Nicholas Mann

Nicholas R. Mann (born 1952) is the author of books on geomancy, mythology, the Celtic tradition, sacred geometry and, most recently, archaeoastronomy. Glastonbury, England, Avebury, England, Sedona, Arizona (USA) and Washington, DC (USA) are all locations which feature in his work. His book Druid Magic: The Practice of Celtic Wisdom, co-written with Maya Sutton, PhD, has been described by the British Druid Order as "the single best work on the practice of modern Druidry in existence today." He is also an illustrator, producing the images for the Silver Branch Cards, a Celtic divination deck of his own design.[1] He was born in Sussex, England. He lives in Somerset, England with his partner Philippa Glasson, with whom he co-authored The Star Temple of Avalon: Glastonbury's Ancient Observatory Revealed.[2]



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