Metropolitan planning organization

A metropolitan planning organization (MPO) is a federally mandated and federally funded transportation policy-making organization in the United States that is made up of representatives from local government and governmental transportation authorities. MPOs were introduced by the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1962, which required the formation of an MPO for any urbanized area (UZA) with a population greater than 50,000. Federal funding for transportation projects and programs are channeled through this planning process. Congress created MPOs in order to ensure that existing and future expenditures of governmental funds for transportation projects and programs are based on a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive (“3C”) planning process. Statewide and metropolitan transportation planning processes are governed by federal law (23 U.S.C. §§ 134135). Transparency through public access to participation in the planning process and electronic publication of plans now is required by federal law. As of 2015, there are 408 MPOs in the United States.[1]

Chart showing the number of Metropolitan Planning Organizations by state as of September 2015.


Why MPOs are essential:

In other words, the federal government wished to see federal transportation funds spent in a manner that has a basis in metropolitan region-wide plans developed through intergovernmental collaboration, rational analysis, and consensus-based decision making.


Typically, an MPO governance structure includes a variety of committees as well as a professional staff. The “policy committee” is the top-level decision-making body for the planning organization. In most MPOs, the policy committee comprises:

With only a few unique exceptions nationwide (such as the MPO in Portland, Oregon), MPO policy committee members are not elected directly by citizens. Rather, a policy committee member typically is an elected or appointed official of one of the MPO’s constituent local jurisdictions. The policy committee member thus has legal authority to speak and act on behalf of that jurisdiction in the MPO setting. Federal law, however, does not require members of an MPO policy committee to be representatives of the metropolitan areas' populations. Systematic studies have found that MPO policy committees' representations of urban municipalities and disadvantaged minority populations in their areas are less than proportional to population.[2] The policy committee’s responsibilities include debating and making decisions on key MPO actions and issues, including adoption of the metropolitan long-range transportation plans, transportation improvement programs, annual planning work programs, budgets, and other policy documents. The policy committee also may play an active role in key decision points or milestones associated with MPO plans and studies, as well as conducting public hearings and meetings. An appointed advisory committee (CAC) develops the recommendations for consideration by the policy committee and establishes a ranked proposal for work plans.

Most MPOs also establish a technical committee to act as an advisory body to the policy committee for transportation issues that primarily are technical in nature. The technical committee interacts with the MPO’s professional staff on technical matters related to planning, analysis tasks, and projects. Through this work, the technical committee develops recommendations on projects and programs for policy committee consideration. Metropolitan travel forecasting is one of the key roles that the technical committee supports. The technical committee typically comprises staff-level officials of local, state, and federal agencies. In addition, a technical committee may include representatives of interest groups, various transportation modes, and local citizens. A 2005 survey of MPOs nationally commissioned in preparation of "Special Report 288" of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies found that "forecast by negotiation" was a common method of projecting future population and employment growth for use in travel forecasting, suggesting rent-seeking behavior on the part of MPO committees influencing the technical staff.[3]

Usually MPOs retain a core professional staff in order to ensure the ability to carry out the required metropolitan planning process in an effective and expeditious manner. The size and qualifications of this staff may vary by MPO, since no two metropolitan areas have identical planning needs Most MPOs, however, require at least some staff dedicated solely to MPO process oversight and management because of the complexity of the process and need to ensure that requirements are properly addressed.


Core functions

There are five core functions of an MPO:

  1. establish a setting: establish and manage a fair and impartial setting for effective regional decision-making in the metropolitan area (UZA)
  2. evaluate alternatives: evaluate transportation alternatives, scaled to the size and complexity of the region, to the nature of its transportation issues, and to the realistically available options
  3. maintain a regional transportation plan (RTP): develop and update a fiscally constrained long-range transportation plan for the UZA covering a planning horizon of at least twenty years that fosters
    • mobility and access for people and goods,
    • efficient system performance and preservation, and
    • quality of life
  4. develop a transportation improvement program (TIP): develop a fiscally constrained program based on the long-range transportation plan and designed to serve the UZA’s goals while using spending, regulating, operating, management, and financial tools
  5. involve the public: involve the general public and all the significantly affected sub-groups in the four essential functions listed above.

If the metropolitan area is designated as an air quality non-attainment or maintenance area, then

  1. protect air quality: transportation plans, programs, and projects must conform with the air quality plan, known as the “state implementation plan” (SIP), for the state within which the UZA lies.

Presently, most MPOs have no authority to raise revenues such as to levy taxes on their own, rather, they are designed to allow local officials to decide collaboratively how to spend available federal and other governmental transportation funds in their urbanized areas. The funding for the operations of an MPO comes from a combination of federal transportation funds and required matching funds from state and local governments.

Expanded functions

In some regions, MPOs have been given authority to handle expanded functions:

Structure of MPO organizations

MPOs differ greatly in various parts of the country and even within states. Some have large staffs, while others may include only a director and a transportation planner. Sometimes the professional staff of an MPO is provided by a county or a council of governments. In many urban areas, existing organizations such as county governments or councils of government also function as MPOs. The MPO role also may be played by an independent governmental organization or a regional government.[7] In the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan area, for example, Metro is the MPO. In the Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, metropolitan area, the Metropolitan Council is the MPO.

An example of a medium-sized MPO is the Lexington Area MPO in Kentucky. An example of a small MPO is the Kittery Area MPO in Maine.[8]

Another MPO planning organization has developed in the area of western central Florida. Several MPOs there, with governance over eight counties, have developed a greater regional planning committee, the Chairs Coordinating Committee (CCC),[9] composed of the chairs of seven MPOs and the chairs of their appointed advisory committee (or their representatives) in order to coordinate transportation planning for the region, that is compatible with all, as well as addressing the challenges of long range planning for a large and growing region that has overlapping issues among the MPOs or transportation plans that extend throughout the entire area. Often the members of the executive committee of an MPO act interchangeably as the representative to this seven-MPO regional committee. This committee meets less frequently than the participating MPOs.

Evolving role

The enactment of the 1991 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) ushered in a “renaissance” for MPOs. After a decade or more of being consigned to a minimal role in transportation planning, ISTEA directed additional federal funding to MPOs, expanded their authority to select projects, and mandated new metropolitan planning initiatives. For the first time, state transportation officials were required to consult seriously with local representatives on MPO governing boards regarding matters of project prioritization and decision-making. These changes had their roots in the need to address increasingly difficult transportation problemsin particular, the more complicated patterns of traffic congestion that arose with the suburban development boom in the previous decades. Many recognized that the problems could only be addressed effectively through a stronger federal commitment to regional planning.

The legislation that emerged, the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), was signed into federal law by President George H. W. Bush in December 1991. It focused on improving transportation, not as an end in itself, but as the means to achieve important national goals including economic progress, cleaner air, energy conservation, and social equity. ISTEA promoted a transportation system in which different modes and facilitieshighway, transit, pedestrian, bicycle, aviation, and marinewere integrated to allow a "seamless" movement of both goods and people. New funding programs provided greater flexibility in the use of funds, particularly regarding using previously restricted highway funds for transit development, improved "intermodal" connections, and emphasized upgrades to existing facilities over building new capacityparticularly roadway capacity.

To accomplish more serious metropolitan planning, ISTEA doubled federal funding for MPO operations and required the agencies to evaluate a variety of multimodal solutions to roadway congestion and other transportation problems. MPOs also were required to broaden public participation in the planning process and to see that investment decisions contributed to meeting the air quality standards of the Clean Air Act Amendments.

In addition, ISTEA placed a new requirement on MPOs to conduct “fiscally constrained planning”, and ensure that long-range transportation plans and short-term transportation improvement programs were fiscally constrained; in other words, adopted plans and programs can not include more projects than reasonably can be expected to be funded through existing or projected sources of revenues. This new requirement represented a major conceptual shift for many MPOs (and others in the planning community), since the imposition of fiscal discipline on plans now required, not only understanding how much money might be available, but how to prioritize investment needs and make difficult choices among competing needs. Adding to this complexity is the need to plan across transportation modes and develop approaches for multimodal investment prioritization and decision making. It is in this context of greater prominence, funding, and requirements that MPOs function today.

