Mosques commissioned by the Ottoman dynasty

The list below contains some of the most important mosques in modern-day Turkey that were commissioned by the members of Ottoman imperial family.

The table

In the table below the first column shows the name, the second column shows the location, the third column shows the commissioner, the fourth column shows the architect and the fifth column shows the duration of construction.

Name Location Commissioner Architect Years
Hüdavendigar Mosque Bursa Murad I 1365-1385
Beyazıt I Mosque Bursa Bayezid I 1391–1395
Bursa Grand Mosque Bursa Bayezid I 1396–1400
Eski Mosque (Old Mosque) Edirne Süleyman Çelebi[lower-alpha 1]
Mehmet I
Haci Alaeddin
Ömer İbrahim
Yeşil Mosque (Green Mosque) Bursa Mehmet I Hacı İvaz 1419–1421
Muradiye Complex[lower-alpha 2] Bursa Murat II 1426
Darül Hadis Mosque Edirne Murat II 1435
Muradiye Mosque Edirne Murat II 1435-36
Üç Şerefeli Mosque Edirne Murat II 1438–1447
Eyüp Sultan Mosque[lower-alpha 3] İstanbul Mehmet II 1458
Fatih Mosque İstanbul Mehmed II Atik Sinan 1463–1471
Beyazıt Complex Edirne Bayezid II Hayrettin 1484–1488
Beyazit Complex Amasya Şehzade Ahmet[lower-alpha 4] 1486
Beyazıt II Mosque İstanbul Bayezid II Yakup 1501–1506
Gülbahar Hatun Mosque[lower-alpha 5] Trabzon Selim I ?-1514
Yavuz Selim Mosque İstanbul Selim I-Süleyman I Alaüddin (Acem Alisi) 1520/21–1527/8[1]
Sultan Mosque (Manisa)[lower-alpha 6] Manisa Suleyman I 1522
Haseki Sultan Mosque İstanbul Hürrem Sultan[lower-alpha 7] Mimar Sinan 1538–1539, complex completed 1551, expanded 1612–13[2]
Şehzade Mosque[lower-alpha 8] İstanbul Süleyman I Mimar Sinan 1543–1548[3]
Mihrimah Sultan Mosque (Üsküdar) İstanbul (Üsküdar) Mihrimah Sultan[lower-alpha 9] Mimar Sinan 1543/4–1548[4]
Süleymaniye Mosque İstanbul Süleyman I Mimar Sinan 1548–1559[5]
Tekkiye Mosque Damascus Süleyman I Mimar Sinan 1559
Rüstem Pasha Mosque İstanbul Rüstem Pasha[lower-alpha 10] Mimar Sinan 1561–1563
Mihrimah Sultan Mosque (Edirnekapı)[lower-alpha 11] İstanbul (Edirnekapı) Mihrimah Sultan Mimar Sinan c. 1563–1570[6]
Sokollu Mehmet Pasha Mosque İstanbul (Kadirga) Ismihan Sultan[lower-alpha 12] Mimar Sinan c. 1556/68-1571/72[7]
Selimiye Mosque Edirne Selim II Mimar Sinan 1568–1574[8]
Selimiye Mosque Karapınar Selim II Mimar Sinan 1563
Selimiye Mosque Konya Selim II Mimar Sinan (?) 1570
Atik Valide Camii (Old Valide Mosque) İstanbul (Üsküdar) Nurbanu Sultan[lower-alpha 13] Mimar Sinan 1571–1583, expanded 1584–85/86[9]
Muradiye Mosque Manisa Murat III Mimar Sinan 1583–1586/87, complex completed 1590[10]
Yeni Camii (New Mosque) İstanbul (Eminönü) Safiye Sultan[lower-alpha 14]

Turhan Hatice[lower-alpha 15]

