Modern Equality Party

Modern Equality Party
Müasir Müsavat Partiyası
Founded 2003 (2003)
Headquarters Baku, Azerbaijan
Ideology Social liberalism
Left-wing populism
Political position Centre-left
Colours Yellow, blue
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The Modern Equality Party (Azerbaijani: Müasir Müsavat Partiyası) is a centre-left political party in Azerbaijan.

Its candidate Hafiz Haciyev won 0.3% of the popular vote in the 15 October 2003 presidential elections. During a live debate on TV, Haciyev clashed with Fuad Mustafayev, a representative of the Azerbaijani Popular Front Party who threw his full water glass into Haciyev's face, the latter reacted throwing his water glass against Mustafayev.

In one occasion Haciyev accused Musavat leader Isa Gambar of being a KGB agent, ANIP leader Etibar Mamedov of collaborating with Armenians, and Popular Front leader Ali Kerimli of "losing his manhood" while in jail.[1]


  1. Ismailzade, Fariz (September 10, 2003). "Collapsed Hopes for Opposition Unity in Azerbaijan". The Central-Asia Caucasus Analyst. Retrieved November 3, 2013.

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