 2004-2008 m.: valdantieji rūbą keitė kelis kartus" [2004-2008 Seimas: the governing coalition changed its clothes several times] (in Lithuanian). Verslo Žinios. 13 September 2008. Retrieved 21 December 2015.
  2. "Šeši Seimo amžiai: nuo karalių rinkimų iki narių komunistų" [Six centuries of the Seimas: from royal elections to communist members] (in Lithuanian). 25 October 2008. Retrieved 9 December 2015.
  3. "Seimo narių sąrašas" [List of members of the Seimas] (in Lithuanian). Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Retrieved 21 December 2015.
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