List of ''A Series of Unfortunate Events'' characters

The children's novel series A Series of Unfortunate Events features a large cast of characters created by Lemony Snicket. The series follows the turbulent lives of the Baudelaire orphans after their parents, Bertrand and Beatrice, are killed in an arsonous structure fire.

The author of the series is Lemony Snicket (the nom de plume of Daniel Handler), who plays a major role in the plot himself. Although the series is given no distinct location, other real persons appear in the narrative as well, including the series' illustrator, Brett Helquist, and Daniel Handler himself.

Main characters

Count Olaf

Count Olaf is the main antagonist and one of the primary characters of the series, making an appearance in each installment, alongside the Baudelaire children. Olaf is an eccentric criminal and is known to have committed many crimes as a member of the fire-starting side of V.F.D., a Volunteer Fire Department that eventually branched into a massive secret organization, prior to the events of the first book in the series. Olaf is repeatedly described as extremely tall and thin and having a unibrow, a wheezy voice, gleaming eyes, and extremely poor hygiene. He is often distinguished by the tattoo of an eye on his left ankle.

Following the death of their parents, the Baudelaire orphans are placed under his care, and he proves to be a horrible guardian who is only interested in the fortune left behind by their parents. After Olaf loses his guardianship over the children, he begins a series of attempts to steal the fortune by wearing various disguises and murdering Gustav Sebald, Montgomery Montgomery, Josephine Anwhistle, and Jacques Snicket, among scores of other related and unrelated victims, as well as attempting to murder Charles and countless others characters.

Count Olaf's aliases have included:

While the Baudelaire children are always able to see through his disguises and intentions, the adults around them remain completely oblivious to the villain and fail to aid the children, forcing the Baudelaires to unmask Count Olaf and his various schemes numerous times throughout the series.

With the death of Jacques, who is mistakenly identified as the count by The Daily Punctilio, the target of the police manhunt for Olaf shifts to the Baudelaires, who are framed for the murder of Jacques. Olaf uses his newfound immunity to burn down Heimlich Hospital and Caligari Carnival without repercussions. When he and the Baudelaires burn the Hotel Denouement down, however, they are forced to flee the authorities by escaping to sea, where they shipwreck on the island on the coastal shelf. In an attempt to take control of the island, Olaf threatens to release the airborne pathogens of Medusoid Mycelium on the colonists, but is harpooned by Ishmael. Olaf lives long enough to help Kit Snicket safely deliver her child, then he softly kisses her on the lips, events the Baudelaires refer to as the "one good thing" in his life.

Violet Baudelaire

Violet Baudelaire is one of the three protagonists of the series; she appears in all thirteen novels. Violet helps her 12-year-old brother Klaus and her baby sister Sunny solve problems with her inventing skills. As the eldest, she is the natural leader of the group. Violet is the eldest Baudelaire: she is fourteen at the beginning of the series and turns fifteen in The Grim Grotto. Brett Helquist's drawings indicate she has long, brown hair.

When thinking and concentrating on new inventions, Violet ties her hair in a purple ribbon to keep it out of her face. Violet is a brilliant inventor, inventing various items such as a grappling hook that gets her up Count Olaf's tower in The Bad Beginning, a lock pick that enables her to open up Count Olaf's suitcase in The Reptile Room, a signaling device in The Wide Window, a climbing device made from ties, curtains, and extension cords in The Ersatz Elevator, an invention created from a bread and water meal that frees the three siblings from the Village of Fowl Devotees' uptown jail in The Vile Village before two of them are to be burned alive, a rubber band ladder to get out of the burning Heimlich Hospital in The Hostile Hospital, fork-assisted climbing shoes that help her and Quigley Quagmire get up the frozen waterfall of Mount Fraught in The Slippery Slope, and many more.

Klaus Baudelaire

Klaus is one of the three protagonists of the series who appears in all thirteen novels. Klaus is the middle child of the Baudelaire orphans; he has an older sister named Violet and a younger sister named Sunny. His sister, Violet, is the family inventor, Sunny is the family biter (and later chef), and Klaus is the researcher. He is twelve years old at the beginning of the series and turns thirteen in The Vile Village. By the end of the series, he is fourteen. Klaus is the "bookworm" of the family, and his love of books has often helped him save himself and his sisters.

Sunny Baudelaire

Sunny Baudelaire is one of the three protagonists of Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events series who appears in all thirteen novels. Sunny is the youngest of the three Baudelaire orphans and is described as an infant through much of the series. Although Sunny cannot walk until the end of the seventh book and speaks in an idiosyncratic form of baby talk, she repeatedly demonstrates advanced problem solving skills, motor dexterity, comprehension, moral reasoning, and intelligence.

Early in the series, Sunny is frequently noted for the size and strength of her teeth. While Klaus and Violet often use their respective talents of reading and inventing to solve their problems, Sunny is required on multiple occasions to use her sharp teeth. As the books progress and Sunny grows out of infancy, she develops a love for cooking.

Arthur Poe

Arthur Poe is a banker in charge of the Baudelaire and Quagmire fortunes and the Baudelaire orphans' guardianship. He is distinguished by a congenital cough, purblind demeanor, and general inefficacy in caring for both sets of children. Poe is the first to bring the news of Bertrand and Beatrice's death to the Baudelaire children. As executor of the Baudelaire estate, he interprets the will's instructions that the children "be raised in the most convenient way possible" as meaning they should remain within the city limits, and arranges for their distant cousin Count Olaf to take custody. When the Baudelaires contact Poe at his bank, Mulctuary Money Management, to report Olaf's abuse, the banker points out that Olaf is acting in loco parentis, and can raise them as he sees fit. However, when Olaf traps Sunny in a birdcage and attempts to force Violet to marry him during the play, Poe invokes citizen's arrest just prior to Count Olaf's escape.

Since then, Arthur Poe tries to find a suitable guardian to watch over the kids.

Supporting characters

Baudelaire family members

Bertrand Baudelaire

Bertrand Baudelaire is the father of Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire, the husband of Beatrice, and a V.F.D. member. Throughout the series, the children remember anecdotes about their father, such as him cooking at a dinner party. He was a childhood friend of Beatrice and a good friend of Dewey Denouement.[2] As a member of the V.F.D., Bertrand helped train the V.F.D. lions.[3] Count Olaf implies that Bertrand and Beatrice murdered Olaf's parents. At the outset of the series, Bertrand died in the fire that destroyed the Baudelaire Mansion.

