Miltogramma punctata

Miltogramma punctata
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Diptera
Family: Sarcophagidae
Genus: Miltogramma
Species: ''M.punctata
Binomial name
Miltogramma punctata
Meigen, 1824

Miltogramma punctata is a species of fly belonging to the family Sarcophagidae subfamily Miltogramminae [1]


Miltogramma punctata is 5·5-9·5 mm.long. The tergites have three fixed brown spots near the hind margin. The third antennal segment is fuscous, and with only the extreme base orange red. The thorax is more greyish dusted shifting vittae. In the male the fourth segment of fore tarsus at the apex of the posterior surface with two tufts of long black bristles; the anterior surface with numerous setulose hairs.


The larvae develop in nests of fossorial Hymenoptera, especially Colletes. The adults occur mainly in sunny, especially sandy places, often "shadowing" the female Hymenoptera. The species occurs across Europe [2]


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