Mister X (1958 film)

Mister X
Directed by Yuli Khmelnitsky
Written by Yuli Khmelnitsky
Nora Rubinstein
Based on Die Zirkusprinzessin
by Imre Kálmán
Starring Georg Ots
Music by Imre Kálmán
Cinematography Yuliy Khmelnitsky
Release date
  • 1958 (1958)
Running time
95 minutes
Country Soviet Union
Language Russian

Mister X (Russian: Мистер Икс) is a Russian musical comedy film directed by Yuliy Khmelnitsky and based on the Leningrad Theatre of Musical Comedy operetta of the same name from 1956. The operetta itself was a Russian adaptation of Emmerich Kálmán's Die Zirkusprinzessin.[1][2]

Filming began in 1957, with many of the actors and artists from the Leningrad Theatre working on the film as well. It premiered in the Soviet Union and other countries on the May 2nd, 1958.[3][4]


Although the music is from Kálmán's operetta, the setting was changed from Tsarist Russia to France. The mysterious Mister X is a dashing circus performer, actually the disinherited nephew of a dead prince. He is hired by a disappointed suitor of Teodora Verdier to pose as a nobleman and marry her.

At one point, Marie Latouche performs the 20 minute "dance on the drum," which was made to outdo Lyubov Orlova's famous "dance on the gun" in Circus (1936 film).



Trophy films

Trophy movies began to appear on Soviet screens in 1948. At this time the Soviet Union was working feverishly to create their own nuclear weapons and the Soviet government desperately needed money. A number of "bourgeois" films were filmed by the Red Army in Germany and other European countries in order to raise funds. This eventually proved to be a a serious ideological miscalculation on the part of the Communist government. The "trophy" movies ruined an entire generation of Soviet youth, showing them the dream of a different, non-Soviet life. Joseph Brodsky said: "Only four series of the film Tarzan contributed more de-Stalinization than all Khrushchev's speech during the XX Congress and subsequently." However, the history of "trophy" movies began much earlier, — after the campaign of the Red Army in Poland in September 1939.[6]

Cinema historian Alexandr Pozdnyakov said: "Beginning of the 1950s period received name of 'a little quantity movies' period in the Soviet Union. In 1952 only six films were produced by the big Soviet cinema system. The interest of the Soviet population was taken by the 'trophy' films, in which aristocratic life was shown in full positive." However, it was more important to back proper Soviet ideology. Mister X was a convincing reply to the Hollywood films of the time while still being thoroughly Soviet in its content and theme.[7]

The following foreign "trophy" films about aristocratic life were seized during the occupation of Germany, and as such Mister X was planned in order to outdo them all.

Much of the set and costume design had to be cobbled together from pieces used in other films, as the budget for Mister X was too low to make new ones.[8]

Changes from the operetta

Although the film was based on Die Zirkusprinzessin (English: The Circus Princess) by the Hungarian composer Emmerich Kálmán, which had premiered at Theater an der Wien in Vienna on 26 March 1926, significant changes had to be made because the operetta was set in Tsarist Russia and as such had many themes which were unacceptable in the time of the film.[9]. The film was moved from Saint Petersburg to Paris, the characters became French, and Hussar Aria of Mister X was replaced by Marine Aria.[10]

The actor Grigoriy Yaron who played Pelican wrote:

"No any Kolman's operetta had so many different "variants" in the USSR as "The Circus Princess", and when it had the first appearance in the Soviet Union, the operetta had one embodiment in Moscow, and different one in Leningrad. So, "the first comic" of the teatrical troupe in Moscow portrayed the Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich of Russia during the Dike's emigration in Paris; instead of it a rich American appeared in Leningrad theatre, where Pelican was portrayed as a waiter of the restaurant and the same time as a Russian General of the white emigres. White Russian emigres disappeared in further variants of this operetta."[11]


Corresponding to the 1950s history.

Sovetskoye Shampanskoye (English: Soviet champagne).


Two times Karolina, the personage of the film Mister X, says phrase which became already a jargon on the territory of the Soviet Union:

"You will fly out from here like a cork out of a bottle!"

Soviet scientists and winemakers continued works after the Second world war to optimize technology of "Soviet champagne" production. In 1953, Professor Georgiy Agabaliyants in collaboration with colleagues proposed a method of wine champagnization in a "continuous stream". This method, "continuous stream", was introduced into production in 1954, it reduced the cost of each bottle of wine by 20% and, according to domestic winemakers have increased the quality of the champagne, — it became more foamy and bubbly, also increased its resistance to clouding.[12][13] Due to Soviet champagne became more foamy and bubbly, a cork flies out from a bottle like a bullet or a missile.

Film scene of the first meeting for mother-in-law Karolina and daughter-in-law Marie Latouche has the final, when both grab a bottle of champagne each to continue the fighting.

According to the era

Political satire

Today political satire is unvisible for people due to the events of those years are forgotten.

First side of political satire: Kashmir conflict.
The Kashmir conflict was a territorial conflict primarily between India and Pakistan, having started just after the partition of India in 1947 and continued in the 1950s. From beginning China had at times played a minor role.[14] The Kashmir conflict on Russian is Kashmirskiy conflict (Russian: Кашмирский конфликт). The family name of actor Nikolay Kashirskiy, as Toni in "Mister X", has one character less, but consonant: Kashmirskiy conflict and Nikolay Kashirskiy. China occupied Aksai Chin, part of Kashmir, in the early 1950s.[15] At that time the Soviet Union was friendly with China began to improve relations with India. As per Russian sources:

"Independent strong India represents a significant threat for the US and the UK, so from the outset it was decided, first, to divide it into two States (then added a third state – Bangladesh), and secondly – to play off States of the Indian subcontinent in the ongoing confrontation. One of the tools that grazing is the Kashmir conflict."[16]

The leaders of the Soviet Union saw in this conflict the game the UK. The UK was like a mother who wants to find a good marriage for her child Kashmir, which remained under Great Britain influence after India independence. The same situation in film "Mister X": owner of hotel and mother Karolina was wishing good marriage for own child Tony (the role of actor Nikolay Kashirskiy). And the operetta personage name Carla was changed to Karolina in film "Mister X", which more close to Russian word королева (English: Queen).

The result of the Kashmir conflict had influenced the rupture of good relations between the Soviet Union and China in the 1960s.