Beatrice Baudelaire

Lemony Snicket was in love with Beatrice and they were engaged, but Beatrice cancelled the marriage and married Bertrand instead because she believed that Lemony was dead after his obituary appeared in The Daily Punctilio newspaper. Various hints are dispensed throughout the series as to why she called off the marriage. According to Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography, Snicket is mistakenly reported by the notoriously inaccurate Punctilio as dead. In The Grim Grotto, Lemony makes reference to Captain Widdershins's having convinced Beatrice that a story in a newspaper was true, which could be the report of his death. The other evidence for her belief was that she had planned to name Violet 'Lemony' had she been a boy, in accordance with the family custom of naming a child after a friend who had died. We can assume that Beatrice at one time believed that Snicket was dead. When Lemony was revealed to be alive, she had already married Bertrand and she could not marry him. However, in The Beatrice Letters the reader is told that Beatrice returned Lemony's engagement ring and sent him a 200-page book explaining why the two could not wed, something she could not have done had she believed Snicket to be dead; although this may have been after he was revealed to be alive. This may contradict Ishmael's statement from The End that the ring was given to Beatrice then back to Lemony to Kit to Bertrand then back to Beatrice. Also, the newspaper article mentions Lemony's work as the biographer of the Baudelaires, so this particular article could not have been published until after Beatrice's death, so this puts a damper on the idea that she read that particular article. She could, of course, have believed a completely different article about him (perhaps one accusing him of crimes he did not commit—Snicket makes frequent references to such articles and false information), sent him the book and the letter, then later when she had married Bertrand, discovered the truth and also believed him (for a time at least) to be dead for some reason—though again, it could not be the obituary that appears in the Daily Punctilio that convinces her of this as that must appear after her death. In The End, when Kit Snicket nears death, she informs the Baudelaire children that "their families have always been close, even if they had to stay apart from one another".

In the 2004 film, Beatrice is played in an uncredited cameo by Helena Bonham Carter.

Beatrice Baudelaire II

Beatrice Baudelaire II is the daughter of Kit Snicket,[4] who dies after giving birth. The infant Beatrice is adopted by the Baudelaire orphans, hence the use of the surname Baudelaire. At age one, "she looks very much like her mother," according to Chapter Fourteen. The younger Beatrice was named for the Baudelaires' mother Beatrice, at Kit's request and in keeping with the tradition of naming children after deceased friends.

In The Beatrice Letters, which is set ten years after the main series, she is the second Beatrice Baudelaire. She is searching for her uncle Lemony Snicket and for the Baudelaire orphans, who have apparently disappeared.[5] She follows her uncle and writes him six letters. However, he constantly refuses to see her and actively runs from her. She writes that she attends a "secretarial school that isn't really a secretarial school", implying that she has found a V.F.D. training school. Her sixth letter is signed "Beatrice Baudelaire, Baticeer Extraordinaire."

Montgomery Montgomery

Dr. Montgomery Montgomery or "Uncle Monty" (introduced and killed in The Reptile Room) is Bertrand Baudelaire's cousin's brother-in-law and Violet, Klaus, and Sunny's second guardian, but he prefers to be called Uncle Monty. His sole appearance is in The Reptile Room. It is thought that his name is inspired by Monty Python, as he is a herpetologist (one who studies snakes) whose first name is Monty.

Uncle Monty is a "fat, short, chubby man with a round red face." He discovered the Incredibly Deadly Viper (which is in fact not deadly at all). When the Baudelaires first meet him, he gives them homemade coconut cream cake, and the Baudelaires instantly warm to him. He plans to take them to Peru with his assistant Gustav Sebald, but receives Gustav's apparent letter of resignation the day before (it is later revealed that Gustav was actually killed by Count Olaf), so Uncle Monty hires "Stephano" (Count Olaf in disguise) in his place. The Baudelaires quickly recognize Stephano as Olaf. Uncle Monty, on the other hand, thinks that Stephano is a jealous spy from the herpetology society, there to steal the Incredibly Deadly Viper, which he has not yet revealed to the society. When the Baudelaires tried to tell Uncle Monty Stephano's true identity, he misunderstood them, thinking that they were saying that Stephano's "plan to steal the Incredibly Deadly Viper" was as despicable as Olaf, rather than Stephano actually being Olaf. Olaf murders Uncle Monty (using snake venom), then blames it on the Mamba Du Mal (the Incredibly Deadly Viper in the movie), another snake owned by Uncle Monty. The Baudelaires escape Olaf upon his hand in Monty's death being exposed, but they never again find a nicer or more caring guardian than Uncle Monty. Uncle Monty also had some connection to the Quagmire family because there is a tunnel connecting the two houses.

Snicket's autobiography indicates that Uncle Monty's death may be partly attributable to his failure to learn Sebald Code, with which a message intended for him was hidden in the movie Zombies in the Snow, which he had taken the children to see.

In the book, Monty dearly wishes to have a family, but never found the right woman (the movie revealed that Monty had a wife and children, but they were killed by yet another arson attack presumably at the hands of Count Olaf). On the book cover Monty's hair is red and in the movie it is grey, while in the video game his hair is black.

In the book Who Could That Be at This Hour?, Monty is mentioned by Hector in the final chapter.

Josephine Anwhistle

Josephine Anwhistle or Aunt Josephine (introduced and killed in The Wide Window) is Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire's second cousin's sister-in-law, and becomes their guardian in The Wide Window.

Aunt Josephine thinks that grammar is the greatest joy in life. She keeps many books about Lake Lachrymose under her bed. These books include The Tides of Lake Lachrymose, The Bottom of Lake Lachrymose, Lachrymose Trout, The History of the Damocles Dock Region, Ivan Lachrymose - Lake Explorer, How Water Is Made and A Lachrymose Atlas. Ever since her husband Isaac (Ike for short) was devoured by Lachrymose Leeches, she has developed numerous fears, including irrational concerns about doorknobs, radiators, telephones, and ovens. In Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, several events Josephine was irrationally afraid of occur when her home falls into the lake, including a fridge nearly falling on Klaus and a radiator exploding.

In the end, Josephine pleads with Count Olaf (in his disguise of Captain Sham) to let her live by offering the Baudelaire children and their fortune in exchange for her own safety, but he pushes her overboard from a small sailboat after she corrected the grammar of her own death sentence, literally. It is heavily implied that she meets the same fate as her husband; she is surrounded by leeches and her tattered life jackets are found later by fishermen at the time the orphans were in Prufrock Preparatory School, two books later, but it is not conclusively established if she survived or not. The Grim Grotto implies that she might still be alive. She and Esmé Squalor are the only female guardians the Baudelaires have in the series.