Mimar Davut Ağa
Mustafa Ağa

Dalgıç Ahmed Çavuş

Sultan Ahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque) İstanbul Ahmet I Sedefkar Mehmet Agha 1609–1616
Yeni Valide Camii (New Valide Mosque) İstanbul (Üsküdar) Emetullah Râbi'a Gülnûş Sultan[lower-alpha 16] Hazerfan Mehmet 1708–1710
Nuruosmaniye Mosque İstanbul Mahmut I
Osman III
Mustafa Ağa
Simon Kalfa
Lâleli Mosque İstanbul Mustafa III Mehmet Tahir Ağa 1760–1783
Sultan Mustafa Mosque İstanbul Mustafa III 1763
Zeynep Sultan Mosque İstanbul Zeynep Sultan[lower-alpha 17] Mehmet Tahir Ağa 1769
Beylerbeyi Mosque (Emirgan Mosque?) İstanbul Abdülhamit I Mehmet Tahir Ağa 1777–1778
Teşvikiye Mosque İstanbul Selim III
Abdülmecit I
Selimiye Mosque İstanbul Selim III 1805
Nusretiye Mosque İstanbul Mahmut II Krikor Balyan 1823–1826
Hırka'i Şerif Mosque[lower-alpha 18] İstanbul Abdülmecit I 1847–1851
Dolmabahçe Mosque İstanbul Abdülmecit I - Bezmiâlem Sultan[lower-alpha 19] Garabet Balyan 1853–1855
Ortaköy Mosque İstanbul Abdülmecit I Garabet Balyan
Nigoğayos Balyan
Pertevniyal Mosque İstanbul Pertevniyal Sultan[lower-alpha 20] Montani 1869–1871
Aziziye Mosque (Konya) Konya Pertevniyal Sultan 1872-1874
Yıldız Hamidiye Mosque İstanbul Abdülhamit II Sarkis Balyan 1884–1886

Mosques on the hills of İstanbul

Ottoman Mosques.

Among those mosques in Istanbul some of them have been built on the traditional seven hills of the city. (The numbers refer to the number of the hill.)

  1. Sultan Ahmet Mosque
  2. Nurosmaniye Mosque
  3. Beyazıt II Mosque-Şehzade Mosque
  4. Fatih Mosque
  5. Yavuz Selim Mosque
  6. Mihrimah Sultan Mosque

Selâtin mosques

Selâtin mosques, (Selâtin means in Arabic "Sultans") by the usual definition, are mosques commissioned by a sultan who personally led a military campaign. They are large mosques with several minarets. Fatih and Süleymaniye are typical examples. However, this definition does not exactly cover the concept. Beginning by the 17th century, most sultans preferred to stay in the capital rather than campaigning. Ahmet I (reigned 1603–1617), who was a non-campaigning sultan, commissioned the Blue Mosques, one of the greatest mosques which had 6 minarets. This mosque is also considered a selâtin mosque.

Most of the mosques were commissioned by the sultans. But some mosques were commissioned by the other members of the dynasty; usually the mothers of sultans.


  1. Süleyman Çelebi: A contestant of throne during Ottoman Interregnum
  2. Turkish: Külliye
  3. Dedicated to Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, one of the earliest followers of Prophet who died during Arabic campaign to İstanbul
  4. Beyazıt's son (when he was a sanjak ruler)
  5. Dedicated to Selim's mother Gülbahar Hatun
  6. Dedicated to Suleyman's mother Ayşe Hafsa Sultan
  7. Hürrem: Mother of Selim II
  8. Dedicated to Süleyman's son Şehzade Mehmed who died young
  9. Mihrimah: Daughter of Süleyman I and Hürrem Sultan
  10. Rüstem: Husband of Mihrimah Sultan, son-in-law of Süleyman I and Hürrem Sultan
  11. She commissioned two mosques, the first on the Asiatic and the second on the European sides of the Bosphorous
  12. Ismihan: Daughter of Selim II and Nurbanu Sultan, wife of grand vizier Sokollu Mehmed Pasha
  13. Nurbanu: Mother of Murat III
  14. Safiye: Mother of Mehmet III
  15. Turhan Hatice: Mother of Mehmet IV
  16. Gülnuş: Mother of Ahmet III
  17. Zeynep: Daughter of Ahmet III
  18. Holy Mantle is kept in this mosque
  19. Bezmialem: Mother of Abdülmecit
  20. Pertevniyal: Mother of Abdülaziz


  1. Necipoğlu 2005, pp. 93-94.
  2. Necipoğlu 2005, pp. 268-272.
  3. Necipoğlu 2005, pp. 191-207.
  4. Necipoğlu 2005, pp. 301-305.
  5. Necipoğlu 2005, pp. 222-230.
  6. Necipoğlu 2005, pp. 305-314.
  7. Necipoğlu 2005, pp. 335-339.
  8. Necipoğlu 2005, pp. 238-256.
  9. Necipoğlu 2005, pp. 280-293.
  10. Necipoğlu 2005, pp. 257-265.


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