Night Fighter (novel series)
Night Fighter is a series of six novels written by David Sherman and is loosely based on the kind of activities experienced by the US Marines and Vietnamese Popular Forces units of the combat-outpost type of the Combined Action Program of the United States Marine Corps. Sherman admits that the exploits recorded in these novels did not resemble those which he experienced as part of the CAP program.
The novels in the Night Fighter Saga are:
- Knives in the Night (1987)
- Main Force Assault; Ivy Books, 1987. ISBN 0-804-10103-5 OCLC 16663810
- Out of the Fire; Ivy Books, 1987. ISBN 0-804-10104-3 OCLC 17682785
- A Rock and a Hard Place; Ivy Books, 1988
- A Nghu Night Falls; Ivy Books, 1988
- Charlie Don't Live Here Anymore; Ivy Books, 1989
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