
MilkandCookies is an archive of internet memes from sarcastic, pop culture geeks about humor, video clips, independent media, music, technology, toilet humor, television, politics, risque behavior, bloopers, celebrities, cults and religions.


MilkandCookies is designed to allow the users to interact to not only help build up the site's massive database of links, but also to weed out the good, entertaining links, from the bad, boring or horrible links. It also allows the users to report malicious and/or unsuitable content. The best links of the day are added to the front page in the form of headlines.

Only members can submit links, but anyone can anonymously vote and view links. Members collect points by, among other things, submitting highly voted links. Experience points grant members increased access to the website's features and allow submission of more links per day.


MilkandCookies came about when Jaxon Brooks' personal website merged with Hellroy's Junkmail mailing list. Jaxon's site started around 1995 as a static personal bookmarks page saved out of Netscape Navigator and posted to his personal account. It followed him as he jumped from ISP to ISP. Along the way it became a dynamic site with the ability to post links directly through the sites administrative interface. It also became searchable and browsable with categories.

Shortly after that Hellroy's Junkmail mailing list started. It was created to make it easier to email links to people who actually wanted to receive them. As part of a regular exercise, he would email highly offensive content to the list to weed out the sensitive.

In 1998, Jaxon and Hellroy decided that they hated their jobs and brain-stormed an online venture called The domain was registered Thursday, May 14, 1998. But they soon realized that they would not be able to play Magic: The Gathering and Quake II, and surf the web all day, if they worked for themselves. The idea was scrapped.

The domain name came out of just a few brainstorming sessions between Jaxon and Hellroy. Even by 1998, most of the single word and other short names were taken, so the focus turned toward names that were easy to remember. They also wanted a name that had to do with pop culture and, although they loved to offend, they wanted a name that would be inviting.

Junkmail and Jaxon's personal page merged in early 1999 with the MilkandCookies name. In December of that year, Jaxon junked the code that he had been hacking together for the last 4 years and went with a packaged Content Management System (CMS). All links were transferred over by hand.

In November 2006, Jaxon hired Skiplogic to help rewite the MilkandCookies backend from scratch. This effort came to fruition on June 10, 2007, when the old code was abandoned and the new code went live. The rollout included many improvements and several new features.

This site was covered more than once on TechTV. Cat Schwartz called it the "Funniest Site on the Net".

It is routinely ranked as a top site on the web by sites like Technorati, and Alexa Internet.


  1. ^ Schwartz, Cat. Cat Schwartz review of MilkandCookies on TechTV
  2. ^ Technorati. MilkandCookies Ranking at Technorati
  3. ^ Feedster. Feedster's Top 500 Page
  4. ^ Alexa. MilkandCookies Ranking at Alexa
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