Meenakshi Gigi Durham

Meenakshi Gigi Durham
Academic background
Thesis title Is it all in the telling?: A study of the role of text schemas and schematic text structures in the recall and comprehension of printed news stories
Thesis year 1990
Academic work
Institutions University of Iowa College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Main interests Media and the politics of the body

Meenakshi Gigi Durham is a distinguished scholar, professor and writer. Durham was born in Mangalore, India but moved to the United States and then Canada at a young age. She is employed at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Iowa's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.[1] Durham is currently a joint Professor of Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies as well as the Dean for Outreach and Engagement for The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences [2] She was previously a Faculty Fellow in the Office of the Vice President for Research & Economic Development. She was also the Associate Faculty, Director of the Obermann Center of Advanced Studies, and she is a member of the board of directors for the Project of Rhetoric of Inquiry. [3]

Durham sits on the editorial boards of the Journal of Communication, Feminist Media Studies, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Communication, Culture & Critique and Sexualization, Media, and Society. From 2007-2016, she was executive editor of the Journal of Communication Inquiry.


Undergraduate Degree

Master's degree


Scholarly Work

Durham’s main focus of research is the representation of gender and sexuality in the media, issues of gender, sexuality, race, sexual violence and youth cultures. She predominantly focuses on the politics of the body [2]

Noteworthy Article


Chapters in books

Journal Articles

Encyclopedia Articles [2]

Essays [2]

Short Stories [2]

Awards/Honors [2]

Durham's work has caught attention and she has been recognized publicly multiple times. She has appeared on The Dr. Phil Show, Irish National Television, BBC, Iowa Public Radio and Illinois Public Radio. Durham was featured in the popular documentary, “Miss Representation”, which was aired on the Oprah Winfrey Network. [2]

See also


  1. Durham, Meenakshi Gigi. "Meenakshi Gigi Durham, Joint Professor of Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies (profile)". School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Iowa's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Retrieved 27 July 2013.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 School of Journalism & Mass Communication. (2017, January 11). Retrieved February 16, 2017, from
  3. 1 2 3 Durham, M. (n.d.). LinkedIn: Meenakshi Durham. Retrieved February 21, 2017, from
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