Who were script-writers of political satira in this film? Is this political satire was planned or it is happened spontaneously? As per the documentary "How to make movies Mister X", casting for the filming in this movie was chosen in the theaters of Moscow and Leningrad, where there were already delivered similar performances, and this choice of actors quarreled entire operetta world of two Soviet capitals, as Leningrad was named cultural capital. Why one actor, Nikolay Kashirskiy, was taken from provincia, from Irkutsk? The family name Kashirskiy is a rare surname.


Second side of political satire: The relationship of Britain and France before filming.
The duo Karolina and Pelican is very comical. Due to events in the movie. Из-за того, что события происходят во Франции в этом фильме, можно увидеть пародии на отношения между Францией и GB в 1956 и 1957 годах.

General De Gaulle & Catroux - North Africa

In 1956, the French government suggested the UK create a Union of the two States and to discuss the possibility of joining the British Commonwealth. But this idea did not receive support in London. According to the archives, on 10 September 1956 the French Prime Minister Guy Mollet proposed to his British counterpart Anthony Eden to discuss the possibility of uniting the two countries into the Union. At that time Paris is experiencing a strong "discomfort" due to the loss of control over the Suez Canal and Egypt's support of the separatists in Algeria, was extremely interested in the assistance of London. There was another reason why the French Prime Minister proposed this radical plan. At this time, growing tensions on the border between Israel and Jordan. France was an ally of Israel, and the Kingdom of Jordan. If the situation got out of control, the French and British soldiers could soon start fighting against each other.[18]

It is recorded in a document dated September 28, 1956, that during the meeting with the Cabinet Secretary Norman Brook, the British Prime Minister recommended consideration of the proposal by France of its membership in the British Commonwealth. According to document, Guy Mollet "did not expect any difficulty in making France under patronage of Her Majesty" (Queen of Great Britain). However, the dialogue on the proposals between Paris and London did not give positive results - allegedly, Anthony Eden opposed to the Union, allegedly. After a year, France acted as one of the founders of the prototype of the European Union. Britain also joined the process of European unification at a later date.[18]

It is unknown which was Charles de Gaulle politic in this years, but soon, in 1958, he will be a candidate in the elections for President and win. Pelican on Russian means the same on English: bird Pelican. And Charles de Gaulle is very very suitable for comparison with this bird. Film's personage Pelican has a dual predisposition to Karolina:

It is possible that Charles de Gaulle was nicknamed Pelican in Soviet intelligence division.

In 1959 Charles de Gaulle will take the post of President of France. In the framework of the conference of the leaders of the United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union in Paris in the spring 1960 meeting of Charles de Gaulle and N. S. Khrushchev took place. De Gaulle openly declared the Soviet visitor: "France does not intend to stay in NATO and establish NATO policy." He took France out of NATO in 1966.[19]

Difference in the height of Pelican and Karolina expresses the plight of France and the willingness to submit to the UK, although in reality the height GB Queen is less that the height of Charles de Gaulle.

Georgiy Zhukov

This chapter can be transferred later to separate article Georgiy Zhukov's opals.

Georg Ots and Georg Ost

The English word East can be translated to Russian as really Russian Word Восток (Vostok) or as the word Ост (Ost), which has been borrowed from the Holland the word Oost (in English, it is the same East). It is happened due to Russian Tsar Peter I lived in Holland and borrowed some words for the Russian language. As example, the names of articles in Russian Wikipedia: Ост-Индская компания, Ост-индский корабль, etc.

The name Georg could mean any king Georg, seems here George VI due to the ship in the film was named Seagull (to reed article SS Liza Chaikina). Will try to put in another order characters of Estonian family name Ots and result will Ost (East). If somebody stay in Moscow George VI, he died in 1952, could be mentioned as West George. Who could be Ost (East) George in the second part of the 1950s?

Soviet general Georgiy Zhukov in February, 1945.

Like Soviet general Georgiy Zhukov, George is Georgiy on Russian, was East George (Georgiy). From 1948 to 1953 (or 1952) Georgiy Zhukov was a Commander of Ural Military District, it is Easterly of Moscow. From 1955 to 25 of October, 1957 he was a Minister of Defence of the Soviet Union. According to Western researchers opinion Zhukov was a key person during the suppressing the Hungarian uprising in 1956.[20] Soviet troops entered Hungary. Development of a plan of introduction of the troops was entrusted to Zhukov. This operation was called "Whirlwind" (Russian: Вихрь).[21] "Due to the suppression of the Hungarian fascist rebellion" and in connection with his 60th birthday on December 1, 1956, Zhukov was awarded the fourth medal "Gold Star" № 1, with the award of 4-th "Order of Lenin" (No. 276136)[22]

The filming of Mister X commenced in 1957, when Georgiy Zhukov was a Minister of Defence of the Soviet Union, and dramatic actor Igor Gorbachyov was planned as Mister X. Directly before commencement of the filming, Gorbachyov refused and Georg Ots was taken for filming. Some sources mentioned that both actors had similar facial features.[7]

Similar comparison Yuriy Andropov and Georgiy Zhukov had place during the Statue of Yuriy Dolgorukiy, Moscow (1954), and Statue of Metallurgist Anosov, Zlatoust (1954), installations.[23]

It is means Georgiy Zhukov had nicknames "Georg Ost", "Mister X". Zhukov died on the 18 of June, 1974.

What about Georg Ots: a brain tumor was discovered in 1972, 8 operations, the amputation of his eye, but almost to the end of his life he continued to work. Georg Ots died in Tallinn on 5 September 1975.[24]

Georgy Zhukov opals

On 29 October 1957, Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgiy Zhukov was removed from the Presidium of the Central Committee and the CPSU. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR he was released from the post of Minister of defense of the USSR.[25][26]

On 3 November 1957, a newspaper of the CPSU Central Committee "Pravda" published an article by Marshal of Soviet Union I. S. Konev "the Power of the Soviet Army and Navy — in the party leadership, in close connection with the people." Particularly, this article argued that "Zhukov did not justify the trust of the party" was a politically untenable figure, which is prone to adventurism in the understanding of the most important tasks of Soviet foreign policy and the leadership of the Ministry of defense".[27]

As per Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers No. 240 dated 27 February 1958, Zhukov was dismissed.[27]

But the premier of movie "Mister X" was on the 2nd May, 1958. There is no anywhere mentioned when the shooting of this film was completed. Soviet cinema has plenty examples, when a movie was viewed by the special Committee and pending on the shelf, and after some time it released in theaters or on TV. An example is the film "Отпуск в сентябре", which had some years delay in premier due to Intelligence service. Could be shooting of "Mister X" was completed in October, 1957.

