Mbunda Kingdom

The Mbunda Kingdom
O Reino Mbunda  (Portuguese)
Sovereign Kingdom (1700–1914)
Capital Not specified
Languages Mbunda language
Religion Christianity with some traditional practices
Government Monarchy
   Established 1700
   Disestablished 1914
Currency Traded in bee wax, ivory and rubber, in exchange with guns and cloth material

The Mbunda Kingdom (Mbunda: Chuundi ca Mbunda or Vumwene vwa Mbunda or Portuguese: Reino dos Bundas) was an African kingdom located in west central Africa, what is now south-east Angola. At its greatest extent, it reached from Mithimoyi in the central Moxico to the Cuando Cubango Province in the south-east, bordering with Namibia. The kingdom was ruled by Mwene wa Ngoma (King).

See also


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