Mid back rounded vowel

Mid back rounded vowel
IPA number 307 430
Entity (decimal) o̞
Unicode (hex) U+006FU+031E
Braille ⠕ (braille pattern dots-135)⠠ (braille pattern dots-6)⠣ (braille pattern dots-126)
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The mid back rounded vowel is a type of vowel sound, used in some spoken languages. While there is no dedicated symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents the exact mid back rounded vowel between close-mid [o] and open-mid [ɔ], it is normally written o. If precision is desired, diacritics may be used, such as or ɔ̝, the former being more common. A non-IPA letter is also found.

Just because a language has only one non-close non-open back vowel, it still may not be a true-mid vowel. There is a language in Sulawesi, Indonesia, with a close-mid [o], Tukang Besi. Another language in Indonesia, in the Maluku Islands, has an open-mid [ɔ], Taba. In both languages, there is no contrast with another mid (true-mid or close-mid) vowel.

Kensiu, in Malaysia and Thailand, is highly unusual in that it contrasts true-mid vowels with close-mid and open-mid vowels without any difference in other parameters, such as backness or roundedness.


IPA vowel chart
Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
i  y
ɨ  ʉ
ɯ  u
ɪ  ʏ
ɪ̈  ʊ̈
ɯ̽  ʊ
e  ø
ɘ  ɵ
ɤ  o
ə  ɵ̞
ɛ  œ
ɜ  ɞ
ʌ  ɔ
ɐ  ɞ̞
a  ɶ
ä  ɒ̈
ɑ  ɒ
Paired vowels are: unrounded  rounded
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Language Word IPA Meaning Notes
Afrikaans Standard[1] bok [bɔ̝k] 'goat' Typically transcribed in IPA with ɔ. The height varies between mid [ɔ̝] and close-mid [o].[1] See Afrikaans phonology
Arabic Hejazi[2] لـون [lo̞ːn] 'color' See Hejazi Arabic phonology
Bavarian Amstetten dialect[3] Contrasts close-mid /o/, true-mid /o̞/ and open-mid /ɔ/ back rounded vowels.[3]
Chinese Shanghainese[4] [kö̞¹] 'tall' Near-back. Realization of /ɔ/ in open syllables and /ʊ/ in closed syllables.[4]
Czech[5][6] oko [ˈo̞ko̞] 'eye' In Bohemian Czech, the backness varies between back and near-back, whereas the height varies between mid [o̞] and close-mid [o].[5] See Czech phonology
Danish Standard[7][8] ost [ˈɔ̝sd̥] 'cheese' Described variously as near-back[7] and back[8] Typically transcribed in IPA with ɔ(ː). See Danish phonology
Dutch Amsterdam[9] och [ɔ̝̈χ] 'alas' Near-front;[9] corresponds to open-mid [ɔˁ] in standard Dutch. See Dutch phonology
Orsmaal-Gussenhoven dialect[10] mot [mɔ̝t] 'well' Typically transcribed in IPA with ɔ. See Orsmaal-Gussenhoven dialect phonology
English Cultivated South African[11] thought [θo̞ːt] 'thought' Close-mid [] for other speakers. See South African English phonology
Geordie[12] Typically transcribed in IPA with ɔː.
Maori[14] Closer [] in other New Zealand accents.[14]
Some Cardiff speakers[15] Other speakers use a more open, advanced and unrounded vowel [ʌ̈ː].[15]
Received Pronunciation[16] May be as open as [ɔː] for older speakers, and is most often transcribed as such. See English phonology
Estuary[17] coat [kʰo̞ːʔ] 'coat' Rare; commonly a diphthong.[17] It corresponds to /əʊ/ in other British dialects. See English phonology
Yorkshire[18] [kʰo̞t] Corresponds to /əʊ/ in other British dialects. See English phonology
Finnish[19][20] kello [ˈke̞llo̞] 'clock' See Finnish phonology
French Parisian[21] pont [pɔ̝̃] 'bridge' Nasalized; typically transcribed in IPA with ɔ̃. See French phonology
German Standard[22] Fond [fõ̞ː] 'background' Nasalized; also described as open-mid [ɔ̃ː].[23][24] Transcribed in IPA with either õː or ɔ̃ː. Present only in loanwords. See Standard German phonology
Bernese dialect[25] Òve [ˈɔ̝v̥ə] 'oven' Typically transcribed in IPA with ɔ. See Bernese German phonology
Zurich dialect[26] do [d̥o̞] 'so' Allophone of /o/; reported to occur only in this word.[26]
Greek Modern Standard[27][28] πως / pos [po̞s̠] 'how' See Modern Greek phonology
Hebrew[29] שלום [ʃäˈlo̞m] 'peace' Hebrew vowels are not shown in the script. See Niqqud and Modern Hebrew phonology
Ibibio[30] [dó̞] 'there'
Inuit West Greenlandic[31] Allophone of /u/ before and especially between uvulars.[31] See Inuit phonology
Italian Standard[32] forense [fo̞ˈrɛnse] 'forensic' Common realization of the unstressed /o/.[32] See Italian phonology
Northern accents[33] Local realization of /ɔ/.[33] See Italian phonology
Japanese[34] /ko [ko̞] 'child' See Japanese phonology
Korean[35] 보리 / bori [po̞ˈɾi] 'barley' See Korean phonology
Limburgish Hasselt dialect[36] mok [mɔ̝k] 'mug' Typically transcribed IPA with ɔ.[36]
Norwegian Urban East[37][38] lov [lɔ̝ːʋ] 'law' May be diphthongized to [ɔ̝ə̯]. See Norwegian phonology
Romanian[39] acolo [äˈko̞lo̞] 'there' See Romanian phonology
Russian[40] сухой  [s̪ʊˈxo̞j]  'dry' Some speakers realize it as open-mid [ɔ].[40] See Russian phonology
Serbo-Croatian[41] čvȏr / чво̑р [t͡ʃʋô̞ːr] 'knot' See Serbo-Croatian phonology
Shipibo[42] ? [ˈkö̞ni̞] 'eel' Near-back.[42]
Slovak Standard[43][44] ohúriť [ˈo̞ɦʊːrɪc̟] 'to stun' Backness varies between back and near-back.[43] See Slovak phonology
Slovene[45] oglas [o̞ˈɡlá̠s̪] 'advertisement' Unstressed vowel,[45] as well as an allophone of /o/ before /ʋ/ when a vowel does not follow within the same word.[46] See Slovene phonology
Spanish[47] todo [ˈt̪o̞ð̞o̞] 'all' See Spanish phonology
Tera[48] zo [zo̞ː] 'rope'
Turkish[49][50] kol [kʰo̞ɫ] 'arm' See Turkish phonology
Zapotec Tilquiapan[51] do [d̪o̞] 'corn tassel'