On the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which was held from 17 to 31 October 1961, Zhukov was called as a membership of the Anti-Party Group.[28][26]

After the resignation, only Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov was not enrolled in the group of the General inspectors of the USSR Ministry of defense, which included all prominent military leaders-the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, health or superannuation leave service.

The reason for the unexpected opals of Georgiy Zhukov as per Yuriy Rubtsov

Above mentioned dismissing of Zhukov rises plenty questions: Doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Yury Viktorovich Rubtsov (was born in 1955) wrote in own article "Comrade Zhukov" left the chambler on the 2nd of Novmber, 2007:

"Half a century has passed since the day when during the Plenum of the CPSU in October 1957 a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Party and Minister of Defence of the USSR Georgy Zhukov was ousted from all his posts. However, even today not fully understood the reason for the unexpected opals are the most famous in the country of the commander of the great war. After all, he's been a reliable ally of the then first Secretary of the Central Committee and de facto head of state Nikita Khrushchev. Moreover, four months earlier, at the June plenary session, essentially the "Marshal of the Victory" saved Nikita Sergeyevich, and perhaps, not only from the elimination from the political arena ..."[29]

Rubtsov's article is interesting, he formulates the reasons as per archives. But following questions are not investigated properly. According to eyewitnesses Zhukov was very vindictive, but he neither take revenge on Nikita Khrushchev nor Marshal Konev nor others generals and members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He did not take revenge on Marshal Konev, who wrote a scathing article about him in the newspaper. Let check positions of Soviet general and leaders after Nikita Khrushchev overthrow in October, 1964.

Marshal Rodion Malinovsky. In March 1956 he became Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR, Deputy of Marshal Zhukov. How to understand his declaration against Zhukov on the above-mentioned Plenum? All sources mentined, that Zhukov had authority in the army and obeyed. the confrontation between the generals and the Defense Minister Zhukov on the Plenum meant the mess in the Army. Rodion Malinovsky became a Minister of Defemce after Zhukov's overthrow, from October 1957 to 31 of March 1967. Zhukov was friendly to Leonid Brezhnev and had possibilities to revenge from October 1964 to March 1967. Marshal Rodion Malinovsky died on 31 of March, 1967. After the death of Malinovskiy, Zhukov suffered a heart attack and his health became worse.

Marshals Ivan Konev and Georgy Zhukov were friendly from 1930-s and often were together on the World War II fronts.[30]

If the list of everyone who spoke at the October Plenum against Georgy Zhukov, the article will turn to the study of this issue and is off topic. Therefore, will indicate the real cause and look for sources to confirm.

The real first reason for the "unexpected opals" of Georgiy Zhukov as per Yuriy Gryshchuk

What was done Georgy Zhukov during his first opal in Odessa?
No one historian bothered to check it out. But Zhukov's first opal in Odessa from June 1946 to February 1948 is unclear also. During this period were built only hoses for military officers and ... (You will surprised!) ... In 1947, the city government of Odessa transferred 11 acres of land to the Black Sea Shipping Company for aerial field. This newbuilt big size antenna enabled to communicate easy with steamers in Mediterranean and Read Sea, in the North-Eastern part of the Indian Ocean and in the North-East part of Atlantic Ocean and .[31] Due to Georgiy Zhukov was a commander of the Odessa military district in this years, we can say that it was done under his control. Then Iosif Stalin was in power. It should be noted that Zhukov during the Second world war was a General who carried out Stalin's special assignments. So, it was not the first opal, it was a conspiracy. Due to this antenna Soviet ships had good communication during Cuban Crisis also.

Cold War monuments and Governor Metallurg Anosov
To read please following articles to understand this chapter:

Kashirskiy and Kashira
Family names ending -kiy or -ky, such as Kashirskiy, formed from:

If you has not find the city by name, then you are searching for an appropriate adjective. So, Kashirskiy could designate the person who cooks kasha. Town Kashira is small and today Soviet and Russian peoples knew mostly nothing about this town, theremore in the 1950s this town was unknown for the most population of the USSR. Actor Nicholas Kashirskiy was filmed in film "Mister X". So, we assume that his family name comes from town Kashira, although he did not live there, or he changed the name on purpose. This name is rare. Town Kashira situated close to Moscow and described sufficiently in the Russian Wikipedia. The following information from Russian Wikipedia artikle Кашира can supplement the above information:

Marshals Konev's letter to Zhukov in 1970
The envoy Stepan Kachurka, the envoy of Marshal Ivan Konev, said that Konev talked about the events during October 1957 and sent Kachurka to Zhukov with Konev's exculpatory letter in 1970. In case of unforeseen circumstances, the envoy had to eat the letter. Georgy Zhukov wrote own "resolution" in the Konev's letter: "I do not forgive betrayal! Ask the God for forgiveness! Pray for the sins in the church! G. Zhukov". Due to the energy movement by hand, his exclamation mark broke through the paper and the disgraced commander mercilessly quipped: "And that is as a print!" When the envoy Stepan Kachurka back from Zhukov, the officers of state security met him and asked to follow them. One officer said to the envoy, that they have information regarding him job, the envoy's job was the search of the missing persons during the World War II. The officer bring him to Yuriy Andropov, who said to Stepan Kashira give him Konev's letter to read. It was too late to eat a letter. Kashira had not any other chois and gave the letter to read. Marshal Ivan Konev wrote in the letter that in October 1957, before the Plenum, he was summoned to a secret meeting with "the insidious three": Nikita Khrushchev, Mikhail Suslov, and General of state security Ivan Serov. Marshal Ivan Konev noted also in the letter that he sure regarding the tough ultimatum, which was given to other marshals, who were "invited" to speak at the October Plenum, - or marshals with the three leaders, or they with Georgiy Zhukov. When the envoy Stepan Kachura back the letter to Marshal Ivan Konev, Konev read the answer Zhukov and said: Well, history will judge us.[33] Like this phrase any Russian says, if on his opinion any other person is guilty too. Seems, Ivan Konev understood, that Zhukov was not punished and was included in the Soviet secret structures. In this case Marshal Zhukov had to keep silance regarding own new position and could not explain regarding spectacular on the October Plenum. As per Marshal Zhukov opinion, Konev was guilty.

