Natural and reverse turns
A natural turn is a dance step in which the partners turn around each other clockwise. Its near-mirror counterpart is the reverse turn, which is turning to the counterclockwise. [1]
This terminology is used mainly in the "International Standard" group of ballroom dances. [2] "Natural turn" and "reverse turn" are names of syllabus figures in waltz, Viennese waltz, foxtrot, quickstep. In addition, the words natural and "reverse" are used in some other figures that amount to turning to the right or left, respectively, e.g. natural twist turn in tango and foxtrot.
The name "natural" has two explanations. In a standard ballroom closed dance position the partners are somewhat shifted to the left with respect to each other, which makes the right turn easier. The second reason is related to progress around the floor along the counterclockwise line of dance. Turning to the right is partly compensated for by the line of dance's leftward curve, so that it takes less effort to stay on line of dance while turning to the right than while using opposite footwork and turning to the left, especially at the corners.
"Natural" figures
- Natural turn
- Natural spin turn
- Natural pivot turn
- Natural promenade turn
- Natural twist turn
- Natural ronde turn
- Fallaway natural turn
- Natural weave
- Natural telemark
- Natural hover telemark
- Natural zig-zag
- Natural hover
- Natural lock hover
- Natural hover whisk
- Natural fallaway whisk
- Natural fallaway
- Natural hairpin
- Natural top
- Natural opening out
- Natural roll
- Natural basic movement (I.S. Samba)
- Impetus is a basic natural-turning figure as well
- Natural fleckerl
"Reverse" figures
- Reverse turn
- Chasse reverse turn
- Open reverse turn
- Pivot reverse turn
- Basic reverse turn
- Checked reverse turn
- Reverse corte
- Reverse pivot
- Fallaway reverse
- Reverse wave
- Double reverse spin
- Quick open reverse
- Reverse top
- Natural basic movement (I.S. Samba)
- Reverse finish or reverse ending (second half of the Reverse Turn)
- Double reverse wing
- Swivel reverse
- Reverse lock (turn)
- telemark is a basic reverse-turning figure as well
- Reverse barrel roll
- Reverse fleckerl