  1. 1 2 Wissing (2016), section "The rounded mid-high back vowel /ɔ/".
  2. Abdoh (2010:84)
  3. 1 2 Traunmüller (1982), cited in Ladefoged & Maddieson (1996:290)
  4. 1 2 Chen & Gussenhoven (2015), p. 328.
  5. 1 2 Dankovičová (1999), p. 72.
  6. Šimáčková, Podlipský & Chládková (2012), pp. 228–230.
  7. 1 2 Grønnum (1998), p. 100.
  8. 1 2 Ladefoged & Johnson (2010), p. 227.
  9. 1 2 Collins & Mees (2003), p. 132.
  10. Peters (2010), p. 241.
  11. Lass (2002), p. 116.
  12. Watt & Allen (2003), p. 268.
  13. Watson (2007), p. 357.
  14. 1 2 Warren & Bauer (2004), p. 617.
  15. 1 2 Collins & Mees (1990), p. 95.
  16. Roach (2004), p. 242.
  17. 1 2 Przedlacka (2001), p. 44.
  18. Roca & Johnson (1999), p. 180.
  19. Iivonen & Harnud (2005), pp. 60, 66.
  20. Suomi, Toivanen & Ylitalo (2008), p. 21.
  21. Collins & Mees (2013), p. 226.
  22. Mangold (2005), p. 37.
  23. Hall (2003), pp. 106–107.
  24. Dudenredaktion, Kleiner & Knöbl (2015), p. 34.
  25. Marti (1985), p. ?.
  26. 1 2 Fleischer & Schmid (2006), p. 251.
  27. Arvaniti (2007), p. 28.
  28. Trudgill (2009), p. 81.
  29. Laufer (1999), p. 98.
  30. Urua (2004), p. 106.
  31. 1 2 Fortescue (1990), p. 317.
  32. 1 2 Bertinetto & Loporcaro (2005), pp. 137–138.
  33. 1 2 Bertinetto & Loporcaro (2005), p. 137.
  34. Okada (1991), p. 94.
  35. Lee (1999), p. 121.
  36. 1 2 Peters (2006), p. 119.
  37. Vanvik (1979), pp. 13, 17.
  38. Popperwell (2010), pp. 16, 25.
  39. Sarlin (2014), p. 18.
  40. 1 2 Jones & Ward (1969), p. 56.
  41. Landau et al. (1999), p. 67.
  42. 1 2 Valenzuela, Márquez Pinedo & Maddieson (2001), p. 282.
  43. 1 2 Pavlík (2004), pp. 94–95.
  44. Hanulíková & Hamann (2010), p. 375.
  45. 1 2 Tatjana Srebot-Rejec. "On the vowel system in present-day Slovene" (PDF).
  46. Šuštaršič, Komar & Petek (1999), p. 138.
  47. Martínez-Celdrán, Fernández-Planas & Carrera-Sabaté (2003), p. 256.
  48. Tench (2007), p. 230.
  49. Zimmer & Orgun (1999), p. 155.
  50. Göksel & Kerslake (2005), p. 11.
  51. Merrill (2008), p. 109.


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