What did Zhukov after "the overthrow"

Cold War season 1958-1961 Georgiy Zhukov participated in the development of many covert operations of the Soviet Union. Seems, after "the overthrow" he did the same. To read also English Wikipedia articles SS Nezhin and SS Karaganda#Soviet history of this ship to understand the directions of the Soviet Union activity.

Kartamyshevskaya street in Odessa This street placed in famous Moldavanka district of Odessa, Ukraine. It was Kartamyshevskaya street from 1838 to 1939, street of Petrovsky from 1939 to 1945, street of Suharev from 1945 to 1953, street of M. Raskova in honor of Marina Raskova from 1953 to 1995, and in 1995 the first name back to this street (Kartamyshevskaya).[34] Citizens of this street called this street sometimes as Kartamyshevskaya, sometimes as Marina Raskova or Mariya Raskova due to labels on the houses' gates were "M. Raskova". Marina or Mariya different names and meant different things in Intelligence. It seems that Zhukov or someone from his entourage decided to apply a similar in intelligence Zhukov. So actress Nina Yurasova changed its name to Marina Yurasova specifically for the film "Mister X". In future she was shot in various films, but in some films she was named in film's titles as Nina Yurasova, and in other films as Marina Yurasova. So, during Cold War period this street had name M. Raskova. Due to one person, who was born on Kartomyshevskaya stree, 26, Odessa, Soviet Union, the name Kartamyshevskaya back to this street in 1995.[35]

Odessa citizen Grigoriy Zhukovsky in 1950s about
Tombstones on Grigoriy Zhukovsky and Antonina Zhukovskaya (maiden name Chernyavskaya), the Second Christian Cemetery in Odessa.

And again about this street. Close to this street was placed steel antenna-mast, which four legs were placed on four horisontal concrete plates. This antenna-mast was removed in 1990 about. The house of prayer First Baptist Church of Odessa was built on this place during 1992-1996, which local citizen named Notre-Dame de Moldavanka. This antenna-tower was built for Intelligence purposes also.[34][36] The Zhukovsky family lived on street of M. Raskova, 26, and the home ownership was recorded on Antonina (short name Nina) Zhukovskaya. Similar name Nina had Marina (Nina) Yurasova, but it is later to check any relationship or Intelligence codes due to Nina Zhukovskaya died in 1992. Zhukov and Zhukovskiy are similar family names, which famous in the history of East Prussia region, which today is Kaliningrad oblast.

Cuban Crisis and Soviet ship Metallurg Anosov Seems in September 1961 or earlier, directly before Cuban Crisis (October 1962), Marshal Georgiy Zhukov was sure in the Soviet victory on Cuba and tried to mark himself. The newbuilt ship Metallurg Anosov was delivered to Black Sea Shipping Company on the 29 of September, 1962, and the son of the youngest daughter of Zhukovsky family was born on the 29 of September, 1962. One year later about the husband of the youngest daughter of Zhukovsky family commenced to work on the ship Metallurg Anosov.

To read article ship Metallurg Anosov. The captain and the husband of the younger daughter of Grigoriy Zhukovsky worked the longest on this ship. All the other crew members changed frequently. Some replacement crew members were brought to the ship information in the form of anecdotes, stories, poems, and other things, which the unsuspecting husband of the daughter of Grigoriy Zhukovsky told the family at home, but some family members understood that according to this Intelligence.

About Marshal Rodion Malinovsky and Grigoriy Zhukovsky family Rodion Malinovsky (1898-1967) was born in Odessa. Before "Zhukov's overthrow" after the October Plenum in 1957, Marshal Malinovskiy was the Deputy of Minister of Defence of the Soviet Union, the Deputy of Marshal Georgy Zhukov. After October Plenum Malinovskiy held the post of Minister of Defence of the Soviet Union, due to Odessa was the main port during Cuban operation from 1958 and up to end of the USSR. This Marshal was born in Odessa. Rodion Malinovsky studied the French language,[37] it is unusually as the officers of the Soviet land forces studied mostly German language, and the personages of the film "Mister X" received French names too. There is a version that his father was the Odessa police chief of Yakim (Jacob) Ivanovich Bunin, who was from the hereditary nobility of the Tambov province and who was a Colonel, then retired major General, died in 1902. This unlikely version could be an invention of the offended women and indirectly associated with the complaint of the first wife of Rodion Malinovsky, directed in Tsentralnoye electoral Commission for elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1954.[38][39]

Soviet postal stamp in honor Marshal Rodion Malinovsky, issued in 1973.
Soviet postal stamp in honor Marshal Georgy Zhukov, issued in 1974.

Genealogy of Grigoriy Zhukovsky, Odessa citizen, attributed to the poet Vasily Andreyevich Zhukovsky (1783-1852). The verses and fairy-tale of this poet were included in school program in 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and could be earlier and up today. Also biography of Vasily Andreyevich Zhukovsky the pupils had to know. As per Soviet school program from the 1950s and up to second part of 1980s or beginning of the 1990s the father of this poet was the landlord Andrey Grigoriyevich Zhukovsky (died in 1817) and as per legend his father was the landlord Afanasiy Ivanovich Bunin (1716—1791) and the mother was the captive Turkish girl Salha, she was named by Christian name Yelizaveta Dementiyevna Tutchaninova. Their illegitimate boy, as per legend, was adopted by the landlord Andrey Grigoriyevich Zhukovsky and named Vasiliy Andreyevich Zhukovsky. Turkey joined the NATO in 1952 and in 1960s or earlier the NATO was able to watch and listen to the Northern part of the Black Sea, including Odessa. It is why Turkish girl Salha was included in the legend. The landlord Andrey Grigoriyevich Zhukovsky, the father of poet, had Polish family name Zhukovsky and the landlords with this family name leaved in the Eastern Prussia before Swedish and then German invasion in the Eastern Prussia. It is why Soviet Intelligence wished to present Zhukovsky family in Odessa as representatives of Prussian Zhukovsky family branch. To avoid any person of Zhukovsky family in Odessa began thinking about the Royal title, the legend of the Bunin family was introduced. And it was done successfully. During the rule of Mikhail Gorbachev this legend was presented as the correct version to stop this Intelligence activity.