Count Olaf's acting troupe

The Hook-Handed Man

Fernald, commonly known as the Hook-Handed Man, is an assistant of Count Olaf. He wears fake hands on his hooks and/or other outfits that would hide his hooks when posing as different people.

First appearing in The Bad Beginning as part of his theatre troupe, he was the one who catches Violet when she climbs up the side of Count Olaf's tower in an attempt to rescue Sunny and informs Count Olaf about it. When Count Olaf's true nature is exposed, the Hook-Handed Man is among the members of Count Olaf's theater troupe that escape in the blackout.

In The Reptile Room, the Hook-Handed Man poses as a doctor named Dr. O. Lucafont to examine the supposed bite marks that the Mamba Du Mal supposedly left on Montgomery Montgomery. When Stefano was exposed as Count Olaf, Sunny bites off the Dr. O. Lucafont's fake hands exposing him as well. Both men managed to get away.

In The Wide Window, the Hook-Handed Man poses as a ferryman.

In The Ersatz Elevator, the Hook-Handed Man poses as a doorman at 667 Dark Avenue. He wore a long coat that had long sleeves that hid his hooks.

He appears in The Hostile Hospital, posing as a doctor at Heimlich Hospital where he assisting Olaf's surgical attempt to murder Violet.

In The Grim Grotto, Fiona meets him and it is revealed that they are siblings: Captain Widdershins is his stepfather. He joined Olaf and left Captain Widdershins after burning down Anwhistle Aquatics. He also joined Count Olaf because Captain Widdershins always said "Aye!" which annoyed him. Fiona convinces him to steal Olaf's submarine. Their fate is unknown as Kit Snicket reports in The End that she abandoned them in the face of the "Great Unknown." It is also revealed that when he had to wait, he played a card game he made up named Fernald's Folly.

The Bald Man With the Long Nose

The Bald Man With the Long Nose is one of Olaf's henchmen, he is described as a bald man with a hooked nose who always wears a black robe. At the time when Count Olaf's true nature is exposed, the Bald Man is among the members of Count Olaf's theatre troupe that escape during the blackout.

In The Miserable Mill, the Bald Man disguises himself as Foreman Flacutono.

In The Hostile Hospital, the Bald Man disguises himself as the head doctor at Heimlich Hospital while using a surgical mask to cover his face both times.

In The Carnivorous Carnival, he and Olivia Caliban fell into the lion pit and are devoured by the lions.

The Person of Indeterminate Gender

The Person of Indeterminate Gender is one of Olaf's henchpeople who appears in The Bad Beginning, The Wide Window, and Hostile Hospital.

Described as a gigantic, overweight individual, with pure white eyes and an androgynous appearance. The Person is immensely strong and never speaks, except in bellows and roars. As the Person's gender is said to not look like a man nor a woman, even Count Olaf doesn't know what the Person's gender is. At the time when Count Olaf's true nature is exposed, the Person is among the members of Count Olaf's theatre troupe that escape during the blackout.

In The Wide Window, the Person posed as a security guard at "Captain Sham's Sailboat Rentals."

In The Hostile Hospital, the Person is last seen trapped in a fire at Heimlich Hospital trying to catch the Baudelaires and may have died in the blaze.

The White-Faced Women

The two White-Faced Women are two members of Olaf's theater troupe who always cover their faces in white powder. They are apparently sisters.

They disguise themselves as cafeteria workers in The Austere Academy where they succeed in abducting the Quagmire Children.

In The Hostile Hospital, the White-Faced Women posed as Heimlich Hospital's workers Dr. Tocuna and Nurse Flo.

The White-Faced Women abandon Count Olaf in The Slippery Slope after accusing him of starting a fire that killed their sibling, thus revealing that like the Baudelaires and the Quagmires, they also were three siblings.

The Wart-Faced Man

The Wart-Faced Man is a man with warts on his face that is a minor member of Count Olaf's theater troupe where he worked on Count Olaf's play that would have him actually marrying Violet. Upon Count Olaf's true nature being exposed during the play, the Wart-Faced Man caused a blackout that enabled him, Count Olaf, the Hook-Handed Man, the Bald Man with the Long Nose, the Person of Indeterminate Gender and the two White-Faced Women to escape. The Wart-Faced Man isn't seen again after that.

Esmé Squalor

Esmé Squalor is Count Olaf's girlfriend. Prior to the events of the series, she was a professional stage actress and member of V.F.D.[6] Esmé is distinguished by her very tall height and her obsession with high fashion. She often wears ridiculous outfits that she considers stylish. Lemony Snicket mentions that Esmé and Mrs. Baudelaire met at a Thursday tea party.

While the Baudelaires are living with the Squalors in The Ersatz Elevator, Esmé conspires with Count Olaf while he is still in disguise as Gunther the auctioneer. After the "In Auction" during which Olaf in the disguise of Gunther completes a complicated scheme to "launder" the kidnapping of the remaining Quagmire triplets, he drives away with her in his truck. Although the Baudelaires attempt to warn her of Gunther's true identity, she reveals that she knew all along and that he was her acting teacher.

Later while staying in the Village of Fowl Devotees in The Vile Village, the Baudelaires hear that the two of them are dating. More than Olaf's girlfriend, Esmé acts as one of his henchmen, although always within the limits of what is "in". During this time, Esmé Squalor posed as a police officer named Officer Luciana.

In The Hostile Hospital, Esmé was sent to destroy the Snicket File, one of the last remaining pieces of evidence that could send Count Olaf to jail where she posed as a doctor at Heimlich Hospital. She used her sharp stilettos (the heels were real stiletto knives) to harm the orphans. Esmé was unable to claim the file as the authorities had removed it beforehand, but also because Klaus had page #13 in his pocket. She attempted to murder the orphans by crushing them with book shelves and then burning down the library in which they were in. Esmé captured Violet, but failed to keep her captive.

In The Carnivorous Carnival, Esmé had a rivalry with Madame Lulu, as Madame Lulu had a certain affection for Count Olaf. Esmé constantly gives her angry glances and has the idea of tossing Lulu to the lions.

In The Slippery Slope, the Baudelaires and Quigley Quagmire considered taking Esmé hostage in a plan to rescue Sunny Baudelaire, but canceled the plan because it was "too villainous".

In The Penultimate Peril, Olaf and Esmé break up after fighting during the dramatic "harpoon gun" incident in The Vile Village. She wears a "lettuce bikini" with silver sandals and silver lipstick, and has her name carved into her fingernails. At the end, it is not known whether Esmé escaped the fire at Hotel Denouement with Carmelita Spats, but the narrative suggests that if she did, she never again met the Baudelaire children. She was on the 2nd floor when the Baudelaires last saw her.

