New Internationalist Left

New Internationalist Left
Νέα Διεθνιστική Αριστερά
Yeni Enternasyonalist Sol
Newspaper Αντίσταση
Youth wing Youth Against Nationalism
Ideology Marxism
Political position Far-left
National affiliation Action
International affiliation Committee for a Workers' International
Colours Red

New Internationalist Left (Greek: Νέα Διεθνιστική Αριστερά, Nea Diethnistike Aristera, NEDA; Turkish: Yeni Enternasyonalist Sol) is a Trotskyist political organization in Cyprus affiliated to the Committee for a Workers' International. It is not represented in parliament or other government bodies.

Cypriot national question

NEDA supports the resolution of the national question through the demilitarisation and re-unification of Nicosia and Cyprus. In its own words the party calls for:[1]

This position has been promoted by the party through joint demonstrations of Greek and Turkish Cypriots on either side of the Green Line in Nicosia.[2][3]


Members of NEDA together with members of the Alliance Against the Memorandum outside the Ministry of Finance

NEDA campaigns for the rights of migrants and refugees.[4] In 2006, NEDA organised an international solidarity campaign with Kurdish refugees who were to be deported to back to Syria where they would likely be in great danger. Protests were staged in Sweden, Belgium, the UK, Ireland, Greece and Pakistan.[5] The campaign won the right to asylum or to work permits for all 107 refugees.[6]

On 14 November 2012 NEDA organised an anti-austerity protest outside the Ministry of Finance in Nicosia together with the Alliance Against the Memorandum. In the protest NEDA gave out leaflets, which expressed the view that "the EU is trying to burden the workers with the debts from the collapse of the bankers" and that "if this happens, the Cypriot economy and the future of the new generations will then be mortgaged to local and foreign profiteers and usurious bankers".[7][8]


The party’s youth wing is Youth Against Nationalism (Greek: Νεολαία Ενάντια στον Εθνικισμό, ΝΕΕ), which is affiliated to Youth against Racism in Europe.[9] NEE produces the newspaper The Wall.


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