National Maritime Historical Society

The National Maritime Historical Society (NMHS) is a non-profit organization in United States devoted to historical ship preservation and maritime education. It publishes a quarterly magazine, Sea History.

The society's mission is to educate Americans, and especially its youth, about maritime accomplishments throughout U.S. history and how they continue to be relevant for national prosperity and cultural vitality. Specifically, the NMHS educational agenda includes exploring the United States's maritime heritage, advocating first-hand experiences on ships, and encouraging visits to maritime museums. An active participants among maritime institutions, NMHS is a sponsor of the Maritime Heritage Conferences and serves as a member of the Council of American Maritime Museums; it was instrumental in establishing the American Society of Marine Artists and the Council of American Maritime Museums, the American Ship Trust, and the National Maritime Alliance.

The NMHS quarterly journal, Sea History, was first published in 1972. It features articles on marine art, both contemporary and historic; Historic Ships on Lee Shore, which brings attention to historic ships in need, a Sea History for Kids section, which profiles marine and maritime professionals, and Animals in Sea History by Richard J. King. Since 2004, the magazine has also included a regular column by Peter McCracken, founder of Serials Solutions and, titled Maritime History on the Internet.

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