Military-entertainment complex

The military-entertainment complex is a concept relating to the cooperation between the military and entertainment industries to their mutual benefit, especially in such fields as cinema, multimedia and virtual reality.[1][2][3]

A related concept, the creative-industrial complex, describes the collaborative relationships between creative, industry, and military institutions for political and economic gain. An example of this in practice is Japan's Manga Military,[4] where the Self Defense Force uses affective cultural resources to shape public perceptions of the country's military establishment.

See also


  1. The Military-Entertainment Complex: A New Facet of Information Warfare, The Fibreculture Journal, Issue 1 – 2003. Retrieved Apr 2013.
  2. Theaters of War: The Military-Entertainment Complex, Tim Lenoir and Henry Lowood, Stanford University, 2002. Retrieved Apr 2013.
  3. Tales Of The Military-Entertainment Complex: Why The U.S. Navy Produced 'Battleship', Movieline, 6 Feb 2013. Retrieved Apr 2013.
  4. Diplomat, Matthew Brummer, The. "Japan: The Manga Military". The Diplomat. Retrieved 2016-01-22.

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