Maximal torus

In the mathematical theory of compact Lie groups a special role is played by torus subgroups, in particular by the maximal torus subgroups.

A torus in a compact Lie group G is a compact, connected, abelian Lie subgroup of G (and therefore isomorphic to[1] the standard torus Tn). A maximal torus is one which is maximal among such subgroups. That is, T is a maximal torus if for any other torus T containing T we have T = T. Every torus is contained in a maximal torus simply by dimensional considerations. A noncompact Lie group need not have any nontrivial tori (e.g. Rn).

The dimension of a maximal torus in G is called the rank of G. The rank is well-defined since all maximal tori turn out to be conjugate. For semisimple groups the rank is equal to the number of nodes in the associated Dynkin diagram.


The unitary group U(n) has as a maximal torus the subgroup of all diagonal matrices. That is,

T is clearly isomorphic to the product of n circles, so the unitary group U(n) has rank n. A maximal torus in the special unitary group SU(n) ⊂ U(n) is just the intersection of T and SU(n) which is a torus of dimension n  1.

A maximal torus in the special orthogonal group SO(2n) is given by the set of all simultaneous rotations in any fixed choice of n pairwise orthogonal planes (i.e., two dimensional vector spaces). This is also a maximal torus in the group SO(2n+1) where the action fixes the remaining direction. Thus both SO(2n) and SO(2n+1) have rank n. For example, in the rotation group SO(3) the maximal tori are given by rotations about a fixed axis.

The symplectic group Sp(n) has rank n. A maximal torus is given by the set of all diagonal matrices whose entries all lie in a fixed complex subalgebra of H.


Let G be a compact, connected Lie group and let be the Lie algebra of G. The first main result is the torus theorem, which may be formulated as follows:[2]

Torus theorem: If T is one fixed maximal torus in G, then every element of G is conjugate to an element of T.

This theorem has the following consequences:

Weyl group

Given a torus T (not necessarily maximal), the Weyl group of G with respect to T can be defined as the normalizer of T modulo the centralizer of T. That is, Fix a maximal torus in G; then the corresponding Weyl group is called the Weyl group of G (it depends up to isomorphism on the choice of T).

The representation theory of G is essentially determined by T and W.

As an example, consider the case with being the diagonal subgroup of . Then belongs to if and only if maps each standard basis element to a multiple of some other standard basis element , that is, if and only if permutes the standard basis elements, up to multiplication by some constants. The Weyl group in this case is then the permutation group on elements.

Weyl integral formula

Suppose f is a continuous function on G. Then the integral over G of f with respect to the normalized Haar measure dg may be computed as follows:

where is the normalized volume measure on the quotient manifold and is the normalized Haar measure on T. [9] Here Δ is given by the Weyl denominator formula and is the order of the Weyl group. An important special case of this result occurs when f is a class function, that is, a function invariant under conjugation. In that case, we have

Consider as an example the case , with being the diagonal subgroup. Then the Weyl integral formula for class functions takes the following explicit form:[10]

Here , the normalized Haar measure on is , and denotes the diagonal matrix with diagonal entries and .

See also


  1. Hall 2015 Theorem 11.2
  2. Hall 2015 Lemma 11.12
  3. Hall 2015 Theorem 11.9
  4. Hall 2015 Theorem 11.36 and Exercise 11.5
  5. Hall 2015 Proposition 11.7
  6. Hall 2015 Theorem 11.36
  7. Hall 2015 Theorem 11.36
  8. Hall 2015 Theorem 11.39
  9. Hall 2015 Theorem 11.30 and Proposition 12.24
  10. Hall 2015 Example 11.33
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