An annual element is composed of transportation improvement projects contained in an area's transportation improvement program (TIP), which is proposed for implementation during the current year. The annual element is submitted to the U.S. Department of Transportation as part of the required planning process.

The passage of Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users SAFETEA‑LU in 2005 created new and revised requirements for transportation planning and programs. Although SAFETEA-LU increased standards, most MPOs already were in compliance with the regulations. Some of the planning topic areas include transportation systems security, emergency preparedness, public participation plans for metropolitan planning, and requiring the electronic publication of plans and TIP/STIP by the MPOs.

SAFETEA-LU requires that the statewide transportation planning process and the metropolitan planning process provide for consideration of projects and strategies that will protect and enhance the environment, promote energy conservation, improve the quality of life, and promote consistency between transportation improvements and state and local planned growth and economic development patterns.[10]

List of metropolitan planning organizations

List of MPOs[1]
MPO ID MPO Name City State Designation Year Website MPO 2010 Population 2010 Group Quarter Population 2010 Total Housing Units 2010 Occupied housing units 2010 Vacant housing units MPO UZA Population
15201300 Maui MPO Wailuku HI 2013 142,829 2,753 64,489 49,698 14,791 55,222
15197500 Oahu MPO Honolulu HI 1975 website 952,502 35,254 336,504 310,805 25,699 916,013
02196800 Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions Anchorage AK 1968 website 289,011 8,446 111,064 106,039 5,025 251,243
02200300 Fairbanks Metropolitan Area Transportation System Fairbanks AK 2003 website 72,565 3,868 29,442 26,543 2,899 64,513
06197201 San Diego Association of Governments San Diego CA 1972 website 3,095,271 101,966 1,164,768 1,086,848 77,920 2,964,804
04198300 Yuma MPO Yuma AZ 1983 website 195,807 5,938 87,878 64,785 23,093 134,256
04197301 Maricopa Association of Governments Phoenix AZ 1973 website 4,055,281 71,402 1,738,891 1,489,165 249,726 3,826,155
04197302 Pima Association of Governments Tucson AZ 1973 website 980,263 24,139 440,909 388,660 52,249 834,443
04201303 Sun Corridor Metropolitan Planning Organization Casa Grande AZ 2013 website 108,061 8,009 44,586 35,481 9,105 51,331
04201302 Sierra Vista Metropolitan Planning Organization Sierra Vista AZ 2013 website 56,070 3,066 24,111 21,992 2,119 52,745
35198201 Las Cruces MPO Las Cruces NM 1982 website 157,448 4,281 64,792 60,109 4,683 128,759
48197302 El Paso MPO El Paso TX 1973 website 853,190 16,882 286,403 271,582 14,821 802,927
48200500 Midland-Odessa Transportation Organization Midland TX 2005 website 267,927 3,818 105,228 97,537 7,691 244,212
48197600 Lubbock MPO Gettysburg TX 2013 website 250,960 10,879 103,659 95,637 8,022 237,356
06197001 Metropolitan Transportation Commission Oakland CA 1970 website 7,150,828 147,664 2,785,949 2,608,043 177,906 6,866,861
06198100 Shasta Regional Transportation Agency Redding CA 1981 website 177,223 2,654 77,313 70,346 6,967 117,731
06199200 San Luis Obispo COG San Luis Obispo CA 1992 website 269,637 17,006 117,315 102,016 15,299 176,368
06196600 Santa Barbara County Association of Governments Santa Barbara CA 1966 website 423,891 17,782 152,831 142,101 10,730 377,634
06197502 Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments Marina CA 1975 website 732,667 29,960 261,343 237,090 24,253 536,855
06198600 Merced County Association of Governments Merced CA 1986 website 255,366 4,896 83,541 75,505 8,036 161,757
06197203 Stanislaus COG Modesto CA 1972 website 514,453 6,305 179,503 165,180 14,323 433,288
06200301 Kings County Association of Governments Lemoore CA 2003 website 152,982 21,580 43,867 41,233 2,634 87,941
06197202 Fresno Council of Governments Fresno CA 1972 website 930,885 17,523 315,691 289,531 26,160 654,628
06200302 Madera County Transportation Commission Madera CA 2003 website 150,865 8,624 49,140 43,317 5,823 78,413
06197002 Kern COG Bakersfield CA 1970 website 839,614 36,757 284,357 254,602 29,755 578,366
06198200 Tulare County Association of Governments Visalia CA 1982 website 442,171 4,772 141,693 130,349 11,344 289,726
06196800 San Joaquin COG Stockton CA 1968 website 685,306 14,354 233,754 215,007 18,747 610,468
06196700 Sacramento Area COG Sacramento CA 1967 website 2,274,557 37,635 897,164 825,959 71,205 1,968,660
06198000 Butte County Association of Governments Chico CA 1980 website 220,000 4,942 95,835 87,618 8,217 98,176
32199800 Tahoe MPO Stateline NV 1998 website 55,489 686 48,546 23,800 24,746 0
32200300 Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Carson City NV 2003 website 82,806 3,630 35,043 31,975 3,068 58,079
32197900 Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County Reno NV 1979 website 412,326 5,125 176,888 159,522 17,366 392,132
41201302 Middle Rogue MPO Central Point OR 2013 website 56,501 1,145 25,948 23,810 2,138 50,520
41198200 Rogue Valley MPO Central Point OR 1982 website 167,859 3,440 74,135 68,073 6,062 154,081
41200300 Corvallis Area MPO Corvallis OR 2003 website 64,951 4,961 27,707 26,330 1,377 62,089
41197300 Central Lane MPO Coburg OR 1973 website 249,601 7,953 109,031 103,853 5,178 246,980
41201301 Albany Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Albany OR 2013 website 57,721 835 23,832 22,407 1,425 56,997
41198700 Salem-Keizer Area Transportation Study Salem OR 1987 website 241,598 9,293 94,511 88,767 5,744 234,729
41197900 Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation System Portland OR 1979 website 1,499,844 28,487 636,913 599,208 37,705 1,486,105
53199200 Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council Vancouver WA 1992 website 425,363 3,210 167,413 158,099 9,314 359,562
53198202 Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Council of Governments Kelso WA 1982 website 65,796 1,076 28,479 26,550 1,929 63,380
53198201 Thurston Regional Planning Council Olympia WA 1982 website 173,829 3,430 75,933 71,030 4,903 171,663
53199100 Puget Sound Regional Council Seattle WA 1991 website 3,690,866 74,195 1,570,616 1,454,655 115,961 3,403,492
53196600 Whatcom COG Bellingham WA 1966 website 113,063 5,225 49,880 46,992 2,888 110,354
53200301 Skagit MPO Mt. Vernon WA 2003 website 116,901 1,624 51,473 45,557 5,916 62,966
41200200 Bend MPO Bend OR 2002 website 84,249 803 39,094 34,573 4,521 83,162
53201300 Walla Walla Valley MPO Walla Walla WA 2013 website 56,239 4,525 22,440 20,790 1,650 55,805
53197402 Yakima Valley MPO Yakima WA 1974 website 129,829 2,695 49,527 47,230 2,297 124,111
53200302 Chelan-Douglas Transportation Council Wenatchee WA 2003 website 66,591 737 26,500 24,975 1,525 65,649
