NY Green Fest

NY Green Fest is a biennial celebration of sustainable living and sustainable politics. NY Green Fest 2011 will be held Friday through Sunday, Aug. 5-7, 2011 in Alfred, New York, 70 miles south of Rochester.

Participants will spend a weekend sharing skills for sustainable living and sustainable politics on the Alfred University campus in rural upstate New York. Learn how to build a small wind turbine, bake in an earth oven, set up a CSA, live job free, build new media outlets, and run a third party political campaign. The festival is open to all who are interested in sustainable living and sustainable politics.

The weekend includes workshops, tours and keynote addresses, exhibitors, swimming, yoga, and hiking. Green-friendly exhibitors will sell handmade crafts, local food items, books and renewable energy systems.

Green Fest 2011 is the fourth NY Green Fest, and the second to be held on the campus of Alfred University. NY Green Fest 2003 was a one-day event held at the farm of Suzanne and Lynn McMannis in Freeville, New York. NY Green Fest 2007 was a three-day event held at Cayuta Sun Permaculture Homestead in Cayuta, the Ithaca Commons and the Community School in Ithaca, New York.

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