In the Netflix TV series, Esmé is portrayed by Lucy Punch.[7]

Carmelita Spats

Carmelita Spats is a pupil of Prufock Preparatory School and a Snow Scout, appearing in The Austere Academy, The Slippery Slope, The Grim Grotto and The Penultimate Peril. She dislikes the Baudelaires, taunting them for being orphans and calling them "cakesniffers". Her uncle Bruce is the leader of the Snow Scouts as seen in The Slippery Slope. She hikes up the Mortmain Mountain every year with the group, which celebrates the False Spring by crowning her queen. One year later, she meets Olaf and Esmé at the peak of the mountain and they unofficially adopt her.

In The Grim Grotto, she claims to be a "tap-dancing ballerina fairy princess veterinarian" and performs a recital; Esmé finds this adorable while Olaf is annoyed by it.

In The Penultimate Peril, she dresses as a "ballplaying cowboy superhero soldier pirate" and has a pool and a ship brought to the roof of the Hotel Denouement.

Caligari Carnival freaks

The Caligari Carnival freaks are members of a freak show that reside in the Caligari Carnival's House of Freaks. They later side with Count Olaf.


Hugo was a hunchback who is one of the Caligari Carnival freaks. He had a hunched back which made him look slightly awkward. He was good-natured and always flexible towards the present circumstances. Hugo lived with the Baudelaire children for a small period of time in The Carnivorous Carnival and appears to bond with Sunny Baudelaire when they make soup together. He later became one of Count Olaf's henchmen. After discovering that the Baudelaire siblings weren't actually freaks, Hugo appears specially bitter towards them at The Slippery Slope. In The Penultimate Peril, which marks his final appearance in the series, it is left uncertain if Hugo survived the fire at the Hotel Denouement.


Colette is a contortionist who is one of the Caligari Carnival freaks. She considers her trait to be an abnormality rather than an ability.


Kevin is an Ambidextrous Man who is one of the Caligari Carnival freaks. He considers his trait to be a disability.

The Man with a Beard But No Hair

The Man with a Beard But No Hair has no background history, but is said to be villainous to the point that even Count Olaf fears him. He is the latest member of Count Olaf's theatre troupe.

He and the Woman with Hair But No Beard first appear in The Slippery Slope where they congratulate Count Olaf for setting fire to the Caligari Carnival and gave him the coveted Snicket File when they meet him at the Mortmain Mountains.

In The Penultimate Peril, the Man with a Beard But No Hair and the Woman with Hair But No Beard served as judges alongside Justice Strauss at the trial of the Baudelaire children and Count Olaf.

The Woman with Hair But No Beard

The Woman with Hair But No Beard is a low deep-voiced associate of the Man with a Beard But No Hair where they are the latest members of Count Olaf's theatre troupe. Her "aura of menace" even frightens Count Olaf and Lemony Snicket states that he refused to write down her real name.

She and the Man with a Beard But No Hair first appeared in The Slippery Slope where they congratulate Count Olaf for setting fire to the Caligari Carnival and gave him the coveted Snicket File when they meet him at the Mortmain Mountains.

In The Penultimate Peril, the Woman with Hair But No Beard and the Man with a Beard But No Hair served as judges alongside Justice Strauss at the trial of the Baudelaire children and Count Olaf.

Quagmire family

Mr. and Mrs. Quagmire

Mr. and Mrs. Quagmire are the parents of Duncan, Isadora, and Quigley Quagmire who are on the fire-fighting side of the V.F.D. They perished in the fire at their home after getting their children to safety.

In the TV series, Mr. and Mrs. Quagmire are portrayed by Will Arnett and Cobie Smulders. Their subplot throughout the first season had them captured by the fire-starting side of the V.F.D. and their escape as they make their way back to their kids. During a flight over Lake Lachrymose, the two of them managed to secretly help the Baudelaires set off a signal light at the time when they are being attacked by the Lachrymose Leeches. Mr. and Mrs. Quagmire were able to reunite with their children. Later that night, an unseen person starts to set fire to their mansion from a distance.

Duncan and Isadora Quagmire

Duncan and Isadora Quagmire are students at Prufrock Preparatory School in The Austere Academy. Their names are an homage to Isadora Duncan, a dancer who was strangled to death when her scarf became caught in the wheel of her car.[8] They become friends with the Baudelaires: both families lost their parents in a fire and will inherit a large fortune upon coming when they become 18. The Quagmires attempt to help the Baudelaires work out Count Olaf's plan, but end up being kidnapped by him.

They return in The Ersatz Elevator and The Vile Village and the Baudelaires try to help them escape Olaf's clutches; in the latter, they end up escaping in a hot-air balloon house with Hector.

In The End, Kit Snicket tells the Baudelaires that she briefly met up with them, but does not know what happened to them as she abandoned them when threatened by the Great Unknown.

In the TV series, Duncan and Isadora are portrayed by Dylan Kingwell and Avi Lake, respectively.

Quigley Quagmire

Quigley Quagmire is the brother of Duncan and Isadora, who was thought to have died in the fire which killed his parents.

He escaped and eventually managed to find the Baudelaires in The Slippery Slope, where he helped Violet and Klaus rescue their sister. He was then separated from the Baudelaires; he managed to meet up with his siblings, according to Kit Snicket in The End, although she does not know what happened to him after that. He is also the love interest of Violet Baudelaire.

In the TV series, Quigley is portrayed by Dylan Kingwell.

Baudelaire children guardians

In the children's book series A Series of Unfortunate Events, Violet Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire, and Sunny Baudelaire live with various guardians following the death of Mr. and Mrs. Baudelaire. After a brief stay with Mr. Poe, the children are shuffled from one legal guardian to another until The Vile Village when they run away from the Village of Fowl Devotees and become fugitives for the "murder" of Count Olaf. From this point on, there is always someone (or in some cases several someones) who takes care of them.

Besides Count Olaf, Uncle Montgomery, and Aunt Josephine, among the known guardians in order of appearance are:


A Series of Unfortunate Events character
First appearance The Miserable Mill
Last appearance The Penultimate Peril
Portrayed by Don Johnson (TV series)
Occupation Owner of Lucky Smells Lumbermill

In The Miserable Mill, Sir is the owner of the Lucky Smells Lumbermill, located in Paltryville. His real name is not known, although it has been described as being hard to pronounce. Mr. Poe has attempted to pronounce the first syllable of the name, using a radically different syllable every time (Wuz, Qui, Bek, Duy, Sho, Gek, etc.).

