Zijlstra cabinet

Azure, billetty Or a lion with a coronet Or armed and langued Gules holding in his dexter paw a sword Argent hilted Or and in the sinister paw seven arrows Argent pointed and bound together Or. [The seven arrows stand for the seven provinces of the Union of Utrecht.] The shield is crowned with the (Dutch) royal crown and supported by two lions Or armed and langued gules. They stand on a scroll Azure with the text (Or) "Je Maintiendrai" (French for "I will maintain".)
This article is part of a series on the
politics and government of
the Netherlands

The Netherlands cabinet of Jelle Zijlstra[1] (22 November 1966 5 April 1967) was a right-wing rump cabinet with ministers from the political parties ARP and KVP. It was formed after the fall of the Cals cabinet and was followed up by the De Jong cabinet after snap elections.

Such a transitional cabinet is not supposed to take important decisions, but it still resolved the issue over the introduction of commercial television, which had been a major issue in the two previous cabinets, with the omroepwet, which allowed commercial blocks on public television (between shows), despite protests by VVD and part of CHU.


  1. (in Dutch) Jelle Zijlstra (1918-2001) Biografie, Absolutefacts.nl, February 19, 2005
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