The similar father's name of Marshal Rodion Malinovsky and Zhukovsky family in Odessa could be an example of data transfer during the Intelligence activity. The similar data transfer via the crew members was used on the ship Metallurg Anosov.

Charles de Gaulle took France out of NATO on beginning of 1966.[19] According to the statement of France all the objects of the Alliance, a NATO had to leave the country until April 1967. By this time France has already joined the list of the world's nuclear powers. At the same time France signed with NATO two technical agreements defining joint action in case of aggression from the Soviet Union.[40] Marshal Rodion Malinovsky died on 31 March 1967. Оne of the administrative districts of Odessa was named Malinovsky district in April 1977.[41] Due to Moldavanka was only historical district of Odessa in 1977, one part of Moldavanka entered in Primorskiy district and another one, including Kartamyshevskaya street, entered in Malinovsky district. It could been done, due to this Intelligence activity continued after death of the Marshal Rodion Malinovsky.

Who took part in the Intelligence around Grigoriy Zhukovsky family in Odessa?

From beginning this Intelligence around Grigoriy Zhukovsky family was under Georgiy Zhukov, Yuriy Andropov and their children control. Later it was under Leonid Brezhnev and his children control too. It is why plenty Soviet movies assisted this Intelligence up to the end of 20th century.

Unvisible aims of this film

Again prehistory

Soviet postal stamp of 6th World Festival of Youth and Students issued between 5 of March - 28 July 1957.[42]

Diplomat and businessman Igor Keblushek told during an interview:

"My father was an ethnic Slovak, and I am Slovak, and my mother is Russian, she was born in small town of Kulotino under the former Leningrad.[43] The mother, unfortunately, died quite young. I spent my childhood in Prague and Africa, where my father worked as a diplomat... my father and mother graduated from MGIMO. By the way, their marriage was one of the first mixed marriages in the Soviet Union (in 1956, immediately after the XX Congress of the CPSU)."[44]

Igor Keblushek was filmed in another Soviet operetta-film The Circus Princes in 1982, which was used for scenario of the film Mistr X (1958). To read about it in the last chapters of this article.

Seems due to situation in socialist countries, that finished by Poznań 1956 protests and Hungarian Revolution of 1956, the Soviet Union leaders understood that the iron curtain must be a little opened. The KGB needed own spies and control handles inside socialist countries first of all. The best control handle, control knob, control key or control button of a man can be a beloved girl or a wife. Soviet Union territory population says: "A wife is the best spy close to her husband". "Mixed marriages" were encouraged by KGB, but the festival's brides should follow KGB directions.

The emblemas of 6th World Festival of Youth and Students on the Soviet postal stamp. The stamp issued between 5 of March - 28 July 1957.[42]
Soviet postal stamp of 6th World Festival of Youth and Students issued between 5 of March – 28 July 1957.[42]

The access of prostitutes to the foreigners was restricted. Moscow young puritan style girls themselves seduced the foreigners, giving special preference to Africans and Arabs. It was rumored that 9 months later after the festival in Moscow a new ethnic group appeared, which had a population of several dozen thousand people and this group was called the "children of the festival". This legend is still alive, although Soviet police statistics tried to refute this by limiting the number of post-festival children to small number, 531 children only.[45] It seems, that the anticipated situation had been depicted on the Soviet postal stamps in advance, the stamps were issued before this festival and a statue of mother with baby was depicted on one of that stamp's serie.[42] Of course socialist country visitors were attacked by the Soviet girls. It was easy to leave the Soviet Union with a husband from any socialist country and foreign visitors of the festival were not indigent people.

But to be successfully married and pass from the Soviet Union a Soviet bride had to follow the instructions of the KGB. The KGB officers had to collect information about foreign husbands from their Soviet brides. It was necessary to use conspiracy jargon. The shooting of the film Mister X started in the same year, 1957.

The 6th World Festival of Youth and Students was opened on 28 July 1957, in Moscow, Soviet Union. The festival attracted 34,000 people from 130 countries. This became possible after the bold political changes initiated by Nikita Khrushchev. It was the first World Festival of Youth and Students held in the Soviet Union, which was opening its doors for the first time to the world.[46]

Names of the personages

Invisible KGB aim can be marked by any change of scenario and names of the personages, by the choice of actors with the necessary names and family names, including name changes. So, actors could be taken for filming due to their names and families. Also homonyms can explain.

Theodora Verdier. French word verdier can be translated as greenfinch. Illegal currency trading, mostly US dollars, developed in the Soviet Union in 1950-s. The jargon "зелень" (English: "greenfinch"; French: "verdier") means also US dollars due to green color of this currency. But what means Theodora? The phrase "Theodore's Verdier" (or Dollars of Theodore) has another pronunciation on Russian: "Theodora Verdier".

Theodore Roosevelt was a president of United States from 1901 to 1909. But US dollars were not coloured in green during that period. American currency began "greenfinch" in the 1850s[47] or in 1969, when green color dollars were named "greenbacks" by Americans. The monotonous green color of the dollar appeared in 1929.[48] It is means that dollars became green before Theodore Roosevelt's presidency, and became monotonous green after his presidency. Seems "Theodora Verdier" means something else.

The next president of United States William Howard Taft used "dollar diplomacy", which then firmly established in international usage. He defined the essence of "dollar diplomacy" as follows: "It's politics of replacing the bullets with dollars..."[49] It is means that Theodore Roosevelt used "bullet's diplomacy".

The history knows Theodore Roosevelt Jr., the son of the president Theodore Roosevelt. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was the only general on D-Day to land by sea with the first wave of troops. On July 12, 1944, a little over one month after the landing at Utah Beach, Roosevelt died of a heart attack in Méautis, 22 km from Sainte-Mère-Église in Normandy.[50][51]

All the above means that both Roosevelts used "bullet's diplomacy". Seems "Verdier" means US dollars, but the phrase "Theodora Verdier" could mean "bullet diplomacy" or "the unexpected death due to a bullet or disease like heart attack".