Equally obscure is Sir's appearance. Sir's entire head is hidden by the thick smoke of his ever-burning cigar. He shows little or no concern for either the Baudelaire orphans or his employees, whom he pays in coupons and provides with an unsatisfying meal of chewing gum. His partner Charles mentions that he has had a terrible childhood. Following Count Olaf being exposed and his escape with the Bald Man with the Big Nose, Sir fires the Baudelaire children thinking that they would bring misery to Lucky Smells Lumbermill.

He later appears in The Penultimate Peril where he and Charles were in a hotel room for people in the lumbermill industry as Klaus takes them to the sauna down the hall.

Lemony Snicket also stated that neither the Baudelaires, the reader, or himself, would ever see Sir's face.

In the 2017 Netflix series, he is portrayed by Don Johnson. Unlike in the novel, his face is completely unobscured. As he never encountered Mr. Poe, he met the Baudelaire children when they were brought to him by Charles who found them near the Lucky Smells Lumbermill. Upon the Baudelaire children breaking Georgina Orwell's hypnosis on the workers, Sir flees amongst the employee chaos.


Charles is Sir's partner at the Lucky Smells Lumbermill in The Miserable Mill.

Charles is kind to the Baudelaires but not very helpful; he organizes a library to be set up at the mill but it only contained three books. He was nearly killed by a hypnotized Klaus before being broken free from Dr. Georgina Orwell's hypnosis by Violet.

Charles makes an appearance in The Penultimate Peril, staying with Sir in the Hotel Denouement where they are seen with other people in the lumbermill industry. He explains to Sir that he wants to apologize to the Baudelaires for their treatment and he is sent a letter by J.S., which assists him in his search. Both of them are taken by Klaus to the sauna that's down the hall. Although it is not stated in the book, Charles may be on the firefighting side of V.F.D.

In the TV series, he is played by Rhys Darby. It is stated that Charles is Sir's romantic partner, something that was only implied in the books. In this show, Charles was the one who found the Baudelaires near the property and brought them to Sir. Before leaving to find Sir after he fled amongst the employee chaos, Charles shows the Baudelaires the truth about their parents actually fighting the fire in Paltryville.

Vice-Principal Nero

Vice-Principal Nero is the vice-principal of Prufrock Preparatory School in The Austere Academy. It has been suggested that his name is an allusion to the Roman Emperor Nero, who is often said to have "fiddled while Rome burned;"[8]

Vice Principal Nero plays the violin where he expects all his students to attend his six-hour violin performances.[9]

Nero dresses in a brown suit with a necktie patterned with pictures of snails. In The Austere Academy, his hair is tied into four pigtails, but by The Penultimate Peril, they have grown into four long braids that dangle behind him. Nero often mimics what others have just said in a high, mocking tone and has numerous strict and unusual punishments for his students....Especially if they miss his violin performances. He is a vain egotist.

In his first appearance, he gives Mr. Poe the approval to let the Baudelaires live at his boarding school. Vice-Principal Nero had them in the Orphans Shack with the Quagmire Children. While he has adorded the student Carmelita Spats, he unknowingly hired Count Olaf in the form of Coach Genghis to be the new gym teacher. When the Baudelaires were caught "cheating" in the S.O.R.E. exams, Nero gleefully expels the Baudelaires. Even after Count Olaf was exposed as Coach Genghis and gets away, Nero still wouldn't have the Baudelaires living with him which he argued with Mr. Poe on.

Vice-Principal Nero re-appears in The Penultimate Peril when he, along with Mr. Remora and Mrs. Bass, are invited to Esmé Squalor's cocktail party.

In the Netflix TV series, Vice-Principal Nero is portrayed by Roger Bart.[7]

Jerome Squalor

Jerome Squalor
A Series of Unfortunate Events character
First appearance The Ersatz Elevator
Last appearance The Penultimate Peril
Family Esmé Squalor (wife)

Jerome Squalor first appears in The Ersatz Elevator.

He is married to Esmé Squalor; together, they adopted the Baudelaires briefly. Jerome is kind to the Baudelaires, but completely submissive to Esmé and other characters due to his distaste for arguing. He is less of a follower of fashion than Esmé. Jerome is rich and successful as is his wife. He is perhaps the most caring guardian of the Baudelaire children since Uncle Monty. At the end of the novel, Esmé leaves Jerome to become a member of Count Olaf's troupe and Count Olaf's girlfriend; the Baudelaires leave Jerome behind as he does not wish to help them rescue the Quagmires.

In Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography, there are two letters concerning Jerome.

Jerome returns in The Penultimate Peril. Feeling guilty at his desertion of the Baudelaires, he has been researching their case and writing a book about injustice entitled Odious Lusting After Finance (a backronym of "Olaf"). He gives the book to Justice Strauss to be used as evidence at Count Olaf's trial. Jerome also meets his wife Esmé at the hotel. When she dumps Count Olaf publicly, Jerome urges Esmé to rejoin his side. Esmé refuses his offer.

In the Netflix TV series, Jerome Squalor is portrayed by Tony Hale.[7]


Hector is the handyman in the Village of Fowl Devotees appearing in the seventh book The Vile Village.

He was given the task of taking care of the Baudelaires under the Village Elders' direction. He is known to be skittish and always looks down and never speaks when in front of the Village Elders even when the Baudelaires needed his help in proving their innocence of Jacques Snicket's murder. He later escapes with the Quagmire triplets on his self-sustaining hot air mobile home.


Hal first appears in the eighth novel, The Hostile Hospital.

Working at the Library of Records in the Heimlich Hospital, he is one of the oldest men that the Baudelaires have ever met. However, when the Library of Records is burned down by Count Olaf, Hal is quick to believe that the Baudelaires are responsible and so turns against them.

In The Penultimate Peril, he reappears as the owner of an Indian restaurant at the Hotel Denouement. Although he owns the Indian restaurant, Hal is a terrible cook. He forgives the Baudelaires in their latest encounter with them and apologizes for believing Geraldine Julienne's stories in The Daily Punctilio.

Olivia Caliban

Olivia Caliban (a.k.a. Madame Lulu[10]) appears solely in The Carnivorous Carnival. She is technically the ninth guardian of the Baudelaire orphans due to the fact that the Baudelaires go to work for her. A later book mentions an "Olivia Caliban", who may be Olivia, if she somehow escaped the lions, and who thus may be the sister of Thursday Caliban, Friday's father.