53197100 Tri-Cities Metropolitan Area Transportation Study Richland WA 1971 website 214,704 1,770 80,124 76,433 3,691 209,615
06197501 Southern California Association of Governments Los Angeles CA 1975 website 18,051,203 308,058 6,331,792 5,847,760 484,032 17,425,875
04201301 Lake Havasu Metropolitan Planning Organization Lake Havasu City AZ 2013 website 55,280 219 34,479 24,487 9,992 53,427
32198300 Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada Las Vegas NV 1983 website 1,951,300 21,992 840,364 715,383 124,981 1,886,011
49200200 Dixie MPO St. George UT 2002 website 105,336 1,065 44,697 36,062 8,635 98,370
04200300 Central Yavapai MPO Prescott Valley AZ 2003 website 119,611 2,255 59,619 50,964 8,655 84,744
04199600 Flagstaff MPO Flagstaff AZ 1996 website 83,912 8,118 34,984 29,506 5,478 71,957
49197400 Mountainland Association of Governments Orem UT 1974 website 514,972 13,875 147,303 140,139 7,164 483,697
49197300 Wasatch Front Regional Council Salt Lake City UT 1973 website 1,561,348 19,790 543,199 512,882 30,317 1,541,844
49199200 Cache MPO Logan UT 1992 website 98,960 3,572 32,250 30,657 1,593 94,983
16197700 Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho Meridian ID 1977 website 550,359 13,010 217,429 201,497 15,932 500,960
16200302 Lewis-Clark Valley MPO Asotin WA 2003 website 52,535 1,140 23,336 22,124 1,212 51,880
53197401 Spokane Regional Transportation Council Spokane WA 1974 website 471,221 14,692 201,434 187,167 14,267 387,847
16200301 Kootenai MPO Coeur 'd'Alene ID 2003 website 138,494 1,488 63,177 54,200 8,977 98,378
30198200 Missoula Metropolitan Planning Organization Missoula MT 1982 website 93,262 3,602 41,544 39,467 2,077 81,872
16198200 Bannock Transportation Planning Organization Pocatello ID 1982 website 73,190 1,783 29,156 27,242 1,914 69,809
16199200 Bonneville MPO Idaho Falls ID 1992 website 98,672 1,167 37,327 34,774 2,553 89,452
30197100 Great Falls Planning and Community Development Department Great Falls MT 1971 website 68,620 2,181 30,790 28,753 2,037 65,207
35200300 Farmington MPO Farmington NM 2003 website 96,917 1,664 36,933 34,192 2,741 53,049
35197200 Mid-Region COG Albuquerque NM 1972 website 861,349 14,196 361,836 337,819 24,017 805,076
35198202 Santa Fe MPO Santa Fe NM 1982 website 116,386 2,599 58,334 50,612 7,722 89,284
08198200 Grand Junction / Mesa County MPO Grand Junction CO 1982 website 130,445 3,376 55,352 51,853 3,499 127,731
08197701 Denver Regional COG Denver CO 1977 website 2,827,082 42,255 1,189,272 1,116,469 72,803 2,644,362
08198800 North Front Range MPO Fort Collins CO 1988 website 433,178 13,088 175,905 166,068 9,837 382,225
48197502 Amarillo MPO Amarillo TX 1975 website 216,490 7,610 88,374 81,399 6,975 196,651
08197703 Pueblo Area COG MPO and TPR Pueblo CO 1977 website 147,711 4,235 63,828 58,459 5,369 136,550
08197702 Pikes Peak Area COG Colorado Springs CO 1977 website 616,998 18,955 251,163 234,600 16,563 558,938
56198101 Cheyenne MPO Cheyenne WY 1981 website 80,776 1,596 35,775 33,452 2,323 73,588
30196400 Yellowstone County Planning Board Billings MT 1964 website 126,372 3,478 55,068 52,343 2,725 114,245
56198102 Casper Area MPO Casper WY 1981 website 71,077 1,645 31,170 28,880 2,290 64,548
46198100 Rapid City Area MPO Rapid City SD 1981 website 106,024 3,068 45,190 42,531 2,659 81,251
38198201 Bismarck-Mandan MPO Bismark ND 1982 website 100,165 3,204 43,640 41,695 1,945 81,955
48197304 Laredo Urban Transportation Study Laredo TX 1973 website 243,978 3,479 70,997 65,437 5,560 235,730
48199302 Harlingen-San Benito MPO Lancaster TX 1964 website 156,063 1,164 56,489 48,381 8,108 132,426
48199301 Hidalgo County MPO Springvale TX 1982 website 774,014 6,982 248,081 216,276 31,805 728,825
48197305 Brownsville MPO Reading TX 1964 website 226,282 1,749 69,130 63,323 5,807 219,618
48197303 Corpus Christi MPO Lebanon TX 2003 website 328,116 5,753 134,470 120,928 13,542 320,069
48198200 Victoria MPO Victoria TX 1982 website 86,793 1,508 35,417 32,187 3,230 63,683
48196400 San Angelo MPO San Angelo TX 1964 website 96,897 4,858 41,060 37,530 3,530 92,984
48196900 Abilene MPO Harrisburg TX 1965 website 126,592 9,997 51,396 46,940 4,456 110,421
48197700 Alamo Area MPO Jefferson City TX 2003 website 1,976,167 45,368 768,813 704,148 64,665 1,761,424
48197301 Capital Area MPO Austin TX 1973 website 1,759,122 41,932 727,381 666,993 60,388 1,412,028
48197501 Killeen-Temple Metropolitan Planning Organization Louisville TX 1973 website 365,892 11,181 145,074 131,937 13,137 308,020
48197403 Waco MPO Waco TX 1974 website 234,906 9,085 95,124 86,892 8,232 172,378
48197401 North Central Texas COG Arlington TX 1974 website 6,417,630 78,210 2,524,534 2,317,174 207,360 5,658,096
48197002 Bryan-College Station MPO Bryan TX 1970 website 194,851 13,512 77,700 71,739 5,961 171,345
48197402 Houston-Galveston Area Council Houston TX 1974 website 5,892,002 77,616 2,282,095 2,051,694 230,401 5,365,483
48197404 Tyler Area MPO Beckley TX 2014 website 199,597 4,093 83,054 75,344 7,710 130,247
48197504 Longview MPO TX 2014 website 117,298 4,068 47,585 44,216 3,369 98,884
48197001 South East Texas Regional Planning Commission Williamsport TX 1968 website 388,746 16,998 162,335 144,935 17,400 301,072
22198400 Imperial Calcasieu Regional Planning & Development Commission Lake Charles LA 1984 website 173,604 3,685 73,792 66,699 7,093 143,440
22197500 Alexandria-Pineville MPO Alexandria LA 1975 website 131,613 4,501 55,684 50,401 5,283 79,590
48197505 Texarkana MPO Texarkana TX 1975 website 94,278 4,798 40,441 36,613 3,828 78,162
22196800 Northwest Louisiana COG Shreveport LA 1968 website 371,948 8,208 161,379 147,354 14,025 298,317
22197202 Lafayette Area MPO Lafayette LA 1972 website 338,379 6,770 140,749 130,028 10,721 252,720
22198200 Houma-Thibodaux MPO Houma LA 1982 website 125,380 2,710 49,156 45,725 3,431 114,179
22197201 Capital Regional Planning Commission Baton Rouge LA 1972 website 661,042 16,035 270,563 249,578 20,985 583,310
22201300 South Tangipahoa MPO New Orleans LA 2013 website 99,316 3,759 40,878 37,011 3,867 67,629
22197300 Ouachata Council of Governments Monroe LA 1973 website 126,619 5,523 53,609 48,767 4,842 116,331
22196200 Regional Planning Commission New Orleans LA 1962 website 1,057,709 18,066 492,304 415,761 76,543 1,027,479
28198200 Hattiesburg-Petal-Forrest-Lamar MPO Hattiesburg MS 1982 website 97,272 3,657 42,522 37,899 4,623 80,337
28197300 Gulf Regional Planning Commission Gulfport MS 1973 website 308,313 7,176 142,558 118,963 23,595 259,118
01196401 Mobile Area Transportation Study Mobile AL 1964 website 383,694 6,585 165,116 147,849 17,267 326,183
28197500 Central Mississippi Planning & Development District Jackson MS 1975 website 461,430 15,208 189,787 172,378 17,409 351,478
01201300 Eastern Shore MPO Fairhope AL 2013 website 92,749 988 41,497 36,620 4,877 57,381
