List of cities and towns of Hungary

Towns and villages in Hungary

Hungary has 3,152 localities as of July 1, 2009. 328 towns (Hungarian term: város, plural: városok; the terminology doesn't distinguish between cities and towns – the term town is used in official translations) and 2,824 villages (Hungarian: község, plural: községek). The number of towns can change, since villages can be elevated to town status by act of the President. The capital Budapest has a special status and is not included in any county while 23 of the towns are so-called urban counties (megyei jogú város – town with county rights). All county seats except Budapest are urban counties.

Four of the cities (Budapest, Miskolc, Győr, and Pécs) have agglomerations, and the Hungarian Statistical Office distinguishes seventeen other areas in earlier stages of agglomeration development.[1]

The largest city is the capital, Budapest, the smallest town is Pálháza with 1038 inhabitants (2010). The largest village is Solymár (population: 10,123 as of 2010) There are more than 100 villages with fewer than 100 inhabitants while the smallest villages have fewer than 20 inhabitants.

Largest cities in Hungary

   County seat. Note that there is a total of 19 counties of Hungary + Budapest - the capital budapest doubles as a county (called Budapest or Budapest város) and the seat of the separate Pest County (Pest megye) which surrounds Budapest but does not actually include the capital city.

Bold: Town with county rights (megyei jogú város).

Over 100,000 (big cities)

City / town County Population Top population Metropolitan area
1949 Census 1990 Census 2011 Census 2016 Estimate
1. Budapest Budapest (Pest) 1,590,316 2,016,681 1,733,685 1,759,407 Increase 2,059,226 (1980) 2,545,175
2. Debrecen Hajdú-Bihar 115,399 212,235 211,340 203,059 Decrease 212,235 (1990) 216,888
3. Szeged Csongrád 104,867 169,930 168,048 162,621 Decrease 169,930 (1990) 195,776
4. Miskolc Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén 109,841 196,442 167,754 158,101 Decrease 208,103 (1980) 190,675
5. Pécs Baranya 89,470 170,039 156,049 145,347 Decrease 170,039 (1990) 178,332
6. Győr Győr-Moson-Sopron 69,583 129,331 129,527 129,568 Increase 131,564 (2012) 185,012
7. Nyíregyháza Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg 56,334 114,152 119,746 118,058 Decrease 119,852 (2011) 152,304
8. Kecskemét Bács-Kiskun 61,730 102,516 111,411 111,724 Increase 112,058 (2014) 145,663

50,000–100,000 (medium-sized cities)

City / town County Population Top population Metropolitan area
1949 Census 1990 Census 2011 Census 2016 Estimate
9. Székesfehérvár Fejér 42,260 108,958 100,570 98,207 Decrease 109,762 (1993) -
10. Szombathely Vas 47,589 85,617 78,884 77,973 Decrease 85,617 (1990) -
11. Szolnok Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok 37,520 78,328 72,953 72,333 Decrease 78,328 (1990) -
12. Tatabánya Komárom-Esztergom 40,221 74,277 67,753 66,362 Decrease 75,921 (1980) -
13. Érd Pest 16,444 43,327 63,631 64,841 Increase 64,841 (2016) Budapest
14. Kaposvár Somogy 37,945 71,788 66,245 63,186 Decrease 74,101 (1979) -
15. Sopron Győr-Moson-Sopron 36,506 55,083 60,548 61,887 Increase 61,887 (2016) -
16. Veszprém Veszprém 20,682 63,867 61,721 60,392 Decrease 64,024 (2012) -
17. Békéscsaba Békés 44,053 67,157 62,050 60,126 Decrease 68,044 (1980) -
18. Zalaegerszeg Zala 21,668 62,212 59,499 58,829 Decrease 62,121 (1990) -
19. Eger Heves 32,352 61,892 56,569 54,480 Decrease 67,252 (1989) -

25,000–50,000 (towns)

City / town County Population Top population Metropolitan area
1949 Census 2011 Census 2016 Estimate
20. Nagykanizsa Zala 33,158 49,026 47,683 Decrease 54,052 (1990) -
21. Dunaújváros Fejér 3,949 48,484 45,354 Decrease 60,736 (1980) -
22. Hódmezővásárhely Csongrád 49,417 46,047 44,401 Decrease 54,486 (1980) Szeged
23. Dunakeszi Pest 11,029 40,545 42,467 Increase 42,467 (2016) Budapest
24. Szigetszentmiklós Pest 5,865 34,708 36,330 Increase 36,330 (2016) Budapest
25. Cegléd Pest 35,237 36,645 35,616 Decrease 40,644 (1980) -
26. Baja Bács-Kiskun 27,936 36,267 35,411 Decrease 40,497 (1988) -
27. Salgótarján Nógrád 32,571 37,262 35,188 Decrease 50,120 (1980) -
28. Ózd Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén 29,184 34,481 33,141 Decrease 48,636 (1981) -
29. Vác Pest 21,287 33,831 32,981 Decrease 34,866 (1980) Budapest
30. Mosonmagyaróvár Győr-Moson-Sopron 16,546 32,004 32,856 Increase 32,856 (2016) -
31. Szekszárd Tolna 16,354 34,296 32,844 Decrease 39,005 (1989) -
32. Gödöllő Pest 12,216 32,522 32,437 Increase 32,437 (2016) Budapest
33. Pápa Veszprém 24,291 31,845 31,011 Decrease 33,846 (1990) -
34. Hajdúböszörmény Hajdú-Bihar 30,315 31,725 30,951 Decrease 33,685 (1960) -
35. Gyula Békés 27,764 31,067 30.318 Decrease 34,533 (1980) Békéscsaba
36. Gyöngyös Heves 21,969 31,754 29,920 Decrease 36,928 (1980) -
37. Kiskunfélegyháza Bács-Kiskun 31,470 29,798 29,138 Decrease 35,414 (1980) -
38. Budaörs Pest 7,639 26,921 28,394 Increase 28,394 (2016) Budapest
39. Ajka Veszprém 11,843 29,373 28,284 Decrease 33,863 (1991) -
40. Orosháza Békés 31,429 29,296 28,093 Decrease 36,255 (1980) -
41. Esztergom Komárom-Esztergom 20,040 28,759 27,990 Decrease 30,928 (2009) -
42. Szentes Csongrád 32,769 28,745 27,695 Decrease 35,317 (1980) -
43. Kiskunhalas Bács-Kiskun 22,547 28,414 27,470 Decrease 30,604 (1980) -
44. Kazincbarcika Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén 5,029 28,967 27,078 Decrease 37,442 (1980) -
45. Jászberény Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok 27,528 27,087 26,235 Decrease 31,402 (1980) -
46. Szentendre Pest 9,283 24,959 25,802 Increase 25,802 (2016) Budapest
47. Siófok Somogy 10,009 25,350 25,364 Increase 25,441 (2013) -

All other towns in Hungary

25,000 – 15,000

15,000 – 5,000

< 5,000

See also


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