New Martyr

The title of New Martyr or Neomartyr (Greek: νεο-, neo, the prefix for "new"; and μάρτυς, martys, "witness") of the Eastern Orthodox Church was originally given to martyrs who died under heretical rulers or non-christian rulers in post-medieval period (the original martyrs being under pagans, mostly during Roman period). The Greek Orthodox Church traditionally gives the title of New Martyr to those who had been tortured and executed during the Ottoman rule (turkocracy) in order to avoid forced islamization.[1][2] Later, various Christian Churches added to the list those martyred under Islam and various modern regimes, especially Communist ones, which espoused state atheism. Officially, the era of the New Martyrs begins with the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Among those commemorated are not only those who gave their lives in martyrdom, but also those who are accounted as confessors for the Orthodox Faith.
Some New Martyrs are anonymous or known with non-Christian names, as they died without being officially baptized. According to the Orthodox belief, they were baptized in their own blood when executed.

New Martyrs under Ottoman rule

The first new martyrs were recorded after the Seljuk invasion of Asia Minor (11th century).[3] In the Orthodox Church, the third Sunday after Pentecost is known as the "Commemoration of All New Martyrs of the Turkish Yoke."

New Martyrs under Communist rule

In the Russian Orthodox Church, the Sunday closest to January 25 (February 7 on the Gregorian Calendar) is the "Sunday of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia." The date of January 25 was chosen because that was the date in 1918 of the martyrdom of St. Vladimir (Bogoiavlensikii), Metropolitan of Kiev, who is referred to as the "Protomartyr of the communist yoke in Russia."

New Martyrs under Nazism

Serbian New Martyrs

The feast of "All New Martyrs of Serbia" is celebrated on June 28 [O.S. June 15].

New Martyrs of the Boxer Rebellion

June 24 [O.S. June 11] is celebrated as the feast of the "New Martyrs of China Slain During the Boxer Rebellion"

In Austria-Hungary

In post-Soviet Russia

As of 2016 the Russian Orthodox Church has not glorified either of the martyrs listed above, but each has received widespread popular veneration.

See also



  1. Encyclopedia "Papyrus-Larousse, c. 1965, article "Νεομάρτυς", in Greek language.
  2. "Threskeutika", Textbook of Religion, for the 3rd year of Greek high school ("Gymnasion"), chapter 30 (b), circa 2007. In Greek language.
  3. Byzantinoslavica. Academia, Slovanský ústav v Praze. Byzantologická komise. 1996. p. 104.
  4. "Ahmed the Calligrapher". Retrieved 24 April 2015.
  5. Saint Ahmed, Synaxaristes (Compedium) of Neomartyrs, editions "Orthodoxos Kypsele" (Orthodox Bee-hive)
  6. "HIEROMARTYR MAXIMUS SANDOVICH". Retrieved 24 April 2015.
  7. "Hieromonk Job Gumerov. Can One Consider the Death of Father Daniel Sysoev to be a Martyrdom? / OrthoChristian.Com". Retrieved 24 April 2015.
  8. "Byzantine, Texas: Podcasts on New Martyr Fr. Daniel Sysoev". Retrieved 24 April 2015.
  9. John Sanidopoulos. "MYSTAGOGY". Retrieved 24 April 2015.
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