Mosque of Al-Saqiya

Mosque of Al-Saqiya
Basic information
Location Medina, Saudi Arabia
Affiliation Islam
Country Saudi Arabia
Dome(s) 3

Mosque of Al-Saqiya (Arabic: مسجد السقيا) is a mosque located in Medina, Saudi Arabia inside the current Anbariya train station. The mosque was built on the dome of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad when he went out for the Battle of Badr[1][2], and this is considered to be the place where Surah al-Anfal verse 7 was descended. There are accounts in Hadith of the prophet performing ablution with the water of Suqya well located near here before he sets out for the battle, and the water from the well was also drawn to drink.[3] It is also being told that Umar lead the Istiqlaa prayer (prayer for rain) here by the request of Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib.


The mosque was named after the well of Suqya, owned by Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas, located in the south.


This small mosque has three domes, and it is 56 meters square meters wide. It has elements of Umayyad architecture style, and it was restored at the time of the king Fahd bin Abdul Aziz rule.

See also


  1. Tarikh Ma'alim al-Madinah al-Munawwarah, volume.1, p.72
  2. Wafa'u al-Wafa, volume.3, p.972
  3. retrieved May 28, 2017

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