12197000 Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization Pensacola FL 1970 website 434,625 20,209 206,805 169,175 37,630 396,006
12198001 Okaloosa-Walton Transportation Planning Organization Pensacola FL 1980 website 214,967 6,945 127,544 86,324 41,220 136,485
01197401 Tuscaloosa Area MPO Northport AL 1974 website 194,656 10,423 84,872 76,141 8,731 139,114
01197501 Montgomery MPO Montgomery AL 1975 website 328,667 14,863 139,549 124,840 14,709 263,907
01197700 Birmingham MPO Birmingham AL 1977 website 853,551 18,348 381,522 337,640 43,882 740,240
12198002 Bay County Transportation Planning Organization Pensacola FL 1980 website 168,852 3,817 99,650 68,438 31,212 142,773
01198300 Southeast Wiregrass Area MPO Dothan AL 1983 website 94,396 1,400 41,788 38,107 3,681 68,607
12197706 Capital Region Transportation Planning Agency Tallahassee FL 1977 website 367,384 21,922 163,051 144,021 19,030 240,223
01197502 Auburn - Opelika MPO Opelika AL 1975 website 87,629 4,399 40,337 36,027 4,310 74,692
13196401 Columbus-Phenix City Metropolitan Planning Organization Columbus GA 1964 website 260,695 7,574 113,699 101,748 11,951 244,431
13196500 Dougherty Area Regional Transportation Study Albany GA 1965 website 120,435 5,096 50,145 45,366 4,779 95,779
12197600 Lee County MPO Fort Myers FL 1976 website 616,576 8,430 369,240 258,652 110,588 578,739
12199201 Charlotte County - Punta Gorda MPO Port Charlotte FL 1992 website 161,230 3,012 101,509 74,053 27,456 145,740
12197803 Pinellas County MPO Clearwater FL 1978 website 915,810 19,678 503,256 415,562 87,694 913,207
12197704 Hillsborough County MPO Tampa FL 1977 website 1,228,761 22,065 535,859 473,822 62,037 1,185,575
12198201 Pasco County MPO New Port Richey FL 1982 website 465,394 5,674 229,323 189,898 39,425 421,293
12197804 Sarasota-Manatee MPO Sarasota FL 1978 website 700,837 10,439 399,723 310,697 89,026 665,750
12199202 Hernando County MPO Brooksville FL 1992 website 313,992 4,079 162,516 135,039 27,477 215,596
12200300 Lake-Sumter MPO Leesburg FL 2003 website 390,298 12,939 197,900 162,542 35,358 282,456
12198100 Ocala - Marion County Transportation Planning Organization Ocala FL 1981 website 331,558 8,244 164,233 137,857 26,376 202,718
12198202 Collier MPO Naples FL 1982 website 321,518 4,546 197,287 133,178 64,109 259,497
12201400 Heartland Regional TPO Sebring FL 2014 252,109 13,618 118,522 92,050 26,472 61,625
12197701 Miami-Dade MPO Miami FL 1977 website 2,569,420 42,065 1,042,151 899,947 142,204 2,486,264
12197702 Broward MPO Fort Lauderdale FL 1977 website 1,748,066 16,892 810,388 686,047 124,341 1,747,770
12197801 Palm Beach MPO West Palm Beach FL 1978 website 1,320,134 19,972 664,594 544,227 120,367 1,263,360
12199301 Martin County MPO Stuart FL 1993 website 146,846 3,933 78,357 64,112 14,245 127,940
12197805 Polk County Transportation Planning Organization Bartow FL 1978 website 602,278 12,271 281,226 227,512 53,714 463,465
12197703 METROPLAN Orlando Orlando FL 1977 website 1,837,385 40,481 797,335 677,167 120,168 1,742,176
12198300 Space Coast Transportation Planning Organization Viera FL 1983 website 541,274 7,735 268,366 228,515 39,851 513,623
12197705 River to Sea Transportation Planning Organization MPA Daytona Beach FL 1977 website 581,923 13,274 298,883 244,037 54,846 531,233
12198203 St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization Fort Pierce FL 1982 website 277,097 3,053 136,723 108,241 28,482 376,047
12199302 Indian River County MPO Vero Beach FL 1993 website 136,368 1,785 75,611 59,566 16,045 125,874
13200303 Valdosta-Lowndes MPO Valdosta GA 2003 website 79,176 6,324 31,738 28,698 3,040 72,569
12197806 Gainesville MTPO Gainesville FL 1978 website 198,376 13,896 90,653 80,895 9,758 187,781
13198200 Warner Robins Area Transportation Study Warner Robins GA 1982 website 148,283 1,599 62,008 56,390 5,618 132,467
13196402 Macon Area Transportation Study Macon GA 1964 website 167,347 6,051 74,545 64,711 9,834 137,822
13197000 Augusta Regional Transportation Study Augusta GA 1970 website 440,134 13,072 187,315 169,165 18,150 384,581
12197802 North Florida Transportation Planning Organization Jacksonville FL 1978 website 1,318,305 24,577 588,684 515,285 73,399 1,134,350
13199100 Brunswick Area Transportation Study Brunswick GA 1991 website 79,626 1,453 40,716 31,774 8,942 51,024
13200304 Hinesville Area MPO Hinesville GA 2003 website 70,695 2,579 29,861 24,712 5,149 51,456
13198301 Coastal Region MPO Savannah GA 1983 website 265,128 12,891 119,323 103,038 16,285 249,982
45201300 Lowcountry Area Transportation Study Yemassee SC 2013 website 156,894 5,243 87,468 62,178 25,290 68,998
45197700 Charleston Area Transportation Study North Charleston SC 1977 website 569,000 13,101 256,475 224,127 32,348 535,322
48197503 Wichita Falls MPO Washington TX 1965 website 109,139 11,893 45,570 40,241 5,329 99,437
40197300 Lawton MPO Lawton OK 1973 website 86,299 4,225 38,074 33,642 4,432 82,555
48198000 Sherman-Denison MPO Sherman TX 1982 website 95,300 2,100 42,057 36,947 5,110 61,900
40196500 Association of Central Oklahoma Governments Oklahoma City OK 1965 website 1,140,532 26,952 490,288 447,313 42,975 965,403
20197600 Wichita Area MPO Wichita KS 1976 website 518,985 7,514 219,233 200,701 18,532 472,870
20201300 Flint Hills Metropolitan Planning Organization Fort Riley KS 2013 website 101,554 9,942 40,695 36,792 3,903 54,622
31201300 Grand Island Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Grand Island NE 2013 website 52,478 1,058 21,068 19,861 1,207 50,440
31197300 Lincoln Area MPO Lincoln NE 1973 website 285,407 13,816 120,875 113,373 7,502 258,719
05197300 Frontier MPO Fort Smith AR 1973 website 180,727 2,928 77,132 70,436 6,696 122,947
40197400 Indian Nations COG Tulsa OK 1974 website 778,022 12,000 338,585 306,279 32,306 655,479
29198200 Joplin Area Transportation Study Organization Joplin MO 1982 website 84,807 2,225 37,772 34,073 3,699 78,654
05200301 Tri-Lakes MPO Hot Springs AR 2003 website 90,507 2,145 47,502 38,845 8,657 54,878
05197400 Metroplan Little Rock AR 1974 website 621,397 13,521 272,479 248,478 24,001 496,665
05198200 Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission Springdale AR 1982 website 424,404 9,624 180,892 158,476 22,416 295,081
29197101 Ozarks Transportation Organization Springfield MO 1971 website 307,781 11,724 138,513 126,298 12,215 273,724
20197200 Metropolitan Topeka Planning Organization Topeka KS 1972 website 167,657 4,327 75,017 68,740 6,277 149,777
20198200 Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Office Lawrence KS 1982 website 110,823 8,792 46,730 43,575 3,155 88,053
29197401 Mid-America Regional Council Kansas City MO 1974 website 1,895,535 29,485 820,478 745,149 75,329 1,604,407
29197102 St. Joseph Area Transportation Study Organization St. Joseph MO 1971 website 97,118 4,670 41,634 37,602 4,032 80,727