Marie Latouche. Marie, on Rushian Mariya, has short Russian name Masha – it is one of the most famous Russian names.

Latouche seems a French word "la touche". French word "la touche" has many meanings when translated into Russian language. Let mark some of them:[54]

Some more jargons phrase of the KGB, a spy, the criminals:

La touche has Russian and English pronunciation La toosh. Two Russian words have this pronunciation:

Russian words "тушь" and "туш" have the same pronunciation and this words are homonyms.

A fish dive lift

Poisson. This French word means:

Some more jargons of the KGB, a spy, the criminals, etc. in the Soviet Union:

Also Poisson could be used according to English worn poison.

Green Parrot is a personage in the movie "Mister X" also:

In case one word has some meanings it is possible to code this word or phrase with this word to some receivers, which does not know one another. Each receiver will understand own meaning.

Seems this film was used as education program and the film's episodes, sentences, words, names could be used to code information also. If it is correct, necessary to found out who was author or co-author of this film from Intelligence Services, who required to use this code-episodes and code-sentences or word and names in this film.

Invisible co-authors

Information about Georg Ots and Marshal Georgiy Zhukov you can read above. The name of the main actresses, as Theodora Verdier and Marie Latouch, still not investigated. Let try to search other Soviet Intelligence co-authors of film Mister X scenarie:

The search via Nina (Marina) Vladimirovna Yurasova (1934-2016)

Nina (Marina) Yurasova (as Theodora Verdier in film Mister X) was born on the 3 of January, 1934, and received name Nina Yurasova from the birthday. For the film Mister X she changed name Nina to name Marina. Nina (Marina) Yurasova was younger than Zoya Vinogradova (as Marie Latouche in film Mister X), but according to roles in the film Theodora Verdier had to be older than Marie Latouch.[7] Her family name is Yurasov, if woman it must be Yurasova, formed from the short name Yura of official name Yuriy.[64][65]

Yuriy Vladimirovich Andropov (1914-1984) was appointed Soviet Ambassador to Hungary in 1954 and held this position during the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Andropov played a key role in crushing the Hungarian uprising. He convinced a reluctant Nikita Khrushchev that military intervention was necessary.[66] He is known as ‘The Butcher of Budapest’ for his ruthless suppression of the Hungarian uprising.[67] Yuriy Andropov had not used "dollar's diplomacy" and the nickname Theodora Verdier ("bullet's diplomacy") matches for him. In 1957 Andropov returned to Moscow from Budapest in order to head the Department for Liaison with Communist and Workers' Parties in Socialist Countries, a position he held until 1967. The 6th World Festival of Youth and Students was opened on 28 July 1957 and this Andropov's position means that he kept under control "mixed marriages" in Moscow.

Why Nina Vladimirovna Yurasova changed name in 1957 when commenced the filming of the Mister X? She became Marina and it is means "marine" ("sea") or marine girl, that means Marine Yurasova or can be Marine Yrasov. Yuriy Andropov was educated at the Rybinsk Water Transport Technical College and graduated in 1936.[68] As a teenager he worked as a loader, a telegraph clerk, and a sailor for the Volga steamship line.[69][70] A telegraph clerk and a sailor! - Seems Andropov was used for code operations during World War II, when he took part in partisan guerrilla activities in Finland. As ambassador Andropov also was involved in encryption works.

Anyhow, will try to search any Marine officer with the family name Yurasov due to after World War II encode was needed for the embassies, spies and for the Soviet Navy fleet, for submarines mostly. Also after the War, Intelligence activity needs engagement of the fleet. A normal search yielded no results, but the two brothers Rudolf Nikitovich Yurasov and Nikolai Nikitovich Yurasov stood out particularly. In the 1950s they were kids, and from 1990-s to 2000-s they occupied very high positions in the Navy and the government. According to their patronymic, their father's name was Nikita Yurasov.

Nikita Yurasov (1908, village Kalinino, Ryazan Province - ? ). From October 1942 to September 1945 he was a Lieutenant in the Southern and Far Eastern Fronts, the participant of defense of Sevastopol. Demobilization date: July 1946. Awards: Order of the Red Star, Order of the Red Banner, Medal For the Victory Over Germany. And no any more information.

Information about the brothers, the sons of Nikita Yurasov, wanted their villager. According to his information the latest positions of the brothers were:

The search via Marie Latouche

Due to the positive Andropov's result in Hungary the KGB team of Yuriy Andropov had to be in force in the second part of the 1950s and later. Vladimir Kryuchkov was the third Secretary of the Soviet Embassy in Hungarian People's Republic in 1955—1959. He participated in the Hungarian events of 1956. In 1959-1963 he was in Department of the CPSU Central Committee on Relations with Communist and Workers' parties of Socialist Countries as the referent in the sector "Hungary and Romania". In the years 1963–65 he head of sector of the Department Central Committee of the CPSU. In 1965-1967 he was the Assistant of the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Yuri Andropov.[77] His family name Крючков (English: Kryuchkov) formed from the Russian word "крючок" (the same is "крюк") (English: hook; French: La touche). It will not be surprising, if his nickname can be Maie Latouche.

The premier of the Soviet operetta-film The Circus Princess was in December 1982, and Vladimir Kryuchkov was the Deputy Chairman of the KGB of the USSR in 1978-1988. This Soviet film was filmed according to the scenario of the film Mister X (1958) including personage Marie (family name Latouche was not used), but some changes (the scene on the ship at sea and seamen dance is absent, for example) and additions were carried out only. The main role of Mister X was given to Igor Keblushek, whose interview is mentioned above. He was not an actor, but a son of Marie Latouche (his mother was Russian and father was Slovakian) and he was called for filming by Svetlana Druzhinina. Another actor actually sang the arias of Mister X. The parents of Svetlana Druzhinina's husband Anatoly Mukasei were Soviet spies and went back to Moscow in 1997. After 1977 her husband's father Mikhail Mukasei, her father-in-law, began Soviet spy training.[78]

Jargons from the name Zoya Vinogradova

The family name Vinogradova (Russian: Виноградова) formed from the word "виноград" (English: grape or grapes). This word means in Russian:

But jargon "hemorrhoids" means:

It is really, that any "mixed marriage" and "festival's bride" became the "hemorrhoids" for the KGB - tedious and long, but inevitable work and romp with plenty trouble, difficulties, and problems.

