May 1910 lunar eclipse

A total lunar eclipse took place on May 24, 1910.


Saros series

Lunar saros cycle series 129, repeating every 18 years and 11 days, has a total of 71 lunar eclipse events including 11 total lunar eclipses.

Greatest First

The greatest eclipse of the series occurred on 2000 Jul 16, lasting 106 minutes.[1]
Penumbral Partial Total Central
1351 Jun 10 1513 Sep 15 1910 May 24 1946 Jun 14
Central Total Partial Penumbral
2036 Aug 7 2090 Sep 8 2469 Apr 26 2613 Jul 24
1910 May 24 1928 Jun 3 1946 Jun 14
1964 Jun 25 1982 Jul 6 2000 Jul 16
2018 Jul 27 2036 Aug 7 2054 Aug 18
2072 Aug 28 2090 Sep 8

Inex series

The inex series repeats eclipses 20 days short of 29 years, repeating on average every 10571.95 days. This period is equal to 358 lunations (synodic months) and 388.5 draconic months. Saros series increment by one on successive Inex events and repeat at alternate ascending and descending lunar nodes.

This period is 383.6734 anomalistic months (the period of the Moon's elliptical orbital precession). Despite the average 0.05 time-of-day shift between subsequent events, the variation of the Moon in its elliptical orbit at each event causes the actual eclipse time to vary significantly.

Series events from 1500–2500
Descending node Ascending node Descending node Ascending node
Saros Date
Saros Date
Saros Date
Saros Date
115 1505 Feb 18
116 1534 Jan 30
117 1563 Jan 9 118 1591 Dec 30
119 1620 Dec 9 120 1649 Nov 19 121 1678 Oct 29 122 1707 Oct 11
123 1736 Sep 20 124 1765 Aug 30 125 1794 Aug 11 126 1823 Jul 23
127 1852 Jul 1 128 1881 Jun 12 129 1910 May 24
130 1939 May 3
131 1968 Apr 13
132 1997 Mar 24
133 2026 Mar 3
134 2055 Feb 11
135 2084 Jan 22
136 2113 Jan 2 137 2141 Dec 13 138 2170 Nov 23
139 2199 Nov 2 140 2228 Oct 14 141 2257 Sep 24 142 2286 Sep 3
143 2315 Aug 16 144 2344 Jul 26 145 2373 Jul 5 146 2402 Jun 16
147 2431 May 27 148 2460 May 5
149 2489 Apr 16

See also


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