31197400 Metropolitan Area Planning Agency Omaha NE 1974 website 753,949 15,472 314,270 291,216 23,054 724,895
29197402 Columbia Area Transportation Study Organization Columbia MO 1974 website 134,591 8,817 57,747 53,164 4,583 124,648
19198300 Des Moines Area MPO Urbandale IA 1983 website 475,855 9,091 200,892 187,623 13,269 450,070
46197300 South Eastern COG Sioux Falls SD 1973 website 187,553 6,167 78,597 73,532 5,065 156,777
38197200 Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan COG Fargo ND 1972 website 187,695 8,638 82,816 77,942 4,874 176,676
38198202 Grand Forks-East Grand Forks MPO Grand Forks ND 1982 website 63,281 3,820 27,773 26,428 1,345 61,270
19196600 Sioux City MPO Sioux City IA 1966 website 115,153 2,800 45,421 42,984 2,437 106,020
19200300 Ames Area MPO Ames IA 2003 website 59,824 7,767 24,263 23,126 1,137 59,281
19197300 Black Hawk Metropolitan Area Transportation Policy Board Waterloo IA 1973 website 121,066 5,920 51,749 48,577 3,172 113,418
27197200 Rochester-Olmsted COG Rochester MN 1972 website 148,041 2,910 62,176 58,644 3,532 107,677
27201300 Mankato / North Mankato Area Planning Organization Mankato MN 2013 website 61,764 4,508 25,237 23,847 1,390 57,584
27197000 St. Cloud Area Planning Organization St. Cloud MN 1970 website 130,191 8,279 52,793 49,455 3,338 110,621
27197300 Metropolitan Council St. Paul MN 1973 website 2,849,557 55,023 1,186,983 1,117,745 69,238 2,597,407
05196400 Southeast Arkansas Regional Planning Commission Pine Bluff AR 1964 website 67,809 4,102 28,935 25,517 3,418 53,495
05198300 West Memphis Area Transportation Study West Memphis AR 1983 website 42,214 701 17,382 15,714 1,668 40,270
05200302 Jonesboro Area Transportation Study Jonesboro AR 2003 website 83,143 3,412 34,712 32,079 2,633 65,419
47197702 Memphis Urban Area MPO Memphis TN 1977 website 1,077,697 19,101 471,805 419,729 52,076 1,019,791
47198202 Jackson Urban Area MPO Jackson TN 1982 website 98,294 4,418 41,877 38,073 3,804 71,880
29201300 Southeast Metropolitan Planning Organization (SEMPO) Cape Girardeau MO 2013 website 59,448 3,681 25,722 23,628 2,094 52,900
17201300 Southern Illinois Metropolitan Planning Organization Marion IL 2013 website 89,980 4,878 42,727 38,449 4,278 67,821
29200300 Capital Area MPO Jefferson City MO 2003 website 71,347 4,982 30,587 28,247 2,340 58,248
29197300 East-West Gateway Council of Government St. Louis MO 1973 website 2,571,253 48,246 1,132,842 1,027,694 105,148 2,234,522
19198000 Johnson County COG Iowa City IA 1980 website 109,446 7,715 47,451 44,719 2,732 106,212
17196600 Bi-State Regional Commission Rock Island IL 1966 website 296,845 7,619 130,884 121,898 8,986 280,051
17196202 Springfield Area Transportation Study Springfield IL 1962 website 169,319 3,908 78,340 72,095 6,245 161,316
17197600 Tri-County Regional Planning Commission Peoria IL 1976 website 305,366 7,857 133,447 123,456 9,991 266,921
17196403 Decatur Urbanized Area Transportation Study Decatur IL 1964 website 101,540 4,036 46,536 42,224 4,312 93,863
17196700 McLean County Regional Planning Commission Bloomington IL 1967 website 137,415 10,566 56,368 52,719 3,649 131,548
17196402 Champaign County Regional Planning Commission Urbana IL 1964 website 144,361 15,739 63,719 58,729 4,990 141,922
17196201 The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Chicago IL 1962 website 8,444,660 140,334 3,377,287 3,092,414 284,873 8,271,486
01197402 Shoals Area MPO Muscle Shoals AL 1974 website 93,146 2,242 44,504 39,882 4,622 76,166
01198200 North Central Alabama Regional Council of Govts Decatur AL 1982 website 88,775 1,782 38,106 35,223 2,883 70,436
01196402 Gadsden-Etowah MPO Gadsden AL 1964 website 86,857 2,115 39,858 35,282 4,576 64,172
01197601 Huntsville MPO Huntsville AL 1976 website 357,858 10,384 154,672 142,404 12,268 286,692
47197802 Clarksville Urbanized Area MPO Clarksville TN 1978 website 175,269 6,751 69,191 62,537 6,654 156,899
21197402 Owensboro-Daviess County MPO Owensboro KY 1974 website 96,636 2,581 41,444 38,611 2,833 70,543
47197701 Nashville Area MPO Nashville TN 1977 website 1,382,526 35,290 581,311 537,346 43,965 1,101,479
21200202 Bowling Green-Warren County MPO Bowling Green KY 2002 website 113,792 6,210 47,223 43,674 3,549 78,306
21200201 Radcliff-Elizabethtown MPO Elizabethtown KY 2002 website 130,492 3,468 53,462 48,936 4,526 73,467
01197602 Calhoun Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Anniston AL 1976 website 100,032 2,838 44,773 39,904 4,869 79,796
13198302 Floyd-Rome Urban Transportation Study Rome GA 1983 website 96,317 3,733 40,551 35,930 4,621 60,851
13200302 Greater Dalton MPO Dalton GA 2003 website 102,451 1,002 39,827 35,125 4,702 72,766
47197703 Chattanooga-Hamilton County/North Georgia Transportation Planning Orga Chattanooga TN 1977 website 436,669 11,160 193,797 175,289 18,508 380,897
13201300 Cartersville-Bartow Metropolitan Planning Organization Cartersville GA 2013 website 90,128 990 35,696 32,132 3,564 51,654
13197100 Atlanta Regional Commission Atlanta GA 1971 website 4,819,026 73,364 1,979,911 1,775,021 204,890 4,471,045
47200302 Cleveland Area MPO Cleveland TN 2003 website 64,410 2,713 27,220 24,826 2,394 62,933
47197801 Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization Knoxville TN 1978 website 542,827 14,467 242,989 221,452 21,537 489,503
18198600 Evansville MPO Evansville IN 1986 website 286,110 9,422 127,731 115,858 11,873 228,203
18197502 West Central Indiana Economic Development District, Inc. Terre Haute IN 1975 website 107,848 9,545 46,006 41,361 4,645 82,225
18198201 Bloomington/Monroe County Metropolitan Planning Organization Bloomington IN 1982 website 114,718 14,960 48,229 45,423 2,806 108,652
18197800 Indianapolis MPO Indianapolis IN 1978 website 1,518,800 23,914 657,530 590,753 66,777 1,456,540
17200301 Danville Area Transportation Study Danville IL 2003 website 58,000 2,824 25,938 23,190 2,748 50,996
17198300 Kankakee County Regional Planning Commission Kankakee IL 1983 website 86,150 4,850 33,699 31,180 2,519 81,422
18197501 Northwest Indiana Regional Planning Commission Portage IN 1975 website 771,648 16,377 323,299 292,413 30,886 654,755
18197601 Area Plan Commission of Tippecanoe County Lafayette IN 1976 website 172,780 14,463 71,096 65,532 5,564 147,725
18198202 Kokomo & Howard County Governmental Coordinating Council Kokomo IN 1982 website 68,479 1,168 32,883 28,914 3,969 61,505
26197402 Southwest Michigan Planning Commission Benton Harbor MI 1974 website 127,004 1,827 59,042 51,221 7,821 97,622
18197401 Michiana Area COG South Bend IN 1974 website 464,490 15,076 192,616 173,313 19,303 384,562
21197300 Kentuckiana Regional Planning and Development Agency Louisville KY 1973 website 1,062,346 22,624 467,775 430,401 37,374 972,546
18200300 Columbus Area MPO Columbus IN 2003 website 83,571 1,152 35,931 32,466 3,465 55,061
21197401 Lexington Area MPO Lexington KY 1974 website 344,389 14,583 154,491 140,685 13,806 289,168
