Michael Mbabuike

Michael Chikelu Mbabuike (August 1943 December 2006) was a Nigerian poet, professor, and linguist. He held the chair of African Studies in the Humanities Department at Hostos Community College of the City University of New York, and was president of the Faculty Senate there.

An Igbo, Mbabuike obtained his bachelor's degree with honors from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka campus. He received his master's degree and doctorate in literature at the Sorbonne, Paris, France. He came to the United States in the late 1970s. In addition to being a professor he was director of the Center for Igbo Studies at Hostos Community College. He was twice president of the New York African Studies Association (NYASA).

Selected works

Mbabuike published several academic articles and books including:


  1. Mbabuike, Michael C. (1988) "A survey of cultural and normative changes within the Ibo family structure in the last two decades" Présence Africaine. No. 146 (2nd trimestre): pp. 120-126
  2. Mbabuike, Michael C. (1995) "Architecture of a National Literature in Africa: Problematics of Identity and Structure" Canadian Journal of African Studies 29(3): p. 482-495
  3. Mbabuike, Michael C. et al. (1997) Nigeria thirty years after the civil war Kluwer, Dordrecht, OCLC 68287498
  4. Mbabuike, Michael C. (1998) Poems of Memory Trips Sungai, Princeton, N.J., ISBN 1-889218-08-1

Further reading

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