The jargon "Zoya" means:

Seems Zoya Vinogradova was an actress only and before performance of Mister X her name and family name could be jargoned due to Mister X Intelligence services program. It can be confirmed by jargon "a poisonous snake" with has commencement from 1970-x. One school-girl Zoya and her parents were sent to Odessa in 1974 or 1975 from the Volga region about. She became a school-girl of one school in Odessa. It was needed, that one school-boy Yuriy had to feel the love to this girl Zoya, and it succeeded. Next step was to let know for this boy that Zoya means dangerous. When the boy was looking for this girl she became smile and said roughly: "What are you looking?" Other boys and girl pay attention and it is shamefully for the boy. The poet and writer Alexander Pushkin verse "Oleg Prophetic" was included in the program of this class during that period. Personage Oleg Prophetic died due to snake bite, the snake was described by the poet as "the snake under a boot tree". The word snake on Russian is "змея" (zmeya), pronunciation is close to Zoya. The boy Yuriy (short name Yura) was looking at the girl Zoya and he thought: "A Snake under a boot tree". In 1977, and of eight class education, girls of this class gave one to another and to some school-boys own special note-books where had to be mentioned any wishes or remarks as last two classes could be completed by girls and boys, who wished to continue education in any institute, high school or academy. It was possible after completion of 10 classes education. Everybody could check what was written by others and the boy Yura sow that Zoy wrote in one note-book: "The love does not exist." Zoya and her parent back from Odessa to Volga region in 1977. The boy Yuriy remembered that it was just switching from the previous love to Zhoya and his love to Zoya was switched off after Zoya departure. Later he understood that behind him was family with equipment and their boy Oleg received nickname "Oleg Prophetic". Seems Zoya arrived in Odessa for short time to mentioned who will stay with equipment behind Yura. Jargon "Zoya" is "a dangerous snake" was promulgated, seems to avoid anybody understand really situation. The boy Yuriy does not call any Zoya as a snake. Really the boy Oleg became a "snake" for Yuriy later. It is example, how new meanings of words could enter the Russian language. It is means that some jargon could enter during the Mister X filming or later. Seems all jargon of the word "виноград" (English: grapes or grape) entered during the Mister X filming or later. And really, the festival's bride was a problem for KGB due to plenty questions and misunderstandings.

Other Soviet films about circus

Seems Sovier abbraciation "ЦИРК" (English: CIRCUS) means anything like this:

Will try to add the List of the Soviet circus films and the highlighted movies mentioned as an intelligence action film:

and more

The fates of the actors, the script writers and their "co-authors" after the premiere of the film

Due to sript writers and (or) co-authors of movie "Miste X" displayed foreign policy in this film as inappropriate humor, this film could affect the fates of the actors, the filmmakers and their "co-authors". The fates of the actors, the filmmakers and their "co-authors" after the premiere of the film are very interesting.

About the script writers. There is no any information about Nora Rubinshtain. The movies databases give only information like this: "We don't have a biography for Nora Rubinshtein."[84] Film "Mister X" was the first and the last film of Yuliy Khmelnitsky.[85] This film is beautiful. Moreover, the question arises: Why they aren't attracted to the filming of movies anymore?

After the film's release, most actors are not filmed in movies for a long time, or never took off in movies, or short movie's episodes they received in the future. And this is despite the fact that the Soviet people wanted to see again Glikeriya Bogdanova-Chesnokova and Grigoriy Yaron in new movies.