39197400 Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments Cincinnati OH 1974 website 1,981,230 44,614 854,111 774,825 79,286 1,726,832
39197302 Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission Dayton OH 1973 website 832,161 24,289 380,271 339,790 40,481 713,869
18196900 Madison County COG Anderson IN 1969 website 140,839 6,277 62,929 55,526 7,403 97,422
18197602 Delaware-Muncie Metropolitan Plan Commission Muncie IN 1976 website 105,288 8,823 46,914 41,587 5,327 90,580
18197402 Northeastern Indiana Regional Coordinating Council Ft. Wayne IN 1974 website 333,752 6,114 144,314 130,428 13,886 313,492
39196402 Lima-Allen County Regional Planning Commission Lima OH 1964 website 111,551 6,030 47,335 42,788 4,547 72,852
19196400 Corridor Metropolitan Planning Organization Cedar Rapids IA 1964 website 190,987 4,102 84,279 78,750 5,529 177,844
19197400 East Central Intergovernmental Association Dubuque IA 1974 website 80,992 4,050 33,985 32,128 1,857 67,818
55196700 La Crosse Area Planning Committee La Crosse WI 1967 website 114,874 5,286 48,637 46,406 2,231 100,705
55198201 Chippewa-Eau Claire MPO Eau Claire WI 1982 website 112,671 5,514 48,505 45,723 2,782 102,852
55197100 Madison Area Transportation Planning Board Madison WI 1971 website 401,808 12,269 181,308 170,748 10,560 385,281
17196401 Rockford Metropolitan Agency for Planning Rockford IL 1964 website 308,390 4,791 129,163 118,611 10,552 294,972
17200302 DeKalb Sycamore Area Transportation Study DeKalb IL 2003 website 70,838 6,438 27,692 25,944 1,748 68,545
55197499 State Line Area Transportation Study Beloit WI 1974 website 69,441 1,701 28,485 26,204 2,281 64,600
55198203 Janesville Area MPO Janesville WI 1982 website 77,940 1,018 33,921 31,349 2,572 70,748
55196100 Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Waukesha WI 1961 website 2,019,767 45,392 872,724 799,996 72,728 1,731,072
55197302 Oshkosh MPO Menasha WI 1973 website 77,116 7,532 32,703 30,352 2,351 74,518
55200200 Fond du Lac Area MPO Menasha WI 2002 website 58,537 2,109 25,827 24,171 1,656 53,420
55198300 Wausau Metropolitan Planning Organization Wausau WI 1983 website 89,261 1,420 39,296 36,196 3,100 74,632
55197301 Appleton/Fox Cities MPO Menasha WI 1973 website 229,171 3,490 97,136 92,408 4,728 213,416
27197500 Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate Council Duluth MN 1975 website 147,533 9,049 64,585 60,325 4,260 120,362
55198202 Sheboygan MPO Green Bay WI 1982 website 75,790 1,045 33,935 31,252 2,683 71,313
26199100 Macatawa Area Coordinating Council Holland MI 1991 website 119,125 3,772 47,372 42,772 4,600 100,145
26197302 West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission Muskegon MI 1973 website 225,014 6,855 97,714 86,600 11,114 161,076
55197400 Green Bay MPO Green Bay WI 1974 website 216,347 6,530 92,070 86,658 5,412 205,833
26197900 Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study Kalamazoo MI 1979 website 250,331 8,455 110,007 100,610 9,397 206,405
26197403 Battle Creek Area Transportation Study Springfield MI 1974 website 91,083 2,214 41,550 36,724 4,826 77,325
26199000 Grand Valley Metropolitan Council Grand Rapids MI 1990 website 692,019 15,383 277,988 257,061 20,927 568,689
26196800 Region 2 Planning Commission Jackson MI 1968 website 160,253 9,672 69,459 60,772 8,687 90,057
26197301 Tri-County Regional Planning Commission Lansing MI 1973 website 464,036 20,717 199,026 183,422 15,604 313,293
26196500 Saginaw Metropolitan Area Transportation Study Saginaw MI 1965 website 200,170 7,116 86,845 79,012 7,833 132,908
26201300 Midland Area Transportation Study Midland MI 2013 website 90,645 1,314 38,906 36,244 2,662 51,972
26197404 Bay City Area Transportation Study Bay City MI 1974 website 87,959 1,344 39,818 36,785 3,033 70,746
13196900 Madison Athens-Clarke Oconee Regional Transportation Study Athens GA 1969 website 151,973 9,215 64,761 58,115 6,646 128,456
13200301 Gainesville-Hall MPO Gainesville GA 2003 website 179,642 3,141 68,811 60,680 8,131 140,189
45199300 Anderson Area Transportation Study Anderson SC 1993 website 94,673 2,616 43,331 37,932 5,399 75,588
45196200 Greenville-Pickens Area Transportation Study Greenville SC 1962 website 547,397 11,007 235,226 213,706 21,520 475,885
37197000 French Broad River MPO Asheville NC 1970 website 374,632 9,173 187,419 159,376 28,043 276,564
45197500 Spartanburg Area Transportation Study Spartanburg SC 1975 website 222,968 6,287 96,885 86,260 10,625 181,250
47200301 Lakeway MPO Morristown TN 2003 website 81,648 2,029 35,056 31,744 3,312 58,810
47198201 Johnson City Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization Johnson City TN 1982 website 139,408 5,796 65,494 58,709 6,785 117,279
47197704 Kingsport MTPO Kingsport TN 1977 website 125,260 1,251 59,149 53,334 5,815 101,667
47198203 Bristol MPO Bristol TN 1982 website 93,307 1,883 43,858 39,356 4,502 61,876
45197000 Columbia Area Transportation Study Columbia SC 1970 website 621,308 34,295 264,396 238,164 26,232 540,840
45198300 Rock Hill-Fort Mill Area Transportation Study Rock Hill SC 1983 website 174,406 3,328 73,144 66,658 6,486 156,569
37197403 Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Gastonia NC 1974 website 181,096 3,135 77,862 70,172 7,690 157,360
45199100 Sumter Urban Area Transportation Study Sumter SC 1991 website 85,635 1,901 36,967 32,464 4,503 71,494
45198200 Florence Area Transportation Study Florence SC 1982 website 96,084 2,910 41,406 37,407 3,999 76,366
37197900 Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization Charlotte NC 1979 website 1,098,657 17,945 462,461 421,931 40,530 1,053,737
37198002 Cabarrus-Rowan MPO Concord NC 1980 website 316,427 5,766 132,144 118,802 13,342 228,238
37198201 Greater Hickory MPO Hickory NC 1982 website 273,531 4,947 121,030 108,979 12,051 209,548
37197401 Winston-Salem Urban Area MPO Winston-Salem NC 1974 website 397,772 10,185 177,062 159,932 17,130 358,249
37198003 High Point Urban Area MPO High Point NC 1980 website 200,492 4,286 88,433 79,047 9,386 168,654
37196000 Greensboro Urban Area MPO Greensboro NC 1960 website 370,025 11,888 165,071 149,921 15,150 312,474
51200301 Blacksburg-Christiansburg-Montgomery Area MPO Christiansburg VA 2003 website 79,260 9,225 31,918 29,773 2,145 70,040
51197402 Roanoke Valley MPO Roanoke VA 1974 website 227,507 6,160 103,756 95,553 8,203 209,238
21198800 Ashland Area MPO Grayson KY 1988 website 86,444 2,792 38,129 34,454 3,675 56,594
54197400 KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission Huntington WV 1974 website 201,199 4,851 92,979 83,524 9,455 123,496
39196401 Clark County-Springfield Transportation Study Springfield OH 1964 website 138,335 2,798 61,419 55,244 6,175 105,679
39197301 Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission Columbus OH 1973 website 1,426,183 27,868 626,771 571,422 55,349 1,359,272
