Mission Piar

Missions of the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela
food housing medicine
Barrio Adentro  · Plan Bolívar 2000
Hábitat  · Mercal
Ribas  · Sucre
Robinson I  · Robinson II
indigenous rights land environment
Guaicaipuro  · Identidad
Miranda  · Piar
Vuelta al Campo  · Vuelvan Caras
Hugo Chávez · Nicolás Maduro

Misión Piar is one of the Bolivarian Missions (a series of anti-poverty and social welfare programs) implemented by current Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez. The mission falls in line with the current Integral Plan of Sustainable Development for Mining Communities (Plan Integral de Desarrollo Sustentable de las Comunidades Mineras) advanced by Chávez. Executed by the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Mission seeks to improve the quality of life of small-scale miners while promoting environmental sustainability. It is currently one of the smallest-scale and lowest impact Missions currently operating. It is named after Venezuelan independence hero Manuel Carlos Piar.

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