  1. Государственный регистр фильмов
  2. FB.ru >> Актриса Зоя Виноградова: биография, творчество >> Творческие достижения в театральной жизни.
  3. КИНО@mail.ru >> Мистер Икс.
  4. КиноПоиск >> Премьеры /Мистер Икс.
  5. http://old.spbvedomosti.ru/article.htm?id=10284742@SV_Articles
  6. 1 2 3 4 Первые "трофейные" фильмы в СССР.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The documental Soviet film "Как снимали фильм "Мистер Икс".Истории и легенды Ленфильма...".
  8. Tfilm >> Мистер Икс (1958) - смотреть онлайн фильм.
  9. Traubner, Richard (2003) p. 271.
  10. KinoFilms >> Интересные факты о фильме Мистер Икс (1958).
  11. Г. Ярон: "О любимом жанре".
  12. To see Russian Wikipedia article Советское шампанское.
  13. To see Russian Wikipedia article Soviet champagne.
  14. "Q&A: Kashmir dispute". BBC News. Retrieved 10 April 2015.
  15. dic.academic.ru >> Кашмирский конфликт это:
  16. Военное обозрение >> Кашмир: вечная война Северо-Западной Индии.
  17. In case only 3 points in the text? it is means that I will continue later. It si mark for me to remember about it.
  18. 1 2 News Central >> Вокруг света >> Франция и Великобритания могли объединиться еще в 1950-х (It is information from ITAR Тass as per information from broadcasting Corporation BBC, which referred to British documents of the National archives declassified 20 years ago, that was left without attention of the media and the public). Date: 15.01.2007.
  19. 1 2 Столетие >> Русские симпатии генерала де Голля. «Белые пятна» советско-французского союза.
  20. Granville J. C. 2004, p. 8-10.
  21. Орехова, Середа и др. 1998.
  22. Everybody, who was awarded with the Soviet "Gold Star", had their own award numbering.
  23. I know one more similar comparison Yuriy Andropov and Georgiy Zhukov during Operation Anadyr and after this operation.
  24. Некрополь.
  25. Постановление Пленума ЦК КПСС «Об улучшении партийно-политической работы в Советской Армии и Флоте» (1957)
  26. 1 2 Фонд и архив Александра Н. Яковлева (2016-02-20). "Георгий Жуков. Документы и материалы" (in Russian).
  27. 1 2 As per Russian Wikipedia article Жуков, Георгий Константинович the source: Краснов В. Г. "Жуков. Маршал великой империи. Лавры и тернии полководца." — М.: Олма-Пресс, 2005. — 576 с. — 3000 экз. — ISBN 5-224-04783-8.
  28. As per Russian Wikipedia article Жуков, Георгий Константинович the source: Пыжиков А. В. Хрущевская «оттепель». 1953-1964 гг. — М.: Олма-Пресс, 2002. — 512 с. — (Архив). — 5000 экз. — ISBN 5-224-03356-X.
  29. Author: доктор исторических наук, профессор Юрий Викторович Рубцов. Title: "Тов. Жуков" покинул зал. Date: 2007-2-11
  30. Малоизвестные факты о маршале Коневе.
  31. На Черноморское морское пароходство напали рейдеры.
  32. The article of Russian Wikipedia Кашира, chapter Военные объекты.
  33. Конев и Жуков - Жуков Конева не простил.
  34. 1 2 Где Идем?! Одесса: Улица Картамышевская HD
  35. I was born on this street.
  36. Read article of Ukrainian Wikipedia Дім молитви Першої Одеської Церкви ЄХБ
  37. Левит, Александр (2013-02-02). "Сын маршала Малиновского: "Поприветствовав отца матом, Жуков тут же получил адекватный ответ"". Retrieved 2015-01-31.
  38. Соколов Б. По линии Буниных? //Родина, 2011, № 5.
  39. To see also Russian Wikipedia article "Малиновский, Родион Яковлевич"
  40. To see Russhian Wikipedia article Список стран — членов НАТО
  41. Author: Виталий Орлов, Старший преподаватель ОНУ им. Мечникова >> "Знакомьтесь: Малиновский район Одессы".
  42. 1 2 3 4 Каталог почтовых марок России и СССР >> Почтовые марки СССР 1957 года.
  43. Leningrad was renamed Saint Petersburg again.
  44. Интернет для женщин Woman. ru >> Игорь Кеблушек: «Два раза в одну реку не войти!»
  45. LIVEJOURNAL >> Ретро картинки или интересная история. >> Фестиваль 1957 года.
  46. To see English Wikipedia article 6th World Festival of Youth and Students.
  47. mynanses.ru (Мои финансы — сайт о грамотном обращении с деньгами) >> Главная >> Валюты >> Американский доллар: знаменитый валютный путь.
  48. О долларах >> История происхождения наименования, цвета и знака доллара США. >> Как американская банкнота стала зеленой.
  49. А. Леонтьев: "Империализм доллара в Западной Европе", chapter 4 "Дипломатия доллара в начале XX века".
  50. Jonathan Fenby (12 February 2015). Alliance: The Inside Story of How Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill Won One War and Began Another. Simon & Schuster UK. p. 278. ISBN 978-1-4711-4297-0. The advance through the hedgerows of Normandy was more difficult than expected, but Stalin hailed the 'brilliant success' of taking Caen and Cherbourg, where Theodore Roosevelt Junior became Military Governor before dying in his sleep from a heart attack at the age of fifty-seven.
  51. To see English Wikipedia article Theodore Roosevelt Jr..
  52. Slovar-Vocab.com >> Маша.
  53. Slovar-Vocab.com >> Машка.
  54. You can check this by typing in the dictionary the French word La touche and its translation into Russian.
  55. Мелочи жизни >> Главная >> Статьи >> Тесты >> Тесты о характере >> Тест: проверь себя на стервозность. >> Тест на стервозность >> 4. Ты уличила мужа в неверности. Твои действия: (to see item 4).
  56. где у него кнопка? >> Сказочные способы управления мужчиной.
  57. ОТВЕТЫ@mail.ru >> У каждого есть кнопка, нужно только найти её и нажать? А всё-таки где она, ента кнопка?
  58. ЛитСайт.ру >> Мир души >> На клавишах души... (Елена Ваенга: "Клавиши")
  59. 1 2 СЛОВОНОВО >> Определение слова «Поплавок».
  60. 1 2 3 4 Slovar-Vocab.com >> Поплавок.
  61. За Родину со Сталиным - вперёд! >> Тема: Жаргон.
  62. Slovar-Vocab.com >> Рыба.
  63. The Dictionary >> Блатной словарь "воровского жаргона" и сленговых выражений.
  64. UFOLOG.RU >> Происхождение фамилии Юрасов.
  65. familyspace >> Поиск по фамилии >> Происхождение фамилии Юрасов.>
  66. Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, The Mitrokhin Archive: The KGB in Europe and the West, Gardners Books (2000), ISBN 0-14-028487-7.
  67. "He may be an economic liberal, but Putin is an Andropov at heart". The Scotsman. 27 June 2004.
  68. Jessup, John E. (1998). An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Conflict and Conflict Resolution, 1945–1996. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. p. 25.   via Questia (subscription required)
  69. "Biography of Yuri Andropov" (PDF). Soviet Life. Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (323): 1B. 1983. Retrieved 19 August 2013.
  70. A Dictionary of 20th Century Communism. Edited by Silvio Pons and Robert Service. Princeton University Press. 2010.
  71. 1 2 Проза.ru >> Юрасов Алексникола: "Хронология фамилии ЮрАсОВ с 1900г. по 2015г."
  72. www.FLOT.com >> Братья Юрасовы Рудольф и Николай на Северном Флоте
  73. Яндекс Новости >> Учёные Института химии ДВО РАН не видят «проблемных» жидких радиоактивных отходов, которые нельзя было бы переработать. В том числе и на японской атомной электростанции «Фукусима-1».
  74. РодоВедЮрАлНик >> РодоСлавие ЮРАСовых >> Некрополь фамилии ЮРАСОВы.
  75. VIPERSON >> Юрасов Николай Никитович – биография.
  76. Сайт Академика Бегунова Ю.К. >> >> Глава 24. ДЬЯВОЛЬСКОЕ НАВАЖДЕНИЕ.
  77. Крючков Владимир Александрович — Биография
  78. Игорь Кеблушек. Igor Keblušek.
  79. Вокабула >> Блатной жаргон - виноград.
  80. 1 2 Словарь молодежного слэнга >> Что такое геморрой - Значение слов «геморрой».
  81. 1 2 3 Slovar.cc >> Значение слова ГЕМОРРОЙ в Словаре воровского жаргона.
  82. Фартовый словникъ >> Блатной жаргон >> словари воровского языка с 1859 г. по 1927 г. >> Зоя.
  83. Вокабула >> Молодежный сленг - зоя.
  84. moviepedia.co >> Нора Рубинштейн.
  85. To see the article of Russian Wikipedia Юлий Хмельницкий
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