Ministry of Defence (Indonesia)

Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Defence
Kementerian Pertahanan

The official logo of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense

Front view of the Ministry of Defence building
Ministry overview
Formed 19 August 1945
Jurisdiction Government of Indonesia
Headquarters Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No. 13-14
Jakarta Pusat 10110
Jakarta, Indonesia
Minister responsible

The Ministry of Defence (Indonesian: Kementerian Pertahanan abbreviated Kemhan) of the Republic of Indonesia, formerly the Department of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia is a government ministry responsible for the defence affairs of Indonesia. The minister is currently Ryamizard Ryacudu since 27 Oktober 2014.

The Ministry of Defence is the one of three ministries (along with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Home Affairs) explicitly mentioned in Constitution of Indonesia, which means the three ministries cannot be replaced or dissolved by the President.

If Indonesia's president and vice-president die, resign, or are unable to perform their duties, the Minister of Defence, along with Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Home Affairs, jointly hold the position of the president and the vice-president until the succeeding president and vice-president is elected by the People's Consultative Assembly.[1]


During the Sukarno Era

After the Proclamation of the Independence of Indonesia on August 17 1945, the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) immediately set up the first Presidential Cabinet which in the first cabinet didn't have a Minister of Defense. The function of the State Defense at that time was at the Minister of Public Security. On October 6 1945, Supriyadi was declared Minister of Public Security. However, he never appeared, and on 20 October was replaced by interim minister Imam Muhammad Suliyoadikusumo.[2]

During the time of the First Sjahrir Cabinet, the function of the state defense was also under the authority of the Minister of Public Security, held by Mr. Amir Sjarifuddin. However, in the Second Sjahrir Cabinet, the People's Security Minister was renamed as the Minister of Defense who still remained in office was Amir Sjarifuddin. At the time of Mr. Amir Sjarifuddin became Prime Minister, the Defense Minister is held also by the Prime Minister. In the period of the First Hatta Cabinet, when the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia was in an emergency state due to the pressure of the Dutch forces, the Vice President Muhammad Hatta served as interim minister of defense.

During the New Order

In the First Development Cabinet, the Minister of Defense and Security was held by the Indonesian President Gen. Suharto. Only later on the Second Development Cabinet and subsequently, the function of state defense was always united with the security function and was under the Ministry of Defense and Security where the Minister of Defense and Security would if needed serve concurrently as Commander of the Armed Forces (Panglima ABRI) (this was the case four times during Suharto's presidency). In 1985, military appointments to posts of ministers and below began to phased out, allowing retired officers to serve in the ministry.

During Reformation

On the 1st of July 2000, the Ministry of Defense reformed itself with the separation of the TNI and the Polri[3] and also separated the positions in which the Minister of Defense can be of a civilian background, and can no longer concurrently be the TNI Commander (Panglima). Regulation through defense is regulated through Law no. 3 of 2002 on State Defense and Law no. 34 of 2004 on the Indonesian National Armed Forces

Law no. 3 of 2002 on State Defense Article 16 further stipulates the responsibilities of the Minister of Defense, ie

  1. Minister leads the Ministry of Defense.
  2. The Minister assists the President in formulating the general policy of state defense.
  3. The Minister shall stipulate a policy on the implementation of state defense based on the general policy set by the President.
  4. The Minister compiles the defense white paper and establishes bilateral, regional and international cooperation policies in its field.
  5. The Minister formulates a general policy of using the power of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and other defense components.
  6. The Minister shall determine the policy of budgeting, procurement, recruitment, management of national resources, as well as the development of technology and defense industries required by the Indonesian Armed Forces and other defense force components.
  7. The minister works with the heads of ministries and other government agencies and develops and implements strategic planning for the management of national resources for defense purposes.

Pursuant to Article 18 Paragraph 4, The TNI Commander shall be responsible to the President in the use of the state defense component and cooperate with the Minister in meeting the needs of the Indonesian National Armed Forces.

Task and Duties

The Ministry of Defense has the task of organizing defense affairs in the government to assist the President in organizing state administrations. In carrying out its duties, the Ministry of Defense performs the functions of:

  1. Formulation, determination, and implementation of policies in the field of defense
  2. Management of state property which is the responsibility of the Ministry of Defense
  3. Supervision on the implementation of duties within the Ministry of Defense
  4. Implementation of technical activities from central to regional


The organizational structure of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia[4][5][6] is as follows:

List of Ministers

  1. Supriyadi (September 1945–October 1945)
  2. Imam Muhammad Suliyoadikusumo (October 1945–November 1945)
  3. Mr. Amir Sjarifuddin (November 1945–January 1948)
  4. Drs. Mohammad Hatta (January 1948–December 1948)
  5. Hamengkubuwono IX (August 1949–June 1950) & (April 1952–June 1953)
  6. Dr. Abdul Halim (June 1950–April 1951)
  7. Sewaka (April 1951–April 1952)
  8. Iwa Koesoemasoemantri (July 1953–August 1955)
  9. Burhanuddin Harahap (August 1955–March 1956)
  10. Mr. Ali Sastroamidjojo (March 1956–April 1957)
  11. Ir. Djoeanda Kartawidjaja (April 1957–July 1959)
  12. Gen. Abdul Haris Nasution (July 1959–February 1966)
  13. Maygen. M. Sarbini (February 1966–March 1966)
  14. Gen. Soeharto (March 1966–September 1971)
  15. Gen. Maraden Panggabean (September 1971–March 1978)
  16. Gen. Mohammad Jusuf (March 1978–March 1983)
  17. Gen. Poniman (March 1983–March 1988)
  18. Gen. Leonardus Benjamin Moerdani (March 1988–March 1993)
  19. Gen. Edi Sudradjat (March 1993–March 1998)
  20. Gen. Wiranto (March 1998–October 1999)
  21. Prof. Dr. Juwono Sudarsono (October 1999–August 2000) & (October 2004–October 2009)
  22. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Mahfud (August 2000–July 2001)
  23. Gen. (HOR) Agum Gumelar (July 2001–August 2001)
  24. Matori Abdul Djalil (August 2001–October 2004)
  25. Prof. Ir. Purnomo Yusgiantoro (October 2009–October 2014)
  26. Gen. (Ret.) Ryamizard Ryacudu (October 2014–now)

See also


  1. Constitution of Indonesia Article 8 Paragraph 3
  2. Simanjuntak (2003), page 18
  3. TAP MPR No. VI/MPR/2000 concerning the separation of the TNI with POLRI
  4. Regulations of the President No. 24 Year: 2010
  5. Regulations of Ministry of Defence No. 16 2010 On Organizational Structure and Work Procedures
  6. Regulations of Ministry of Defence No. 01, 2011 On the Arrangement and Administration of Certain Functional and General Functional Positions of the Ministry of Defense
  7. Regulations of Ministry of Defence No. 58 Year 2014 On Organizational Structure and Work Procedures
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