She is a fraudulent fortune-teller. Her lightning device (operated by reflecting beams of the sunrise) tricks guests into believing in magical lightning. After instructing them to close their eyes, she seeks out the answers from the archival library under her table. Also, she was the one who told Olaf where the Baudelaires were each time, which is how he and his troupe found them in each book.

Madame Lulu says she just likes giving people what they want. It is implied, but not explicitly stated, that she is a member of V.F.D. The Grim Grotto reveals that she once knew Captain Widdershins. It is strongly implied that she is in love with Count Olaf, earning her the enmity of Olaf's then-girlfriend Esmé Squalor.

She speaks in broken English with a thick fake accent.

Lulu promised the Baudelaires that she wouldn't tell Count Olaf where they were if they took her to the Mortmain Mountains. This place was marked on her map, but Klaus found that it was a coffee stain, but he later said that it might be there to refer to as a secret place, such as the headquarters of V.F.D. However, she did not keep her promise and Count Olaf captured the Baudelaires.

Esmé Squalor convinces the "freaks" in the Caligari Carnival to murder her by pushing Madame Lulu into the lion pit in exchange for being hired by Count Olaf. She met a sticky end when she fell into the lions' pit along with the Bald Man With the Long Nose.

She has been implied to be a fortune-teller mentioned in a much earlier book who cursed Lemony Snicket when a policeman tripped Mr. Snicket, causing him to break the crystal ball he was holding. She also states in the book that Olaf promised to give her the Snicket Fortune for the times she helped Olaf.

When Olivia removes her turban, Snicket states she has blond hair but in illustrations, she is shown with black hair. If this is simply a mistake or not is unknown.


Bruce is briefly a guardian of the Baudelaires. He first appears at the end of The Reptile Room in which he moves Uncle Monty's reptiles.

In The Slippery Slope, Bruce appears again as the leader of the Snow Scouts. The Baudelaires learn that he is the uncle of Carmelita Spats, a member of the Snow Scouts. Count Olaf cheated him out of Uncle Monty's reptile collection (except for one reptile, most likely the Incredibly Deadly Viper). This was confirmed in Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography, in which Lemony receives the letter from the owners of the Prospero). Bruce is kidnapped by the Man with a Beard But No Hair and the Woman with Hair But No Beard, along with all the Snow Scouts, save for Carmelita, at the end of the book.

At Hotel Denouement shortly after Dewey Denouement is killed, someone calls for Bruce to come back to bed. Later as the hotel burns, the Baudelaires hear a man calling out for Bruce. It is unknown if Bruce survived the fire.

Captain Widdershins

Captain Widdershins is the captain of the Queequeg submarine. He is the stepfather of Fiona and Fernald.

In The Grim Grotto, he finds Klaus, Violet, and Sunny Baudelaire at sea while he is looking for the sugar bowl and takes them aboard the Queequeg. He is extremely emphatic, with almost all of his sentences being exclamations, and permeates his speech with the word "Aye!" His personal philosophy is "He who hesitates is lost", which the Baudelaires find to be unreasonable. Captain Widdershins is considered the eleventh guardian of the Baudelaires. He seems aware that Fiona takes a fancy to Klaus (he accuses them of flirting when Fiona is proud Klaus knows what a mycologist is), stating that if Klaus finds the sugar bowl, he will "allow [Klaus] to marry Fiona."

After sending the Baudelaires and Fiona into the Gorgonian Grotto, he and Phil appear to desert the Queequeg. The reason may have to do with a woman who approached the Queequeg to tell Captain Widdershins something involving him being required to leave the submarine. In The Penultimate Peril, Kit Snicket says that she intends to meet Captain Widdershins and is later mentioned water-skiing towards and, soon after, away from him.

Kit had contacted all three of The Quagmire Triplets as well as their Guardian Hector and had met with them and the crew of the Queequeg when their self-sustaining mobile home crashed into it. This reunion was short-lived, however, as all of the crew as well as the triplets were picked up by the mysterious '?' Shape (dubbed by Kit Snicket as 'The Great Unknown'). Another note to make is that though he himself stated that The Great Unknown was "something worse than Olaf himself", he seemed to insist to take his chances with it, as mentioned by Kit Snicket in The End. It is possible that Captain Widdershins also has, or had, a fortune because when Count Olaf is talking about all the fortunes he will obtain, he says "the Widdershins fortune".

In The Grim Grotto, Widdershins says that Fiona's mother died in a manatee accident.

Dewey Denouement

Dewey Denouement is the hotel manager of the Hotel Denouement, but far fewer people are aware he exists: Count Olaf describes him as a "legendary figure". He calls himself a "sub-sub-librarian", and has spent his life cataloging evidence hidden within the pool of the Hotel Denouement.[11] When he refuses to tell Count Olaf the passwords to unlock a door (which supposedly led to a room containing the sugar bowl), Count Olaf threatens to shoot him with a harpoon gun. The Baudelaires try to save Dewey, but Count Olaf drops the gun and it goes off, killing Dewey.

Dewey is the father of Kit Snicket's child.

Frank and Ernest Denouement

Frank Denouement and Ernest Denouement are identical brothers of Dewey are managers of the Hotel Denouement. Frank is a "volunteer" while Ernest is a "villain". The Baudelaires work in the hotel as concierges and meet the managers on several occasions, but fail to tell Frank and Ernest apart. Their names are a reference to the phrase "You be frank and I'll be earnest."

Other characters

Edgar and Albert Poe

Edgar and Albert are Mr. Poe's two sons. They are only seen in The Bad Beginning when the Baudelaires stay with Mr. Poe following their parents' death. Their names are apparent allusions to Edgar Allan Poe, though they may also be derived from Edgar Albert Guest (who is mentioned in The Grim Grotto). The two brothers are unwelcoming to the Baudelaire orphans.

In the TV series, Edgar and Albert are played by Kaniel Jacob-Cross and Jack Forrester, respectively. Their unwelcoming attitude goes so far to the point that they both think the Baudelaires caused the fire themselves. Lemony Snicket reveals that later in life one became a banker like their father while the other lives in a cave, but that both think that "the other has it better".

Eleanora Poe

Eleanora Poe is the sister of Mr. Arthur Poe, who is in charge of the Baudelaire orphans' affairs. Eleanora is the editor in chief of The Daily Punctilio. She is first mentioned as "a tiresome woman named Eleanora" who was in an elevator at the Hotel Preludio with the Baudelaire family one day when Bertrand played a prank that forced her to stop at every floor on the way to her hotel room.