39197500 Toledo Metropolitan Area COG Toledo OH 1975 website 567,303 16,945 256,006 229,310 26,696 473,892
39198200 Licking County Area Transportation Study Newark OH 1982 website 138,039 3,357 58,954 53,869 5,085 78,682
39196203 Richland County Regional Planning Commission Mansfield OH 1962 website 124,475 7,263 54,599 48,921 5,678 75,250
39200300 Policy Committee of the Erie Regional Planning Commission Sandusky OH 2003 website 82,976 1,800 40,428 34,135 6,293 11,626
54197501 BCKP Regional Intergovernmental Council South Charleston WV 1975 website 248,546 3,388 116,055 106,182 9,873 175,746
54201300 Fayette/Raleigh MPO (FRMPO) Beckley WV 2014 website 124,898 5,697 57,549 50,644 6,905 64,022
54197503 Wood-Washington-Wirt Interstate Planning Commission Parkersburg WV 1975 website 129,835 2,780 59,954 54,654 5,300 67,229
54200300 Morgantown Monongalia MPO Morgantown WV 2003 website 96,183 7,262 43,234 39,773 3,461 70,350
39196202 Stark County Area Transportation Study Canton OH 1962 website 375,541 9,264 165,200 151,075 14,125 296,853
54197502 Belmont-Ohio-Marshall Transportation Study Wheeling WV 1975 website 147,952 6,899 69,544 61,463 8,081 78,632
39196800 Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency Cleveland OH 1968 website 2,071,325 43,308 953,160 852,606 100,554 1,866,053
39196201 Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study Akron OH 1962 website 713,314 18,026 316,684 288,894 27,790 629,064
39197303 Eastgate Regional COG Youngstown OH 1973 website 448,970 11,746 207,917 184,652 23,265 348,030
39197304 Brook-Hancock-Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission Steubenville OH 1973 website 124,458 3,310 58,334 52,428 5,906 73,204
42197400 Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission Pittsburgh PA 1974 website 2,574,953 73,351 1,197,707 1,088,480 109,227 1,852,045
42198202 Shenango Valley Area Transportation Study Hermitage PA 1982 website 116,638 6,714 51,733 46,442 5,291 39,043
45199200 Grand-Strand Area Transportation Study Georgetown SC 1992 website 257,836 3,361 188,066 109,517 78,549 193,806
37197402 Fayetteville Area MPO Fayetteville NC 1974 website 325,323 10,030 137,763 124,060 13,703 297,190
37197800 Wilmington Urban Area MPO Wilmington NC 1978 website 241,842 6,985 119,169 101,799 17,370 219,231
37198202 Goldsboro Urban Area MPO Goldsboro NC 1982 website 91,112 2,680 39,477 35,846 3,631 60,265
37197300 Burlington-Graham MPO Burlington NC 1973 website 162,718 4,235 71,874 64,795 7,079 117,448
51198300 Danville MPO Martinsville VA 1983 website 65,689 1,542 32,887 28,096 4,791 0
37198001 Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO Durham NC 1980 website 392,791 19,766 173,045 158,198 14,847 350,110
51197900 Central Virginia MPO Lynchburg VA 1979 website 153,316 11,570 65,026 59,231 5,795 116,636
37196400 Capital Area MPO Raleigh NC 1964 website 1,071,012 21,767 439,493 408,141 31,352 882,383
37199202 Rocky Mount Urban Area MPO Rocky Mount NC 1992 website 79,968 1,809 36,593 32,005 4,588 64,522
37198004 Jacksonville Urban Area MPO Jacksonville NC 1980 website 126,132 16,496 43,238 40,564 2,674 105,369
37199201 Greenville Urban Area MPO Greenville NC 1992 website 133,742 6,447 60,320 54,364 5,956 117,798
37201300 New Bern Area MPO New Bern NC 2013 website 56,746 1,111 26,466 23,712 2,754 50,503
51197403 Tri Cities Area MPO Petersburg VA 1974 website 149,029 9,809 61,271 55,311 5,960 123,350
51197401 Richmond Area MPO Richmond VA 1974 website 934,060 19,184 396,236 368,199 28,037 830,206
51199100 Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization Chesapeake VA 1991 website 1,618,505 68,897 656,894 607,840 49,054 1,515,355
51201200 Staunton-Augusta-Waynesboro MPO VA 2012 74,964 2,635 34,159 31,221 2,938 56,611
51200303 Harrisonburg-Rockingham MPO Staunton VA 2003 website 74,365 8,918 27,507 25,458 2,049 66,777
24198200 Cumberland Area MPO Cumberland MD 1982 website 75,091 7,924 33,314 29,178 4,136 49,619
51198200 Charlottesville-Albemarle MPO Charlottesville VA 1982 website 113,074 9,093 48,260 44,402 3,858 92,359
51200302 Winchester-Frederick County MPO Front RoyaL VA 2003 website 78,440 1,861 32,233 29,695 2,538 69,332
24198600 Hagerstown-Eastern Panhandle MPO Hagerstown MD 1986 website 323,989 10,756 135,102 122,583 12,519 182,696
42196503 Cambria County MPO Ebensburg PA 1965 website 151,986 8,223 69,643 62,633 7,010 67,011
42196504 Blair County Planning Commission Altoona PA 1965 website 127,089 3,672 56,276 52,159 4,117 79,930
42201313 Franklin County MPO Chambersburg PA 2013 website 149,635 2,696 63,228 58,397 4,831 60,390
42198201 Centre County MPO State College PA 1982 website 154,016 16,989 63,303 57,579 5,724 87,454
51199200 Fredericksburg Area MPO Fredericksburg VA 1992 website 275,639 6,713 99,626 93,213 6,413 210,317
11196500 National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board Washington DC 1965 website 5,068,540 92,500 2,018,264 1,894,954 123,310 4,818,742
24199200 Baltimore Regional Transportation Board Baltimore MD 1992 website 2,662,204 68,497 1,111,823 1,020,524 91,299 2,418,178
24200400 Salisbury-Wicomico MPO Salisbury MD 2004 website 76,494 4,345 31,536 28,659 2,877 73,048
10199000 Dover / Kent County MPO Camden DE 1990 website 167,364 4,435 67,369 62,160 5,209 108,113
10197100 Wilmington Area Planning Council Newark DE 1971 website 639,457 18,705 258,534 239,446 19,088 542,692
42201314 Adams County Transportation Planning Organization Gettysburg PA 2013 website 101,407 3,993 40,820 38,013 2,807 31,255
42196502 Harrisburg Area Transportation Study Harrisburg PA 1965 website 571,842 20,497 250,490 231,532 18,958 409,972
42196404 York Area MPO York PA 1964 website 434,962 8,430 178,662 168,367 10,295 306,062
42201312 Susquehanna Economic Development Association Council of Governments Lewisburg PA 2013 website 375,261 23,576 167,110 145,987 21,123 49,577
42196800 Williamsport Area Transportation Study Williamsport PA 1968 website 116,102 5,437 52,491 46,697 5,794 56,142
42196403 Lancaster County Transportation Coordinating Committee Lancaster PA 1964 website 519,430 12,638 202,946 193,594 9,352 401,726
42200300 Lebanon County MPO Lebanon PA 2003 website 111,189 3,427 45,916 43,002 2,914 79,436
42196405 Reading Area Transportation Study Reading PA 1964 website 411,440 12,023 164,826 154,355 10,471 301,388
42196402 Lackawanna-Luzerne Transportation Study Scranton PA 1964 website 535,334 19,854 245,558 219,148 26,410 433,444
42201311 Northeastern Pennsylvania Planning Alliance MPO Pittston PA 2013 website 440,670 11,747 222,304 169,865 52,439 24,549
26197401 Southeast Michigan COG Detroit MI 1974 website 4,703,593 66,202 2,060,049 1,844,201 215,848 4,328,651
26196300 Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission Flint MI 1963 website 425,788 5,973 192,179 169,201 22,978 351,608
42196406 Erie MPO Erie PA 1964 website 280,566 12,875 119,138 110,413 8,725 196,611
