Nikita Struve

Nikita Alexeyevich Struve (Russian: Никита Алексеевич Струве; 16 February 1931 – 7 May 2016) was a French author and translator of Russian descent, specializing in the study of Russian émigrés.


Struve was part of the Struve family being the grandson of Peter Berngardovich Struve. He was born in Boulogne-Billancourt, a suburb of Paris, He graduated from and taught Russian at the Sorbonne in the 1950s. In 1963, Struve published a book dedicated to the history of the Church under the Soviet regime ( «Les chrétiens en URSS»). This book has been translated into 5 languages. In 1979 Struve defended his doctoral dissertation on Osip Mandelstam (published in French, then - in the author's translation in Russian). In the same year he became a full professor at the University of Paris X (Nanterre), and later head of the Department of Slavic Studies.

In 1978 he headed the Russian section of the YMCA Press publisher. In 1991 he opened the publishing house "Russian way" in Moscow. He translated into French the poetry of Pushkin, Lermontov, Afanasy Fet, Akhmatova and other Russian poets. In 1996 he wrote the fundamental study "70 years of the Russian emigration". He was a member of the Board of Trustees of the St. Filaret Orthodox Christian Institute, Professor of the University of Paris-Nanterre, Chief editor of "Bulletin of Russian Christian Movement" magazine and «Le messager orthodoxe».

A Great influence on the Struve as a researcher of the history of Russian culture was his private familiarity with Ivan Bunin, Alexei Remizov, Boris Zaitsev, Semyon Frank and Anna Akhmatova.


Struve was married to Maria Alexandrovna Struve (born 1925); they had three children, Daniel Struve (born 1959) , Blandine Lopoukhine (born 1959) and Melanie Rakovitch (born 1963) .


French Language

Russian Language

This article is translated from Russian Language Wikipedia


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