It is implied that Eleanora and Arthur are not part of the V.F.D. organization, because at The Anxious Clown, the waiter uses a code for V.F.D. members, and neither Eleanora nor Arthur seem to understand it or decide to ignore it. She was eventually locked in the basement of the newspaper building by Geraldine Julienne, her "star reporter", on the orders of Esmé Squalor.[12] This was likely to secure the influence of the newspaper for the villainous side of V.F.D.

In the TV series, her character is changed to be Mr. Poe's wife upon being amalgamated with Polly Poe and she is portrayed by Cleo King. She is shown to be more concerned with the Baudelaires' fame in the papers than their actual living conditions.

Polly Poe

Polly Poe is Mr. Poe's wife. She is mentioned in The Bad Beginning when the Baudelaires stay with the Poe family, and at the theater for Count Olaf's performance of The Marvelous Marriage. While the Baudelaires stay at the Poes' she buys a lot of itchy and ugly clothing. In The Ersatz Elevator, Mr. Poe says that he will tell his wife that dark is in, indicating that she is interested in fashion.

Justice Strauss

Justice Strauss
A Series of Unfortunate Events character
First appearance The Bad Beginning
Last appearance The Penultimate Peril
Portrayed by Catherine O'Hara (film)
Joan Cusack (TV series)
Occupation High Court justice

Justice Strauss is a judge who lives next door to Count Olaf. The Baudelaires initially take a liking to her as soon as they meet in The Bad Beginning, and her library also comes in handy in the foiling of Count Olaf's plot to get the Baudelaire fortune. At the purported mock wedding that Olaf sets up, she plays the judge and unwittingly almost marries Violet to Olaf, legally. At the end of the book, she offers to look after the Baudelaires, but this is not possible due to legal obligations on the part of Mr. Poe.

Strauss reappears in The Penultimate Peril. She has been researching the Baudelaire case and attempts to bring Count Olaf to justice. Her two fellow High Court judges turn out to be Olaf's associates, the Man With a Beard But No Hair and the Woman with Hair But No Beard. Olaf kidnaps Justice Strauss and the Baudelaires follow the two. They end up ascending the roof of the Hotel Denouement after setting fire to the building. Justice Strauss attempts to prevent the escape of Count Olaf, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny, but they leave her behind.


Phil worked at the Lucky Smells Lumbermill in The Miserable Mill. Phil was one of the friendlier mill workers, and helped the Baudelaires adjust to their new home. During the Baudelaires' stay at the lumbermill, Phil was injured by a mill machine, operated by Klaus, who was hypnotized at the time. On the bright side, Phil is an eternally optimistic character who is not upset about the accident, by saying things such as "at least no one would ask whether I'm right-handed or left-handed."

In The Grim Grotto, Phil worked as a cook at a submarine manned by Captain Widdershins (who calls him Cookie) and his stepdaughter Fiona although all he can make are damp casseroles. Klaus believes that Phil is still being affected by the stamping machine accident, but Phil claims it to be a shark bite. He, along with Captain Widdershins, abandons the Baudelaires and Fiona during the middle of the novel for unknown reasons, (or had been captured), and does not appear in The Penultimate Peril or The End.

It is suspected that Phil may have left his work at Lucky Smells Lumbermill due to a lack of sufficient pay; in The Miserable Mill he states that he has read law books and learned that being paid with coupons is illegal, and despite bringing this up with Sir, it is stated in The Penultimate Peril the workers at the mill are still being paid in coupons.

In the TV series, he is portrayed by Chris Gauthier.

Dr. Georgina Orwell

Dr. Georgina Orwell is an optometrist and an accomplice to Count Olaf in his attempts to steal the Baudelaire fortune in The Miserable Mill by hypnotizing Klaus after the Bald Man with the Big Nose posing as Foreman Flacutano breaks his glasses. Her name is an allusion to George Orwell.[8] She is killed when she falls into a gigantic lumber saw, while battling Sunny, sword vs. teeth.

In the TV series, she is played by Catherine O'Hara (who previously portrayed Justice Strauss in the film adaptation). Instead of being killed by the gigantic lumber saw, she falls into the furnace.

Mr. Remora

Mr. Remora is a teacher at Prufrock Preparatory School, in The Austere Academy teaching Violet Baudelaire. He loves bananas and is constantly seen eating one, smearing banana pulp on his moustache. In his class, students are forced to listen to tiresome and extremely short stories he dictates, after which he gives examinations on various objective aspects of the stories. He thinks that the Baudelaires are good students and even objected to Vice-Principal Nero expelling them. Lemony Snicket also reveals that Mr. Remora later retired from his teaching job because he choked on a banana.

Whether retired or not depending on when the banana incident happened, Mr. Remora reappears in The Penultimate Peril with Vice-Principal Nero and Mrs. Bass, having been invited to a cocktail party at the Hotel Denouement, and makes a brief reference to running from the law (possibly a reference to Mrs. Bass's bank robbery). Hal also tries to communicate with him using a V.F.D. coded phrase. However, Mr. Remora fails to understand, meaning that he is probably not part of V.F.D. When it came to the trial of the Baudelaire children and Count Olaf, Mr. Remora chose the side of the Baudelaire children.

Mrs. Bass

Mrs. Bass is Klaus Baudelaire's teacher in The Austere Academy, obsessed with measuring in metric and all of her lessons are on measuring certain items. She and Mr. Remora only agree that Violet and Klaus are good students after their final examination that would determine their expulsion from Prufrock Preparatory. Prior to this, however, they were under the impression that Violet and Klaus were the two worst students in the history of the school. Mrs. Bass at this occasion states that she dislikes Carmelita Spats.

She reappears in The Penultimate Peril, having been invited to a cocktail party at Hotel Denouement by J.S. (an alias of Count Olaf), wearing a thin black mask and a small white wig as a disguise; it is implied, as foreshadowed in The Austere Academy and Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography, that she has robbed a bank, having in her possession several bags of money marked with name of Mulctuary Money Management. It is also implied that the money she stole is from the Spats Fortune. She makes no attempt to conceal her crime from her co-teachers, Vice Principal Nero and Mr. Remora, and they in turn do not judge her, seeming to look on her robbery as an everyday occurrence. She also reveals that her invitation to the cocktail party asked her to bring all her valuables, and since she did not earn enough as a teacher to have valuables she was forced to turn to a life of crime. Despite her defense of the Baudelaires in The Austere Academy, when their own identities are revealed at the Hotel Denouement, she is quick to accuse them of bank robbery.

It is assumed that she survives the fire because it is mentioned in The Austere Academy that she was arrested for bank robbery at Mr. Poe's bank.

