Naimark's problem

Naimark's problem is a question in functional analysis asked by Naimark (1951). It asks whether every C*-algebra that has only one irreducible -representation up to unitary equivalence is isomorphic to the -algebra of compact operators on some (not necessarily separable) Hilbert space.

The problem has been solved in the affirmative for special cases (specifically for separable and Type-I C*-algebras). Akemann & Weaver (2004) used the -Principle to construct a C*-algebra with generators that serves as a counterexample to Naimark's Problem. More precisely, they showed that the statement "There exists a counterexample to Naimark's Problem that is generated by elements" is independent of the axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory and the Axiom of Choice ().

Whether Naimark's problem itself is independent of remains unknown.

See also


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