National People's Assembly (Guinea-Bissau)

National People's Assembly of Guinea-Bissau
Assembleia Nacional Popular da Guiné-Bissau
Seats 100 members
Party-list proportional representation
Last election
April-May 2014
Meeting place
Palácio Colinas de Boé, Bissau
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politics and government of

The unicameral National People's Assembly (Portuguese: Assembleia Nacional Popular) is Guinea-Bissau's legislative body.

The current National People's Assembly, formed following elections held on 28 March 2004, has a total of 102 seats. 100 members are elected through a system of party-list proportional representation. The remaining two seats are reserved for Guinea-Bissau citizens living overseas, but they were not filled in the most recent election. Members serve five-year terms.

Current composition

Political party distribution in the current National People's Assembly is as follows:

 Summary of the 16 November 2008 National People's Assembly of Guinea-Bissau election results
Parties Votes % Seats
African Independence Party of Guinea and Cape Verde (Partido Africano da Independência de Guiné e Cabo Verde, PAIGC) 227,036 49.75 67
Party for Social Renewal (Partido da Renovaçao Social, PRS) 115,409 25.29 28
Republican Party for Independence and Development (Partido Republicano para Independência e Desenvolvimento, PRID) 34,305 7.52 3
New Democracy Party (Partido da Nova Democracia, PND) 10,721 2.35 1
Workers' Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores, PT) 10,503 2.30
United Social Democratic Party (Partido Unido Social Democrático, PUSD) 7,695 1.69
Party for Development, Democracy and Citizenship (Partido para Democracia, Desenvolvimento e Cidadania, PADEC) 7,073 1.55
Democratic Alliance (Aliança Democrática, AD) 6,321 1.39 1
Social Democratic Party (Partido Social Democrata, PSD) 6,315 1.38
Alliance of Patriotic Forces (Aliança de Forças Patrióticas, AFP) 5,867 1.29
Democratic Centre (Centro Democrático, CD) 5,475 1.20
Popular Democratic Party (Partido Popular Democrático, PPD) 5,308 1.16
Progress Party (Partido de Progresso, PP) 3,095 0.68
Guinean Democratic Party (Partido Democrático Guineense, PDG) 3,065 0.67
Guinean Patriotic Union (União Patriótica Guineense, UPG) 2,807 0.62
Democratic Social Party (Partido Democrático Social, PDS) 1,697 0.37
National Union for Democracy and Progress (União Nacional para Democracia e Progresso, UNDP) 1,328 0.29
National Reconciliation Party (Partido da Reconciliação Nacional, PRN) 782 0.17
Socialist Party – Guinea-Bissau (Partido Socialista – Guiné Bissau, PS–GB) 639 0.14
Guinean Democratic Movement (Movimento Democrático Guineense, MDG) 638 0.14
Guinean League for Ecological Protection (Liga Guineense para Protecção Ecológica, LIPE) 233 0.05
Total (turnout 82%) 456,312 100.00 100
Source:, AMBP

Fourteen women occupy seats in the National People's Assembly.

Cipriano Cassamá is the president of the assembly.

Previous National People's Assembly election results

 Summary of the 28 March 2004 National People's Assembly of Guinea-Bissau election results
Parties Votes % Seats
African Independence Party of Guinea and Cape Verde (Partido Africano da Independência de Guiné e Cabo Verde) 145,316 33.88 45
Party for Social Renewal (Partido para a Renovaçao Social) 113,656 26.50 35
United Social Democratic Party (Partido Unido Social Democrático) 75,485 17.60 17
United Platform (Plataforma Unida) 20,700 4.83 -
Electoral Union (União Eleitoral) 18,354 4.28 2
Democratic Socialist Party (Partido Democrático Socialista) 8,789 2.05 -
Union for Change (União para a Mudança) 8,621 2.01 -
Resistance of Guinea-Bissau-Bafatá Movement (Resistência da Guiné-Bissau-Movimento Bafatá) 7,918 1.85 -
National Unity Party (Partido da Unidade Nacional) 6,260 1.46 -
United People's Alliance (Aliança Popular Unida) 5,817 1.36 1
National Union for Democracy and Progress (União Nacional para a Democracia e o Progresso) 5,042 1.18 -
Guinean Civic Forum-Social Democracy (Fórum Cívico Guineense-Social Democracia) 4,209 0.98 -
Guinean Democratic Movement (Movimento Democrático Guineense) 4,202 0.98 -
Manifest Party of the People (Partido do Manifesto do Povo) 3,402 0.79 -
Socialist Party of Guinea-Bissau (Partido Socialista da Guiné-Bissau) 1,167 0.27 -
Total (turnout 76.2%) 428,937 100.00 100
Registered voters 603,639
Total votes cast 460,254
Invalid votes 31,317
Source: African Elections Database
Political Party Election Year
1994 1999
African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) 62 24
Party for Social Renewal (PRS) 12 38
Resistance of Guinea-Bissau-Bafatá Movement (RGB-MB) 19 29
Union for Change (UM) 06 03
Front for the Liberation and Independence of Guinea (FLING) 01 -
Democratic Alliance (AD) - 03
Social Democratic Party (PSD) - 03
Democratic Social Front (FDS) - 01
National Union for Democracy and Progress (UNDP) - 01
Total 100 102

See also


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