36197401 Greater Buffalo-Niagara Regional Transportation Council Buffalo NY 1974 website 1,135,511 32,706 519,094 473,721 45,373 935,906
36197700 Genesee Transportation Council Rochester NY 1977 website 841,567 27,235 361,633 338,916 22,717 719,519
36197500 Elmira-Chemung Transportation Council Elmira NY 1975 website 88,831 4,916 38,370 35,463 2,907 67,352
36199200 Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council Ithaca NY 1992 website 101,566 13,232 41,676 38,968 2,708 53,661
36197402 Binghamton Metropolitan Transportation Study Binghamton NY 1974 website 215,413 10,423 96,308 88,286 8,022 155,629
36196500 Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council Syracuse NY 1965 website 476,845 17,080 206,997 191,876 15,121 411,924
36201400 Watertown-Jefferson County Transportation Council NY 2014 66,322 5,286 26,651 24,434 2,217 57,840
34199300 South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization Vineland NJ 1993 website 594,419 22,042 307,361 220,661 86,700 414,657
42196501 Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission Philadelphia PA 1965 website 5,626,318 166,669 2,290,834 2,128,735 162,099 5,366,941
42196401 Lehigh Valley Transportation Study Allentown PA 1964 website 663,158 19,708 270,145 254,154 15,991 596,723
34198200 North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority Newark NJ 1982 website 6,579,801 121,178 2,611,779 2,398,718 213,061 6,187,812
36198202 Orange County Transportation Council Goshen NY 1982 website 372,815 12,230 137,026 125,926 11,100 228,880
36200300 Ulster County Transportation Council Kingston NY 2003 website 182,491 11,773 83,637 71,048 12,589 88,968
36198201 New York Metropolitan Transportation Council New York NY 1982 website 12,367,508 275,081 4,921,831 4,539,298 382,533 12,241,241
09198100 South Western MPO Stamford CT 1981 website 363,963 3,318 146,506 136,247 10,259 354,299
36198203 Poughkeepsie-Dutchess County Transportation Council Poughkeepsie NY 1982 website 297,508 19,965 118,649 107,971 10,678 212,235
09197504 Housatonic Valley MPO Brookfield CT 1975 website 224,621 5,582 88,358 81,250 7,108 191,385
09198101 Greater Bridgeport / Valley MPO Bridgeport CT 1982 website 406,161 11,066 159,611 148,681 10,930 398,609
09197502 Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments Waterbury CT 1975 website 287,898 6,330 119,032 109,787 9,245 260,375
09197503 Central Connecticut Regional Planning Agency Bristol CT 1975 website 235,899 4,745 100,398 93,786 6,612 222,976
09197401 South Central Regional COG North Haven CT 1974 website 569,816 22,762 240,497 222,549 17,948 553,652
09197501 Capital Region COG Hartford CT 1975 website 757,215 26,472 314,366 295,405 18,961 693,949
09201499 Lower Connecticut River Valley MPO Old Saybrook CT 2014 website 175,636 5,106 80,980 71,386 9,594 118,173
09197402 Southeastern Connecticut COG Norwich CT 1974 website 256,139 12,650 111,137 99,856 11,281 181,825
44197400 State Planning Council Providence RI 1974 website 1,052,527 42,663 463,358 413,573 49,785 952,061
25199800 Southeastern Massachusetts MPO Taunton MA 1998 website 616,689 14,828 263,492 240,220 23,272 533,851
25199000 Cape Cod MPO Barnstable MA 1990 website 215,881 3,961 160,259 95,749 64,510 196,581
36197200 Herkimer-Oneida Counties Transportation Study Utica NY 1972 website 299,541 14,831 137,614 119,404 18,210 117,328
36197300 Capital District Transportation Committee Albany NY 1973 website 823,239 30,513 370,113 336,441 33,672 659,062
36198204 Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council Glens Falls NY 1982 website 143,664 4,404 73,540 57,830 15,710 65,443
25197202 Berkshire MPO Pittsfield MA 1972 website 131,232 6,159 68,511 56,094 12,417 59,124
25197601 Pioneer Valley MPO West Springfield MA 1976 website 621,823 35,623 254,900 238,730 16,170 531,855
25197602 Central Massachusetts MPO Worcester MA 1976 website 556,910 18,582 226,274 210,948 15,326 455,740
25198700 Montachusett MPO Fitchburg MA 1987 website 236,482 10,047 98,440 89,818 8,622 164,303
33197302 Nashua Regional Planning Commission Nashua NH 1973 website 204,393 2,067 82,004 77,970 4,034 167,448
25197604 Northern Middlesex MPO Lowell MA 1976 website 286,951 6,200 109,465 104,040 5,425 277,707
33197301 Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission Manchester NH 1973 website 261,258 6,146 106,827 100,319 6,508 209,295
50198300 Chittenden County RPC Winooski VT 1983 website 156,567 9,795 65,730 61,835 3,895 108,740
25197300 Boston Region MPO Boston MA 1973 website 3,159,512 124,400 1,320,536 1,241,958 78,578 3,102,694
25197201 Old Colony MPO Brockton MA 1972 website 288,628 11,575 110,526 102,829 7,697 272,216
25197603 Merrimack Valley MPO Haverhill MA 1976 website 333,357 5,825 131,368 123,360 8,008 316,571
33197200 Rockingham Planning Commission Exeter NH 1972 website 191,906 2,166 85,427 76,610 8,817 152,386
33198200 Strafford Regional Planning Commission Dover NH 1982 website 146,865 8,433 64,171 56,672 7,499 87,751
23198202 Kittery Area Comprehensive Transportation System Springvale ME 1982 website 48,680 207 24,568 19,910 4,658 23,576
23197500 Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation System Portland ME 1975 website 264,225 8,402 124,722 111,077 13,645 203,494
23196400 Androscoggin Transportation Resource Center Auburn ME 1964 website 73,614 2,665 33,860 30,955 2,905 59,397
23198201 Bangor Area Comprehensive Transportation System Brewer ME 1982 website 67,763 6,720 30,017 27,928 2,089 61,210
72197303 Aguadilla MPO Santurce PR 1973 website 316,151 2,357 142,824 117,834 24,990 284,375
72197302 UZA's MPO Santurce PR 1973 website 1,156,412 13,475 514,561 423,818 90,743 929,029
72197301 San Juan MPO Santurce PR 1973 website 2,241,853 22,117 971,844 830,338 141,506 2,166,418

See also


  1. 1 2 "MPO Boundary Data". Federal Highway Administration. Retrieved September 8, 2015.
  2. Thomas W. Sanchez (January 2006). An Inherent Bias? Geographic and Racial-Ethnic Patterns of Metropolitan Planning Organization Boards (Report). Series on Transportation Reform. Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program.
  3. Committee for Determination of the State of the Practice in Metropolitan Area Travel Forecasting, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. (2007) Metropolitan Travel Forecasting: Current Practice and Future Direction. Transportation Research Board Special Report 288.
  6. Governing Metropolitan Areas: Growth and Change in a Networked Age. David K. Hamilton, 2014.
  7. Bond, Alexander. "Staffing and Administrative Capacity of Metropolitan Planning Organizations" (PDF). Staffing and Administrative Structure of Metropolitan Planning Organizations. CUTR/FHWA. Retrieved 2011-09-15.
  8. /kacts/kacts.htm
  10. 49 USC 5303(g)(3) and 23 USC 134(g)(3)
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