Mrs. Morrow

Mrs. Morrow is a citizen from the Village of Fowl Devotees in The Vile Village. She is seen at Town Hall when the Baudelaires arrive wearing a pink bathrobe. She is one of the people who does not want the Baudelaires living with her. She makes them trim her hedges, and later complains about their poor job. She delivers the news about Jacques Snicket's mysterious death, whom she, like the other villagers, thought was Count Olaf. She is one of the villagers most determined to burn the Baudelaires (and any other person in violation of the many thousands of village rules) at the stake.

She (along with Mr. Lesko) reappears in The Penultimate Peril as a guest at Hotel Denouement. She is in the lobby after being woken up by a shot from the harpoon gun that killed Dewey Denouement. She submits constitutions to be used as evidence at the trial for the Baudelaires and Count Olaf. It is not revealed if she escaped from the fire at the hotel that had been set by the Baudelaires and Count Olaf or perished.

Mr. Lesko

Mr. Lesko is a citizen of the Village of Fowl Devotees from The Vile Village. The Baudelaires first meet him at a meeting in Town Hall where he is shown wearing plaid pants. He, and several other citizens, do not want the Baudelaires to live with him and describes them as "noisy" children. He is very mean to them and makes them and Hector clean the windows of his house. He is the one who suggests the Baudelaires be burned at the stake because he thinks they killed Count Olaf (who was actually Jacques Snicket).

He returns in The Penultimate Peril as one of the hotel guests in the lobby after Dewey Denouement is killed. At the Baudelaires and Count Olaf's trial, he hands in rule books for evidence. It is not said if he survives the fire or not.

Jacques Snicket

Jacques Snicket is the older brother of Lemony Snicket and the twin brother of Kit Snicket as well as a member of the V.F.D. At some point during his work, he lost contact with Lemony and remained close to Kit.

Jacques was first seen in The Vile Village where the villagers of the Village of Fowl Devotees mistook him for Count Olaf. He was to be burned at the stake only to be killed by the real Count Olaf (who was disguised as Detective Dupin at the time) who framed the Baudelaire siblings for his death. Before he died, he tried to mention to the Baudelaire children that he worked for the V.F.D.

In the Netflix TV series, Jacques Snicket is portrayed by Nathan Fillion.[7]

Geraldine Julienne

Geraldine Julienne is the star reporter for the Daily Punctilo. She is depicted as always carrying a microphone and incorrectly reports on events throughout the series. In addition, Geraldine is a devoted fan of Esmé Squalor.

She was first mentioned in The Vile Village where she wrote the inacurate article about the Baudelaire children murdered Count Olaf. What really happened is that Count Olaf framed them at the time when Jacques Snicket was mistaken for Count Olaf.

In The Hostile Hospital, Geraldine is present at Violet Baudelaire's surgery.

In The Carnivous Carnival, Geraldine appears at the Caligari Carnival reporting on the lion show there.

In The Penultimate Peril, Geraldine is seen at the Hotel Denouement. She was seen in the rooftop sunbathing salon with Esmé Squalor and Carmelita Spats.


Babs first appears in The Hostile Hospital.

She is the head of Heimilich Hospital's Human Resources Department. She is never seen but is heard over an intercom, which distorts her voice and makes it sound 'scratchy'. She seems to believe that the Baudelaires should be 'seen and not heard' which is ironic since she can't see them anyway. Count Olaf, disguised as Mattathias, later stole her position to take control of the hospital and hinted that he pushed her off the roof of the hospital, as he said she had 'decided to pursue a career as a stuntwoman' and had 'started jumping off buildings immediately.' This means that Olaf probably pushed her off a roof or forced her to jump off one. Either way, Babs was killed.


The Castaways are a group of people that live on an island that Count Olaf tried to christen as Olaf Land. Among the known castaways are:


Ishmael appears in The End; he is the leader in a small colony of island inhabitants. He uses peer pressure and the sedative of fermented coconut cordial to influence the islanders; while claiming to be unable to walk, he often sneaks off to the island's arboretum, writing diary entries and organizing shipwrecked objects. The Baudelaires, when on this island, discover that he used to know their parents and forced them off the island when their mother was pregnant with Violet. When they ask him why he keeps so many secrets from the islanders, he says that he is trying to keep them safe. He is last seen on a boat leaving the island, surrounded by poisoned islanders, although he previously consumed an antidote.

Friday Caliban

Friday Caliban is a young island girl who quickly befriends the Baudelaires, giving Sunny a whisk as a gift, and making enemies with Count Olaf by abandoning him. She is the daughter of Thursday and Miranda Caliban. Her mother told her that her father was eaten by a manatee in the storm which shipwrecked her on the island, but the truth is that Miranda and Thursday were separated by the schism and Miranda did not want her daughter to know this. Friday was forced to leave the island on a boat with the other islanders, all of them infected by the Medusoid Mycelium, leaving the Baudelaires behind.

Minor castaways

The following castaways don't play a big part in the series:


  1. listen
  2. LS to BB #5, Dewey is killed in book 13 The End. When Violet accidentally drops a harpoon gun causing Dewey to be shot. The Beatrice Letters
  3. The Bad Beginning: Rare Edition
  4. Snicket, Lemony (2006). The End. A Series of Unfortunate Events. HarperCollins. ISBN 0-06-441016-1.
  5. Snicket, Lemony (2006). The Beatrice Letters. A Series of Unfortunate Events. HarperCollins. ISBN 0-06-058658-3.
  6. The Unauthorized Autobiography, p. 79
  7. 1 2 3 4 UPI (June 14, 2017). "Nathan Fillion, Tony Hale Book Roles on 'A Series of Unfortunate Events'". TV Insider. Retrieved June 14, 2017.
  8. 1 2 3 Melody Joy Kramer (October 12, 2006). "A Series Of Unfortunate Literary Allusions". NPR. Retrieved November 30, 2014.
  9. McLaughlin, Maureen; Overturf, Brenda (November 7, 2012). The Common Core: Teaching K-5 Students to Meet the Reading Standards. International Reading Assoc. p. 92. ISBN 0872078159. clearly a reference to the Roman Emperor Nero, who allegedly fiddled while Rome burned
  10. p. 163 of The Carnivorous Carnival calls Madame Lulu "the fake name of the woman".
  11. French, Emma (April 27, 2017). "Best librarian characters in fantasy fiction". OUPblog. Oxford University Press. Retrieved April 30, 2017.
  12. Snicket, Lemony. "Lemony Snicket: The Unauthroized Autobiography". HarperCollins, 2002, p. 140-141.
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