NASA Exceptional Bravery Medal

NASA Exceptional Bravery Medal

NASA Exceptional Bravery Medal
Awarded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Country United States
Type Medal
Eligibility Government employees and non-government personnel
Status Active
Established July 29, 1959
Next (higher) Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal
Exceptional Engineering Achievement Medal
Exceptional Technology Achievement Medal
Exceptional Administrative Achievement Medal
Equal Employment Opportunity Medal
Next (lower) Exceptional Public Service Medal

NASA Exceptional Bravery Ribbon

The NASA Exceptional Bravery Medal is a NASA award for exemplary and courageous handling of an emergency by an individual who, independent of personal danger, has acted to prevent the loss of human life or U.S. government property. The award is open to government and non-government employees.

The first two medals were awarded in 1969 to NASA engineers Bill B. McClure and Charles J. "Jack" Beverlin, who prevented the collapse and explosion of an Atlas rocket at great risk to their own lives.[1][2] A feature on Mars was later named after them. [3]

Exceptional Bravery Medals were also awarded to Herbert W. Grandy in 1970, and to Paul D. Sebesta in 1974.[1] Subsequently, thirty eight workers at the Michoud Assembly Facility were awarded this medal for protecting the facility from flooding due to Hurricane Katrina in 2005.[4]

See also


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